

[charaSet A 98001000 1 Mash]
[charaSet B 25005000 1 Voyager]
[charaSet C 5007001 1 Shakespeare]
[charaSet D 1098193600 1 "Master of Akihabara"]
[charaSet E 98015000 1 ???]

[branchMaterial lblMaterial]

[branch lblBranchMaterialEnd]

[label lblMaterial]
[scene 95500]

[label lblBranchMaterialEnd]

[pictureFrame cut170_gameframe_bright]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

[pictureFrameTop cut170_gameframe_bright]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]
I hear a voice. A really nice voice. It's pretty, and strong.

?1:That voice does sound familiar... Are they performing a play or something?


[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
Now that you mention it...it does seem like a performance. It sounds like it's coming from that hotel. Let's go see.

[wipeout leftToRight 1.0 1.0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 0.5]
[wait wipe]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]

[wt 0.5]

[wipein rightToLeft 1.0 1.0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 0.5]
[wait wipe]
[wt 0.4]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 0]
[charaFadein D 0.4 0,-50]
[wt 0.4]
@Master of Akihabara
“How much is true love worth?”

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 2]
[charaFadein C 0.4 0,-50]
[wt 0.4]
“To even attempt to name a price[sr]would be crude beyond compare.”

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 0]
[charaFadein D 0.1 0,-50]
@Master of Akihabara
“But I wish to trace your love back to its source, so that I may measure it in all its grandeur.”

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 1]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]
There we go. I knew it would be worth staying in this hotel night and day to have you help me rehearse, Master.

[charaFace C 0]
Hm? Who is it?

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 3]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
Oh! I'm sorry if we're intruding. The door was wide open, so...

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 1]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]
I know about your celestial object.[sr]It has many others you wrote about in orbit.

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 1]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]
Well now, you do me a tremendous honor, my little prince!

[charaFace C 0]
I say, your showing up here is most fortuitous![sr]Would you be so kind as to grant me your assistance?

?1:Depends on what we're assisting with.
?2:You're asking us to perform in your play, aren't you?

[charaFace C 4]
A kind offer, but no. Our cup runneth over with performers.


[charaFace C 0]
Worry not, my dear mage. I am well aware that you are incapable of wielding anything heavier than a pen...

...which is why I merely request you transcribe what my cohort Master of Akihabara and I are about to perform.

[charaFace C 1]
All you need do is write down every word we say,[sr]without missing a proverbial beat.

?1:Well, that doesn't sound like fun.
?2:That sounds like something Mash would be great at.


[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]

Um, don't we still have missing Servants[sr]we need to find as soon as possible?

[charaFace A 8]
I'm pretty sure that goes for you too, Shakespeare[line 2]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 1.0]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 0]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]
Now, let us begin!

[charaFace C 2]
“Then you shall end up searching[sr]for new and distant lands.”

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 0]
[charaPut E 0,-50]
[se ad42]
[charaSpecialEffect E appearanceReverse 1 0.7]
[seStop ad42 1.2]
[wait charaSpecialEffect E]

[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_3 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 6]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
Enemies!? They just appeared out of nowhere!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 0]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]
Goodness, what a triumph! I never dreamed that my words would pulse with so much magical energy as to quite literally take on a life of their own!

[charaFace C 2]
I implore you, do not let them get away![sr]I wouldst ask that you capture them, for the arts!

?1:So you're not even gonna try to help us!?

?2:This game world can be a real pain.


[charaFace C 4]
Unfortunately, as the author of these now-embodied words, 'tis my duty to ensure they do not depart before their time.

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 12]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
I, um, can't say I get what he's talking about, but okay! Let's do our best to subdue them!

[maskout black 0.5]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_3 0.4]
[wait mask]
[fadeout black 0]
[wait fade]
[wt 0.4]