"detail":"Tremendously increase HP recovery amount",
"name":"Domina Cornam",
"detail":"Change class affinity (take neutral damage from all classes)",
"name":"SG \"Hypersensitivity\"",
"detail":"Decrease DEF & increase Charge by one at the end of each turn for yourself",
"name":"SG \"Hypersensitivity\"",
"detail":"Increase Charge by one at the end of turn",
"name":"SG \"Masochistic Nature\"",
"detail":"Increase DEF & resistance against all debuffs for yourself",
"name":"SG \"Masochistic Nature\"",
"detail":"Increase resistance against all debuffs",
"name":"SG \"Sloppiness\"",
"detail":"Target receives Death with normal attacks",
"name":"SG \"Possessiveness\"",
"detail":"Enemies' C. Stars decrease at the end of each turn",
"name":"SG \"Worst Chef\"",
"detail":"All enemies' HP decreases at the end of each turn",
"name":"SG \"Servile Nature\"",
"detail":"Increase ATK for all allies excepting yourself at the end of each turn (3 turns)",
"detail":"Increase Immobilization resistance & increase DEF (effect increases when HP gets lower) for yourself",
"detail":"Increase DEF (effect increases when HP gets lower)",
"name":"SG \"Sadistic Nature\"",
"detail":"Increase ATK (effect increases each turn) + at the end of each turn, apply Target Focus to a single enemy (1 turn)",
"name":"SG \"Sadistic Nature\"",
"detail":"Increase DEF (effect increases when HP gets lower)",
"name":"SG \"Doll Obsession\"",
"detail":"Decrease ATK (1 turn) & inflict Skill Seal (1 turn) for a single enemy at the end of turn ",
"name":"SG \"Codependency\"",
"detail":"Decrease HP recovery amount for all enemies and allies at the end of turn (1 turn)",
"name":"SG \"Codependency\"",
"detail":"Decrease HP recovery amount",
"name":"SG \"Sadistic Nature\"",
"detail":"Apply Target Focus to a single enemy at the end of turn",
"name":"Unbreakable Iron Will",
"detail":"Apply Ignore Invincible & increase NP Strength for yourself [Unremovable]",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Apply resistance against all attacks & Damage Cut & Debuff Immune to yourself",
"name":"Damage Cut",
"detail":"Apply Damage Cut",
"name":"Debuff Immune",
"detail":"Apply Debuff Immune",
"name":"Stun Immune",
"detail":"Stun Immune [Unremovable]",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Increase ATK",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Increase DEF",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Increase NP damage",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Increase Critical Hit damage",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Increase Debuff Resist",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Increase Immobilization Resist",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Decrease damage taken, NP generation, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Quick Cards",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Decrease damage taken, NP generation, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Arts Cards",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Decrease damage taken, NP generation, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Buster Cards",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Decrease HP for all enemies at the end of turn",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Decrease C. Star for all enemies at the end of turn",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Decrease NP for all enemies at the end of turn",
"name":"Demonic Province Sessyoin",
"detail":"Recover HP at the end of turn",
"name":"Target Focus",
"detail":"Apply Target Focus to yourself",
"detail":"Decrease Debuff Resist for all enemies at the end of turn",
"name":"Arts Up",
"detail":"Increase Arts Card effectiveness",
"detail":"Increase NP damage",
"detail":"Apply Special Attack against Rulers",
"name":"Mikotto Summer Tiiime!",
"detail":"Increase Charge by 2 each turn [Unremovable]",
"name":"I Am Having Fun",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"BGO Tie Tamper",
"detail":"Apply weakness to Alter Ego attacks",
"name":"Memories of Dualism",
"detail":"Apply weakness to Alter Ego attacks",
"name":"Snowy Town",
"detail":"Increase Critical Hit rate[Unremovable]",
"name":"Quick X-Accuracy",
"detail":"Increase damage taken, NP generation, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Quick Cards by 20%",
"name":"Arts X-Accuracy",
"detail":"Increase damage taken, NP generation, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Arts Cards by 20%",
"name":"Buster X-Accuracy",
"detail":"Increase damage taken, NP generation, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Buster Cards by 20%",
"name":"Growth Inhibitor Anticell",
"detail":"Decrease HP recovery amount",
"name":"NP Seal Guard Mask",
"detail":"Decrease NP Seal success rate",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive",
"detail":"Apply [Ruler] trait to target",
"detail":"Change class affinity (same defense affinity as Ruler) & become immune to debuffs",
"name":"NP Strength Up: Quick",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt by Quick Noble Phantasms",
"name":"NP Strength Up: Arts",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt by Arts Noble Phantasms",
"name":"NP Strength Up: Buster",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt by Buster Noble Phantasms",
"name":"Quick Card Resist",
"detail":"Decrease Quick Card's attack strength by 50%",
"name":"Arts Card Resist",
"detail":"Decrease Arts Card's ATK strength by 50%",
"name":"Buster Card Resist",
"detail":"Decrease Buster Card's ATK strength by 50%",
"name":"God Hand Megalos",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"God Hand Megalos",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"Amazon's Roar",
"detail":"Debuff Immune [Unremovable]",
"name":"Amazon's Roar",
"detail":"Increase ATK [Unremovable]",
"name":"Amazon's Roar",
"detail":"Decrease DEF",
"name":"Target Focus Up",
"detail":"Set Target to yourself",
"name":"HP Loss After 1 Turn",
"detail":"Lose HP after 1 turn",
"name":"Weight of the Anchor",
"detail":"Decrease ATK",
"name":"Weight of the Anchor",
"detail":"Decrease DEF",
"detail":"Increase ATK [Unremovable]",
"detail":"Decrease DEF",
"name":"End of One Thousand and One Nights",
"detail":"Increase resistance against attacks from [King] enemies [Unremovable]",
"detail":"Increase resistance against attacks from [King] enemies [Unremovable]",
"name":"Demon God of Death and Rebirth",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"Demon God of Death and Rebirth",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"Caledfwlch Caladbolg",
"detail":"Decrease maximum HP",
"name":"STR Up vs. [Greek Mythology Male]",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt against [Greek Mythology Males]",
"name":"Quick Boost",
"detail":"Increase Quick Card effectiveness",
"name":"Crucible of Life and Death",
"detail":"Remove \"Demon God of Death and Rebirth\" after 10 turns",
"name":"Target Focus",
"detail":"Apply Target Focus to yourself",
"name":"Demon God of Death and Rebirth",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"Demon God of Death and Rebirth",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"Quick Card Resist Down",
"detail":"Increase damage taken, NP generated, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Quick Cards",
"name":"Arts Card Resist Down",
"detail":"Increase damage taken, NP generated, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Arts Cards",
"name":"Buster Card Resist Down",
"detail":"Increase damage taken, NP generated, and C. Star drop rate upon damage from Buster Cards",
"name":"NP Death Chance Up",
"detail":"Increase Death Success Rate for Noble Phantasm",
"name":"NP Death Chance Up",
"detail":"Increase chance to inflict Death with Noble Phantasm",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Debuff)",
"detail":"Target receives debuffs with normal attacks [Cannot be removed]",
"name":"Ignore DEF",
"detail":"Ignore DEF Up and deal damage",
"name":"NP Gain Up",
"detail":"Increase NP Gain if HP is below 50%",
"name":"Change DEF Affinity",
"detail":"Negate the DEF disadvantage due to Class Affinity",
"name":"ATK Up",
"detail":"Increase ATK in a [Burning] field",
"name":"DEF Down",
"detail":"Decrease defense",
"detail":"Inflict Stun at a very low probability to all allies except yourself at the end of each turn",
"name":"Buff Chance Up",
"detail":"Increase buff chance rate",
"name":"Strength Up",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt during \"The Return of Nero Fest - Autumn 2019\"",
"name":"Debuff Immune",
"detail":"Immune to all debuffs",
"name":"NP Gain Up",
"detail":"Increase NP Gain",
"name":"Delayed Effect (HP Recovery)",
"detail":"HP Recovery activates after the enemy's turn",
"name":"Joy of Suffering",
"detail":"HP recovers at the end of each turn & tremendously increase Critical Hit rateagainst [Kings]",
"name":"Super Writhe Expansion",
"detail":"Increase NP damage that gets more powerful the lower the HP",
"name":"Super Writhe Expansion",
"detail":"Increase NP damage if HP is lower than 80% [Unremovable]",
"name":"Super Writhe Expansion",
"detail":"Increase NP damage if HP is lower than 60% [Unremovable]",
"name":"Super Writhe Expansion",
"detail":"Increase NP damage if HP is lower than 40% [Unremovable]",
"name":"Super Writhe Expansion",
"detail":"Increase NP damage if HP is lower than 20% [Unremovable]",
"name":"Critical Hit Rate Up vs. King",
"detail":"Increase Critical Hit rateagainst [Kings]",
"name":"NP Strength Up",
"detail":"Increase NP damage [Unremovable]",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"If damage from Quick Cards is sustained, recovery amount decreases [Demerit]",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive [Unremovable]",
"name":"DEF Up",
"detail":"Increase DEF [Unremovable]",
"name":"Weakness Change: Quick",
"detail":"Decrease damage received from Arts Cards",
"name":"Weakness Change: Quick",
"detail":"Decrease damage received from Buster Cards",
"name":"Weakness Change: Arts",
"detail":"Decrease damage received from Quick Cards",
"name":"Weakness Change: Arts",
"detail":"Decrease damage received from Buster Cards",
"name":"Weakness Change: Buster",
"detail":"Decrease damage received from Quick Cards",
"name":"Weakness Change: Buster",
"detail":"Decrease damage received from Arts Cards",
"name":"Change Trait: King",
"detail":"Apply [King] trait to target",
"name":"Change Trait: Wild Beast",
"detail":"Apply [Wild Beast] trait to target",
"name":"Change Trait: Dragon",
"detail":"Apply [Dragon] trait to target",
"name":"Change Trait: Demonic",
"detail":"Apply [Demonic] trait to target",
"name":"Change Class Affinity: Caster",
"detail":"Change Class Affinity to [Caster]",
"name":"Change Class Affinity: Rider",
"detail":"Change Class Affinity to [Rider]",
"name":"Change Class Affinity: Lancer",
"detail":"Change Class Affinity to [Lancer]",
"name":"Special Resist Up",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Activate when Damaged (Balanced)",
"detail":"Effect activates when receiving attack from a Balanced aligned Servant [Demerit]",
"name":"Activate when Damaged (Good)",
"detail":"Effect activates when receiving attack from a Good aligned Servant [Demerit]",
"name":"Activate when Damaged (Evil)",
"detail":"Effect activates when receiving attack from an Evil aligned Servant [Demerit]",
"name":"Special Resist Down",
"detail":"Decrease resistance to all attacks ",
"name":"NP Gain from Damage Dealt Decreased",
"detail":"Decrease the target's NP Gain amount when receiving damage",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Delete Individuality",
"detail":"Delete Individuality",
"name":"Immobilize Immune",
"detail":"Nullify incapacitation",
"name":"Charm Immune",
"detail":"Nullify Charm",
"name":"Diffraction Interference",
"detail":"Apply Ignore Invincible to NP attack",
"name":"Uncrowned Arms Mastery",
"detail":"Increase DEF against Critical attacks & increase ATK Strength against [Divine] & apply additional effects with normal attacks",
"name":"Robe of Darkness",
"detail":"Immune to debuffs & increase ATK Strength against [Divine] & apply counterattack when receiving normal attacks",
"name":"Damage Plus",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt",
"name":"Death Chance Up",
"detail":"Increase Death chance rate",
"name":"NP Gain Amount Down",
"detail":"Decrease the amount of NP Gained",
"name":"Target Focus Up",
"detail":"Set Target",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Goes into effect when attacked",
"name":"Charge Plus Each Turn",
"detail":"Increase charge each turn",
"name":"NP Loss Per Turn",
"detail":"Lose NP at end of each turn",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Skill Seal goes into effect when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates Curse when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Remove buff when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates NP Strength Down when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates NP Gain Down when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates NP Seal when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates DEF Down when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates NP Loss when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates Max HP Down when attacked",
"name":"Activate when Damaged",
"detail":"Activates Stun when attacked",
"name":"Ignore Invincible",
"detail":"Ignore Evade and Invincible to deal damage",
"name":"Goes Into Effect Upon Entering",
"detail":"Effect activates upon entering the field",
"name":"NP Strength Up",
"detail":"Increase NP damage",
"name":"Hall of the Mole",
"detail":"NP Charge Down when attacked",
"name":"Activate on Defeat (Buff)",
"detail":"Buff occurs when HP reaches 0",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Cloak of Evasion vs. Quick",
"detail":"Reduce Quick ATK damage taken to 0",
"name":"Cloak of Evasion vs. Arts",
"detail":"Reduce Arts ATK damage taken to 0",
"name":"Cloak of Evasion vs. Buster",
"detail":"Reduce Buster ATK damage taken to 0",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Buff)",
"detail":"Effect activates when the target is defeated by an attack",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Buff)",
"detail":"Effect activates when the target is defeated by an attack",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Buff)",
"detail":"Effect activates when the target is defeated by an attack",
"name":"STR Up vs. Divine",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt against [Divine]",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Debuff)",
"detail":"Target receives debuffs with normal attacks",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Debuff)",
"detail":"Target receives debuffs with normal attacks",
"name":"Bonus Effect (Debuff)",
"detail":"Target receives debuffs with normal attacks",
"name":"Damage Cut",
"detail":"Decrease damage taken from NP",
"name":"Charge Plus Each Turn",
"detail":"Increase Charge by 2 each turn",
"name":"Death Chance Up",
"detail":"Tremendously increase chance of inflicting Death",
"name":"Strength Up vs. [Loved One]",
"detail":"Increase damage dealt to [Loved Ones]",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Add Individuality",
"detail":"Add Individuality",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Blessing of the Dead",
"detail":"Gain resistance to all attacks",
"name":"Festive Fighting Spirit",
"detail":"Increase all allies' NP damage when you are on the field (Including sub-members)",
"name":"Festive Fighting Spirit",
"detail":"Increase all allies' Critical Damage when you are on the field (Including sub-members)",
"name":"Festive Fighting Spirit",
"detail":"Increase all allies' DEF when you are on the field (Including sub-members)",
"name":"Festive Fighting Spirit",
"detail":"Increase all allies' ATK when you are on the field (Including sub-members)",
"name":"Festive Fighting Spirit",
"detail":"Increase all allies' Critical Hit ratewhen you are on the field (Including sub-members)",
"name":"Festive Fighting Spirit",
"detail":"Ignore Evade and Invincible to deal damage when you are on the field (Including sub-members)",
"name":"Blessing of Rome",
"detail":"Gain resistance to damage from Buster Cards",
"name":"Blessing of Rome",
"detail":"Gain resistance to damage from Critical attacks",
"name":"Blessing of Rome",
"detail":"Gain resistance to NP Damage",
"name":"I Am Having Fun",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive",
"name":"I Am Having Fun",
"detail":"When HP reaches 0, recover HP and survive",
"name":"Blessing of Rome",
"detail":"Gain resistance to damage from Quick Cards",
"name":"Blessing of Rome",
"detail":"Gain resistance to damage from Arts Cards",
"name":"Blessing of Rome",
"detail":"Reduce ATK damage taken to 0",
"detail":"Decrease NP damage & increase Charge by 2 each turn",
"detail":"Gains resistance to every attack",
"name":"C. Star Gather Up: Buster",
"detail":"Increase C. Star Gather Rate for Buster Cards",
"name":"Spreading Fire",
"detail":"Increase Burn effectiveness",
"name":"C. Star Gather Up: Arts",
"detail":"Increase the C. Star Gather Rate for Arts Cards",
"name":"Karma: The All-Piercing",
"detail":"Increase the Critical Rate during your normal attacks",
"name":"Karma: The All-Burning",
"detail":"Inflict Burn to a single enemy during your normal attacks",
"name":"Karma: The All-Cursing",
"detail":"Decrease ATK for a single enemy during your normal attacks",
"name":"Karma: The All-Melting",
"detail":"Decrease NP Gauge for a single enemy during your normal attacks",
"name":"Karma: The All-Purging",
"detail":"Decrease C. Stars for all enemies during your normal attacks",
"name":"Karma: The All-Ridiculing",
"detail":"Chance to decrease C. Star Drop Rate & chance to decrease NP Gain & chance to decrease HP Recovery Amount for a single enemy during your normal attacks",
"name":"Karma: The All-Severing",
"detail":"Remove Buffs for a single enemy during your normal attacks",
"name":"Redoubled Effort",
"detail":"Restore HP at the end of each turn [Unremovable]",
"name":"Long and Serpentine",
"detail":"Inflict Stun to a single enemy at the end of each turn [Unremovable]",