
[bgm BGM_EVENT_4 0.1]

[scene 10909 0]
[charaSet A 8001001 1 Mash]
[charaSet B 98003003 1 "Dr. Roman"]
[charaSet C 98002000 1 Fou]
[charaSet D 7006001 1 "Sakata Kintoki"]
[charaSet E 1009001 1 Mordred]
[charaSet F 5003001 1 "Tamamo-no-Mae"]
[charaSet G 6007001 1 Jekyll]
[charaSet H 2011001 1 "Nikola Tesla"]
[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 0]
[charaFadein D 0 1]
[fadein black 1]
[wait fade]
@Sakata Kintoki
[line 3]I'll blow you away! Special move:

[se ad61]
[seStop ad61 3.0]
[backEffect bit_talk_lightning_02g]
[wt 1]
[charaEffect D bit_talk_36]
[se ad62]
[seStop ad62 3.0]
[wt 0.5]
[charaFace D 2]
@Sakata Kintoki
[fontSize x-large]Golden Spark![fontSize -]

[flashin once 0.4 0.4 FFFFFF80 00000000]
[seStop ad62 0]
[se ad63]
[wait flash]
[fadeout white 0.5]
[charaEffectStop D bit_talk_36]
[backEffectStop bit_talk_lightning_02g]
[wait effect]
[wait fade]
[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 1]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_4 2.0]
[wt 2]
[scene 10909 0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0 2]
[charaFace E 0]
[charaFadein E 0 0]
[fadein black 0.5]
[wait fade]
...We're at the surface, Senpai!

[charaFace E 4]
Hmm? Somebody's here. A man and a woman.[sr]They're not dead, so are they Servants?

@Dr. Roman
Looks like they're Servants that appeared from the fog.[sr]I see two of them. They don't look like enemies.

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 1]
[charaFadein D 0.4 1]
@Sakata Kintoki
Hey, are you guys[sr]the heroes he was talking about?

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[charaTalk C]
[charaFadein C 0.1 1]

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 5]
[charaFadein E 0.1 1]
It doesn't matter if we're heroes or not.[sr]More importantly, it sounds like you fought him.

[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 1]
[charaFadein D 0.1 1]
@Sakata Kintoki
Yeah...I can tell you this.[sr]We got rid of "all" that pain in the ass fog.

[charaFace D 0]
@Sakata Kintoki
Now it's up to you guys. I'll let you grab the glory...[sr]or whatever... Gonna rest. Whew...

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[charaTalk F]
[charaFadein D 0.1 0]
[charaFace F 4]
[charaFadein F 0.1 2]
Well, with so much magical energy drained from you as[sr]you fought, utter exhaustion and near death are to be expected.

[charaFace F 0]
But you did wonderfully. You truly are one of Raikou's[sr]Four Kings, whose might shakes the heavens.

[charaFace D 3]
@Sakata Kintoki
You too. Thanks for the help![sr]Whew...

[charaFace F 5]
...But you just looked away, didn't you?[sr]You did. Why? Is your worship a lie?

@Sakata Kintoki
Eh, I did not.[sr]Sure you're not imagining it?

@Sakata Kintoki
(Those boobs! I can see your boobs, Fox![sr]I don't know where am I supposed to look, get it!?)

[charaFace F 0]

@Dr. Roman
Anyway, this is a big help. We've got a chance now.[sr]Without the Activated Fog we can fight him head on!

[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 0]
[charaFace A 13]
[charaFadein E 0.1 0]
[charaFadein A 0.1 2]
Now we just have to catch up and slay him. Okay,[sr]let's follow him, Mash, [%1]!

?1:Are we going up those stairs?

Yes, they're made with a type of magecraft...[sr]It seems, anyway. We can walk on them.

It's scary to think about them disappearing halfway up.[sr]But we'll deal with that if it happens.

?2:Looks like there's no time to rest.

Yeah, we're gonna run up those stairs![sr]Even if they might disappear partway!

That's probably a magical staircase created by[sr]Nikola Tesla. Who knows how long it will last...

I'll take care of that if it happens.[sr]There's no time to waste, just like you said.


[charaFace A 7]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 1]
[charaFace F 0]
[charaFadein D 0.1 0]
[charaFadein F 0.1 2]
@Sakata Kintoki
I'm counting on you guys! Don't screw this up!

[charaFace F 4]
Huh? Is that all we get to do?

[charaFace F 5]
This feels like when you trip the metal detector[sr]at a security checkpoint!

[charaFadeout D 0.4]
[charaFadeout F 0.4]
[wipeout leftToRight 0.4 1]
[wait wipe]
[wt 1]
[scene 10909 0]
[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 2]
[charaFadein E 0.4 1]
[wipein rightToLeft 0.4 1]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 0.4]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_3 0.1]
[wait wipe]
[line 3]We caught up to him! This time, he's ours!

[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
I've sighted Heroic Spirit Nikola Tesla once more.[sr]He's walking towards the sky above Buckingham Palace!

?1:We defeat him here!

?2:The Activated Fog that was around him[line 3]


[charaFace A 7]
Yes, Senpai. The Activated Fog is gone.[sr]That golden Servant was right!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.3]
[se ad61]
[seStop ad61 5.0]
[charaTalk H]
[charaFace H 1]
[backEffect bit_talk_lightning_01t]
[charaFadein H 0.4 1]
[wt 0.5]
@Nikola Tesla
So you're here[line 3][sr]So you truly will try to build a new legend?

[charaFace H 4]
@Nikola Tesla
But sadly, that's impossible. Even without[sr]Activated Fog, my lightning is far too strong.

[charaFace H 0]
@Nikola Tesla
Why? Because I am a genius.[sr]Why? Because I am the lightning.

@Nikola Tesla
What is a god[line 3][sr]Yes, what is a god? A god is the lightning.

@Nikola Tesla
Since ancient times, many men have believed this,[sr]and in fact...

@Nikola Tesla
Even setting Zeus and Indra aside, it is indeed a god.[sr]Lightning, a divine power striking from the heavens.

[charaFace H 5]
@Nikola Tesla
Behold. The light I bring to the earth[sr]is great power itself!

@Nikola Tesla
Energy guiding a new electric, consumer civilization! My[sr]lightning is the final farewell to the old era and its myths!

@Nikola Tesla
It is a new myth![sr]It is "my light," a gift unto humanity!

[charaFace H 1]
@Nikola Tesla
Now,[sr]I shall display to all of you!

[charaFace H 2]
@Nikola Tesla
[fontSize large][line 2]System Keraunos![fontSize -]

[flashin once 0.4 0.4 FFFFFF80 00000000]
[backEffectStop bit_talk_lightning_01t]
[effectStop bit_talk_lightning_02t]
[se ad63]
[wait flash]
[wt 0.5]
[fadeout black 0.5]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_3 0.4]
[wait effect]
[wait fade]