"CombineScene\/UI Root\/Camera\/ServantNobleCombinePanel\/SelectMaterialObject\/DetailInfo\/DetailTxt": "Select a Servant for Noble Phantasm Enhancement",
"CombineScene\/UI Root\/Camera\/ServantNobleCombinePanel\/SelectMaterialObject\/MaxLvStatusInfo\/MaxLvStatusTxt": "Cannot be Evolved Further",
"EventGachaScene\/UI Root\/Camera\/MainPanel\/ChangeTypePanel\/ChangeBtnInfo\/ChangeBtnListInfo\/InfoBg\/InfoLabel": "Please Select the Type of Reward",
"MyRoomScene\/UI Root\/Camera\/MasterProfilePanel\/MasterProfileInfo\/ChnageInfoLabel": "*You can change your name and gender after you've started playing",
"EventRewardScene\/UI Root\/Camera\/MainPanel\/RewardListObj\/EventMissionPanel\/Baseview\/Scroll View\/Grid\/EventMissionListItemPrefab(Clone)\/DispObject\/TimeOverInfo\/TimeOverLabel": "The mission period has ended",
"Management\/CommonUI\/UI Root\/CommonUICamera\/MasterMissionWindow(Clone)\/WeeklyMissionListPanel\/ListView\/WeeklyMissionBaseView\/Scroll View\/Grid\/MstMissionListItemPrefab(Clone)\/DispObject\/TimeOverInfo\/TimeOverLabel": "The mission period has ended",
"Management\/Script\/UI Root\/MargeCamera\/MargePanel\/CameraScale\/CameraPosition\/CameraRoll1\/CameraRoll2\/EffectBase\/Effect(Effect\/Talk\/bit_queststart94011307)\/queststart_sprite\/Panel_title\/Label": "Universal Battle of Toba-Fushimi",
"Management\/Script\/UI Root\/MargeCamera\/MargePanel\/CameraScale\/CameraPosition\/CameraRoll1\/CameraRoll2\/EffectBase\/Effect(Effect\/Talk\/bit_queststart94011308)\/queststart_sprite\/Panel_title\/Label": "We Won! Oda Bakufu Finishes!",
"Management\/Script\/UI Root\/MargeCamera\/MargePanel\/CameraScale\/CameraPosition\/CameraRoll1\/CameraRoll2\/EffectBase\/Effect(Effect\/Talk\/bit_queststart94011309)\/queststart_sprite\/Panel_title\/Label": "The Key to Victory is Shinsengumi!",
"Management\/Script\/UI Root\/MargeCamera\/MargePanel\/CameraScale\/CameraPosition\/CameraRoll1\/CameraRoll2\/EffectBase\/Effect(Effect\/Talk\/bit_queststart94011310)\/queststart_sprite\/Panel_title\/Label": "The Secret Emiyamaru",
"Management\/Script\/UI Root\/MargeCamera\/MargePanel\/CameraScale\/CameraPosition\/CameraRoll1\/CameraRoll2\/EffectBase\/Effect(Effect\/Talk\/bit_queststart94011311)\/queststart_sprite\/Panel_title\/Label": "GUDAGUDA Final Battle, Fortress of the Sun",
"ACCOUNTING_ALREADY_OWNED_MESSAGE": "Saint Quartz purchase has been processed, the purchase will be reflected.",
"ACCOUNTING_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_MESSAGE": "Billing functions are disabled\u000ain this version of the application.",
"ACCOUNTING_ERROR_INITIALIZE_MESSAGE": "Information from the transaction server\u000acould not be loaded correctly. \u000a\u000aWhen paying, please review your settings\u000aand restart the application.",
"ADD_RECOVER_CMDSPELL_TXT": "Use {0} to restore [09FD05]+{1}[-] AP.",
"ADD_RECOVER_NUM_TXT": "Use {0} to restore [09FD05]+{1}[-] AP.",
"ADD_USER_ITEM_MSG": "Added to your Items inventory.",
"AGE_VEIFICATION_MESSAGE": "The amount of Saint Quartz you can\u000apurchase per month depends on your age. \u000a*This selection will be presented on the 1st of every month.",
"AGE_VEIFICATION_TITLE": "Please select your age.",
"AGE_VEIFICATION_TYPE1": "Up to 15: 5,000 yen per month",
"AGE_VEIFICATION_TYPE2": "From 16 to 19: 30,000 yen per month",
"AGE_VEIFICATION_TYPE3": "20 and above: Unlimited",
"ALL_STATUS_MAX_MSG": "\"{0} Upgrade\" has reached its limit, cannot enhance any further.",
"ALL_STATUS_MAXLV_MSG": "\"{0} Upgrade\" has reached its limit, cannot enhance any further.",
"ALREADY_FOLLOWED_MESSAGE": "You already Follow this user.",
"AP_ADD_CONFIRM_MSG": "{1} {0} will be used to\u000arestore [09FD05]+{2}[-] AP.\u000aIs this OK? \u000a\u000aCurrent AP: {3}\/{4}\u000aAP After: {5}\/{4}",
"AP_FULL_MSG": "AP is already full, unable to use {0}.",
"AP_OVER_MAX_COLOR": "[ffb505]{0}[-]",
"AP_RECOVER_CMDSPELL_TXT": "Use {0} to restore AP by [09FD05]{1}% (+{2})[-].",
"AP_RECOVER_CONFIRM_MSG": "{1} {0} will be\u000aused to restore AP\u000aby [09FD05]{2}% (+{3})[-].\u000aIs this OK? \u000a\u000aCurrent AP: {4}\/{5}\u000aAP After: {6}\/{5}",
"AP_RECOVER_NUM_TXT": "Use {0} to restore AP by [09FD05]{1}% (+{2})[-].",
"APP_VERSION": "[133493]Ver.{0}",
"APRECV_TITILE_DETAIL_TXT": "Use items to restore AP",
"ASSET_LOADER_ERROR_BOOT_RETRY_MESSAGE": "Failed to connect to the downloading server. \u000a\u000aPlease check your connection, then try again or restart the application.",
"ASSET_LOADER_ERROR_TIME_OVER_MESSAGE": "Connection to the downloading server has been lost. \u000aWould you like to retry?\u000a\u000aSelecting \"End\" will \u000areturn you to the Title Screen.",
"BATTLE_DIALOG_SKIP_SCENARIO_WITH_MAPSCREEN_MESSAGE": "As the event has ended, the cutscene after battle will be skipped.\u000a\u000a*The skipped cutscene will be added to the Material.",
"BATTLE_MOVIE_SKIP_CONFIRM_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "You stopped playing in the middle of an in-battle movie.\u000aWould you like to play the movie?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00](In-battle movies will not be added\u000ato the Material)[-]",
"BATTLE_RESULEVENTTITEM_TITLECONF": "Tap a reward to see details",
"BATTLE_RESULEVENTTITEM_UNDERCONF": "You've received rewards in accordance with your Event Points\u000aYou can see the next reward on the Event Reward Screen",
"BATTLE_RESULTITEM_TITLECONF": "Tap items dropped to see details",
"BATTLE_RETIRE_CHECKSTR": "If you choose to withdraw, [FF007e]you will not receive battle rewards. [FFFFFF]Withdraw?",
"BATTLE_RETIRE_CONSUME_COST_CHECKSTR": "If you choose to withdraw, [FF007e]you will not receive battle rewards. [FFFFFF]AP, items, and QP used to enter the quest will not be expended.",
"BATTLE_RETRYABLE_CONFIRM_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Would you like to repeat this quest?\u000a\u000aIf you choose to repeat the quest, the battle will begin with the same party after you choose a Support Servant.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]AP will still be expended if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CONSUME_AP_ITEM": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]The AP and items you expended when entering the quest will not be restored if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CONSUME_AP_QP": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]The AP and QP you expended when entering the quest will not be restored if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CONSUME_AP0": "You were in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a*If you choose not to resume, the battle will be treated\u000aas though you withdrew and you will not receive items dropped.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CONSUME_ITEM": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]The items you expended when entering the quest will not be restored if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CONSUME_ITEM_QP": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]The items and QP you expended when entering the quest will not be restored if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CONSUME_QP": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]The QP you expended when entering the quest will not be restored if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_CUSTOM": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]{0} will still be expended if you choose to withdraw.",
"BATTLERESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_NO_CONSUME": "You were previously in battle.\u000aWould you like to resume the battle?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]The AP, items, and QP you expended when entering the quest will not be restored if you choose to withdraw.",
"BLACKLIST_EMPTY_MESSAGE": "There are no users registered to your Blacklist.\u000aYou can register users to the Blacklist from the Friend Request screen.",
"BLACKLIST_EXPLANATION_1": "You can register users who have sent you friend requests to the Blacklist.\u000a[f20c0cFF]*You can view your Friend Request history for up to 90 days. (Up to 100)[-]",
"BLACKLIST_EXPLANATION_2": "You can check and remove users from the Blacklist.",
"BLACKLIST_FRIEND_HISTORY_EMPTY_MESSAGE": "Friend Request history is not available.",
"BLACKLIST_HELP_TEXT": "Tap the Blacklist or Friend Request History button to switch functions. ",
"BLACKLIST_REGIST_CANCEL": "[-][\/b][\/s][\/u][\/sup][\/sub][\/g][\/o]Remove this user from your blacklist?",
"BLACKLIST_REGIST_MAX_MESSAGE": "You cannot blacklist any more users.\u000a{0} \/ {1}",
"BLACKLIST_REGIST_NORMAL_MESSAGE_1": "Register the User to the Blacklist?",
"BLACKLIST_REGIST_NORMAL_MESSAGE_2": "[FCF050FF]A Friend Request is pending for this user. If you register this user to the Blacklist, the request will be cancelled. \u000a[-]Register the User to the Blacklist? ",
"BLACKLIST_REGIST_NORMAL_MESSAGE_3": "・You will not receive friend request from a blacklisted user.\u000a・Blacklisted user cannot be selected as support.\u000a・Blacklisted user will not be notified of the status.\u000a・You can remove users from the Blacklist at any time.",
"BOOST_ITEM_USE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Use 1 {0}\u000ato get the effect of\u000a\u000a \"{1}\"\u000a\u000ain the next battle. \u000aUse item and begin quest?",
"BOX_GACHA_CHECK_PRESEN_NUM_TXT": "Your Present Box is almost full. \u000a(Limit: {0}items)\u000a\u000aIf you keep spinning roulettes, the oldest\u000aentry in your Present Box may be deleted.\u000a\u000aPlease make room in your\u000aPresent Box, then spin again.",
"BOX_GACHA_LIMIT_INFO_MSG": "Prize Exchange has ended.\u000a\"Prize Exchange\" and \"Prize Reset\" will no longer be available.",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_LAST_RESULT_MSG": "Items replenished.\u000a\u000aYou have performed \"Prize Reset\" 9 times.\u000a[FFFF00]*It will not be possible to replenish the Prize Lineup further.[-]",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_LIMIT_MSG": "Perform \"Prize Reset\" to add a new Grand Prize (x1) to the Prize Lineup.\u000a\u000aAll other items will be replenished in the new Prize Lineup.\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*Please note that \"Prize Reset\" can be performed only {0} times. Further item replenishment will not be possible after that.[-]",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_LIMIT_NO_RARE_MSG": "Perform \"Prize Reset\" to replenish all items in a new Prize Lineup.\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*Please note that \"Prize Reset\" can be performed only {0} times. Further item replenishment will not be possible after that.[-]",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_LIMIT_NO_RARE_RESUTL_MSG": "Items replenished.\u000a\u000aYou must claim all items in the Prize Lineup before performing \"Prize Reset\" again.\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*Please note that \"Prize Reset\" can be performed only {0} times. Further item replenishment will not be possible after that.[-]",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_LIMIT_RESULT_MSG": "Items replenished.\u000a\u000aYou must claim the Grand Prize or collect all items in the Prize Lineup before performing \"Prize Reset\" again.\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*Please note that \"Prize Reset\" can be performed only {0} times. Further item replenishment will not be possible after that.[-]",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_MSG": "Use Prize Reset to replenish the Grand Prize in your Prize lineup?\u000a\u000aOther items will be switched to a new lineup.\u000a\u000a*Be advised that the Grand Prize will not be replenished starting from the 11th reset.",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_NO_RARE_MSG": "Use Prize Reset to switch the items to a new Prize lineup?\u000a\u000a*Be advised that the Grand Prize will not be replenished starting from the 11th reset.",
"BOX_GACHA_RESET_RESULT_MSG": "Items Replenished.\u000a\u000aClaiming all of the items in a lineup will allow you to use Prize Reset again. ",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE": "You can gain EXP to raise a Servant's level by combining it with other Servants.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_CMD_CARD_EXCEED": "You can strengthen the attack power of a Command Card by combining it with special items.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_CMD_CODE": "Gain special bonuses by engraving a Command Card with a Command Code.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_COSTUME": "When certain conditions are met, you can select and display new Saint Graphs, icons, and battle sprites.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_FRIENDSHIP_EXCEED": "You can raise a Servant's Bond Level cap by combining them with special items.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_LIMIT": "You can raise a Servant's level cap by combining them with special items.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_LV_EXCEED": "A Servant's level cap can be increased by using a Holy Grail.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_NP": "You can raise a Servant's Noble Phantasm level by combining them with the same Servant.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_SKILL": "You can raise a Servant's skill level by combining them with special items.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_SPECIAL_ASCENSION": "You can Enhance one Servant only to Final Ascension without expending items or QP.",
"COMBINE_HELP_COMBINE_SVT_EQ": "Mixing Craft Essences together will allow them to gain EXP and raise their level. You can raise a Craft Essence's level cap by combining it with a duplicate copy.",
"COMBINE_LAST_EQUIP_CMD_SVT": "[FF0000]Could not perform Enhancement.\u000aCurrently engraved Command Code\u000acannot be detached if the Servant\u000ais used for Enhancement.",
"COMBINE_LAST_EQUIP_CMD_SVT_INFO": "The selected Enhancement materials include Servant(s) with unlocked Command Card slots.",
"COMBINE_LAST_EQUIP_CMD_SVT_MESSAGE": "[FFFF00]As this is the only copy you hold of the displayed Servant, it will no longer be possible to close their Command Code Slot after using them as Enhancement materials.\u000a\u000aIf a Command Code is engraved, it will be detached and returned to you.",
"COMMAND_CODE_LOCK_DEFAULT_WARNING_MSG": "[FFFF00]The Code Opener used to open the Command Code Slot will be returned.\u000aQP expended will not be returned.",
"COMMAND_CODE_LOCK_EQUIP_WARNING_MSG": "[FFFF00]The engraved Command Code will be detached.\u000a",
"COMMAND_CODE_LOCK_MSG": "The Command Card will be returned to the state it was in before the Command Code Slot was unlocked.\u000aClose the Command Code Slot?",
"COMMAND_CODE_LOCK_RETURN_DETAIL_MSG": "Added to your inventory.\u000aNo. Held: {0:#,0} → {1:#,0}",
"COMMAND_CODE_LOCK_RETURN_MSG": "“{0}” was returned.",
"COMMAND_CODE_LOCK_SPEND_ITEM": "Items Necessary to Close:",
"CONDUCTION_COMBINE_MSG": "[FF7200]You can increase your Servant's levels through Enhancement",
"CONDUCTION_LIMITUP_MSG": "[FF7200]You can increase your Servant's level cap through Ascension",
"CONDUCTION_LVEXCEED": "Palingenesis",
"CONDUCTION_LVEXCEED_MSG": "[FF7200]You can limit break your Servant and further increase its level cap through Palingenesis",
"CONFIRM_CHARGESUMMON_MSG": "{0} Saint Quartz will be used to Summon {1} time(s).\u000aSummon Now?\u000a[FFEC00]This Summon will use Paid Saint Quartz.[-]\u000a\u000aSaint Quartz Held: [20C0FF]{2:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid: [20C0FF]{4:N0}[-] Free: [20C0FF]{3:N0}[-])\u000a↓\u000aSaint Quartz After Summon: [FFA500]{5:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid: [FFA500]{7:N0}[-] Free: [FFA500]{6:N0}[-])",
"CONFIRM_COSTUME_COMBINE_COND_JOIN_SERVANT_MESSAGE": "This Servant has temporarily joined your party. If the conditions for officially joining are not satisfied by \"{0}\", the Servant will leave.\u000a\u000aIn that case, none of the items used to unlock their Spiritron Dress will be returned.\u000a\u000aIf you Summon the Servant through “Grand Summon”, you can equip the unlocked Spiritron Dress once you have raised them to Final Ascension and Lv. Max.\u000a\u000aPerform Unlock Wardrobe?",
"CONFIRM_FREESUMMON_MSG": "You can perform a free 10x Friend Point Summon once per day.\u000aSummon now? \u000a\u000a* You can perform a free summon again after 16:00 PST (17:00 PDT)",
"CONFIRM_GROUPSUMMON_INFOMSG": "[00FFFF]You can choose to perform either {1} or {0} {2} time(s) only.[-]\u000a\u000a{3} Saint Quartz will be used to Summon 11 times.\u000aSummon Now?\u000a[FFFF00]This Summon will use Paid Saint Quartz.[-]",
"CONFIRM_GROUPSUMMON_INFOMSG_2": "[00FFFF]{0} can only be performed by choosing {2} out of {1} options.\u000a\u000a{3} Saint Quartz required.\u000aSummon Now?\u000a[FFFF00]This summon will consume paid quartz.[-]",
"CONFIRM_INFO_MESSAGE": "Gender: {0}\u000aName: {1}[\/s][\/u]\u000a\u000a[-][\/b][\/i][\/sup][\/sub][\/g][\/o]\u000aBegin with these settings?\u000a\u000a(You can change your name after the game begins)",
"CONFIRM_LIMITUP_COMBINE": "Perform Ascension?",
"CONFIRM_PAYSUMMON_MSG": "{0} Saint Quartz will be used to Summon {1} time(s).\u000aSummon Now?\u000a[FFEC00]Free Saint Quartz will be prioritized.[-]\u000a\u000aSaint Quartz Held: [20C0FF]{2:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid: [20C0FF]{4:N0}[-] Free: [20C0FF]{3:N0}[-])\u000a↓\u000aSaint Quartz After Summon: [FFA500]{5:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid: [FFA500]{7:N0}[-] Free: [FFA500]{6:N0}[-])",
"CONFIRM_POINTSUMMON_MSG": "Summon with {0:N0} Friend Points. \u000aSummon Now?\u000a\u000aFriend Points Held: {1:N0} Point(s)\u000aFriend Points after Summon: {2:N0} Point(s)",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE1": "A transfer number is being issued\u000abased on the set password. \u000aIs this OK?",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE2": "A new transfer number\u000awill be issued. \u000aIs this OK?\u000a\u000a*When the new number is issued, you will be unable to use the old transfer number and password.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_DIALOG_MESSAGE1": "Transfer number copied to clipboard",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_DISP_EXPLANATIOIN2": "Please take note of your transfer number and store it safely. \u000aSelect the \"Data Transfer\" option on the title screen for data migration.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_DISP_MESSAGE": "Migration to another device can be done from the\u000a\"Data Transfer\" option on the title screen.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_DISP_TITLE": "[20E0E0]Issued Transfer Number",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_INPUT_EXPLANATIOIN3": "*Please take note of your password and store it safely.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_INPUT_PASSWARD_DIFFERENT": "[FF0000]The entered passwords do not match.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_INPUT_PASSWARD_LOW": "[FF0000]Please enter 4-12 alphanumeric characters.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_INPUT_TITLE": "A transfer number is required in order to transfer data to another device. \u000aPlease create a password for your transfer number. \u000aYour password must use 4-12 alphanumeric characters.",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_TAKEOVER_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Do you want to transfer user\u000a\"{0}\"?",
"CONTINUE_DEVICE_TAKEOVER_DECIDE_MESSAGE": "Transfer successful! \u000aRestarting game with transferred data.",
"COSTUME_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION": "Although the Holy Knight is gone,\u000aher quest continues.\u000a{0}'s fighting style has changed.",
"COSTUME_CHANGE_SKILL_TITLE": "Skills have been changed to \"{0}\" Skills!",
"COSTUME_CONFIRM_MSG": "Unlock the wardrobe for this Spiritron Dress?",
"COSTUME_EXE_MSG": "Tap the \"Unlock\" button below",
"COSTUME_OPEN_MSG": "\"{0}'s\" Spiritron Dress\u000a\"{1}\" has been unlocked.",
"COSTUME_OPEN_TITLE": "Unlock Wardrobe",
"COSTUME_OPEN_WARNING": "[FFF251]Spiritron Dress has been changed to \"{0}.\"\u000aSkills and Noble Phantasm have been changed to match.\u000aYou can reset the Skills and Noble Phantasm by\u000achanging the Battle Sprite.[-]",
"COSTUME_SELECT_SERVANT_MSG": "Choose a Servant to unlock Spiritron Dress",
"COSTUME_SERVANT_LIST_MSG": "Choose a Servant to unlock Spiritron Dress\u000a*You must have fulfilled all conditions",
"COUNT_INFO": "{0}",
"CURRENT_LEVEL_TXT": "Current Lv. {0}",
"CURRENT_MAX_LV_TXT": "Current Max Lv. {0}",
"DAILY_SUMMON_DETAIL": "1 Free 10x Summon per day",
"DEBUG_TEST_EXIT_APPLICATION_DITAIL": "You need to restart the application to apply the changes.\u000aExit the Application?",
"EQUIP_GRAPH_EVENT_SERVANT_WARNING_MESSAGE": "This Servant has temporarily joined your party. If the conditions for officially joining are not satisfied by \"{0}\", the Servant will leave.\u000a\u000aIn that case, the equipped Craft Essence will be unequipped automatically instead of lost.",
"EQUIP_GRAPH_USE_WARNING_MESSAGE": "Currently Equipped Servant:\u000a{5} {3}\u000a{1}\u000a↓\u000aEquipped Servant After Change:\u000a{4} {2}\u000a{0}\u000a\u000aChange the Servant this Craft Essence is equipped to?",
"EVENT_INFO_TXT": "{0} Until Mankind is Incinerated",
"EVENT_ITEM_UNIT": "{0} Held",
"EVENT_JOIN_COMBINE_MSG": "This Servant has temporarily joined your party. If the conditions for officially joining are not satisfied by \"{0}\", the Servant will leave.\u000a\u000aIn that case, {2} and any other materials used for {1} will be lost.\u000a\u000aPerform {1}?",
"EVENT_POINT_GIFT_ADD80262": "This Limited Time Event is a Revival event.\u000aCommand Codes obtained in previous versions of the event will be replaced as follows.",
"EVENT_REWARD_REPLACE_MSG": "\"{0}\" is a revival event.\u000aIf you obtained a \"{1}\" in the original event, it will be replaced with a \"{2}\" for the revival.",
"EVENT_SHOP_RECEIVED_ITEM_AFTER": "\"{0}\" \u000acannot be claimed as you already hold it.\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*By selling \u000a\"{0}\"\u000aor using it as Enhancement material, \u000ayou can claim it again.[-]",
"EVENT_SHOP_RECEIVED_ITEM_BEFORE": "\"{0}\" \u000acannot be claimed as you already hold it.\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*By selling \u000a\"{0}\"\u000aor using it as Enhancement material, \u000ayou can claim it again.[-]",
"EXCHANGE_CAMPAIGN_COMBINE_MSG": "“{0}x EXP Campaign” eligible Servant(s) are selected as Enhancement materials.\u000a\u000aIf a campaign eligible Servant is used as Enhancement materials,\u000a[FFFF00]{1}x EXP gained from the campaign will be lost.[-]\u000a\u000aPerform Enhancement?",
"EXCHANGE_CAMPAIGN_NP_MSG": "“{0}x EXP Campaign” eligible Servant(s) are selected as Noble Phantasm Enhancement materials.\u000a\u000aIf a campaign eligible Servant is used as Noble Phantasm Enhancement materials,\u000a[FFFF00]{1}x EXP gained from the campaign will be lost.[-]\u000a\u000aPerform Noble Phantasm Enhancement?",
"EXCHANGE_CAMPAIGN_SELL_MSG": "“{0}x EXP Campaign” eligible Servant(s) are selected for Burning.\u000a\u000aIf a campaign eligible Servant is Burned,\u000a[FFFF00]{1}x EXP gained from the campaign will be lost.[-]\u000a\u000aPerform Burning?",
"FOLLOWER_SELECT_BACK_TO_QUEST_NO_AP_CONSUME": "Cancel this quest and return to the quest selection screen?\u000a\u000a[FFDF00]*AP and other items will not be consumed if you cancel the quest before entering battle.",
"FOLLOWER_SELECT_BACK_TO_QUEST_NO_AP_CONSUME_AP0": "Cancel this quest and return to the quest selection screen?\u000a\u000a[FFDF00]*Items, etc. will not be consumed if you cancel the quest before entering battle.",
"FOLLOWER_SELECT_EXPLANATION": "You can use the Noble Phantasm of NPC Support Servants as well as Support Servants from Friends or users you Follow. Tap and hold the Servant icon to see details.",
"FRIEND_EMPTY_FRIEND_MESSAGE": "No users added as Friends or Followed.\u000aYou can send Friend Requests from Friend Search or after clearing a quest.",
"FRIEND_HELP_TEXT": "Tap the Friends List, Friend Request, or Friend Search button to switch functions.",
"FRIEND_HIDE_MESSAGE": "Do not display Message",
"FRIEND_LOCK_HELP_TEXT": "Tap a Friend or a user you Follow to \"Lock\" or \"Unlock.\"",
"FRIEND_MAX_FRIEND_MESSAGE": "Unable to add more friends. \u000aNumber of Friends {0} \/ {1}",
"FRIEND_NO_FRIEND_MESSAGE": "There is no one currently on your Friends List.",
"FRIEND_NO_OFFER_MESSAGE": "You have no Friend Request",
"FRIEND_NO_SEARCH_MESSAGE": "Search yielded no results",
"FULLDOWNLOAD_CONFIRM_MSG": "Would you like to download all game data?\u000a\u000aDownload size: {0}\u000a\u000a*We recommend connecting to Wi-Fi before downloading.",
"FULLDOWNLOAD_CONFIRM_TITLE": "Additional Game Data Download",
"FULLDOWNLOAD_INFO_DETAIL_TXT": "*The download files are large, so we recommend connecting to Wi-Fi before downloading.\u000a*You may cancel the download midway.",
"FULLDOWNLOAD_INFO_TXT": "By downloading game data all at once,\u000aconnection and game performance will improve.",
"HEADER_MSG_COMBINE_MATERIAL": "Please select a card to use for Enhancement.\u000a*Hold and drag to select multiple cards at once.",
"HEADER_MSG_FAVORITE": "Please tap the Servant you wish to add to Favorites.\u000a*Favorites are displayed in \"My Room.\"",
"HEADER_MSG_FRIENDSHIP_EXCEED": "Please select a Servant to increase their Bond Level cap. A special item will be required.",
"HEADER_MSG_LIMITUP": "Please select a Servant for Ascension.\u000aMax level is required for Ascension.",
"HEADER_MSG_LVEXCEED": "Please select a Servant for Palingenesis.\u000aFinal Ascension and max level are required for Palingenesis.",
"HEADER_MSG_NPUP_BASE": "Please select a Servant for Noble Phantasm Enhancement.\u000aAn identical Servant is required as material.",
"HEADER_MSG_NPUP_MATERIAL": "Please select a Card for Noble Phantasm Enhancement.",
"HEADER_MSG_SKILLUP": "Please select a Servant for Skill Enhancement.\u000aDifferent items are required as materials.",
"HEADER_MSG_SPECIAL_ASCENSION": "Please select a Servant to perform \"Special Ascension.\" \"Special Ascension\" can be performed only once to Ascend a Servant to Final Ascension without expending items or QP.",
"HEADER_MSG_SVTCOMBINE_BASE": "Tap to select a Servant to enhance.",
"HEADER_MSG_SVTEQ_BASE": "Please select a Craft Essence for Enhancement.",
"HEADER_MSG_SVTEQ_MATERIAL": "Please select a Craft Essence to use for Enhancement.\u000a*Hold and drag to select multiple cards at once.",
"HEADER_NOTICE_MSG": "Tap to display details.",
"HP_ICON_INFO": "HP {0}",
"HP_INFO": "HP. {0}",
"HP_NAME": "HP",
"ID_ICON_INFO": "No {0}",
"INFO_MSG_COMBINE_MATERIAL": "Please select a Card for Enhancement.",
"INFO_MSG_COSTUME_SELECT_BASE": "You can unlock costumes for your Servants.",
"INFO_MSG_FRIENDSHIP_EXCEED": "Increase Bond Level Cap",
"INFO_MSG_LIMITUP": "Ascension will allow Servants to increase their max level.",
"INFO_MSG_LVEXCEED": "Palingenesis will allow Servants to break their max level cap.",
"INFO_MSG_NPUP_BASE": "Tap to select a Servant for Noble Phantasm Enhancement.",
"INFO_MSG_SELECT_COSTUME": "Choose the Spiritron Dress you want to unlock",
"INFO_MSG_SKILLUP": "Skill Enhancement will raise the Servant's Skill Level.",
"INFO_MSG_SVTCOMBINE_BASE": "Enhancement will raise the Servant's Level.",
"INFO_MSG_SVTEQ_BASE": "Enhancement will raise the Craft Essence's level and max level.",
"INFO_MSG_SVTEQ_MATERIAL": "Select a Craft Essence to use for Enhancement",
"INIT_CACHE_CLEAR_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_1": "In some cases, clearing the temporary cache and redownloading game data will allow the application to launch properly.\u000a\u000a* Your saved data will not be deleted.\u000a* Game data may take some time to download. Please be sure to download on a stable connection.\u000a\u000aDo you want to clear the cache?",
"INIT_CACHE_CLEAR_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_2": "In some cases, clearing the temporary cache and redownloading game data will fix problems causing the application to freeze.\u000a\u000a* Your saved data will not be deleted.\u000a* Game data may take some time to download. Please be sure to download on a stable connection.\u000a\u000aDo you want to clear the cache?",
"INIT_CACHE_CLEAR_CONFIRM_TITLE_1": "The application did not launch properly",
"LIMIT_BOTH_MSG": "[FFFF00]One or more Max Limit Broken materials included!\u000a[FFFF00](The Max Limit Break state will be inherited and reflected to the base)",
"LOCATION_DLG_ADDITIONAL_WARN_MESSAGE": "\u000a\u000a[FFC020]Please be aware of your surroundings and always be alert when playing. Do not enter any buildings or areas you are not permitted to enter.[-]",
"LOCATION_DLG_DEVICE_OPTION_MESSAGE": "Please enable your device's location service.",
"LOCATION_DLG_FAIL_MESSAGE": "Close this screen and restart.",
"LOCATION_DLG_FAIL_TITLE": "Failed to receive the items.",
"LOCATION_DLG_OUTOF_AREA_MESSAGE": "Could not obtain valid location information.\u000a\u000aFor information pertaining to this campaign, please refer to the campaign official site.",
"LOCATION_DLG_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE": "Could not obtain valid location information, and timed out.\u000a\u000aEither you are out of range, or the valid time period have ended. ",
"LOCATION_GIFT_DLG_DETAIL": "Tap the icon to see details. ",
"LOCATION_GIFT_DLG_TITLE": "Sent to your Present Box.",
"MESSAGE_CHANGE_EXPLANATION": "Please write a message that your friends can see.\u000aIt will be displayed on the Friends List and Select Support screens.\u000a*Maximum of 23 characters.",
"MST_REMISSON_MSG": "Master Mission data has been updated. \u000a\u000a[FFFF00]*You can collect rewards for last week's cleared missions until the end of this week. At the end of this week over, those rewards will be lost, so make sure to collect them.[-]",
"NETWORK_ERROR_ASSET_INIT": "Download Management file\u000ais damaged.\u000aDownload Management file\u000ais being formatted.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_ASSET_UPDATE": "Download File has been updated. \u000aReturning to Title.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_ASSET_UPDATE_BOOT": "Download File has been updated. \u000aPlease restart the application.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_BOOT_MESSAGE": "Failed to connect to the game server.\u000a\u000aCheck your connection and\u000arestart the application.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_BOOT_RETRY_MESSAGE": "Failed to connect to the game server.\u000a\u000aCheck your connection and retry\u000aor restart the application.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_BOOT_SCRIPT_ASSET_MESSAGE": "Could not load additional asset storage information.\u000aPlease set up the additional asset storage and retry,\u000aor start without loading.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_CSID_CODE": "Error Code: {0}",
"NETWORK_ERROR_DATA_UPDATE_EXP": "Game data will be updated.\u000a\u000aData Size: {0}\u000a\u000a*We recommend connecting to Wi-Fi before downloading.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_DIFFERENT_CREATE_USER_SERVER": "Created user data differs from that of the server's\u000aLoading debug menu",
"NETWORK_ERROR_DISK_FULL": "Insufficient storage space. \u000aPlease free up storage so the game can launch.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_READ_AUTH": "User ID information\u000acould not be loaded. \u000a\u000a{0}\u000aError Code: {1}\u000a\u000aPlease restart the application.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_SERVER_AUTH_MESSAGE": "Server authentication failed.\u000aReturning to Title.",
"NETWORK_ERROR_SERVER_BUSY_MESSAGE": "The game server is busy.\u000aPlease restart the game after waiting a little. \u000a\u000a*Please play in a stable network environment. ",
"NPUP_RECONFIRM_TXT": "[FFFF00]The previously Enhanced Servants selected for Enhancement materials will be lost.\u000aPerform Noble Phantasm Enhancement?",
"OPTION_ADVANTAGE_CLASS_AUTO_INFO": "*If this option is \"ON\", the Select Support screen will automatically display the class with advantage against the enemy's class.",
"OPTION_BLACKLIST_EXPLANATION": "・You can blacklist a user from Friend Request screen.\u000a・You will not receive friend request from a blacklisted user.\u000a・Blacklisted user cannot be selected as support.",
"OPTION_FRIEND_COSTUME_DISP_EXPLANATION": "*If this option is \"ON\", costume changes will be reflected for Servants held by Friends and users you Follow.",
"OPTION_FRIEND_DISP_EXPLANATION": "*If this option is \"ON\", Final Ascension illustrations may be displayed for Servants held by Friends and users you Follow.",
"OPTION_FRIEND_MESSAGE_EXPLANATION": "*If this option is \"ON\", your Friends' messages will be displayed on the Friends List and Select Support screens.",
"OPTION_NOT_PLAY_OPENING_MOVIE": "Do Not Play Already Viewed Opening Movie",
"OPTION_NOT_PLAY_OPENING_MOVIE_INFO": "*If this option is \"OFF\", the opening movie will be played each time you open the app even if you have viewed it before.",
"OPTION_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_FRIEND_EXPLANATION": "*When set to “ON”, the Ascension level for all Servants will be displayed randomly (within the limit of their current Enhancement) when your Friends and Masters who Follow you see them in the Support list.",
"OPTION_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_OWN_EXPLANATION": "*When set to “ON”, the Ascension level for all Servants you hold will be displayed randomly (within the limit of their current Enhancement).",
"OPTION_SCENARIO_COMMENT": "*Automatic text speed delay is calculated by adding a fixed delay time to a variable delay time multiplied by the number of characters.",
"OPTION_SPOILER_PROTECTION_INFO": "*When set to “ON”, Ascension levels for Support Servants will be changed if their set Ascension level includes story spoilers.",
"OPTION_SVT_EXPLANATION": "*If this option is \"ON\", one random Servant out of all your summoned Servants will be displayed in My Room.",
"OPTION_SVT_RAND_DISP": "Random Display",
"OPTION_TD_PLAY_SPEED_DISP": "First NP Use Normal Speed",
"OPTION_TD_PLAY_SPEED_EXPLANATION": "*If this option is \"ON\", the Noble Phantasm of a Servant you possess will be displayed at normal speed the first time it is used.",
"OPTION_VOLUME_MUTE_EXPLANATION": "*Mute is \"ON.\" Please turn it \"OFF\" if you want to adjust volume levels.",
"OPTION_VOLUME_MUTE_INFO": "*If this option is \"ON\", all game sounds will be muted and volume levels cannot be adjusted.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_COPY_MESSAGE": "[FFFF00]The existing formation will be overwritten.\u000a*The equipped Mystic Code will also be overwritten.[-]\u000aCopy this party formation?",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_FATIGURE_SERVANT_MESSAGE": "To begin the quest, please remove any party members that cannot participate in your formation.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_FIXED_COSTUME_MESSAGE": "\"{0}\"'s Spiritron Dress will be automatically set to \"{1}\" for this quest.\u000a*The Spiritron Dress settings will revert after this quest is completed.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_RESTRICTION_MESSAGE": "A member in your party has not fulfilled the formation condition. \u000aYou will not be able to begin the Quest. ",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_RESTRICTION_TITLE": "[FCF050]Formation requirements not met.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_SHORTAGE_DECK_MEMBER_MESSAGE": "You do not have enough Starting Members,\u000aso you cannot begin the quest\u000aComplete Party Setup?",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_FATIGURE_SERVANT_MESSAGE": "To begin the quest, please remove any party members that cannot participate in your formation.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_FATIGURE_SERVANT_TITLE": "There is a party member in your formation who cannot participate. ",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_FIXED_MY_SERVANT_POSITION_RESTRICTION_MESSAGE": "To begin the quest, please add {0} to your formation as a starting member.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_FIXED_MY_SERVANT_SINGLE_RESTRICTION_MESSAGE": "To begin the quest, please add {0} to your formation as a starting member.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_FIXED_SUPPORT_POSITION_RESTRICTION_MESSAGE": "To begin the quest,\u000athe Support Servant needs to be\u000ain your starting formation.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_LEAVE_SERVANT_MESSAGE": "To begin the quest, please remove any party members that cannot participate in your formation.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_CONFIRM_START_LEAVE_SERVANT_TITLE": "Members that are unable to go into combat are present.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_QUEST_RESTRICTION_FIXED_MY_SERVANT_SINGLE": "[FFFF00]Members Restricted:\u000aOnly certain members\u000amay join the party.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_SELECT_EXPLANATION_CHOICE": "By tapping the icon, \u000ayou can \"register\" and \"unregister\" \u000ayour selection.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_SELECT_EXPLANATION_LOCK": "By tapping the icon, \u000ayou can freely \"lock\" and \"unlock\"\u000ayour selection",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_SELECT_EXPLANATION_STATUS": "Please Tap the Servant you want to replace.\u000aHold down on the Servant\u000ato display detailed info.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_SWAP_EXPLANATION": "[00FFFF]You can change the position of Servants or Craft Essences by dragging them.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_SWAP_EXPLANATION_FIXED_MY_SERVANT_POSITION": "[00FFFF]You can change the position of Servants or Craft Essences by dragging them.",
"PARTY_ORGANIZATION_SERVANT_SWAP_EXPLANATION_FIXED_SUPPORT_POSITION": "[00FFFF]You can change the position of Servants or Craft Essences by dragging them. The Support Servant cannot be set as a sub-member.",
"PRESENT_BOX_FILTER_EXPLANATION": "[00FFFF]Only items from the selected categories will be displayed. \"Receive All\" will apply only to items displayed in the present list.",
"PRESENT_SELECT_ITEM_FULL_WARNING": "[FF0000]You have reached the inventory limit.",
"PRESENT_SELECT_ITEM_OVER_WARNING": "[FF0000]Receiving these items will exceed the inventory limit.",
"PRICE_INFO": "${0}",
"PRICE_NAME": "Price",
"PRICE2_INFO": "${0}",
"PURCHASE_AFTER_COSTUME": "The above Spiritron Dress will be available to unlock after this exchange",
"PURCHASE_AFTER_EVENT_SVT_GET": "After the exchange, you will earn the right for the Servant to officially join your party.",
"PURCHASE_AFTER_ITEM_SET": "After the exchange dialog, each item's destination will be displayed. ",
"PURCHASE_AFTER_PRESENT_BOX": "After the exchange, it will be sent to the Present Box.",
"PURCHASE_AFTER_QP": "After the exchange, it will be added to your QP.",
"PURCHASE_AFTER_USER_ITEM": "After the exchange, it will be added to your Item inventory.",
"PURCHASE_STONE_APPLE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE": "Disconnected from the\u000aTransaction Server. \u000a\u000aIf you press \"end\", the purchase will be temporarily\u000asuspended and you can continue playing. \u000a\u000aIf you press \"retry\",\u000ait will reattempt to connect.",
"PURCHASE_STONE_AU_APP_NEED_VERSION_UP": "You must update to the latest version\u000aof the app on the au Market. \u000aPurchase suspended. ",
"PURCHASE_STONE_AU_APP_UPDATING": "Updating to the latest version\u000aof the app on the au Market. \u000aPurchase suspended. ",
"PURCHASE_STONE_AU_DISABLED_AUIDSETTING": "Launching au setup tool. \u000aPlease activate your au ID. \u000a\u000aPlease perform the process again after setup.",
"PURCHASE_STONE_AU_OVER_CREDIT_LIMIT": "You cannot purchase product because you have exceeded\u000athe amount of money that can be used this month.",
"PURCHASE_STONE_AU_PC_RELATION_ERROR": "You have yet to set a payment method\u000afor your registered au ID. \u000aPurchase suspended. ",
"PURCHASE_STONE_SERVER_MAINTENANCE": "The server is currently undergoing maintenance. \u000aPurchase suspended. ",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_520": "\"Spirit Origin List\" in Material has been updated.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_906101": "The story of Part 2, Section 3 may\u000adiffer slightly depending on which\u000astatue you built in Development 15. \u000a\u000aYou will be able to view each\u000astory development in Material\u000a[FFC020]after the event, by rebuilding the respective statues[-]\u000ain the part 1. \u000a\u000a*There is no need to rebuild statues you have already built. \u000a*Even if you rebuild the statue, you cannot replay\u000athe other story in Part 2, Section 3.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011901": "\"Gate Key\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to Event Item Exchange.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011902": "\"Lip's Key\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to Event Item Exchange.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011903": "\"Melt's Key\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to Event Item Exchange.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011904": "\"Suzuka's Key\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to Event Item Exchange.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011905": "\"Tickle Tickle Hand\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to Event Item Exchange.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011906": "\"Melt's Death Whip\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to the KP Shop.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011907": "\"Melt's Death Whip\"\u000a\u000ahas been added to the KP Shop.",
"QUEST_AFTER_ACTION_MESSAGE_94011908": "[Advance Notice]\u000a\u000aAct 3 will unlock from [FF0000]May 5th (FRI) 0:00[-]",
"QUEST_AFTER_MESSAGE_SECRET_TREASURE_DEVICE": "By Clearing \"{0}\",\u000a{1} has seen the truth and reached enlightenment.\u000aFrom hereon, the Noble Phantasm will be strengthened when {1} is first Summoned. ",
"QUEST_AFTER_MESSAGE_SECRET_TREASURE_DEVICE_2": "{0} has seen the truth and reached enlightenment. \u000a{0}'s Noble Phantasm animation has partially changed.\u000a*Its effects have not changed.",
"QUEST_AP_MAX_OVER": "Your max AP is too low\u000ato attempt this quest. \u000aRaise your Master Lv.\u000aand your max AP will increase.",
"QUEST_BOARD_COST_QP": "{0:#,0}",
"QUEST_CALDEA_NONE": "No Quests Available in Chaldea Gate.",
"QUEST_CHAPTER_CLOSED": "Will be implemented in a future update. \u000a\u000aYou will be notified of changes by\u000athe in-game \"News\" section. \u000aThank you for your patience.",
"QUEST_CLEAR_CHANGE_ACTION_COLLECTION": "The Servant Profile of\u000a{0} has been updated!",
"QUEST_CONFIRM_NO_BATTLE_CONSUME_ICON": "This quest does not include a battle.\u000aIf you execute this quest, the following item(s) will be expended:",
"QUEST_MESSAGE_DLG_MOVIE_DOWNLOAD_SUB_MESSAGE": "*Due to the large file size, we recommend connecting to Wi-Fi before downloading.\u000a*You can cancel the download at any time.",
"QUEST_MESSAGE_DLG_MOVIE_PLAY_SUB_MESSAGE": "[FFFF00]*Sound volume for this video will reflect your device's settings, not in-game settings.[-]\u000aPlease check your device's volume settings before you watch it.\u000a*Download will be required the first time you watch it.[-]",
"QUEST_NONE": "No Quests.",
"QUEST_SHORTCUT_NONE": "You do not have a Servant that fulfills\u000athe Quest conditions in the Interlude.",
"QUEST_TIME_OVER": "This Quest's period is over.",
"QUICK_START_MAX_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Would you like to apply the Complete Version settings for QuickStart?\u000a*If the setting is applied, information such as Saint Quartz inventory or party formations will be overwritten. ",
"QUICK_START_MAX_CONFIRM_TITLE": "Complete version with QuickStart added. ",
"QUICK_START_MAX_NON_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "User data has been created, and added the complete QuickStart settings. ",
"QUICK_START_MAX_NON_CONFIRM_TITLE": "Complete version with QuickStart added. ",
"QUICK_START_MIN_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Do you want to launch the game with \"QuickStart\" settings?\u000a*Applying the setting will overwrite your Saint Quartz amount and party formation.",
"QUICK_START_MIN_CONFIRM_TITLE": "Minimum Requirement for \"QuickStart\".",
"QUICK_START_MIN_NON_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "User data has been created, and added the QuickStart settings. ",
"RARE_MATERIAL_INFO_MSG": "[FF0000]Includes materials that are ★4 or higher!",
"RARE_PRI_NAME": "Rare Prism(s)",
"RARE_PRI_NEED_INFO": "Rare Prism(s)",
"RARE_SVT_WARNING_INFO_MSG": "Includes Servants that are ★4 or higher. \u000aIs this OK?",
"RARE_SVTEQ_WARNING_INFO_MSG": "Includes Craft Essences that are ★4 or higher. \u000aIs this OK?",
"RECEIVE_ALL_DONE": "All received.",
"RECEIVE_FILTER_NOTHING": "Unable to find the corresponding criteria for these filter settings.",
"RECOMMENDED_CLASS_2": "Same Class Only",
"RECOMMENDED_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "[54FFFF]Automatically select Servants (EXP) that meet the conditions you have selected.",
"RECOMMENDED_DIALOG_TITLE": "Automatic Material Selection",
"RECOMMENDED_NOT_EXIST_MSG": "No Servants (EXP) available that meet the conditions selected. Please change the type or rarity settings and try again.",
"RECOMMENDED_NOT_HAVE_QP_CONFIRM": "Insufficient QP.\u000a\u000aSelect the maximum number of Servants (EXP) possible for Enhancement with the QP you hold?",
"REJECT_ALL_TXT": "Inventory is full,\u000acould not receive presents.",
"REJECT_NORMAL_TXT": "Inventory is full,\u000acould not receive presents.",
"REJECT_SELECT_TXT": "Inventory is full,\u000acould not receive presents.",
"RESULT_BOUNDS_GETNP": "Noble Phantasm has been released\u000a\"{0}\"",
"RESULT_FRIEND_TITLE": "Send a Friend Request to the\u000aplayer who supported you?",
"RESULT_FRIENDANDFOLLOW_TITLE": "Would you like to Follow the user who supported you or send a Friend Request?",
"RESULT_MAXFRIEND_WARNING": "[FF0000]You have reached the maximum number of Friends.",
"RP_FULL_MSG": "BP is already full, unable to use {0}.",
"RP_RECOVER_CMDSPELL_TXT": "Use {0} to restore [09FD05]+{1}[-] BP.",
"RP_RECOVER_CONFIRM_MSG": "{1} {0} will be used to\u000arestore [09FD05]+{2}[-] BP.\u000aIs this OK?\u000a\u000aCurrent BP: {3}\/{4}\u000aBP After: {5}\/{4}",
"RP_RECOVER_NUM_TXT": "Use {0} to restore [09FD05]+{1}[-] BP.",
"RP_UNRECOVERABLE_MESSAGE": "The event period has ended. \u000aCannot restore BP.",
"RPRECV_TITILE_DETAIL_TXT": "Use items to restore BP",
"SELL_EXCEEDED_MATERIAL_INFO_MSG": "[FFFF00]Includes Servants that went through Palingenesis!",
"SELL_LAST_EQUIP_CMD_SVT_INFO": "Includes Servant(s) with one or more Command Code Slots unlocked.",
"SELL_LAST_EQUIP_CMD_SVT_MESSAGE": "[FFFF00]As this is the only copy you hold of the displayed Servant, it will no longer be possible to close their Command Code Slot after Burning.\u000a\u000aIf a Command Code is engraved, it will be detached and returned to you.",
"SERVANT_CHECK_EQUIP_COMBINE_WARNING_MESSAGE": "Craft Essences currently equipped to a Servant are included in your selection.\u000a[FFDF00]Performing Craft Essence Enhancement will consume the selected Craft Essence.[-]",
"SERVANT_CHECK_EQUIP_SELL_WARNING_MESSAGE": "Craft Essences equipped to a Servant are included in the selection.\u000a[FFDF00]Burning will consume the selected Craft Essences.",
"SERVANT_EQUIP_STORAGE_PURCHASE_MESSAGE": "Do you want to use {1} {0}\u000ato expand the Craft Essence slots in the Second Archive?\u000aYou can expand up to {2} slots.",
"SERVANT_EQUIP_STORAGE_PURCHASE_RESULT": "Craft Essence slots in the Second Archive expanded.\u000aYou can expand up to {0} slots.",
"SERVANT_EQUIP_STORAGE_PURCHASE_TITLE": "Expand Second Archive\u000a(Craft Essence)",
"SERVANT_EQUIP_TAKE": "Craft Essence",
"SERVANT_EQUIP_WAREHOUSE_EMPTY": "No Craft Essences available.",
"SERVANT_FRAME_PURCHASE_MESSAGE_END": "Servant slots increased.\u000a*Up to {0} slots can be added.",
"SERVANT_FRAME_PURCHASE_MESSAGE_ERROR": "[00FFFF]Unable to add Servant slots.",
"SERVANT_FRAME_PURCHASE_MESSAGE_INFO_NONE": "Purchase info unavailable.",
"SERVANT_FRAME_PURCHASE_MESSAGE_MAX_FRAME": "Servant slot capacity has reached maximum.",
"SERVANT_FRAME_PURCHASE_MESSAGE_START": "Use a Saint Quartz\u000ato add Servant slots? \u000a*Up to {0} slots can be added. ",
"SERVANT_IN_RECOVERY_FATIGUE_MSG": "{0}\u000a{1}\u000awill go to the hot spring to bathe.\u000aBathing will speed up recovery. \u000a\u000aRecovery time when not bathing\u000a{2}\u000a↓\u000a[FFA500]Recovery time while bathing\u000a{3}[-]\u000a\u000aWould you like to do it? ",
"SERVANT_SORT_EXPLANATION4": "[00FFFF]You can choose to display only Servants with a\u000aMax Limit Break Craft Essence equipped.",
"SERVANT_SORT_EXPLANATION5": "[00FFFF]If you deselect an event bonus Craft Essence here,\u000aServants with that Craft Essence equipped will be hidden.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_BATTLE_CHANGE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Skills and Noble Phantasm will change\u000awhen you change the Spiritron Dress.\u000aChange the Servant's Spiritron Dress?",
"SERVANT_STATUS_BATTLE_EXPLANATION": "[00FFFF]*Ascension allows you to select your character skin.\u000a(Changing character skin will not affect your status.)",
"SERVANT_STATUS_EXPLANATION_COMMAND_CARD": "[00FFFF]*Ascension allows you to select command card designs.\u000a(Changing designs will not affect your status.)",
"SERVANT_STATUS_EXPLANATION_COMMAND_CARD2": "[00FFFF]*Ascension allows you to select command card designs.\u000a(Changing designs will not affect your status.)",
"SERVANT_STATUS_EXPLANATION_COMMAND_CARD3": "[00FFFF]*Ascension allows you to select command card designs.\u000a(Changing designs will not affect your status.)",
"SERVANT_STATUS_EXPLANATION_FACE": "[00FFFF]*Ascension allows you to select character icons.\u000a(Changing icons will not affect your status.)",
"SERVANT_STATUS_FAVORITE_CONFIRM_EVENT_JOIN_MESSAGE": "\u000a[ffd200]*If the Servant departs before officially joining your roster, your Favorite settings will revert automatically.[-]",
"SERVANT_STATUS_FAVORITE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Current\u000a{0} {1}\u000a{2}\u000a\u000a↓\u000a\u000aNew\u000a{3} {4}\u000a{5}\u000a\u000aChange your Favorite?",
"SERVANT_STATUS_FAVORITE_EVENT_JOIN_MESSAGE": "Limited Time Servants\u000acannot be registered as favorites. \u000a\u000aYou can register them after they've officially joined.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_DIALOG_MASHU_EXPLANATION": "When set to “ON”, the Ascension level and Spiritron Dress for this Servant will be displayed randomly based on story progress.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_DIALOG_SETTING_OWN": "Random Ascension settings are currently set to “ON”.\u000a\u000aFirst change the Random Ascension settings for Own Servants to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed Ascension settings for this Servant.\u000a\u000aMove to the Random Ascension settings screen?",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_FRIEND_ALL_SET_INFO": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change Friend & Follow Ascension settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_FRIEND_COMBINE_INFO": "Friend & Follow Ascension settings can be used once you Ascend this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_FRIEND_ENABLE_INFO": "Random Ascension settings are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the Friend & Follow Random Ascension settings to “OFF” if you wish to change Friend & Follow Ascension settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_FRIEND_EXPLANATION": "[00FFFF]*You can choose the Ascension level displayed in the Support \u000alist for your Friends and Masters who Follow you.\u000aIf you choose Same as Self, the Saint Graph, battle sprite, and \u000aother graphics displayed for your Servants in the Support list \u000awill be the same as the settings you have chosen for yourself.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_ALL_SETTING_BATTLE": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are \u000acurrently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change \u000adisplayed battle sprite settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_ALL_SETTING_COMMAND": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed Command Card settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_ALL_SETTING_FACE": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed icon settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_ALL_SETTING_STATUS_ICON": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed status icon settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_OWN_SETTING_BATTLE": "Random Ascension settings are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the Own Servant settings to “OFF” \u000aif you wish to change displayed battle sprite settings \u000afor this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_OWN_SETTING_COMMAND": "Random Ascension settings are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the Own Servant settings to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed Command Card settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_OWN_SETTING_FACE": "Random Ascension settings are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the Own Servant settings to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed icon settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_INFO_OWN_SETTING_STATUS_ICON": "Random Ascension settings are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the Own Servant settings to “OFF” if you wish to change displayed status icon settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_MASHU_CONFIRM_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "When set to “ON”, the Ascension level and Spiritron Dress for this Servant will be displayed randomly based on story progress (where possible without changing Skills).\u000a\u000aSet to “ON”?",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_SETTING_INFO_ALL": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change Random Ascension settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_SETTING_INFO_ALL_OWN": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change Random Ascension settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_SETTING_INFO_ALL_SUPPORT": "Random Ascension settings for all Servants are currently set to “ON”.\u000aFirst change the settings to “OFF” if you wish to change Random Ascension settings for this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_SETTING_INFO_COMBINE": "Random Ascension settings can be used once you Ascend this Servant.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_SETTING_OWN_EXPLANATION": "[00FFFF]*When set to “ON”, the Ascension level for your Servant will be displayed \u000arandomly (within the limit of their current Enhancement).",
"SERVANT_STATUS_RANDOM_LIMIT_COUNT_SETTING_SUPPORT_EXPLANATION": "[00FFFF]*When set to “ON”, the Ascension level for your Servant will be displayed \u000arandomly (within the limit of their current Enhancement) when your \u000aFriends and Masters who Follow you see them in the Support list.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_TD_SPEED_DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Change this Servant's fixed NP speed setting?\u000a{0} → {1}\u000a\u000a[FFFF00]When set to “Always Normal” or “Always High Speed”, the Servant's NP will always be displayed at that setting, regardless of overall Battle Speed or NP speed settings.",
"SERVANT_STATUS_TD_SPEED_MESSAGE": "[00FFFF]*Change this setting to fix the Servant's NP speed during battle.\u000aWhen set to “Always Normal” or “Always High Speed”, the Servant's NP will always be displayed at that setting, regardless of overall Battle Speed or NP speed settings.",
"SERVANT_STORAGE_PURCHASE_MESSAGE": "Do you want to use {0} {1}\u000ato expand the Servant slots in the Second Archive?\u000aYou can expand up to {2} slots.",
"SERVANT_STORAGE_PURCHASE_RESULT": "Servant slots in the Second Archive expanded.\u000aYou can expand up to {0} slots.",
"SERVANT_STORAGE_PURCHASE_TITLE": "Expand Second Archive\u000a(Servant)",
"SERVANT_TAKE": "Duplicates",
"SERVANT_UNIT": "{0}",
"SERVER_CERTIFICATE_ERROR_ANDROID": "The app version has been updated.\u000aPlease download the latest version,\u000athen re-connect.\u000a\u000aIf the latest version does not appear in the store,\u000aplease wait a while and then try again.",
"SERVER_CERTIFICATE_ERROR_IOS": "The app version has been updated.\u000aPlease download the latest version,\u000athen re-connect.\u000a\u000aIf the latest version does not appear in the store,\u000aplease wait a while and then try again.\u000aAbout iOS Update",
"SERVER_CERTIFICATE_ERROR_TITLE": "Application Version Error",
"SHOP_EVENT_LIST_EMPTY": "Please wait for new products.",
"SHOP_EVENT_RETURN_ERROR": "{0}\u000aevent has finished.\u000aReturning to the Terminal Screen.",
"SHOP_HELP_ANONYMOUS_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "Unregistered Spirit Origins can be exchanged for Saint Graph.",
"SHOP_HELP_EQUIP_FRAME_EXTENSION_EXPLANATION": "Mana Prisms can be exchanged for Craft Essence slots in the Second Archive.",
"SHOP_HELP_EQUIP_STORAGE_EXTENSION_EXPLANATION": "Saint Quartz can be used to increase\u000athe size of Craft Essence inventory.",
"SHOP_HELP_EVENT_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "Special items obtained during Limited Time events\u000acan be exchanged for various items.",
"SHOP_HELP_MANA_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "Mana Prisms can be exchanged for various items.",
"SHOP_HELP_RARE_PRI_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "Rare Prisms can be exchanged for various items\u000aand used to unlock special quests.",
"SHOP_HELP_SELL_SERVANT_EXPLANATION": "Cards can be burned (sold)\u000ato obtain QP and Mana Prisms.",
"SHOP_HELP_SERVANT_FRAME_EXTENSION_EXPLANATION": "Mana Prisms can be exchanged for Servant slots in the Second Archive.",
"SHOP_HELP_SERVANT_STORAGE_EXTENSION_EXPLANATION": "Saint Quartz can be used to increase\u000athe size of Servant inventory.",
"SHOP_HELP_SPECIAL_ITEM_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "You can sell Ascension Materials for Event Limited Servants.",
"SHOP_HELP_STONE_FRAGMENTS_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "Saint Quartz Fragments can be exchanged for various items.",
"SHOP_HELP_STONE_PURCHASE_EXPLANATION": "Saint Quartz can be purchased.",
"SHOP_HELP_STONE_SHOP_EXPLANATION": "Saint Quartz can be exchanged for various items.",
"SHOP_ITEM_CHANGE": "Exchange {0}",
"SHOP_ITEM_TIME_LIMIT": "Remaining: ",
"SHOP_LIST_EMPTY": "There are no products.",
"SHOP_MAX_ALERT": "Unable to exchange because\u000a{0} has reached maximum.",
"SHOP_NOAH": "Play the game to\u000aget free Saint Quartz!",
"SHOP_QUEST_NOT_CLEAR": "Quest Not Cleared",
"SHOP_QUEST_OPEN": "Currently Available",
"SHOP_SELL_SERVANT": "Convert Spirit Origin",
"SHOP_SELL_SERVANT_MAX_ALERT": "Unable to convert (sell) because\u000a{0} has reached maximum.",
"SHOP_SELL_SERVANT_QP_MAX_ALERT_MESSAGE": "[FFFF00]If you perform Burning, you will not be able to receive QP.[-]\u000aIs this OK?\u000a\u000a\u000aQP Currently Held:\u000a[FFFF00]{0}[-]\/{1}",
"SHOP_SELL_SERVANT_QP_MAX_ALERT_TITLE": "You currently hold the maximum amount of QP.",
"SHOP_SELL_SERVANT_QP_WILL_BE_MAX_ALERT_MESSAGE": "[FFFF00]You cannot hold QP over the maximum amount.[-]\u000aIs this OK?\u000a\u000a\u000aQP Currently Held:\u000a[FFFF00]{0}[-]\/{1}",
"SHOP_SELL_SERVANT_QP_WILL_BE_MAX_ALERT_TITLE": "If you perform Burning, you will exceed the maximum amount of QP.",
"SHOP_SPECIAL_LIST_EMPTY": "No items available which meet the conditions.",
"SHORT_COMMAND_CODE_FRAME_QUEST": "You have exceeded the {0} inventory limit.\u000a{1} will not be possible until your {0} inventory\u000ais reduced below the limit.\u000a\u000aCurrently Held:\u000a[FF0000]{2}[-]\/{3}",
"SHORT_HAVE_CHARGE_STONE": "This summon can be performed by using {0} Saint Quartz (Paid). Saint Quartz (Free) cannot be used.\u000a[FF0000]* Bonus Saint Quartz acquired during purchase is treated as free.[-]\u000aBuy Saint Quartz?\u000aSaint Quartz (Paid): {1}\u000aSaint Quartz (Free): {2}",
"SHORT_SERVANT_FRAME": "Cannot acquire more {0}s.\u000aPlease free up your {0}\u000ainventory to {1}.\u000a\u000aCurrently held:\u000a[FF0000]{2}[-]\/{3}",
"SHORT_SERVANT_FRAME_LIMIT": "You have reached the limit of {0} (+{1}) slots.\u000a{2} will not be possible until you have\u000aat least 1 of {0} (+{1}) slots open.\u000a\u000aCurrently Held:\u000a[FF0000]{3}[-]\/{4}",
"SHORT_SERVANT_FRAME_QUEST": "Cannot acquire more {0}s.\u000aPlease free up your {0}\u000ainventory to {1}.\u000a\u000aCurrently held:\u000a[FF0000]{2}[-]\/{3}",
"SHORT_SERVANT_QUEST": "depart on this quest",
"SHORT_SERVANT_SUMMON": "continue summoning",
"SHORT_SHOP_INSUFFICIENCY_CONFIRM": "This exchange can be performed by using\u000a{0} of the Saint Quartz you\u000ahave purchased from the shop.\u000a\u000aBuy Saint Quartz? \u000a\u000aSaint Quartz (Paid): {1}\u000aSaint Quartz (Free): {2}",
"SOUNDPLAYER_SOUND_OPEN": "\"{0}\"\u000ahas been unlocked.",
"SPECIAL_ASCENSION_CONFIRM_TXT": "You can Enhance the selected Servant to Final Ascension without expending items or QP.\u000a\u000aPerform Special Ascension?",
"SPECIAL_ASCENSION_DIALOG_TXT": "You may only perform Special Ascension for one Servant.",
"SPECIAL_ASCENSION_TIME_OVER_TXT": "The Special Ascension period has ended.",
"SPECIAL_ASCENSION_TIME_OVER2_TXT": "The Special Ascension period has ended.\u000aYou will be returned to the Enhancement screen.",
"SPECIAL_ASCENSION_WARNING1_TXT": "You already hold an Enhanced copy of the Servant you have selected.\u000a[FFFF00]*Only the copy selected will be Enhanced to Final Ascension.[-]\u000a\u000aAre you sure you want to Enhance the currently selected copy of this Servant using Special Ascension?",
"SPECIAL_ASCENSION_WARNING2_TXT": "You [FFFF00]already hold all necessary[-] materials and QP to increase the selected Servant's level to Final Ascension.\u000aYou can Enhance this Servant through Ascension without performing Special Ascension.\u000a\u000aAre you sure you want to Enhance using Special Ascension?",
"SPEND_LIMIT_MESSAGE": "You cannot purchase this product because you have exceeded\u000athe amount of money that can be spent this month. \u000a\u000aSetting\u000a{0}\u000a\u000aMoney available this month:\u000a{1}",
"STATUS_ATK_OVER_DIALOG_MSG": "The ATK Enhancement cap is set at 1,000.\u000aIf you have selected Enhancement materials that would bring the total over 1,000, the excess portion will not be reflected.",
"STATUS_HP_OVER_DIALOG_MSG": "The HP Enhancement cap is set at 1,000.\u000aIf you have selected Enhancement materials that would bring the total over 1,000, the excess portion will not be reflected.",
"STATUS_OVER_DIALOG_MSG": "The HP and ATK Enhancement caps are set at 1,000.\u000aIf you have selected Enhancement materials that would bring the total over 1,000, the excess portion will not be reflected.",
"STONE_PURCHASE_RESULT_FAIL": "Due to an error while purchasing Saint Quartz,\u000athe transaction was not completed properly.\u000aPlease contact User Support from the official website.\u000asupport@fate-go.us",
"STONE_PURCHASE_RESULT_SUCCESS": "You have purchased Saint Quartz. \u000a\u000aSaint Quartz Held:[20C0FF]{0:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid:[20C0FF]{1:N0}[-] Free:[20C0FF]{2:N0}[-])\u000a↓\u000aSaint Quartz After Purchase:[FFA500]{3:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid:[FFA500]{4:N0}[-] Free:[FFA500]{5:N0}[-])",
"STONE_PURCHASE_RESULT_SUSPEND": "Payment put on hold. \u000a\u000aPlease restart the application\u000aafter a little while.",
"STONE_PURCHASE_RESULT_WAIT": "Customers using the Family Sharing function must receive permission from the parent or guardian.\u000a\u000aAfter granting permission on the parent device, follow the instructions displayed on the sub-device, then restart the app.",
"STONE_SHOP_PAY_CONFIRM": "{0} Saint Quartz will be used.\u000aGo through with exchange?\u000a[FFFF00] Free Saint Quartz will be used first.[-]\u000a\u000aSaint Quartz Held: [20C0FF]{1:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid: [20C0FF]{3:N0}[-] Free: [20C0FF]{2:N0}[-])\u000a\u000aSaint Quartz After Exchange:[FFA500]{4:N0}[-]\u000a(Paid: [FFA500]{6:N0}[-] Free: [FFA500]{5:N0}[-])",
"SUMMON_MANA_LIMIT_WARNING_TITLE": "You have reached the limit of Mana Prisms held.\u000aSummon will not be possible until you remove\u000aautomatic burning settings or consume Mana Prisms.",
"SUPPORT_SELECT_CONFIRM_DECK_MENU_COPY_SELECT_MESSAGE": "Select the location to copy this Support Set.",
"SUPPORT_SELECT_CONFIRM_DECK_MENU_INIT_ALL_MESSAGE": "The Support Set name will be reset and all Servants and Craft Essences will be removed. Disband this Support Set?\u000a",
"SUPPORT_SELECT_EQUIP_CHANGE_MESSAGE": "Currently Set Class:\u000a{0}\u000a↓\u000aClass After Change:\u000a{1}\u000a\u000aChange the Class and Craft Essence to be Set?",
"SUPPORT_SELECT_SERVANT_CLEAR_WARNING": "Remove all Servants\u000aset for Support. \u000aClear selections?",
"SUPPORT_SELECT_SWAP": "[00FFFF]You can change the position a Craft Essence by dragging it.",
"SUPPORT_SERVANT_SELECT_EXPLANATION": "Please tap the Servant you want to replace.\u000aHolding down on the Servant will display detailed info.",
"SUPPORTMAIL_ADDRESS": "support@fate-go.us",
"SUPPORTMAIL_BODY": "User ID: {0}\u000aOperating System: {1}\u000aDevice Model: {2}\u000a-------------------------\u000aPlease fill in the following form.\u000a* Delete where inapplicable.\u000a\u000aInternet Access: [3G\/LTE\/Wi-Fi]*\u000aMobile Network Operator: \u000aDetails:\u000a",
"SVT_ATK": "[FFB900]ATK[-] {0}",
"SVT_HP": "[FFB900]HP[-] {0}",
"SVTEQ_LVMAX_INFO_TXT": "[DB0052]You cannot acquire any more EXP.",
"SYSTEM_AU_BIND_ERROR": "Unable to connect to server.\u000aYou will be redirected to the title screen.",
"SYSTEM_ERROR_NON_SUPPORTED_TERMINAL": "This app cannot\u000abe played on your device. \u000a\u000aSee the official\u000aFate\/Grand Order Website\u000afor more info on corresponding devices.",
"SYSTEM_ERROR_SERVER_TIME_LIMIT_OVER": "Download Management file has been updated. \u000aReturning to the title screen.",
"TAKEOVER_DETAIL_TXT": "You can enter the transfer number and password from\u000aanother device to transfer game data and continue playing.\u000a*Your transfer number can only be used for one transfer.",
"TAKEOVER_ID_TXT": "Transfer Number",
"TAKEOVER_PW_TXT": "Password",
"TALKRESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_AFTER_BATTLE": "You stopped playing in the middle of the cutscene after a battle.\u000aWould you like to resume play from where you left off?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]If you choose not to resume, the cutscene will be skipped and the {0} you used to enter the quest will be expended.[-]",
"TALKRESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_AFTER_BATTLE_NO_CONSUME": "You stopped playing in the middle of the cutscene after a battle.\u000aWould you like to resume play from where you left off?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]If you choose not to resume, the cutscene will be skipped and the {0} you used to enter the quest will not be expended.[-]",
"TALKRESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_AFTER_NONE_BATTLE": "You stopped playing in the middle of a cutscene.\u000aWould you like to resume play from where you left off?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]If you choose not to resume, the cutscene will be skipped and the {0} you used to enter the quest will be expended.[-]",
"TALKRESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_AFTER_NONE_BATTLE_NO_CONSUME_AP0": "You stopped playing in the middle of a cutscene.\u000aWould you like to resume play from where you left off?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]If you choose not to resume, the cutscene will be skipped.[-]",
"TALKRESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_BEFORE_BATTLE": "You stopped playing in the middle of the cutscene before battle.\u000aWould you like to resume play from where you left off?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]If you choose not to resume, you will be withdrawn from the quest and the {0} you used to enter the quest will be expended.[-]",
"TALKRESUME_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_BEFORE_NONE_BATTLE": "You stopped playing in the middle of a cutscene.\u000aWould you like to resume play from where you left off?\u000a\u000a[ffdf00]If you choose not to resume, you will be withdrawn from the quest and the {0} you used to enter the quest will not be expended.[-]",
"TERMS_OF_USE_DENIAL_MESSAGE": "You must agree to the \u000aTerms of Use to play.",
"TERMS_OF_USE_DENIAL_TITLE": "Terms of Use Agreement",
"TERMS_OF_USE_LOCATION_MESSAGE": "This function uses your device's location service.\u000aLocation information obtained will only be used to confirm qualification for this campaign, and will immediately be erased once the campaign is over. \u000aFor more information regarding location detection, please check the game's user agreement. ",
"TERMS_OF_USE_MESSAGE1": "You must agree to the \u000aTerms of Use to play. \u000aPlease tap Agree to \u000aconfirm agreement.",
"TERMS_OF_USE_MESSAGE2": "[FFC020]*User agreement updated. [-]\u000aYou must agree to the \u000aTerms of Use to play. \u000aPlease tap Agree to \u000aconfirm agreement.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_110": "A mock battle will start\u000a\u000aTap Attack to begin\u000agiving instructions\u000ato your Servants",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_111": "Send instructions to your Servants\u000a\u000aSelect 3 Command Cards (cancel a selected card by tapping it again.)",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_120": "Cards selected later\u000awill have bonus effects",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_121": "Five cards are randomly\u000adistributed each turn\u000a\u000aCards selected later\u000awill have bonus effects",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_122": "Selecting three cards of the same Servant\u000aactivates the Brave Chain and adds an additional attack",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_130": "Cards with EFFECTIVE displayed can \u000adeal heavy damage to opponents",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_131": "Selecting three cards of the same color will\u000aactivate the Chain corresponding to that color",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_140": "[00FF00]Green: Quick Chain[-]\u000aCritical Rate UP on the next turn\u000a\u000a[FF0000]Red: Buster Chain[-]\u000aAttack UP on same turn\u000a\u000a[00A2FF]Blue: Arts Chain[-]\u000aFills up the NP Gauge required for Noble Phantasm",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_141": "The first card you select will\u000aimpact the second and third cards\u000a\u000aTry issuing instructions yourself",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_150": "[00FF00]Green: Quick's[-] first card bonus will\u000aincrease Critical Rate next turn\u000a\u000a[FF0000]Red: Buster's[-] first card bonus will\u000aincrease overall damage same turn\u000a\u000a[00A2FF]Blue: Arts'[-] first card bonus will\u000aincrease NP Gauge fill speed",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_151": "You can unleash a Noble Phantasm\u000awhen the NP gauge is full.\u000aThe Altria Gauge will be filled\u000ato 100% for you this time.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_152": "Try using Altria's\u000aNoble Phantasm",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_153": "A Noble Phantasm card\u000awill appear when a Servant's\u000aNP Gauge is filled to 100%\u000a\u000aPlease tap “Excalibur”",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_210": "The [00FF00]Green Card's[-] trait\u000awill increase Critical Rate next turn\u000a\u000aThe [FF0000]Red Card's[-] trait\u000awill increase Attack Damage same turn\u000a\u000aThe [00A2FF]Blue Card's[-] trait\u000awill fill the NP Gauge faster",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_220": "Servants have skills that feature various effects\u000a\u000aTap the icon to use a skill",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_222": "A spent skill can be used again\u000aafter a fixed number of turns\u000a\u000aThere is no limit to the number of skills\u000athat can be used per a turn",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_223": "Tap to Change Battle Speed",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_230": "Cards selected later will have bonus effects\u000a\u000aThe first card you select will impact that second and third cards\u000a\u000aPay close attention to the order of your selections",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_320": "Tap an enemy to switch targets",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_BATTLE_321": "The stars that accumulate on the bottom right corner\u000aof the screen will increase Critical Rates\u000a\u000aCritical Stars will be randomly distributed to Command Cards in the next turn, \u000aCritical Rates will be affected based on the number of stars",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_COMBINE": "Here, you can enhance\u000aitems and Servants together.\u000aBy doing so, you can enhance Servants,\u000aSkills, and Noble Phantasms.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_COMBINE1": "Next, here's how to strengthen Servants.\u000aSelect \"Enhancement\" from the Main Menu.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_COMBINE2": "Let's perform Enhancement on a Servant.\u000aSelect the Servant you just acquired.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_COMBINE3": "Next, select the Enhancement materials you want to use.\u000aFor this tutorial, materials have been provided for you.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_COMBINE4": "QP is also necessary for Servant Enhancement.\u000aFor this tutorial, the necessary QP has been provided for you.\u000aFinally, select \"Enhance\" to perform Servant Enhancement.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_COMBINE5": "This was how to perform Servant Enhancement.\u000aRepeat Servant Enhancement and continue to strengthen your Servants.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_FOLLOW_OFFER": "Follow the player who supported you!\u000a\u000aWhen you Follow another Master, you can\u000aselect their Servants as Support within Part 1 main quests.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_FOLLOWER_ORGANIZATION1": "Your preparations are now complete!\u000a\u000aTap Start Quest\u000ato begin a quest!",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_FOLLOWER_ORGANIZATION2": "Depending on the scenario,\u000ayou may be able to set\u000aNPC Servants for support!",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_FOLLOWER1": "At the \"Select Support\" screen, you can\u000achoose a Servant to support you in battle\u000a\u000aReceiving support allows you to earn Friend Points",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_FOLLOWER2": "This time, an NPC Servant is available for support! \u000aSelect it right away!",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_FORMATION1": "Setup Servants and Craft Essences\u000aon the Party Setup screen",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_PARTY_ORGANIZATION1": "Servants can be formed\u000ainto parties on this page.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_PARTY_ORGANIZATION1_2": "Tap SELECT to add a Servant to a party",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_PARTY_ORGANIZATION3": "Tap the Servant you summoned earlier",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_PARTY_ORGANIZATION4": "You can now have a Servant join your party\u000a\u000aTap OK",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_PARTY_ORGANIZATION5": "Your party will\u000anow go on the quest\u000a\u000aPlease follow the directions\u000aon the following screen",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_RAID_100": "{0} has Total HP in addition to\u000aHP that will be reset after each battle. \u000a\u000aTotal HP is shared by all Masters.\u000aReductions to Total HP will carry over into the following battles.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_RAID_200": "There is a turn limit in battles with {0}.\u000a\u000aWhen remaining turns reach 0, the battle will end,\u000aand you will receive Damage Points (DP) equal to the damage you inflicted.\u000a\u000aYou cannot continue if you are defeated,\u000aand will not receive Damage Points if you retreat.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_SHOP1": "Here you can buy Saint Quartz,\u000aconvert Spirit Origins,\u000aexpand inventory slots,\u000aand use Mana Prisms.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_SUMMON1": "Summons can be performed by using \u000aSaint Quartz or Friends Points\u000a\u000aYou have received a present of {0} Saint Quartz.\u000aGo ahead and try to summon something!",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_SUMMON2": "You summoned a Servant! \u000a\u000aNext, try to Setup your Party",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_FAVORITE": "Unlocked the ability to register your \u000aFavorite Servant. It can be \u000aconfigured on the Servant details page.\u000a\u000aOnce registered, your Favorite Servant\u000awill be displayed on your My Room screen.",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_GACHA": "You can visit various screens from the Main Menu\u000a\u000aPlease proceed to Summon",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_MENU": "You can now use the Main Menu\u000aPlease tap the MENU button",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_QUEST1": "Please tap to start a quest",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_QUEST2": "Clear a quest to add to Quest Progress",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_QUEST3": "Some quests are made up of\u000amultiple stages of Quest Progress",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_SPOT1": "Please tap the location displayed\u000awith NEXT to proceed with the story",
"TUTORIAL_MESSAGE_TERMINAL_SPOT2": "The numbers displayed above locations denote\u000athe number of quests left to be cleared",
"UNIT_INFO": "{0}",
"UNIT_REST_NONE": "----",
"UNIT_REST_NUM": "{0} to go",
"UNKNOWN_NAME": "???",
"UPDATE_FRIENDPOINT_GACHA_ERROR": "Friend Point Summon's lineup has been updated.\u000aPlease try again.",
"USER_GAME_ACT_RECOVER_MESSAGE_INFO_NONE": "Purchase info unavailable.",
"USER_GAME_ACT_RECOVER_MESSAGE_START": "Use 1 Saint Quartz\u000ato restore AP?",
"USER_GAME_ACT_RECOVER_REQUEST_STONE_MESSAGE": "[FF0000]Insufficient Saint Quartz.",
"VOTE_QUEST_CONFIRM_INFO": "0,Vote for one of these five quests.\u000aThe theory which received the most votes from all Masters will be released as the official ending!\u000a(The other four endings will be made available later in Material),Vote for this theory?,Vote,21",
"WAR_CLEAR_CLOSED_108": "The temple disappeared with the throne abandoned. There are no longer any signs of The Beast.",
"WAR_CLEAR_CLOSED_300": "A new cosmos has taken root. Humanities' last hope has disappeared into the void. ",
"WARBOARD_ATTACK_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE": "The Support Set name will be reset and all Servants and Craft Essences will be removed.\u000aDisband this Support Set?",
"WAREHOUSE_CONFIRM_PUT_IN_MESSAGE": "The selected Spirit Origin will be moved\u000afrom your Inventory to the Second Archive. \u000aIs this OK?",
"WAREHOUSE_CONFIRM_PUT_IN_TITLE": "Move from Inventory → Second Archive",
"WAREHOUSE_CONFIRM_PUT_OUT_MESSAGE": "The selected Spirit Origin will be moved\u000afrom the Second Archive to your Inventory. \u000aIs this OK?",
"WAREHOUSE_CONFIRM_PUT_OUT_TITLE": "Move from Second Archive → Inventory",
"WAREHOUSE_EXPLANATION_CHOICE": "By tapping the icon, \u000ayou can \"register\" and \"unregister\" your selection.",
"WAREHOUSE_EXPLANATION_LOCK": "By tapping the icon, \u000ayou can freely \"lock\" and \"unlock\" your selection.",
"WAREHOUSE_EXPLANATION_PUT_IN": "Please select the Spirit Origin to move from Inventory → Second Archive.\u000a*Hold and drag to select multiple cards at once.",
"WAREHOUSE_EXPLANATION_PUT_OUT": "Please select the Spirit Origin to move from Second Archive → Inventory.\u000a*Hold and drag to select multiple cards at once.",
"WAREHOUSE_NOTIFICATION_PUT_IN_MESSAGE": "The selected Spirit Origin has been moved\u000afrom your Inventory to the Second Archive.",
"WAREHOUSE_NOTIFICATION_PUT_IN_TITLE": "Move from Inventory → Second Archive",
"WAREHOUSE_NOTIFICATION_PUT_OUT_MESSAGE": "The selected Spirit Origin has been moved\u000afrom the Second Archive to your Inventory.",
"WAREHOUSE_NOTIFICATION_PUT_OUT_TITLE": "Move from Second Archive → Inventory",
"WAREHOUSE_OVER_PUT_IN_SERVANT_EQUIP_MESSAGE": "You are trying to move more Spirit Origins than your Second Archive limit.\u000a[FF2020]You cannot move more Spirit Origins than the allowed limit.[-]\u000a\u000aCraft Essences Held [FF2020]{0}[-]\/{1}",
"WAREHOUSE_OVER_PUT_IN_SERVANT_MESSAGE": "You are trying to move more Spirit Origins than your Second Archive limit.\u000a[FF2020]You cannot move more Spirit Origins than the allowed limit.[-]\u000a\u000aServants Held [FF2020]{0}[-]\/{1}",
"WAREHOUSE_OVER_PUT_IN_TITLE": "Move from Inventory → Second Archive",
"WAREHOUSE_OVER_PUT_OUT_SERVANT_EQUIP_MESSAGE": "You are trying to move more Spirit Origins than your inventory limit.\u000a[FF2020]You cannot move more Spirit Origins than the allowed limit.[-]\u000a\u000aCraft Essences Held [FF2020]{0}[-]\/{1}",
"WAREHOUSE_OVER_PUT_OUT_SERVANT_MESSAGE": "You are trying to move more Spirit Origins than your inventory limit.\u000a[FF2020]You cannot move more Spirit Origins than the allowed limit.[-]\u000a\u000aServants Held [FF2020]{0}[-]\/{1}",
"WAREHOUSE_OVER_PUT_OUT_TITLE": "Move from Second Archive → Inventory",
"WINDOWTITLE_COMMANDSPELL_BATTLE": "Tap the command you wish to give your Servant",
"WINDOWTITLE_COMMANDSPELL_NO_BATTLE": "During battles, use Command Spells to give special orders to Servants. \u000a1 Command Spell is recovered at 16:00 PST (17:00 PDT) every day (MAX 3)",
"GLOBAL_PLUGINS_IOS_CRACKPROOF_NOTIFY": "Fate\/Grand Order cannot be launched in your current play environment. Please send an email in this interface, and instructions on how to transfer your data will be sent to you.",
"GLOBAL_OPTION_SELECT_LANGUAGE_MESSAGE": "Please set up your preferred language",
"GLOBAL_OPTION_SELECT_LANGUAGE_CONFIRM": "Download will start. Is this OK? ",
"GLOBAL_OPTION_MESSAGE_SPEED_PREVIEW": "The text will be displayed at this speed and it will be automatically scrolled down if the number of lines is more than two.",
"QUEST_EVENT_WAR_COND_8098": "\u000a\u000aFirst Singularity\u000aHundred Years' War of the Evil Dragons: Orleans\u000amust be cleared to start this quest.",
"QUEST_EVENT_WAR_COND_8099": "\u000a\u000aFifth Singularity\u000aNorth American Myth War: E Pluribus Unum\u000amust be cleared to start this quest.",
"QUEST_EVENT_WAR_COND_8100": "\u000a\u000aSingularity F\u000aFlame Contaminated City: Fuyuki\u000amust be cleared to start this quest.",
"QUEST_EVENT_WAR_COND_8101": "\u000a\u000aSingularity F\u000aFlame Contaminated City: Fuyuki\u000amust be cleared to start this quest.",
"GLOBAL_AGREEMENT_TITLE": "Terms of Use and Privacy Policy",
"GLOBAL_SELECT_COUNTRY_MSG1": "Please select your country of residence.",
"GLOBAL_SELECT_COUNTRY_MSG2": "The game contents are the same, regardless of which country you select.",
"GLOBAL_AGREEMENT_MSG": "You must agree to the Terms of Use\u000aand Privacy Policy to play \"Fate\/Grand Order\". \u000aBy tapping Agree, you indicate\u000athat you have read and agreed to accept\u000athe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.",
"GLOBAL_AGREEMENT_MSG_UPDATED": "[FFC020]* Terms of Use and\/or Privacy Policy updated.[-]\u000aYou must agree to the Terms of Use\u000aand Privacy Policy to play \"Fate\/Grand Order\". \u000aBy tapping Agree, you indicate\u000athat you have read and agreed to accept\u000athe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.",
"OPTION_BATTLEDATA_CASHE_EXPLANATION": "*Turn this option ON to shorten battle loading times under certain conditions.\u000a*Depending on your device, this option may affect game performance. In that case, please turn this option OFF.",