[{ "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "全员,突击准备……!" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让你见识我的全力……!" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,让我们分个胜负吧——" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "如果这就是你的决定……" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "这是守护人理之战。" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "决不放过……!" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "正面应战!" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "为这条道路带来胜利!" }, { "id": 100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "圣剑,解放——" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "消失吧。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "太脆弱了!" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "闭嘴。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——哭泣吧。该是堕落之时了。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "感到荣幸吧。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "分寸? 你是在开玩笑吧?" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "消失吧。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "太脆弱了!" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "闭嘴。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "——哭泣吧。该是堕落之时了。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "感到荣幸吧。" }, { "id": 100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "不忍直视。" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "接下来要用力……!" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "剑在心中……是这样吧?" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "当然能行!" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "请好好看着――我会带给您胜利!" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "认真瞄准……要笔直!" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "冷静而轻快地。" }, { "id": 100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "芙,芙呜~♪" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "提升吧!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "圣者之泉啊!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唔嗯!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给余吧!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那就照这么办吧。" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "开启大门吧! 拉开独唱之幕吧!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "火焰之泉啊!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "感谢大家的声援!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "午饭来一个多层大饭盒吧!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "预备,咚!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "余会拿下第一名!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "好好看着吧!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "拉响信号吧! 终幕即将开始!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "接力赛是最棒的!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "老实等着吧。" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "但愿对方能配得上当余的对手。" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "让余好好疼爱你吧。" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "差不多是这里吧?" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "余很喜欢哦。" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "喝彩永不停歇! 现在是沉醉之刻!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "宴会才刚刚开始吧?" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B080", "text": "要豪华,而且还要轻快!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B090", "text": "热情的民谣也不错呢?" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B180", "text": "一、" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B190", "text": "二、" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B200", "text": "三♡" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B210", "text": "会场内的大家~,谢谢~~!" }, { "id": 100500, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B480", "text": "安可最多只能三次!" }, { "id": 100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "连这招带捧花一同接下吧……!" }, { "id": 100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "再次对余刮目相看吧!" }, { "id": 100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真有一手!" }, { "id": 100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真是的可爱的家伙!" }, { "id": 100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让开道来! 这可是皇帝的登场之路!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "打乱其呼吸!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "上午的阳光啊,守护善行吧。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "领命。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "圣剑,拔刀——" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "虽然还远不及吾王……!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "现在正是决胜之刻!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "邪念当断……!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "受人之物,必当返还。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "睡意终于散去了!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "请允许我要攻击破绽了。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "夏日的阳光啊,请守护焦急的心情吧。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "当然。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "迸发吧。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "准备太阳镜。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "那么,开始动手吧。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "放马过来吧。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B490", "text": "成为救生员!" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B880", "text": "呵,看来我也还差得远呢。" }, { "id": 100700, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B890", "text": "我的首级,是不会被拿下的哦。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就这样上吧。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯,这个么。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "――上!" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "眼镜闪光!" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "发动!" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 100800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "夏季到来!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "准备突击咯!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "看招!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "噢!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哈,那让我们开始蹂躏吧!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "很好,干掉对手!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "真是太棒了!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "真拿你没办法!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "行嘞!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "在我的剑下毁灭吧畜生们!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "要我手下留情吗,啊?" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "真是太棒了!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "真拿你没办法!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "行嘞!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "在我的剑下毁灭吧畜生们!" }, { "id": 100900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "要我手下留情吗,啊?" }, { "id": 101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "一人为我,人人为我!" }, { "id": 101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "快看! 我要做了哦!" }, { "id": 101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗷呜~~!" }, { "id": 101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "一刀两断!" }, { "id": 101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真是个好指令!" }, { "id": 101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "OK! 接下来就交给我吧!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾之剑,吾之臂,全都是为了王。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不朽且不屈!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要上了吗。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "将我全部力量,都托付给您!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "银之臂啊,请赐予我光辉!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "魔力全解放。能行。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "将一切,都献上吧!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "由我来守护。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "请见证我的忠义吧。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "银之臂啊,赐予我力量吧。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "魔力啊,凝聚在我的手臂上吧……" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "领命。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "让我的手臂成为您的助力!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "宝具,起动准备。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "努亚达啊,梅林啊!" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "请交给我吧。" }, { "id": 101200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "请见证我的忠义吧。" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真没办法。" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "麻烦。" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真是的,居然让我打头阵。" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "黄金剑,启动准备。" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "魔剑啊,似乎该你出场了。" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "来吧,把问题搞定吧!" }, { "id": 101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "真会强人所难……" }, { "id": 101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "如何?" }, { "id": 101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哈哈哈哈!" }, { "id": 101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "螺旋,准备!" }, { "id": 101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好嘞,就瞄准那里吧~!" }, { "id": 101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "唔。突然有灵感了!" }, { "id": 101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "包在我身上吧!" }, { "id": 101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我就等这一刻了!" }, { "id": 101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你们领教一下五轮的神髓吧!" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "繁荣就到此为止了。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "军神的力量在我手中。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "别死啊。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "破坏――目标。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "繁荣与动员都到此为止了。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "军神的动员在我手中。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "是啊。" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "唔?" }, { "id": 101800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "目标捕捉。宝具开放。" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "毗湿奴保佑!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "王之契约。" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "准备上吧!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好好领教余的力量吧!!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "余之剑,如烈火!!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "悉多,余是不会输的……!" }, { "id": 101900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "向着正确的生命之途!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "仙女的佑护。" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "就是这里!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "向吾王宣誓!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "阿隆戴特,加速……!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "上,吾之圣剑!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "与湖中仙女一起……" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "在圆桌的名下!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "圣剑啊,与我同在!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "快退下吧!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "给我让开!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "麻烦来点加护!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "嗨起来——!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "动手吧!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "干杯!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "虽然这身打扮,但上宝具!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "怀着一夏的悲伤回忆。" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "结束一切吧……" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "向这身泳装与圣剑起誓!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "吾王,敬请见证!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "哪怕身着泳装!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "只能做了!" }, { "id": 102000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "享受夏日吧。" }, { "id": 102200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这样如何?" }, { "id": 102200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哈哈哈哈哈! 没问题!" }, { "id": 102200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我们上吧。" }, { "id": 102200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 102200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 102200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "现在正是进军之时!" }, { "id": 102600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "上。" }, { "id": 102600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "没事。我能做到──" }, { "id": 102600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 102600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 102600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 102600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "赌上我的尊严──" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "迅疾,锐利!!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "以吾之剑刺穿敌人!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "要上了!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "接我这秘剑之闪光吧!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "就此——结束吧!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "一定要撑住啊……我的身体。" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "觉悟吧!" }, { "id": 102700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "呜噗……! 没关系,能行!" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真不太平啊。" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "如果顺利就好了。" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是要杀入敌阵吧?" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "天色已然破晓。" }, { "id": 102800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "梦已然结束。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "认真上吧。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "是吗,明白了。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我会解决给你看的。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,做个了结吧——" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "我会试一下。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "应该稍稍手下留情吧。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "你说得没错。" }, { "id": 102900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "是,我的御主。" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "挺好的嘛~挺好的嘛~!" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "当真来劲了!" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "OK~♪" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "收到!" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "知道啦知道啦~。" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要来个狐之婚嫁吗?" }, { "id": 103000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "会让你见识的啦!" }, { "id": 103100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这里~!" }, { "id": 103100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哪里?" }, { "id": 103100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 103100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 103100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 103100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "雷电,准备!" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "该如何斩杀呢。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "完全明白了。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……斩杀于刀下。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "遵命。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "那么。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "既是主命。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "没有问题。" }, { "id": 103200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "好了,那么。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "使用能力。龙之智慧,取之不尽。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "敌我识别确认。发动。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "允诺。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "详情明确,宝具启动。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "展开准备。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "唔。应该说Let's play吧。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "尽情玩耍,尽情学习。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "在下接受。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "用宝具吹飞一切。炎热的天气用这种方式最适合了。" }, { "id": 103300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "就当是余暑时分的探望吧。" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要不要休息一会儿? 呵呵!" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你打算如何?" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真是个贪心的家伙!" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "呵呵,可以哦……" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要求过多的人可是会被讨厌的哦?" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "可不能错过按下快门的时机哦?" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我就稍微认真一点好啦。" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "就让我用这为你舔掉吧♡" }, { "id": 103400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "那边的那位,做好觉悟了吗?" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "就是这里!" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "怎么样!" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "噢。" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "现在是斩杀之刻。" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 103500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "光辉之貌的……迪尔姆德! 在此!" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "出击!" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "您意下如何?" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "遵命。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "出击吧。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "在此解开我的封印。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "安静,乖。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "夏日也要严肃认真!" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "夏日也要不为疲倦!" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "我会努力。" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "决不输给夏天的酷暑!" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "这种情况下,只要摘下太阳眼镜就行了吧……?" }, { "id": 103600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "还要注意马匹的状态……好乖好乖。" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要不要先来一碗啾?" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "阎雀拔刀术,出击!" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "利落地斩击啾。" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我会加油啾。" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "有点提不啾精神……" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "体罚的时间到了啾。" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "真是个不明事理的客人啾……" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "你喜欢哪个藤箱啾?" }, { "id": 103700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "伴手礼在这里啾!" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这里应该这么做,理所当然!" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真是拿你们没办法!" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "居然胆敢命令我?" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "喂喂。" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "喂喂喂。" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "呼哈哈哈哈!阿耳戈船英雄,该出击啦!" }, { "id": 103800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "胜利近在眼前!" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "为了必须守护的存在!" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "女神啊……请赐予我力量。" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我出击了!" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "跟我上!" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "非常好的指示。" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "岂能让你——继续肆意妄为!" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "倾听我的誓言吧。" }, { "id": 103900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "一起战斗吧。" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "万万岁。" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真是个不识好歹的。" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "就这么办!" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "不在话下。" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "轻巧地进攻吧。" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "来吧来吧!" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "凉爽凉爽!" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "挺能干的嘛。" }, { "id": 104000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "哈,迷上人家了吗?" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我要动手了哦,我要动手了哦~!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这招怎么样?" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好好~!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "终于到展示我必杀技的时候了吗!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "但愿不要缠住!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "卡利戈兰特之剑,要上了哦!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "在此捕捉巨人!" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 104100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾等为星辰!是闪耀于天空的存在!" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "破例一次哦。由我带你上路。" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哎呀!" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哼。" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哎,是这样啊。" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就称颂吧,称颂吾等之星辰!" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好吧。粉碎对象。" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "哥哥。……好吧。" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "由我出马!是,哥哥!" }, { "id": 104200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "吾等为光,是暴风雨之后到来的光!" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了好了,呼唔?" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这样就可以啦!" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "呼嗯。" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样就行了。" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "接下来。" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好,开始动手吧!" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "宝具时间到了。我要有精彩表现啦!" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我会像钻石一般熠熠生辉哦!" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "能量填充!" }, { "id": 104300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "无敌! 最强!" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "总之,轻松点上吧。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "那就杀了吧。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "知道啦知道啦。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "就让你见识一下吧,无敌之剑。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "唔,碍事,退后一点啦御主亲。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "试着接下这剑吧。但接下就会死哦。" }, { "id": 104400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "太得意忘形了吧。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "设定,调整。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "攻击。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "更猛烈地攻击。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这是但马大人亲授的!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "要出击了哦!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "旭将军,敬请见证!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "设定,调整。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "攻击。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "更猛烈地攻击。" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "这是但马大人亲授的!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "要出击了哦!" }, { "id": 104500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "旭将军,敬请见证!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "呵呵呵,可以哦!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "接下来……" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好哦?" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎~。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这可是出血大放送哦!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "呀哈哈哈,上了。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "要灵基强制再临了哦?" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "那么,该怎么办呢。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "余不是野槌蛇!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "轻重有些难掌握呢。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "我·要·上·了·哟!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "这挺好呢。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "这样也可以呢。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "没问题! 御主!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "那我要拔刀了哦。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "可不要移开视线哦。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "——对不起啦。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "把魔力哔哔哔地~。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "空、岚、雷。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "神鸣之音……!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "这样啊,这样啊。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "这个嘛……" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "你说了吧。哈哈!" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "那么,就拔刀吧。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "不允许你移开视线。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "畏惧吧。" }, { "id": 104600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "休想……逃跑。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "斩。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "杀。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "前去斩杀。请提供支援。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "既然有鬼出现,就该轮到我出马了。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "划九字印。然后斩首。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "啊啊。这瞬间总是让人很不舒服。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "屠戮魔性。" }, { "id": 104700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "砍下首级。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "给你礼物。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真正的圣诞老人眼睛会发光。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "就这么办。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这战术组合不错。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "一、二!" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "猛击吧。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "就是说……轮到圣诞老人出场了吧。" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "圣诞……快乐!" }, { "id": 104800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "走黑暗的夜路也可以放心。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "投影,开始。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯……老夫看得很清楚。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "该出场了吗。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "都退后。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "正如锻造无限吧……" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "真是个奢侈的要求!" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "不要石头,拿木头来!" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "开始淬火吧!" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "不赖,锻得很好!" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "我是很想隐居啦。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "唔……还可以是这样的啊。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "看清楚了。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "可以,见证到最后吧。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "一切众生悉有佛性——" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "见证锻造的精髓吧……!" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "我已经习惯火星了。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "刀纹不错呢。" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "无论年龄多大,唯独这个让人无法抵抗啊!" }, { "id": 104900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "是饭团哦,要吃吗?" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "赌上这角……" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "所谓的强者,是……" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "不是对手。" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "对我下命令?" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好好见识妖精骑士的力量吧……!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "由我出击!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "弱肉,强食!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "服从我吧!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "华丽地战斗吧……" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "赌上氏族的尊严……" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "毫无难度。" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "对我的命令?" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "宝具……当然,能做到。" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "虽然这身打扮下……不是很有干劲……!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "别用下流的眼神看我……!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "礼节,隶属!" }, { "id": 105000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "一个都别想逃!" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让你见识一下炼狱隐藏的力量。……不是,你倒是放我下来啊。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "怎么样,能看清吗?都多亏了你啦。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这是个正确的判断。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这里就……交给我吧。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你见识一下魔的绝技吧。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "主人啊,打起精神上啦。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我与炼狱的力量现在合二为一!别说了啦。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "全力出击!嗯,毫不留情。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "ZZZ……啊!? 不,我没睡哦。这样啊。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "炼狱,能斩吗?当然,被主人挥动的我没有斩不断的东西。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "主人啊,你有在听吗?唔?" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "——炼狱。嗯,随时都可以。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "人之祈祷,于我手中!" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "炼狱,还醒着吧。这应该是我的台词吧。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "动用全力,炼狱!嗯,交给我吧!" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "……上吧。" }, { "id": 105100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "……上吧。睡着了吗?睡着了。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "发动,上吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不想见识一下我帅气的样子吗?" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "接受指令!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "用这圣光平等地照耀一切吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "触发器设置。上,咎瓦尤斯!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "你们几个,拜托了,把力量借给我吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "全力释放!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "术式强化,看我把你打飞!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "当然要战。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "何其神圣,是吗。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "走吧。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "千变万化的吾剑在此。" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B010", "text": "上吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B020", "text": "还没完!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B030", "text": "太天真了啦!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B040", "text": "夏尔拳!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "到此为止啦!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "是世界第一吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B100", "text": "我是路过的型男,夏尔!没关系,我是不会对遇到困难的人坐视不理的!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B110", "text": "哎哟,要打架啊。空手搏斗是城里的一大景色,好了,让我们开始吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B120", "text": "充分领教型男夏尔的英姿了吗?" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B130", "text": "赢啦赢啦,又赢啦!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B140", "text": "还没完!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B150", "text": "好痛好痛!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B160", "text": "啊~……玩笑有点开过头了,抱歉!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B170", "text": "到此为止了吗……" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "遵命!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "非常好!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "没忘记我这把剑吧?" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "高唱喜悦之歌吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "哈利路亚兄弟!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B410", "text": "上上上!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B420", "text": "吃我这招!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B430", "text": "看招!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B440", "text": "幸福的话就厮杀吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "很久很久以前!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "打过去吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B500", "text": "一、二、三、四……好,动手吧!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B520", "text": "查理曼没有失败这两个字哦!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B530", "text": "忘记我这张脸了吗? 我可是国王哦!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B540", "text": "" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B550", "text": "这不太妙!" }, { "id": 105200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B840", "text": "Adios,永别了!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "冷静一点。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "集中……" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "或许是个不错的作战。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "排除,坏虫子。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "步调一致!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要……决战了吧。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "小贰,上吧!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "真名——解放!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "发号施令吧,姐姐!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "轻巧地,柔软地!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "好~可~爱~。……姐也是。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "身体很轻巧呢。嗯。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "勇于面对吧,两个人一起!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "紧握之手。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "河流潺潺之声。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "仰望天空。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "全力上吧。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "愿望的终点。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "真名——解放。" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "吾等之刃!" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "稍事休息吧?" }, { "id": 105300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "但愿这种时光,能永远……" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "别具一格哦。" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "有加雷斯陪着!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "噢噢!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "魔剑,准备启动!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "终于要开始了呢!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "赤剑啊!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "要赢得胜利哦~!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "别具一格哦。" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "有加雷斯陪着!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "我明白了!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "噢噢!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "魔剑,准备启动!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "终于要开始了呢!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "抱歉是自创流派!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "赤剑啊!" }, { "id": 105400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "要赢得胜利哦~!" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嗯……走吧。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好了,该怎么办呢。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "轮到我了吧。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "为了开拓大家的未来……" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我已经有觉悟了。" }, { "id": 105500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我有个好主意。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真没办法。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要一起动手吗?" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "知道了。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "没什么。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好啦好啦。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我会让你看到,也会看你。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "就算你避开不看,也可以。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "只要是命令。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我觉得你会后悔的。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "自我封印·暗黑神殿!" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "要一起去吗?" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "来吧。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "我会听从。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "苏醒吧——" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "轮到你出场了哦。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "展现怪物的真正价值。" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "闪耀吧,黄金剑!" }, { "id": 105600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "我竟然会用盾。" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "虽然不像我的作风。" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这就是! 赤枝的骑士!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交!给!我!吧!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上吧~!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2080", "text": "" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "随时都可以开始哦!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "收到!!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "知道了。" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "紧咬不放!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "动手吧!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "所谓的该如何战斗,该如何杀戮!" }, { "id": 105700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "我知道啦,师傅。" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "就是这个!" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "阿里阿德涅!" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了明白了。" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "接受了。" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "相信引导吧,出击!" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这就是我的选择。" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "宝具吗……好!" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "纺线!" }, { "id": 105800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "使出全力!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……胆敢靠近就斩杀。" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是吗?" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "唔……" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好好看清楚!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要上了!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "……不得已。" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "没办法!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "扫荡一清!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "水神……" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "水啊!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "吾之心……" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "解放……" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "好吧!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "要上了。" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "界剑,解放!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "剑在吾手中!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "水神!" }, { "id": 105900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "迸发吧!" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾心……" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "如冰。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2080", "text": "啊唔啊唔……好。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2090", "text": "后手占先……!" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……没问题吧。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我试试!" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "既为主命。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2480", "text": "有备无患呢。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "由我来终结吧。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "老爷子,在吗?" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "拜托了,红玉。" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "五轮之刃……" }, { "id": 106000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "习惯不太好呢。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "Trace on!" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是进攻的时候了。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "把魔力交给我。了结这一切吧,御主!" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "……这样啊。那就点燃冶炼之火吧。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "趁这个机会,彻底解决掉吧。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "但这也不是在玩。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "猛烈一些吧。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "没错没错。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "是个机会吧?" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "当然可以。交给我吧,御主。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "真的吗? 真没办法。" }, { "id": 200100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "事先准备是很重要的。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "提升一下精度吧。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你就好好地垂死挣扎吧!" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "无聊。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真是好事。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "打开宝物库的门锁吧。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "战斗得非常英勇。本王可以承认你是勇者。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "轮到你出场了。醒来吧,EA。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "为何还不明白你是没有胜算的!" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "不用急。先查看一下局面。" }, { "id": 200200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "累了就休息。本王是不会过劳死的!" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "只要造成擦伤就足够了。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "为胜利所做的铺垫就相当于为追求村姑所说的花言巧语哦。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到~" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白啦明白啦。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "准备得非常顺利。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就来一发吧。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "吾之墓碑在箭矢前方——" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "不好意思呀,休假中我也是带着武器的。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "要我嗖地一声射穿你的心吗。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "是个有赚头的对手吗?" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "破绽百出哦。" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "都到度假胜地来了,还要用宝具啊!" }, { "id": 200300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "就算只有一条内裤,我也会动手哦!" }, { "id": 200500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "是这个吧。" }, { "id": 200500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "就这么办。" }, { "id": 200500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 200500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我知道了。" }, { "id": 200500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 200500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好吧。狩猎的时间到了……!" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嘿咻。" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不知道能行吗?" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "♪~♪" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "对呢。" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "轻松点,轻松点。" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯? 巨人吗? 那开始动手吧。" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "稍微会有些痛,要小心哦。" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "没问题没问题,那我就扔了哦。" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "要不要来一曲?" }, { "id": 200600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "嗯嗯,真不错。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "请来这里。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "请将您的手递给我。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好的。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "请多指教。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就开始吧……" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "宝具起动。用我的弓,弹奏悲伤的旋律。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "狂乱绽放吧,吾之菲尔诺特!" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "轻快地演奏吧。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "演奏悲伤的歌曲。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "演奏欢乐的歌曲。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "演奏激烈的歌曲。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "喜欢炸鸡块吗?" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "犹如鸮面鹦鹉。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "我会做的。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "相当了得。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "我要放个大招了,稍微离远一些。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "要~射~击~了~。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "来一曲吧。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "叮咚叮咚叮咚。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "那就一起来吧。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "是要退场了吧。" }, { "id": 200800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "与鸟一起。" }, { "id": 200900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "啊哈哈,好开心!" }, { "id": 200900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "唔……这个如何?" }, { "id": 200900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 200900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯♪" }, { "id": 200900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我要上啰♪" }, { "id": 200900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "兴致高昂地上啰~♪" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "接招!" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这可是我擅长的。看招。" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "OK" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上啦!" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要接受决斗吗?" }, { "id": 201000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "弹个硬币。" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "没错! 星之开拓者!" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "请多关照!" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "雷电!" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "刮目相看吧!" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "此乃特斯拉线圈。" }, { "id": 201100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "哎哟,又有灵感了。" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我要上了哦♪" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好♪" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我才不要。" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,就让我用眼神告诉你吧!" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我会射穿你的心脏!" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "用真正女神的眼睛……开玩笑的啦♡" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "要试着头下脚上地坠落吗?" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "那我就收下啦♪" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "未尝不可♪" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "不行。" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "都说不行了啦!" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "唔,真是的。" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "坠落吧,坠入深渊的最底部。" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "你有没有——在看我的眼睛?" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "真正的女神用眼睛杀人! 说出来啦♪" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "你的心脏,我收下啦!" }, { "id": 201200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "上咯!" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我会用尽全力!" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上吧!" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——没问题。" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "——啊啊,说得对。" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "——这样啊。" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "……神圣的太阳之主啊。" }, { "id": 201300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我,能够看到——!" }, { "id": 201400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "看招!" }, { "id": 201400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这样如何。" }, { "id": 201400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 201400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 201400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好了。" }, { "id": 201400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那开始吧!" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就用这个吧。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "那就请吧。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好了,你打算如何?" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "所有邪恶皆应毁灭!" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "接下来地狱即将出现!" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "获赐恩惠。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "吾之目光,射穿吧!" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "要我拿出天授的存在吗。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "我对富贵没有兴趣。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "我知道了。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "那就果断迅速地歼灭吧。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "让我们轻松地上吧……用宝具痛击敌人!" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "发动宝具。也就意味着清理周围的环境。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "稍微提升点干劲吧。" }, { "id": 201500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "请做好觉悟。" }, { "id": 201600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这样挺好的。全部杀光。" }, { "id": 201600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "凄惨的死去吧!" }, { "id": 201600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哼。" }, { "id": 201600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 201600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真忙碌。" }, { "id": 201600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "把魔力交给我。我会立刻结束这一切。" }, { "id": 201800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "战斗现在才刚开始。" }, { "id": 201800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 201800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 201800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 201800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 201800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "管教的时间开始了。" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "代价可是很高的哦!" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "优雅地,华丽地,大胆地……!" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唔……挺好的。" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "知道啦知道啦。" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "目标决定了吗?" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "可以,就让我把你带去金星吧!" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "想要见识我的真正实力?" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "Set!" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "献给安努神。" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "王冠啊,赐予我力量……!" }, { "id": 202000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "来吧,拜服于此吧!" }, { "id": 202100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "平息吧,平息吧……" }, { "id": 202100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "义仲大人……" }, { "id": 202100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 202100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 202100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "包在我身上吧。" }, { "id": 202100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "谨遵您的命令!" }, { "id": 202110, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "火焰啊……" }, { "id": 202110, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "热血,无法平复……" }, { "id": 202110, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 202110, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 202110, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就这么照办吧。" }, { "id": 202110, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……那么,就这么做吧。" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嚯~嚯~嚯~。我是圣诞老人哦?" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "礼物赠与你。" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "咩~。" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。可以做到。" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "……脑袋有些恍惚……" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "圣诞老人特效,发动……吸,呼……" }, { "id": 202200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "该你出场了,茨尔戈。让御主见识你帅气的一面。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "无聊。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呼唤蜘蛛吧。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "出杰克。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "皇后。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "国王。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就鬼牌。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我将会击穿心脏。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "现在是与魔弹共舞的时间哦。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "方块。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "梅花。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "黑桃。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "蛛丝会无限延伸哦。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "实在是太开心了。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "摇晃。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "搅拌。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "琴酒。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "伏特加。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "基纳利莱。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "维斯帕马天尼。意下如何?" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "随时都可以。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "酣醉了吗?" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B380", "text": "酸橙。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B390", "text": "加冰。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B400", "text": "餐前酒。" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "要点什么?" }, { "id": 202300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "来,请吧。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那我就收下了。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这是我的光荣。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "出杰克。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "皇后。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "国王。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就鬼牌。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我将会击穿心脏。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "现在是与魔弹共舞的时间哦。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "方块。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "梅花。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "黑桃。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "蛛丝会无限延伸哦。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "实在是太开心了。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9080", "text": "摇晃。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9090", "text": "搅拌。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9180", "text": "琴酒。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9190", "text": "伏特加。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9200", "text": "基纳利莱。" }, { "id": 202310, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9210", "text": "维斯帕马天尼。意下如何?" }, { "id": 202400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 202400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "全部杀光!" }, { "id": 202400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是我!" }, { "id": 202400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧!" }, { "id": 202400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 202400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "无可奈何!!" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "加油哦,安妮!" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真没办法。" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "那就这样。" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上吧!上啦!" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "做好突击准备了。" }, { "id": 202500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来吧,海盗要从这里过啦!来吧,海盗要从这里过啦!" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我可不会做无谓的射击!" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "举起手来!" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真期待。" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我就不客气了!" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "锁定!" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,我们上吧,御主!" }, { "id": 202600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "巨大浪潮英格兰!" }, { "id": 202700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "你就那么想看吗?" }, { "id": 202700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你想要我这么做吧?" }, { "id": 202700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 202700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "想要这么做吗?" }, { "id": 202700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 202700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我会让你……看个厉害的!" }, { "id": 202800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "稍微休息一会儿。" }, { "id": 202800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "有些口渴了呢。" }, { "id": 202800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧,总之开始射击!" }, { "id": 202800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 202800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "NYARF!" }, { "id": 202800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,嗯。没问题哦!" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我——比较强。" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不要……过于乱动。" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是那边吗?" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "凶(扭曲)——" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯,我明白了。" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我听到了……雨声……" }, { "id": 202900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "嗯。是要拧断吧?" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这招如何?" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "智慧是不变之物。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那么。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "该是进攻的时候了吧,你判断得不错。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "那么,发动吧。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "明白了,宝具已经装填完毕了。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "有些事情必须知晓。" }, { "id": 203000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "闪耀的蝎之尾啊!" }, { "id": 203100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我们痛快地干一场吧! 哈哈哈!" }, { "id": 203100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我的字典上……好像没有不可能这几个字哦!" }, { "id": 203100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 203100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是(Oui)!" }, { "id": 203100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "行(D’accord)!" }, { "id": 203100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "胜利就是前进哦!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "是这边吧。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我的海豚很勇敢哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "歇一口气吧。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那就这样。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "来一场宝贵的航行之旅!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "大家,集中啦~!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "要保密哦? 要保密哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "我们上吧。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "会很耀眼哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "加油哦!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "要保密哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "是这边吧。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "我的海豚很勇敢哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "歇一口气吧。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "那就这样。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "来一场宝贵的航行之旅!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "大家,集中啦~!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "要保密哦? 要保密哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B380", "text": "我们上吧。" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B390", "text": "会很耀眼哦?" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B400", "text": "光轮,展开!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "加油哦!" }, { "id": 203200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "要保密哦?" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "来吧来吧来吧!" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "燃烧吧!" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "啊?" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哼!" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "该死的,明白了!" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "技巧战斗。战轮·启动!" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "愤怒吧,愤怒吧,愤怒才是我的力量!" }, { "id": 203300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "杀了你这家伙!" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "不需要着急。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "先抽根烟吧。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "就在那里吧。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "安静点吧。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样做吧。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我是不会射偏的。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "总比那只苹果要简单吧。" }, { "id": 203400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "好了,该射什么?" }, { "id": 203500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "咩~" }, { "id": 203500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "阿波罗大人!" }, { "id": 203500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 203500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了!" }, { "id": 203500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我会加油的!" }, { "id": 203500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "发射准备。预备!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "上,上,上!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "遇敌!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "全军突击! 奋力向前冲!" }, { "id": 203600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "装弹!" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "唔~,好可爱~!" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "心以外的部分也要击穿哦☆" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上膛,上膛!" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "收到☆" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "差不多……是时候了吧?" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好嘞,一决胜负吧!" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "加油,加油,御·主!" }, { "id": 203700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "噢,真美味!" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "所谓的祝福和诅咒没什么差别哦。" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让你见识一下天下无双的力量吧!" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "知道啦~。" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "恶,要用宝具吗? 好吧也不是不行啦!" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "爱……很沉重……" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "瞄准目标。" }, { "id": 203800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "抱怨就向女神说去吧。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "安瓿弹链,余量充足。继续开始治疗。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "没有问题,毕竟我已经习惯了。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "进行投药。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "进行注入。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不会痛的。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那让我们开始吧。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "现在是宴会时间。" }, { "id": 203900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "铃铛啊,高声鸣响吧……" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "咋样!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "感觉来电了!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "切克闹!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "排!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "妥妥的!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "偶会让你见识偶有多帅!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "举起手嗨起来!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "嘿嘿~,稀饭稀饭最稀饭了~!" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这也太猛了吧?" }, { "id": 204000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "臣服在姐姐大人的威严之下吧!" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "必须消灭碍事的家伙才行。" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唉,我知道了。" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真拿你没办法。" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我……我来吗!?" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要……要不要拜托姐姐大人?" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "姐姐大人……" }, { "id": 204100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "姐姐大人的杯子……咳咳!" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "绝不放弃……夏天!" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要猛烈射击了哦!" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "举枪~。" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "瞄准~。" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "喷射!" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "啊,感觉……好像要领悟到什么了……" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我有种自己又要分裂的预感!" }, { "id": 204200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "给花儿浇水吧~。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "任性,无常。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "残酷,恶劣。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "毫无品味!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "叫啊。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "怎么不去死?" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "由我来扰乱你的命运吧!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "一个个撕碎未免太麻烦了。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "你没用了,去死吧。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "洒满全身!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "再多一些,再多一些!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "任性,无常。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "残酷,恶劣。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "毫无品味!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "叫啊。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "怎么不去死?" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "由我来扰乱你的命运吧!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "一个个撕碎未免太麻烦了。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "你没用了,去死吧。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "洒满全身!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "再多一些,再多一些!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "不能原谅!" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "垃圾。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "渣滓。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "破烂。" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "你也要……试着承受看看吗?" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "啊啊……母亲大人……" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "死不掉……死不掉啊……" }, { "id": 204300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "多一些,多一些!" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "尽情游玩吧。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "维,充满夏日风情地闪耀吧。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "请多关照。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "请便请便。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要使出王牌了。维,准备宝具。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "明白了。来,冬天的时间到了哦。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "真的可以吗,那我就不客气了。" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "御主,做好御寒准备了吗?" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "夏日搭配!" }, { "id": 204400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "来个特别的。" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "东方的女王,在此!" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "正是这种沉重,才让我……!" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "瞄准。" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "没有异议。" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "洗刷耻辱之刻到来了……!" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我想要的是……!" }, { "id": 204500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "不要胆怯,反击!" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "发动。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "运作中。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "答应。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "提案。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "代号·弓兵。解放。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "接下来将冲入修罗门。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "强弓可以全力使用。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "杀戮技巧。" }, { "id": 204600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "……不会输。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "正所谓心若已感,口亦成声哦。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "有趣即为正义! 对吧?" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,我听着呢。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这还真是有趣!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "正好,我有个好主意。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "嗯,现在就是关键时刻吧。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "想见识我的王牌吧?" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "诸位,让我们有趣快乐地上吧!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "呵欠~……真无聊。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "好,大致明白了。革新!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "总之,先喘口气吧,你也冷静一点。" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "有何不可!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "就要这样!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "嗯,在这里闹个天翻地覆吧!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "让我们在这里放个华丽地烟花吧!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "接下来,你们将见识到高杉晋作的一切!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "别人是别人,我是我!只要有趣怎么都可以!" }, { "id": 204700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "弹奏生命之歌吧!" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "摩诃摩耶……" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "诸神的力量啊,降临此处。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "光。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "毁灭吧。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "愤怒,无法遏制……!" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "请求,接受。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "开始执行。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "都是好孩子。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "伟大的幻力。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "该出场了。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "检索兵装。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "似乎很好吃……" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "胜利已经近了。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "去死。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "吞噬。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "是血。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "胜利,是胜利……!" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "现在是杀戮之时。" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "啊啊,亢奋……!" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "开动了哦……" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "是不是,还太早了……?" }, { "id": 204800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "吾之眼啊,睁开吧。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "不用担心啦。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真好听。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "同感。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "没有异议。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "最大救援!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "如果用这个能够消除灾害……!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "这是我的真本事,为之震惊吧!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "来被我保护吧!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "转来转去的真碍眼!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "你们在干什么!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "带一点便餐吧。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "饿不饿?" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "一切听您吩咐。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "还有其他计划吗?" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "如果我可以的话。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "虽然不是服侍的工作……" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "巨大地上吧。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "既然是老爷的……拜托。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "要遵守礼仪!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "嗯,因为是女仆嘛!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B5230", "text": "只要是小姐的愿望。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "叠起来,扔进垃圾箱。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "捡起来,放进柜子里。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "真是的,没办法……" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "嗯,我会手下留情的。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "我正有此意。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "哎呀……" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "模具形态!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "雷云,反转!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "履行强者的职责吧……" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "饮水处在那边哦。" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "由我,来守护!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "巨大有什么不好!" }, { "id": 204900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "驱散,然后拯救!" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "那就用这招吧!" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给吾吧!" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你们见识一下久远之光吧!" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这就是法罗斯的大灯塔!" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来吧,击穿他们吧!" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "继续读那个故事。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "开始检索。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "听到指示了。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "好吧,歼灭。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "让你们见识一下知识与力量吧。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "开启吧,睿智之门。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "嚯,打算开启吾之图书馆了吗。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "在此奠定睿智的基础。" }, { "id": 205000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "好了,继续读那个故事吧。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好,来啦!" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "装填装填。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "知道啦。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好~,那就瞄准吧!" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "赌博啦赌博。究竟是吉还是凶呢。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "那就不客气地用两颗好啦。" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "两颗就够了,不是吗?" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "再装填!" }, { "id": 205100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "会命中哦。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "装填完毕,能行。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "因为我不是孩子了……不是。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "装填。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "瞄准的不会打偏,大概吧。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "点火开战。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "休想逃过我的眼睛。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "一发定胜负……唔,误差在百发以内。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "能看见我的萤火吗?" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "不可小看补给。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "立刻开始便当时间。" }, { "id": 205200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "啊唔啊唔……嗯,好吃。" }, { "id": 300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就给对方来沉重的一击吧!" }, { "id": 300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "正所谓赤红之刺如玫瑰哦。" }, { "id": 300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到。" }, { "id": 300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上。" }, { "id": 300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "包在我身上!" }, { "id": 300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "想尝尝诅咒的朱枪吗?" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就让我做你的对手吧。" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这样如何?" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "很好。" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就是这个!" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好好领教我的绝技吧!" }, { "id": 300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "宝具开帐。" }, { "id": 300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "——那就全部杀光吧。" }, { "id": 300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "应将供品高高揭起!" }, { "id": 300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白!" }, { "id": 300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "刺碎!" }, { "id": 300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "出击!" }, { "id": 300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……虽说这种做法过于细致了。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……都是为了确保万无一失。抱歉了。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——只要是你的命令。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "终于要开始了吗。……上吧。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "……虽说这种做法过于细致了。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "……都是为了确保万无一失。抱歉了。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "同意。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "没有问题。" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "天衣无缝,大胆无畏——" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "已经一无所有。到燃尽之刻了……!" }, { "id": 300400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "终于要开始了吗。……上吧。" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "Lock you!" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "爱之节奏如龙鳞~♪" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "挺好的!" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "OK♪" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你们一定想听我的歌声吧!?" }, { "id": 300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "门票一定销售一空了吧!" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这样!" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "领会了。" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "知道了。" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "南无。" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "――要上了。" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "让贫僧送你去净土吧。" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "极乐还是地狱,或是永远的彷徨……" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "南无!" }, { "id": 300600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "好了,该怎么办呢……" }, { "id": 300700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 300700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要上啰……?" }, { "id": 300700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "知道啦!" }, { "id": 300700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 300700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "包在我身上吧。" }, { "id": 300700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就让我们动手吧。" }, { "id": 300800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "开始兴奋起来了呢。" }, { "id": 300800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好了,该斩落哪个部位呢!" }, { "id": 300800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 300800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "准确地上吧。" }, { "id": 300800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 300800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——这……或许也不错。" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "就是这个!" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上。" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这就是! 斯巴达!" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "根据计算,下个宝具将有巨大效果!" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "斯巴达!" }, { "id": 300900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "架起,盾牌吧!" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "——此为罗马!" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "——看吧,新神的模样!" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "罗马吗?" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "罗马!!" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "出发,向罗马前进!!" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "前进吧,然后就能抵达罗马。" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "可以,抬起头来吧。" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "可以……" }, { "id": 301000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "准许,我(罗马)准许了。" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "凯尔特诸神的祝福常在!" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来吧,让我们闪耀吧!" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上吧!" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "来吧,光荣与胜利之刻!" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "让我们飒爽地获胜吧!" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 301100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "当然啦!" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "炙热的火焰……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "大神奥丁,父亲……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要上了……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真令人困扰……我的力量……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "哈……" }, { "id": 301200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "这是……破例哦。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "几乎没有我杀不死的存在。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "魔境,深渊的睿智。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "――上。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "绝技,发动。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "偶尔一试。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "卢恩啊,将力量送至此处。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "该如何剜旋,并获得胜利。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "兔女郎无所不知。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "兔女郎的卢恩……开玩笑而已。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "蹦跳。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "蹦蹦跳跳。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "兔女郎动真格了。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "兔子的脚力!" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "很好很好。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "兔子的牙齿是很锋利的哦。" }, { "id": 301300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "呵呵,好好享受吧。" }, { "id": 301400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "没用的。" }, { "id": 301400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "聚精会神。" }, { "id": 301400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 301400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 301400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要上了!" }, { "id": 301400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好好欣赏宝藏院流的妙技吧!" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真拿你没办法。" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到。" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧好吧。" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哎哟哟,那我就努力一下吧。" }, { "id": 301600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "明白啦明白啦,迪林达纳我们上吧!" }, { "id": 301700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让你们领教一下武的极致。" }, { "id": 301700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "吾之枪技尚未生疏。" }, { "id": 301700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到。" }, { "id": 301700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "——好。" }, { "id": 301700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 301700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "充分见识这六合大枪的妙技吧!" }, { "id": 301900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "加快速度!" }, { "id": 301900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你这家伙,居然敢触怒我――" }, { "id": 301900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "去击溃吧。" }, { "id": 301900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "去粉碎吧。" }, { "id": 301900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "……有意思。" }, { "id": 301900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "圣枪,拔锚――" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "走吧,东·斯塔利恩(金色神驹)……!" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "突击,准备——" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "上啦!" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真坚决呢。" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "突击!" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "圣枪,拔锚――" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "该觉醒了,我的枪啊。" }, { "id": 302000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "尽头之光啊!" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "正可谓夏日!假期!" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "能为我涂防晒油吗?" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "遵命~♪" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "你难道在看我的胸口吗?" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "当然要优雅地解决啦♪" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那各位,来个掌声吧♡" }, { "id": 302400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这·是·审判的时间♪" }, { "id": 302500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真不好意思……" }, { "id": 302500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "热情之夏!" }, { "id": 302500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我" }, { "id": 302500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "爱" }, { "id": 302500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "你!" }, { "id": 302500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "来吧来吧,现在是烧光所有烦恼的时候了哦。" }, { "id": 302600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "作为圣诞老人!" }, { "id": 302600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "驯鹿,拜托你了!" }, { "id": 302600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 302600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "很有道理!" }, { "id": 302600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "很有逻辑!" }, { "id": 302600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我要让你们领教一下真正的圣诞老人做法!" }, { "id": 302700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……觉悟吧。" }, { "id": 302700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……我稍微有些生气了……" }, { "id": 302700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "没办法。" }, { "id": 302700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "要痛苦地? 还是残酷地?" }, { "id": 302700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我会做。" }, { "id": 302700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我是不会温柔地杀戮的。" }, { "id": 302800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "已经无法相互理解了。" }, { "id": 302800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "已经无法相互领会了。" }, { "id": 302800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 302800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真的吗!" }, { "id": 302800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白喵。" }, { "id": 302800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哦哦~,要干掉对手喵?" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "委员长我,是不会放过你的!" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我是不会手下留情的哦……?" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,好。" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这是为了风纪吧?" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "既然如此,就让你见识一下吧!" }, { "id": 302900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "哎呀,发生什么事了?" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "利落地解决掉吧♡" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "毕竟我是女神!" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "用那个吗?" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "用这个吗?" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "但愿能够奏效。" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "就算是我,该生气的时候也是会生气的哦!" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "哎? 是……是认真的吗?" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "冷静……不要紧……" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "就这样……结束吧……" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "我明白了,前辈。" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "尽管有些不安……" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "但愿能顺利……" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "我可以……动真格吗?" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "就算是我,该生气的时候也是会生气的哦!" }, { "id": 303000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "Trace on! 开玩笑的啦。" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "技能使用" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "对技能,进行使用。" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "这个。" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "那个。" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "另一个。" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "杀伐。" }, { "id": 303100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "必杀。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "地之女神,埃列什基伽勒命令!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好胆量,我很中意!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我会很严厉哦。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我会紧紧地捆住对方。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不过嘛,还是稍微温柔一点好了♡" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好啊,我会将你扔进地底深渊!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "没问题,我会将你带去冥界!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "给我闭嘴! 小心咬到舌头!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "不行啦,我现在正在耍帅啊!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "喂,不要拉我啊,真是的!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "冥界就是我的庭园。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "天空就是我的椅子。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "开心吗?" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "伤心吗?" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "想哭?" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "欢迎加入永久职业。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "呵呵,是寒冷、广阔、严苛的哦。" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "地壳变动,没问题吧?" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "我稍后再理你啦!" }, { "id": 303200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "太危险了,去那边啦!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "战斗辅助。卢恩启动。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "对情况进行适应……" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了……" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "知……知道了。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "输入确认。宝具开放。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "预测演算开始……" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "是这种感觉吧……" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "长枪啊,卢恩啊,赐予我力量!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "鼓足干劲地上啦!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "明白啦!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "好~!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "输入确认。但愿能够成功!" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "能力,发动。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "大神啊,赐予我力量。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "输入内容,确认。" }, { "id": 303300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "将你的命运——" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "所谓的夏日祭典……(咀嚼咀嚼)……" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵~欠……有点困了……" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "偶尔可以。" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "太异想天开了!" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "吾之右手正在隐隐作痛。" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这里不是有一家不错的摊贩吗!" }, { "id": 303400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "(咀嚼咀嚼)……" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "您意下如何?" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要出击了哦。" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要动手了哦!哎,啊,不是啦不是啦! 讨厌啦……" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "御主,没问题吧?宝具解放!" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "上阵!" }, { "id": 303500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "擂起战锣!" }, { "id": 303600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "光啊,聚集吧!" }, { "id": 303600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "精力充沛!" }, { "id": 303600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 303600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "D'accord(明白了)!" }, { "id": 303600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 303600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "Montjoie(战吼)!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "武运在天!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "铠甲在胸!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "出击!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "见证我的义吧!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "刀八毗沙门天啊,为我开辟道路吧。" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "唵吠室唔嗯唔嗯苏婆诃……出击!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我布下的乃是不败的战阵!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "功勋在脚下!" }, { "id": 303800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "稍微失礼一下。呼哈……真好喝。" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我对体力很有自信!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "经常有人夸奖我的手哦,哎嘿嘿!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "原来如此!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯嗯!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "就这样没问题吧!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "Absolutely!!" }, { "id": 303900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "戒指啊! 赐予我力量!" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我们来一次大扫除吧。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "退路? 怎么可能有嘛。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "干得漂亮。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "给我看着。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要赶尽杀绝吗?" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我不会再放你回地表了——" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "将你们一并冲走。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "完美的!" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "我要让你领教这极致的冰刃!" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "两周跳要来了。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "让我们来一次大扫除吧。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "退路? 怎么可能有嘛。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "干得漂亮。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "给我看着。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "要赶尽杀绝吗?" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "我不会再放你回地表了——" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "将你们一并冲走。" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "完美的!" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "我要让你领教这极致的冰刃!" }, { "id": 304000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "两周跳要来了。" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我会做给你看!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我很强! 你会死!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "噢。" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我觉得可以。" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "烦死了。" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哈哈哈! 就让你见识一下吧!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "明白了! 御主!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我已经忍不住了!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "剑刃对我一概没有作用!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "寄宿于我的双臂上吧,力量!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "我的武勇,不靠武器!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "噢。" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "这样也不错!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "偶尔可以。" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "嗯,我会做给你看!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "凯妮斯出击!" }, { "id": 304100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "哈哈! 我的肉体是无敌的!" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "罗马!" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "吾之道路,已至神域!" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "罗马。" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就让你见识一下吧! 就在此时此刻!" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "嗯,一起出征吧。" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "见证一切吧!" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这双手,可至世界尽头!" }, { "id": 304200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "敬畏 敬畏……" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "布留部 由良由良止布留部……" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "也可以。" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "结束一切吧。" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "明白了。退后一点。" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "Reduction……set!" }, { "id": 304300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "Watch in the dark." }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "做好觉悟了吧!" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真不想给你见识。" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "你在开玩笑吗?" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "你行你上啊。" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就当是舞蹈练习好了。" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我的思念啊,请传达到——" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "哈,就因为是夏天吗? 你看不起我吗?" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "啊啊,重瞳大人——" }, { "id": 304400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "阳光就不能毁灭吗。" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "看我阻塞了你。" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我可不会动真格。" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哦?" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真没办法。" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真的可以吗?" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这就是我这个魔。" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呵欠……唔喵唔喵。" }, { "id": 304600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "希望我嗷呜地吼一声吗?" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾友啊……!" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵呵,这是……" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "那么!" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "请交给我吧。" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "既然是您的命令。" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "为此处带来光!" }, { "id": 304700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "救济之光啊……" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "可以哦……两断!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "复述一遍。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "喂,接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我来解决。你看着。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "——太慢了。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "敌人,生命边界,捕捉。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "放马过来吧……!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "可以哦……两断!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "复述一遍。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "喂,接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "我来解决。你看着。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "——太慢了。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "敌人,生命边界,捕捉。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "放马过来吧……!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "哼……这样啊。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "我可不想弄脏这套衣服呢……" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "体力魔力上升。玛那放出。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "快下命令。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "快点。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "再快点。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "……糟透了。竟然对我说这种话?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "……好吧。叩拜吧。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "将这星辰上最强的心脏——" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "可以哦。来,赶快。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "当然,会切下来。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "这身体,稍微有些……呼。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "在痒的地方……怎么样?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "可以哦……两断!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "复述一遍。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "喂,接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "我来解决。你看着。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "——太慢了。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "敌人,生命边界,捕捉。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "放马过来吧……!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "哼……这样啊。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "我可不想弄脏这套衣服呢……" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "可以哦……两断!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "复述一遍。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "喂,接下来呢?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "我来解决。你看着。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "——太慢了。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B230", "text": "敌人,生命边界,捕捉。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B490", "text": "放马过来吧……!" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B880", "text": "哼……这样啊。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B890", "text": "我可不想弄脏这套衣服呢……" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B080", "text": "体力魔力上升。玛那放出。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B180", "text": "快下命令。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B190", "text": "快点。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B200", "text": "再快点。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B210", "text": "……糟透了。竟然对我说这种话?" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B220", "text": "……好吧。叩拜吧。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B230", "text": "将这星辰上最强的心脏——" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B480", "text": "可以哦。来,赶快。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B490", "text": "当然,会切下来。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B880", "text": "这身体,稍微有些……呼。" }, { "id": 304800, "voicePrefix": 13, "voiceId": "13_B890", "text": "在痒的地方……怎么样?" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "能挖出什么来呢~?" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哎嘿嘿……!" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不错!" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "把你打去侏罗纪!" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "咱会把你塑造成值钱货!" }, { "id": 304900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这里比较好吗~?" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "干劲十足的阿龙小姐。记得手下留情哦。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "大家一并放马过来吧~。那真是太可靠了。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "原来如此啊。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那就动手吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "阿龙小姐,要拔出宝具了哦。随时都可以,龙马。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "嗯,我们一起走吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "吾乃非归顺之神,高千穗的大蛇。同时也是……!" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "嗯,那就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "你刚才有说什么吗?" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "交给我吧~。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我,们是,外星人哦。不不,是从者吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "上吧,阿龙小姐。交给我吧,龙马。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "走吧,龙马。嗯,走吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "能稍微后退一点吗?哦,斗志满满呢。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "这预测不错。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "我知道了。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "天逆鉾啊,贯穿天空与大海的狭缝吧!" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "吾乃高千穗的白色大蛇,征战空与海的狭缝吧。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "阿龙小姐。嗯。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B380", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B390", "text": "我听到了哦。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B400", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "超级阿龙小姐力量!事实上也很厉害,一定要小心哦。" }, { "id": 305000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "稍微睡一会儿。请便。" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "发动!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来,请吧。" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "遵命!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "谨遵命令!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白啦!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让汝等见识一下吾之宝具吧!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "虽然不值一提……" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "要放,宝具啦!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "真拿您没办法,明白了!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "赌上这把枪!" }, { "id": 305100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "荣耀啊!要平安!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "——母亲大人!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "妈妈……" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "贯穿。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好的。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "直到贯穿、粉碎一切为止。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "请交给我吧。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "大贯吼。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "万物粉碎。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "——全部贯穿。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "吾正是,妖精骑士。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "女王城塞·波涛铠壳。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "……噗啊! 呼……!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "赌上母亲大人的美德……" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "母亲大人,敬请见证!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "是这样哦。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "万物粉碎!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "这里就交给我吧。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "大贯吼,要上了!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "随时都可以上哦!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B380", "text": "嗯,我要去!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "展现妖精骑士的骄傲。" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "光彩归于妖精女王!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "女王城塞·波涛铠壳!" }, { "id": 305300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "女王城塞在此。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这阵风真棒。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "行啊。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "不用客气。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "稍微等一下。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "烹饪的准备工作都做好了。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "点火。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "很好吃哦。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "拿出真本事来好了。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "咕嘟咕嘟……好喝! 再来一杯!" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "咕嘟咕嘟……啊,太爽了!" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "哈奴曼之咆哮!" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "先冷静一下吧。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "行啊。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "不用客气。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "稍微等一下。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "烹饪的准备工作都做好了。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "点火。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "很好吃哦。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "拿出真本事来好了。" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "正所谓喝酒不可酒醉人哦!" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "你想成为下酒菜吗?" }, { "id": 305400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "哈,就像打个哈欠一样简单!" }, { "id": 400100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……觉悟吧。" }, { "id": 400100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……我生气了哦。" }, { "id": 400100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 400100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 400100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 400100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "谨遵命令。" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "荷马很棒。令身体里的干劲喷涌而出啊!" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "太软弱了,看余将你们全部击破!" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给余吧。" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "前进,向着万里遥远的彼方!" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "用最大的音量高歌胜利吧!" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "就让你见识一下吧。" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "好嘞来了!" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "来吧,该怎么进攻?" }, { "id": 400200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "要动手了哦?" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "可以啊,放马过来吧!" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你可要让我满足哦?" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到。" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "现在正是拼上这条命的时候吧!" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "真敢小看我啊。这笔账可不便宜哦?" }, { "id": 400300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "我可不想听什么愁眉苦脸的事!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嘿嘿~! 知道厉害了吧!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,包在我身上!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "月亮~!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "现在蒸发中!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "上!" }, { "id": 400400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "嗯,包在我身上!" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这样如何?" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "那上吧!" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就让你领教一下吧。" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "赌上我这把剑的荣誉!" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "守护。" }, { "id": 400600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "强大、坚固。" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嘿嘿,投手吓得发抖呢!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这是……爱!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我啦!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "在下的愤怒简直到了欢天喜地的境地!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "炮弹准备! 在下! 右满舵! 在下!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "爱德华海盗团一人,出战!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "海盗这个单词难道不会让人热血沸腾吗?在下会。" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "让你们见识一下海盗的可怕之处!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "变!身! 咦? 不行?" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "想要尝尝败北的滋味!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "那就开始宝具烹饪啦~。" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "积蓄……这是对宝具力的控制!" }, { "id": 400800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "即将爆发!" }, { "id": 400900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "就让我使用这个吧。" }, { "id": 400900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯,就这个吧。嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 400900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 400900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 400900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好的。" }, { "id": 400900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好,干掉他们吧!" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "慢慢来,冷静点……" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "女神安德拉斯特啊,赐予我力量!" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "很~好。" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "行哦。" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "都包在姐姐我身上!" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "动手吧!" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我一定会保护好!" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "好,来啦。" }, { "id": 401100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "将胜利,带来此处!" }, { "id": 401200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "见证法老的神威吧!" }, { "id": 401200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "在地上对法老而言没有不可能的事!万物万象,均在余掌心之中!!" }, { "id": 401200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 401200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 401200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 401200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "恩赐你奖赏吧,无光之人啊!" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我的身躯是完美的哦♪看,很美吧?♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "倾听我的声音吧。" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎,是这样吗?" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不是挺好吗?" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我破例给你看看哦♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "究·竟·该·用·哪·一·个·呢~?" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "这对你来说会不会算是奖励呢?" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "哎呀还真狂妄呢?♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "令人激动不已呢♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "真拿你没办法呢♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "不仅可爱,还很漂亮吧?" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "呵呵呵,真开心♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "哎,这样呀♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "那我就配合你一次吧♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "不是挺有趣的吗?♪" }, { "id": 401300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "差不多快忍到极限了!♪" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "上……!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "拔刀,准备……!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你领教一下鬼一的兵法吧!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我的流离谭,上吧!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "目标是将领的首级,出击!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "要下坡了,不,应该是坠落吧。" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "来吧来吧来吧来吧看清楚了!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "要不要来一曲?" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "要跳舞啦!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "速战速决。" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "八艘跳,要上了。" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "明白了,宝具启动!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "啊啊……裙子轻飘飘的!" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "如蜂般刺。" }, { "id": 401400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "如蜂般舞。" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好,上吧──!" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这种时候就该这样吧──!" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上吧!" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "出击!" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "现在正是――致胜之机吧!" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "嗯,我也这么认为。" }, { "id": 401500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "出击! 哈哈!" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "绚烂绽放吧,我啊——" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "亮晶晶,亮晶晶,光辉闪耀──" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "包在我身上吧!" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "犹如纷攘的鲜花、阳光!" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "说得对,如果你希望如此的话!" }, { "id": 401700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "法兰西永存!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好呀。姐姐我会加油的♡" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "再多一些,再多一些!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好嘞~,要跳了哦~!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我知道了啦~! 好开心呢~!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好好看着我哦,御主。" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真是热烈的展开呢~!已经停不下来啦~!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "千万不要移开视线哦,御主。" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "喜欢灼热之风吗?" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "好,燃烧斗魂吧~!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "从正面上吧! 和看上去的一样结实哦。" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "比太阳,比星辰更甚哦!" }, { "id": 401800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "用枪什么的太挫了啦~!" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这就是我所相信的心……" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "祈愿,思念,以及——" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "赐予我们奇迹吧……!" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "没办法了。" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "请退后,御主。" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "我要上了哦!" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "赐予救赎。" }, { "id": 401900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "我会祈祷。" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "袋子真重啊……" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "骑上驯鹿!" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "香槟准备好了吧?现在是送礼的时间!" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "香槟准备好了吧?" }, { "id": 402200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "现在是送礼的时间!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "包在我身上。化为疾风吧。" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "较量一下胆量吧欧拉!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "熊之指虎!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "要Cool!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "成了!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "OK,可别被我甩下来哦?" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "全开着上吧!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "马力开足啦!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "嗯,要终结了。" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "Golden Energy!" }, { "id": 402300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "Thunder Spark!" }, { "id": 402400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "现在正在修整中!" }, { "id": 402400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "得好好的维护才行。" }, { "id": 402400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 402400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上吧!" }, { "id": 402400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "放马过来吧!" }, { "id": 402400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "来吧,是大浪!" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真美味啊。" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "金钱!" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "名声!" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "拉响礼炮吧。" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要忙碌起来了哦。" }, { "id": 402500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "完成准备。" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真美味啊。" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "就用这招吧!" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "没有异议。" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "拉响礼炮吧。" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要忙碌起来了哦。" }, { "id": 402520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "完成准备。" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好嘞~,开始动手吧!" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要跳跃了哦!" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "心情不错呢!" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯,交给我吧!" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "开始有意思了哦~!" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要感受一下女神的休假吗?" }, { "id": 402600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "那我恭敬不如从命啦♡" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要冷却。稍微等一下。" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "等我一下。马上收拾干净。" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "既然是你的要求,那就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "一定要彻底。" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "发动引擎。现在是处决的时间!" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "是,我的主人。" }, { "id": 402700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我可不记得吃掉的冰棍数量……!" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "冰冻吧!" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "沙皇不会错……" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "同感。" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "手不要停。" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……汝是让余……去沉睡吧……" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "不能原谅。不能原谅,不能原谅,不能原谅——!" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "充盈吧。" }, { "id": 402800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "寻求绝对的服从吧。" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "准备完成。" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我要将你们全部碾碎!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "噢!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上啦!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好嘞,依次全部击溃!!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "被我钓起来吧!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "知道啦!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "外卖三份!" }, { "id": 402900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "就决定是这个啦,是这样吗?" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嘿嘿,你是不是吓得瑟瑟发抖了呢~。不不,别挑衅人家啦。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我能吃了那家伙吗?不行啦。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧~。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯,上吧。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "一并打飞。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "阿龙小姐,轮到你出场啦!明白了,我要动真格了。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我要拔出宝具了,阿龙小姐,能行吗?" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "——吾乃非归顺之神,高千穗的大蛇。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "这倒是个好主意。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "那我们就上吧。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "去大干一场~。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "阿龙小姐我真正的力量觉醒啦。那真是谢天谢地啰。" }, { "id": 403000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "快放马过来吧~。可能的话我倒是希望你能自己逃跑。" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "人马一体!" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 403100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "现在正是时候!" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嗯嗯,设陷阱真是件愉快的事呢。" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好了,特里姆玛乌,拜托你了哦?" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "非常好,试试看吧!" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "就按你说的办吧。" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哎,用这个就可以了吗?" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就让我展示个不得了的东西吧!" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好了,这东西的效果可是有保证的哦?" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "大小姐,请来这边。" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "那么,我也来助你一臂之力吧。" }, { "id": 403200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "大小姐,请用这个。" }, { "id": 403400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 403400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "是这样吧。" }, { "id": 403400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 403400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 403400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 403400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "全体战斗准备!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "黄金律也是分种类的哦☆" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯,这个角度! 太完美了!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "OK~!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "包在我身上吧!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "出发准备,完成! 快点快点!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "想要见识一下我的宝具吗?" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "嗯,我非常快乐。" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "闪闪发光!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "尽情上吧!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "油门踩满!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "完美! 能行!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "那边也请便吧。" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "太刺激了!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "来吧,让我们继续前进吧!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "好嘞~,干掉敌人吧~!" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "如字面意思,手我多的是☆" }, { "id": 403500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "维护工作做足了吗?" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "事先准备已经做足了哦。" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵呵,等不及了吗?" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "还挺有干劲的嘛。" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不需要扔出去吗?" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我要发预告信了哦。" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "化为风吧?" }, { "id": 403600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "可不能那么心·急·哦。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嘿咻。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要补充氧气了,稍等片刻。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "能看到。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "能听到。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我知道。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "系好安全带!鹦鹉螺号要上了!" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "可以。是时候让你见识我的真本事了。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "前进! 我就在等这刻!……啊,不,没什么。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "好。海风真不错。" }, { "id": 403700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "想听海鸥的歌声吗?" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "诸神啊,敬请明鉴!" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "用木马出击!" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要用杀手锏了。上!" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "噢噢噢,埃癸斯!" }, { "id": 403800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "珀涅罗珀……" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真没办法。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我会做得有点样子啦。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "知道了。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "尽管说这是宝具未免有些那啥……不过我会做啦。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "用宝具吧,明白了。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我要稍微来一下了哦。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "收到!" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "那就稍微努力一点吧。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "要动手了吧。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "尽情干吧。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "虽然是夏日版,但宝具并不会变哦。" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "布利里安德罗,夏天没热到怎么不舒服吧?好!" }, { "id": 403900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "干脆努力一下吧。" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "唔嗯唔嗯……唔? 什么事?" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "宙斯大人,宙斯大人……" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "什么?" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "什么事?" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "啊,是叫塔罗斯吧。好的!" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "塔罗斯! 塔罗斯,在吗!" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "轮到你出马啦,塔罗斯。" }, { "id": 404000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "来吧,让我们一起努力吧。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "伏笔就像这样埋……" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "俗话说夏天是邂逅的季节。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哎呀,哎呀!" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那我开始朗读了。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "土蜘蛛,轮到您出场了。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "恕我冒昧……" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "于是事件拉开了帷幕……" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "伏笔就像这样埋……" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "俗话说夏天是邂逅的季节。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "哎呀,哎呀!" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "那我开始朗读了。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "土蜘蛛,轮到您出场了。" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "恕我冒昧……" }, { "id": 404100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "于是事件拉开了帷幕……" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "紧急工作吗? 交给咱吧!" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真有你的!" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "感觉不错。" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "该露一手了。" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "嘿咻。" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "喵喵~喵喵喵~喵喵喵喵~!" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "纺锤,设置!" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "这里应该再仔细一点……" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "哈贝~喵~。" }, { "id": 404200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "要赶在晨之云雀振翅之前!" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我看看,唔……" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这可是很痛的哦。" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白。" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……没办法。" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "破例一次哦?" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "思想键纹,激发。" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "啊唔啊唔……啊!" }, { "id": 404300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "唔……啊!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "吾之光辉的武具啊!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "做得到。" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "唔~,这个嘛,好!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好吧!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "上,三头龙!" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "好了,吁吁! 好乖好乖……" }, { "id": 404400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "唔喵唔喵……哇!?" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这是海王流!" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "啊?" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "烦死了。" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "随你的便啦。" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好啦!" }, { "id": 404500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我要上啦喂!" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要加油哦~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要用了哦~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "没问题~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "收到!" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "啊,啊,啊~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要鼓起精神来~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要用保留节目了吧~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来,敲打大团圆的大门吧!" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "敲打童话之门!" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "毕竟~是童话嘛~♪" }, { "id": 404600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "即兴表演全开! 哟~♪" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "传达给全体人员!" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "吾之剑,吾之爱马啊!" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我愿意接受。" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "此刻正是展现……祖国伟大壁垒之时!" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "是要施放宝具吧。交给我吧!" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "主啊,请赐予我奇迹吧……!" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这场战斗,能获胜吗?" }, { "id": 404700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "专心致志!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "呼~,老天保佑,老天保佑。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "万万不可懈怠。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "懂了!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不会吧!?" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "时刻已到!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "生命无可替代。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "坏蛋是这家伙也~!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "逃也休想逃!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "干脆放肆一点吧!?" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "祥瑞祥瑞!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "呼~,老天保佑,老天保佑。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "万万不可懈怠。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "懂了!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "不会吧!?" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "时刻已到!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "生命无可替代。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "坏蛋是这家伙也~!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "逃也休想逃!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "干脆放肆一点吧!?" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "祥瑞祥瑞!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "吾侪已非孤身一人……" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "妖不胜德!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "遵命。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "必定。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "哎呀意外。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "临难不惧死。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "此乃重大事宜。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "甚好之敌手。" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "好好领教吧!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "名诠自性!" }, { "id": 404800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "涌水如雾。" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "调整气息。" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "儿子们啊!【天化】在此!【天禄】是。【天爵】是。【天祥】是!" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "甚好!" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "接受!" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "突破!" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你们见识黄家的牵绊吧。" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "借我一用,天化啊。" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "出击!" }, { "id": 404900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "咆哮吧,五色神牛!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "掌控夏日的就是我啦♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "The Power of Love!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "收到♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这个真不错呢~♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就是这么回事!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "御主的视线,就由我独占啦♡" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "相机准备好了吗? 超级上镜的夏姬,请好好享受吧!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "夏天在呼唤! 风儿破开前行!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这就是铃鹿·夏日风格! 真是超大分量!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "这光辉就是夏日的跃动! 这阳光就是我的魅力!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "这光辉就是夏日喂超刺眼的啦!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "掌控夏日的就是我啦♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "The Power of Love!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "收到♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "这个真不错呢~♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "就是这么回事!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "御主的视线,就由我独占啦♡" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "相机准备好了吗? 超级上镜的夏姬,请好好享受吧!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "夏天在呼唤! 风儿破开前行!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "这就是铃鹿·夏日风格! 真是超大分量!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "这光辉就是夏日的跃动! 这阳光就是我的魅力!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "这光辉就是夏日喂超刺眼的啦!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "掌控夏日的就是我啦♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "The Power of Love!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "收到♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "这个真不错呢~♪" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "就是这么回事!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "御主的视线,就由我独占啦♡" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "相机准备好了吗? 超级上镜的夏姬,请好好享受吧!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "夏天在呼唤! 风儿破开前行!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "这就是铃鹿·夏日风格! 真是超大分量!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "这光辉就是夏日的跃动! 这阳光就是我的魅力!" }, { "id": 405000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "这光辉就是夏日喂超刺眼的啦!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……放心吧,有我在。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "别犹豫,要相信。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "用我的骑兵队做个了结!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "在此……强行突破。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "将武田的战略烙在眼中吧。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "好吧,我会认真当你的对手。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我即为城。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "让我告诉你什么叫水准的差距!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "没错,这是武田的红色。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "这声音不错吧?" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "……放心吧,有我在。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "别犹豫,要相信。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "用我的骑兵队做个了结!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "在此……强行突破。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "将武田的战略烙在眼中吧。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "好吧,我会认真当你的对手。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "我即为城。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "让我告诉你什么叫水准的差距!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "好孩子。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "不要靠得太近,小心被吃掉哦。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "不要慌,我就在这里。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "难知如阴。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "哦,来这招啊。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "交给武田吧。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "这场战斗……由信玄决出。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "武田八阵,任何情况皆可应对。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "追随我的旗帜!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "竟能找到这个时机!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "亢奋起来吧,黑云!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "马是好物。" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "这……就是武田之火!" }, { "id": 405200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "燃烧吾之鲜血吧……!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "还差一点。就这么通知吧。好~,交给我吧~☆" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "护士,下一个配送地点是哪里?我这就将坐标发过去。祝您幸运。" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "要悄悄地来。" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真紧张呢。" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "千万不能被发现……" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你久等了吗?那作为补偿,要多给一点才行呢。" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "真会熬夜呢。不能告诉别人你看到了圣诞老人哦。" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "全体出动! 作战,开始!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "叮叮当,叮叮当,,尼莫圣诞,呀~!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B260", "text": "叮叮当,叮叮当,,尼莫圣诞,呀~!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这是圣诞节! 运输者不会气馁!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "赶在天亮之前!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "还有好多啊~!多是好事哦!" }, { "id": 405300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "配送团队,点名!耶~,都到齐了~!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我的,命运之锁链……" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要使出真本事了哦!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "兴致勃勃呢!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "来了来了!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "啪沙!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "只要是你的愿望!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "嗯,我觉得可以!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "没问题,能行能行!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "就是这个! 我就是在等这个!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "哎,摆姿势? 这样吗?" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "即便仍然被束缚着。" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "我也随时都会反抗!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "好,准备就绪!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "命运的,锁链……" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "对不起,是不是太耀眼了?" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "兴致勃勃呢!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "来了来了!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "啪沙!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "只要是你的愿望!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "嗯,我觉得可以!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "没问题,能行能行!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "就是这个! 我就是在等这个!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "必须证明才行,对吧。" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "我,仍被束缚着……" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "念想啊,闪耀吧!" }, { "id": 405500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "就像那个时候的他一样。" }, { "id": 500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让你尝尝痛苦吧。" }, { "id": 500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我用一根小指就能解决你。" }, { "id": 500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "尽管我不是很想用……" }, { "id": 500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那么,这是否能合您心意呢?" }, { "id": 500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "请笑纳!" }, { "id": 500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "就让你见识一下至上的COOL吧!" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "果断诅咒你哟☆" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我可是贤妻,要节约,节约♡" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "咪咕!" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "让我看看♪" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要表现一下像神的一面吗!" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "消除吧,净化吧……嘿!♡" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "水面阳光,化为恩惠……" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "咪咕!" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "让我看看♪" }, { "id": 500300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "您想要个大结界吧?" }, { "id": 500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我们玩得更开心一点吧?" }, { "id": 500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "咕噜咕噜咕噜咕噜回转门。目的地是火锅中♪" }, { "id": 500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好开心。" }, { "id": 500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好快乐。" }, { "id": 500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "来吧,让我们一起玩耍吧?" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好吧。那我就写得夸张一些好了。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "格尔达之泪啊,令心灵解冻吧。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真是的。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "行啊。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好了。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "已经要截稿了吗……真没办法。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "完稿,也就是解放之刻!" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "真是惨不忍睹的劣作呢!" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "悲剧结局快乐,对吧。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "童话就是这样的存在。" }, { "id": 500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "你要去往何方,树精。" }, { "id": 500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "李尔王的苦难!" }, { "id": 500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "罗密欧的悲叹!" }, { "id": 500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "原来如此!" }, { "id": 500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧!" }, { "id": 500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "开演之时已至!" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "交给我吧。我会如梦般搞定的。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这个部分再稍微摆弄一下比较好吧?" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唔?" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "如你所愿。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我们来说说王的故事吧。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这里有一扇小小的窗户。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我相信你前行的道路。好了,去吧!" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "没什么,万事只要敢于尝试就能做到。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "交给我吧。我会如梦般搞定的。芙。噗啊!?" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "这个部分再稍微摆弄一下比较好吧?芙。噗啊啊!?" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "放轻松,放轻松。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "好了,来算一下点数吧……" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "哎呀,要上吗?" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "OK。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "只要是你的要求。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "我们说个大团圆的故事吧。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "欢迎来到乐园的边角。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "我把所有的筹码都押在你身上了哦! 拜托啦!" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "将最好的手牌赐予你。" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "放轻松,放轻松。芙!哇!?" }, { "id": 500800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "好了,来算一下点数吧……芙!哇!?" }, { "id": 500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我基本上是万能的。" }, { "id": 500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "该从哪里着手才行呢……" }, { "id": 500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "OK~♪" }, { "id": 500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,让我动真格?可以,我会回应你的要求!" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "Archidoxen,解放……" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "Elemental,启动……" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "请稍等。" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "就让您见识一下,我的光——" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "宝具解放开始——" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "履行主命。" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "我明白了……" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "贤者之石啊……" }, { "id": 501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "五大力量,吾之力量。" }, { "id": 501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "蒸气压,最大!" }, { "id": 501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "差分机引擎,启动――" }, { "id": 501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "无法实现的梦想,在此──" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾乃荷鲁斯化身的法老!" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "大逆不道者必须死。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真没办法呢。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我们意见真一致。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "只要您希望如此。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "呵呵……你想见识一下尼托克丽丝之镜吧?" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "可爱的死灵漫山遍野……!" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "天空啊!" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "法老的威光在此!" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "不能不敬哦。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "这样办应该没问题。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "我明白。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "嗯,我准许。" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "我破例允许了,破·例·允·许!" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "阿努比斯,门,我的镜子!" }, { "id": 501200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "荷鲁斯啊!" }, { "id": 501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好啦,就到此为止了哟。" }, { "id": 501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "是这个吧。" }, { "id": 501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "遵了个命!" }, { "id": 501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了,你喜欢哪种巴赫的作品呢?" }, { "id": 501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "优秀的键盘乐器中蕴藏着女神的佑护。" }, { "id": 501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这里要重一些。" }, { "id": 501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这里要轻一些。" }, { "id": 501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "享受吧,公演的时间开始了!" }, { "id": 501600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就用这个。" }, { "id": 501600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好,上吧。" }, { "id": 501600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 501600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 501600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是呢。" }, { "id": 501600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "该使用王牌了吗……" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "请问,要再来一次吗?" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让我们加油吧!" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了!" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我要上了哦!" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "请交给我吧,御主!" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "溯行术式,准备完成!" }, { "id": 501700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这个,是赫卡忒的恩惠!" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "自我约束只使用魔术也是一种王的度量啊……" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好了,下一份目录是……" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。就使用那个吧。" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好了。还有那个吧。" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "算了,反正哪个都行。" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "听本王的命令!全部炮门,解锁!" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "这就是所谓的优秀男性的从容。" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "今天本是休假啊,真是的。" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "把酒瓶也放进去吧。" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "可别移开视线哦?" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "侍应生! 准备香槟塔!" }, { "id": 501800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "王之号令不挑地点。深深烙印在眼中吧!" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "无聊。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯,那就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "无聊。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "如您所愿。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "战斗并非只有物理殴打。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "真是群无聊的家伙。就没其他事可干了吗?" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "那么,这样如何――?" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "上!" }, { "id": 501900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "一切都在我的预料中哟!" }, { "id": 502000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "不会让你……感到痛苦的……" }, { "id": 502000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "争斗双方……都应得到惩罚吧——" }, { "id": 502000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 502000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 502000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 502000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——打开吧,天之杯。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好,这才要开始!" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "动真格的我可是很不好对付的哦?" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……给你尝尝我的王牌。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "来个大型的吧!" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "可别被烧伤了哦。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "很遗憾,我不会再上吊了。" }, { "id": 502100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "活动手指活动手指。" }, { "id": 502200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要上了哟~!" }, { "id": 502200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我可要动真格啦!" }, { "id": 502200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 502200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样就行了吗?" }, { "id": 502200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 502200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "佛祖力量全开!" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "选这张卡吧?" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "可以哦?" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "没问题。那我就用我的必杀大招吧!" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "非常好哦!" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "好~!" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "真是张好牌。" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "真棒。" }, { "id": 502300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "进入高潮了吧!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "可以!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "作为人咆哮吧!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "既然这样!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "觉悟吧!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "用我的宝具,宣告科学的到来!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "轮到我近代式宝具出场了!" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 502500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "要靠毅力!" }, { "id": 502600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这赤红的果冻就分你一点吧♡" }, { "id": 502600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哎呀。夜晚才刚刚开始吧?" }, { "id": 502600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 502600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我会回应你的期待!" }, { "id": 502600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要上吗?" }, { "id": 502600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这是主菜吧。真令人兴奋!" }, { "id": 502700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我们尽享欢乐吧——" }, { "id": 502700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "亮晶晶,亮晶晶,辉煌闪耀♪" }, { "id": 502700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好♪" }, { "id": 502700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯,嗯!" }, { "id": 502700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这真是太棒了。" }, { "id": 502700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就请您多指教了哦?" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "红宝石,拜托你了!" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "包在我身上吧。" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哎?" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我已经不会……再放弃任何事了!" }, { "id": 502800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "轮到红宝石出场了吧!令人不安……" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "您大可……安心入眠哦。" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让我们……稍作休息吧。" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "敬请期待。" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "下次说这个故事。" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "有碍您尊耳了……" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "您希望听什么故事呢?" }, { "id": 503000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "在很久……很久以前……" }, { "id": 503010, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "您大可……安心入眠哦。" }, { "id": 503010, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让我们……稍作休息吧。" }, { "id": 503010, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "如果这是您的愿望。" }, { "id": 503010, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我会努力。" }, { "id": 503010, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "请安静……" }, { "id": 503010, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "虽然称不上是全部……" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这是独占夏日的话题吧!" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "现在正是表现的时候吧,包在余身上吧!" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "要闪耀了哦!" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "化为余之剧场的锈迹吧。" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真是群不懂礼数的客人啊。" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "奥林匹亚喝彩!为祭典大声欢呼吧!" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "准备好了吧?已经无人可阻止余了哦~!" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "啾哇~,啾哇~,烟花咚~!" }, { "id": 503200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "曼妙~,曼妙~,曼妙身材~♪" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "呵呵。我明白了。" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "想要喝麦粥吗?" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "唔哎,开玩笑吧?" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "何不让我们享受一段甜蜜时光呢……" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "献给女神赫卡忒!" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我会回应你的爱,呵呵。" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我可是大魔女哦?" }, { "id": 503300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "啊喂稍微等下糟了!" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "呵呵。我明白了。" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "想要喝麦粥吗?" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "唔哎,开玩笑吧?" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "何不让我们享受一段甜蜜时光呢……" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "献给我的女神!" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我会回应你的爱,呵呵。" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我可是大魔女哦?" }, { "id": 503310, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "啊喂稍微等下糟了!" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要动手啦~。" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "您眼光真好。" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这个很划算的。" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "未免太浪费了呢。" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "轮到你们了哦,我的镇尼们。" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好机会来了!" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来解开这个谜语吧?" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "愿望呀~。" }, { "id": 503400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "生意兴隆☆" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要动手啦~。" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "您眼光真好。" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这个很划算的。" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "未免太浪费了呢。" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "轮到你们了哦,我的镇尼们。" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好机会来了!" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来解开这个谜语吧?" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "愿望呀~。" }, { "id": 503410, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "生意兴隆☆" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "因死而不知所措吧。" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "抬起脸来。" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我要睁开维的眼睛了。" }, { "id": 503500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "维,使用魔眼。" }, { "id": 503600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "行动吧,魔偶。" }, { "id": 503600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "开始操纵。" }, { "id": 503600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 503600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 503600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 503600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那么,我们开始吧。" }, { "id": 503800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "理导/开通!" }, { "id": 503800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "追加掩护,准备。" }, { "id": 503800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 503800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 503800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 503800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……圣杯啊,回应我的呼唤吧。" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "该·使·用·哪·一·种·呢?" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "古老的卢恩啊……" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "你说什么?" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "居然命令我?" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "算了,好吧……" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "破例一次,低下头感激涕零吧。" }, { "id": 503900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呵呵。还能做到这种事哦……" }, { "id": 504000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "咕嘟,咕嘟……呼啊,令人热血沸腾呀。" }, { "id": 504000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来,坐下。好孩子,好孩子。" }, { "id": 504000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以吗?" }, { "id": 504000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎呀,要那样做……?" }, { "id": 504000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "呵呵,好。" }, { "id": 504000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这样的话嘛……" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我可不能输……!" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "美游大人,请务必小心……!" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我要出击了。" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "以最短距离,最快速度。" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "捕捉到了。" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "如果这就是你的愿望……!" }, { "id": 504100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "许愿……获得胜利。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "相逢江海上——呵呵呵。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这是晴明大人直传。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,好。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎呀!" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样比较好。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那请恕我放肆。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "创作灵感如泉涌!" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "把那边重新写过吧。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "夜半云中月,匆匆无影踪——" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "沙沙挥笔疾书。" }, { "id": 504200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "这段剧情就当做废案吧。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我试试这个。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "没什么副作用……应该吧。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "非常有效哦。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "只是触诊罢了。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不用付费。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "治疗方法确定了。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "别向我搭话……!" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "呵,这个应该有效……!" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "体温升得太高了。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "切开看看。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "会是怎样愉快的症状呢……?" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "把这个喝下去。" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "不会允许夏日杀掉……!" }, { "id": 504300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "虽然不想流汗。" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "唔……闪现点子了!" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "唔……只能用自爆了!" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "不责备。" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "不留情。" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不怜悯。" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "已讨伐敌将……!" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "同时,生命价值无区别。" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "真单纯真单纯,这样可不行哦。" }, { "id": 504400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "给我重新来过。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "趁现在做好准备……!" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "毕竟是战斗……!" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "当然啦!" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我愿意做!" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我可不会输哦!" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——毕竟,是命运。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "那些受期待的事备受人们期待一样。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "……究竟是……为了什么?" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "…………真不愿意。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "开始白刃战!" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "炙热起来吧,玛米亚德兹。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "既然是拼上命运的战斗。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "碾压敌军。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "都退下。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "赌上尊严。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "黄昏之刻再临。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "对终末、对肃正防御,开启。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "不该存在的妖精之王啊……" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "疾驰吧,卡文南。" }, { "id": 504500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "妖精炉,连接。" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "用生命编织并裁剪吧。" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "尽心尽力!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "回报恩情!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "为了您的光辉!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "闪耀的舞台显现于此!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "工作室开放! 尽请期待!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "一切按照您的吩咐剪裁!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "受到特别订单啦! 我很乐意!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "装扮才是人生!" }, { "id": 504600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "您喜欢什么颜色呀?" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "侍奉侍奉!" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "还请看好了!" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "内者富良富良,外者须夫须夫!" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "饭团准备好啦~!" }, { "id": 504700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "归命顶礼!" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这是手法~。" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这是机关~。" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好的好的~。" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了,御主!" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好~!" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那么天使先生,拜托啦!" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "展现奇迹啦~!" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来吧,能看穿机关吗~?" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "准备就绪,随时都可以!" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "拿出来的是~嗯啊嗯啊。" }, { "id": 504800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "洗牌啦~。" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "来吧来吧,做好思想准备了吗?" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哟~!斩!" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白啦!" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "Excellent!" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗨!" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "期待已久的阿国小姐!哟!" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "阿国·剧团·Showtime!" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "敬请欣赏阿国之舞吧。" }, { "id": 504900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "嘿咻! 绝世美景绝世美景呢。" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "给你这个,邀请函!" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "肚子饿不饿?" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "来了~!" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要沉重地上吧?" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要上了哦,塔拉斯克!" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "塔拉斯克~,过来哦。" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "要振作精神上哦!" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "没事吧? 有没有哪里痛?" }, { "id": 505000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "料理就是体力,好!" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "给你做点符水吧。" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这个相当有效哦?" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "就没有黄色的吗?" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真的毫不留情哦。" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "时机已至。" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "高举吾等的颜色吧!" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "天、地、人!" }, { "id": 505100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "为了天下……此刻!" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "就让你见识一下休息中皇帝的身姿吧。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "现在是私人时间,有事你自己处理吧。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "无妨。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "会很痛哦。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这也是拷问。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "举办宴会吧。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "叮铃,叮铃~。" }, { "id": 505200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "嗯,只是随便叫一声而已。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这样差不多就可以了吧。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "稍微花点小心思。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,当然。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "迅速、切实地。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "严格、踏实地。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "然后万事要做得滴水不漏。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "雨水并不只有温柔的哦?" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "光靠手指可不够呢。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "有伙伴是一件好事。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "不要欢闹,不要欢闹。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "决战术式——!" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "小规模冲突告一段落!" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "好,这样就行了,就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "回想起来……别想起来……" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "嗯,我明白。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "仔细看清,不要有任何差错。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "绝对,不会打偏。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "为了不给梣之名蒙羞——!" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "环绕卡美洛——" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "描绘圆环,光之轮。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "哎呀,特特洛特你真是的。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "嗯,谢谢你,我有精神了。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "你的得意也到头了——!" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "……哪怕,只剩下我一个人……!" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "不用客气,给我看看。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "呵呵,还打算挣扎呢。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "可以答应。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "没有异议。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "保持现在的视线。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "如今已然失去的,遥远之梦。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "大工房,开场。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "既是一夏的戏耍,就该这样。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "没错,约定。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "还需要更多吗?" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "认清水准的差距吧。" }, { "id": 505300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "——已经玩得很开心了吧。" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了……" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "下一招是……" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "知道了。" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我试试。" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "宝具吗!" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我的,宝具……!" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "倾注所有力量。" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "森宗意轩老师如是说……" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "魔力上升……" }, { "id": 505400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "赐我力量!" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2080", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2090", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 505500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 600100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了,似乎是该动手之刻了,您以为如何?" }, { "id": 600100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "石化春雷,用一刀来证明!" }, { "id": 600100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 600100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 600100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "领会了。" }, { "id": 600100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "这正是决胜负的关键时刻。" }, { "id": 600200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "潜藏于黑暗是我等的长项。" }, { "id": 600200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "汝等迟缓的家伙们能看穿吗?" }, { "id": 600200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 600200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 600200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 600200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "―――领会了。" }, { "id": 600300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "技之数,谋之数,无论如何挣扎都不可及……" }, { "id": 600300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "居然与吾等为敌……!" }, { "id": 600300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "易如反掌。" }, { "id": 600300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 600300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 600300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "上——" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "潜入黑夜……" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯,就是这个吧。" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "要上了哦……" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要切割了吧。" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哼,杀掉吧!" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我们要摘除你的恶性,就是挖出来!" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "欢迎来到雾都。" }, { "id": 600500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "妈妈,在吗?" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "忍住,要忍住,不行……" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "别出来……不行,别出来……" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哎?" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我可不管这样做下场会如何了哦……" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "……我知道了。" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "如果,你希望这样。" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "我会努力尝试的……" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这不是我的力量……" }, { "id": 600700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "这是,怎么一回事……?" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来吧,来吧,来吧,来吧!!" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "噢噢?" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哈?" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "真适应呢!" }, { "id": 600710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "真不错,真不错!" }, { "id": 600800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……真难办呢……" }, { "id": 600800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "想做各种事吗?不允许哦!" }, { "id": 600800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 600800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真不客气呢。" }, { "id": 600800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "算了,好吧。" }, { "id": 600800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "想要纳我为妾吗?" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "你会活下去吗?" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你也会死吧。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "……是。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "……明白了。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "……要上了。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……遵主人命令。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我的一切,都是毒……" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "要小心,我会杀了你。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "机会难得,我会杀了你。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "说得……对。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "可以吗?" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "是。一切遵照您的吩咐。" }, { "id": 600900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "是这样吗……" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那么……这样如何?" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵呵。真高兴,非常非常高兴哦。" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "这样啊……" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "请随意。" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哎呀?" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真的好吗?" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "那么,就破例一回。" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "呵呵呵呵呵,好啊!" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "那我就收下啦。" }, { "id": 601000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "来吧,歌唱吧!" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这样做啊。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嗯,那就只能这么办了。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是么。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——那就上吧。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "那就展示给你看吧。" }, { "id": 601100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "做好思想准备了吗?" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不要动,瞄准会偏的!" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "一起上吧。" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——已行刑。" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "好了,冷静下来。" }, { "id": 601200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "该怎么办呢……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "向着浅睡的你 我歌唱着……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "向着深爱的你 我歌唱着……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让我们一同歌唱吧!" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "尽情地……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "你也好好享受吧" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "为我歌唱吧……" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "必须调音才行" }, { "id": 601300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 601400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "是这个吧?" }, { "id": 601400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "对对,呵呵呵。" }, { "id": 601400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好的。" }, { "id": 601400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 601400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 601400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哎呀,轮到我了吗?" }, { "id": 601500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "一定要倍加小心……" }, { "id": 601500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "太晚了。" }, { "id": 601500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 601500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 601500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 601500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "使用王牌吧——" }, { "id": 601700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "抓住你了。" }, { "id": 601700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "由我拿下了。" }, { "id": 601700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "闭嘴。" }, { "id": 601700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 601700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "行啊。" }, { "id": 601700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "很好……非常好哦。" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "请用这招吧。" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "那就这样!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "迅速!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "Saber!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "除我以外的Saber都死吧!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "……这是错以为我是Assassin的你的失误!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我开动了~!(合掌)再来一份!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "我开动了~!(合掌)分量真多啊!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "我开动了~!(合掌)嘿呀~!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "准备上了,第二宝具……银河流星剑!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B050", "text": "我开动了~!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B051", "text": "(合掌)再来一份!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B060", "text": "我开动了~!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B061", "text": "(合掌)分量真多啊!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B070", "text": "我开动了~!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B071", "text": "(合掌)嘿呀~!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "请用这招吧。" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "那就这样!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "迅速!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "Saber!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "除我以外的Saber都死吧!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "……这是错以为我是Assassin的你的失误!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "我开动了~!(合掌)再来一份!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "我开动了~!(合掌)分量真多啊!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "我开动了~!(合掌)嘿呀~!" }, { "id": 601800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "准备上了,第二宝具……银河流星剑!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "杀出一条血路!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "快说你的辞世句吧……!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "对准要害吧!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了……!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "谨遵吩咐!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就用杀手锏吧。" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "燃起地狱之火。全都化为鬼吧!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "金刚·智拳印。" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "很好!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "对准要害吧!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "明白了……!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "谨遵吩咐!" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "凭这身打扮他们会回应召唤吗……?" }, { "id": 601900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "金刚·智拳印。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "无论是煮还是烤,都没什么两样呢。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这样吗? 太令人兴奋了。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "慢慢来吧。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "呵呵,手下留情哦?" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "可以盛大地款待一下对手吗?" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "会是什么滋味呢。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "期待,好期待呀。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "未尝不可吧。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "是吗?" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "真拗不过你呢。" }, { "id": 602100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "好了,那么,妾身就收下吧。" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真麻烦……" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好啊,我做总行了吧?" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "干嘛啦。" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "那家伙吗?" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真是没办法。" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "啊,真让人恶心——" }, { "id": 602300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "梦结束了——" }, { "id": 602400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "偶尔也要优雅一些啊。" }, { "id": 602400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵呵,好了……" }, { "id": 602400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好啊,就让你见识一下吧。" }, { "id": 602400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样也不错。" }, { "id": 602400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 602400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "——稍微认真一点吧。" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "交出首级来……!" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "能听到那钟声吗……" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "已作出选择了吧。" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "从背后推一把。" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "接下此任了。" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "神谕已降……!" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "吾之前进永无止尽。" }, { "id": 602500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "在那边吗。" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哎哟!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好啊~!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞来啦!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "奥义装填!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "正所谓祭典和干架是什么来着,对吧。" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "发射烟花吧,放个豪华的!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "我很乐意!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "把你们打飞!" }, { "id": 602600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "成为星星吧!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哎哟!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好啊~!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞来啦!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "奥义装填!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9080", "text": "正所谓祭典和干架是什么来着,对吧。" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9090", "text": "发射烟花吧,放个豪华的!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9180", "text": "我很乐意!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9200", "text": "把你们打飞!" }, { "id": 602610, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B9210", "text": "成为星星吧!" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "别让朕多费工夫。" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这就是所谓的力量提升!" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "行刑!" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "悔罪吧。" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哭也已经晚了!" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "惩罚的时间到了。" }, { "id": 602700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "你应该……很期待吧?" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "别让朕多费工夫。" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这就是所谓的力量提升!" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "执行!" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "后悔吧。" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哭也已经晚了!" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你见识一下吧。" }, { "id": 602710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "你应该……很期待吧?" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "该怎么处置呢。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "就这么处置吧。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "无妨。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……要上了。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "何谓法老的威严——" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "该怎么处置呢。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "就这么处置吧。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "无妨。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "……要上了。" }, { "id": 602800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "何谓法老的威严——" }, { "id": 602900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 602900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "出击是也。" }, { "id": 602900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 602900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给在下吧!" }, { "id": 602900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "定将不辱使命!" }, { "id": 602900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "出击是也。" }, { "id": 602910, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 602910, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "出击是也。" }, { "id": 602910, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 602910, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给在下吧!" }, { "id": 602910, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "定将不辱使命!" }, { "id": 602910, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "出击是也。" }, { "id": 603000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "飞加藤,机能调整。" }, { "id": 603000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "Phase Two!" }, { "id": 603000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 603000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "领命。" }, { "id": 603000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 603000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真名解放,待机!" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "外卖一人份~。" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来,让您久等了。" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "知道啦知道啦。" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "速战速决快点搞定吧。" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "一键购物!" }, { "id": 603100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "购买!" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "来,喝下去吧。" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "赐予你吧。" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唔嗯。" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "庭园啊,升起吧。" }, { "id": 603200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "十又一之黑棺,启动。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……你的招数,我学会了哦。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要不干脆让你见识一下二刀流如何?" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,我都听到了……" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上啦。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "觉悟吧。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……由我来解决。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "多给点报酬吧。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "在这里干掉这家伙……!" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "下一个是那家伙吗……" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "你那是什么剑法啊,我都要打哈欠了。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "别以为这件事可以就这么算了……" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "哦,我听到了。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "砍了你!" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "降下天诛。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "只要砍了那家伙就行了吧。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "好好看清我的剑法吧!" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "我不懂什么复杂的问题,给我死吧。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "好了,开始工作吧。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "你的剑,我能看得非常清楚。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "有火吗?" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "无论在什么时代,我的工作都不会改变。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "呼……好。" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B230", "text": "让你见识一下我的天赋吧!" }, { "id": 603300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "不去思考了。" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "兴奋天狗!(Exci-tengu)" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让你见识一下天狗的高鼻子吧!" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "从空中解决吗!" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "从海上进攻吗!" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真的可以这么玩吗?" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "天衣无缝的天狗石,出击,堂堂正正地打过去!" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呵呵,接下来在那附近搞恶作剧……" }, { "id": 603400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "那个敌人是不是比我强……?" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真是死不认输。" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "干脆给自己个解脱吧?" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我会让你解脱的。" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "啊啊,真是的。" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "麻烦死了。" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "说得倒是轻巧。" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "你就哭着乞求饶恕吧。" }, { "id": 603500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "想见识一下地狱吗?" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我要轻轻发一招了哦。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好了……" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "交给我了。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就请你吃这么一招吧。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "一击,足矣。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "那就下杀手吧。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "生于阳,杀于阴。" }, { "id": 603600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "由阴中窥机,由阳中拓路。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "爱之根源……" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "让你见识点厉害的东西哦?" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "知道啦知道啦,可以哦。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真拿你没办法呢……" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "你就那么想要呀。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "爱非常美好吧。我也最喜欢了♪" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "唔……我知道了。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "就像这样!" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "爱之根源……" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "就让你见识一下这个吧。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "知道啦知道啦。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "真拿你没办法啊。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "你就那么想要吗?" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "但愿你不要后悔。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "结果如何可不关我的事哦?" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "啊啊……好热啊……!" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "给予爱之炎!" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "爱之根源!" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "知道啦知道啦。" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "可以哦?" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "充盈的……爱——" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "烦恼无量誓愿断——" }, { "id": 603700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "我会让你沉浸!" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "天使,拜托啦!" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "加油吧!" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "知道啦知道啦!" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯,嗯。" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白啦~!" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "要准备宝具吧,遵命~!" }, { "id": 603800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "要杀了哟!" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让你们见识一下……守墓人的秘法……!" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哎哟,是这样的命令呀!" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我会做!" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "斩裂!" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "吃掉你哦!" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "黑暗……欢腾……" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "渴望……堕落……" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "Gray……Rave……" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "Crave……Deprave……" }, { "id": 603900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B260", "text": "亚德,解开封印!好嘞!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "没关系……能行!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好~!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我要上了!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真令人兴奋!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "见识我泳装的光辉吧!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "一切都交给冲田小姐吧!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "喷射装置的状态有点……不,我能行!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "就是那个!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "冲田小姐状态绝佳!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "呜……负担比我想象的还要……" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "……斩。" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "觉悟吧……!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "目标捕捉,请容我斩于刀下。" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "请稍等片刻,我会一并解决。" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "接这喷射天然理心流的精髓吧!" }, { "id": 604000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "M驱动启动……" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "咱可是天下万世之师!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "嘎嘎嘎!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哦哦!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以吗?" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "干得漂亮! 就该这样做!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "是时候了吧。" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "咱可是再也忍不下去了哦!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "兴奋期待,兴奋期待!" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "六韬兵法,很有用处哦。" }, { "id": 604100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "那咱就杀了你吧!" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就麻烦你一败涂地了哦?" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要不要开始革新呢?" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "有何贵干?" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "什么价位?" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "哎呀,真大胆。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我方定会提供最高品质的。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这是审判!" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "歼灭人类,就像这样♡" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "嗯,就这么办吧。抱歉,只是点私事。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "是的,这里是NFF服务。当然,一切都按照您的需求。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "那我就肆意使用啦。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "阳光的味道,火药的味道。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "就由我来。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "要华丽地!" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "要参观我的神殿吗?" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "恶有恶报,人类反省。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "投降劝告? 别开玩笑了。" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "令人欣喜若狂吧!" }, { "id": 604200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "要去参拜吗?" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "卢恩弹,装填。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "同步,持续中。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "指示明白了。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "输入确认。接受。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "最终攻击,开始。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "全力以赴的,全力。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "稍息片刻。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "更换弹夹。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "战斗同步,良好。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "唔?" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "你对我说吗?" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "输入确认,准备展开宝具!" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "最终攻击,命令接受。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "真没办法呢。" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 604300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "是休息哦?" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "机关枪更换!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "振作起精神来吧!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "指示明白啦!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "输入确认! 那就动手吧!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "最终攻击!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "大家,一起痛击对手吧!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "休息休息~。" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "弹夹交换!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "我会帮上忙的。" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "我知道了!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "输入确认了,准备展开宝具!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "我要上了哦~!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "姐姐大人们,拜托了!" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "稍息片刻。" }, { "id": 604400, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "休息!" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "装备确认,正常。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "同步确认,正常。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "指示明白了。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "输入确认,接受。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "输入最终攻击。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "总攻击,开始。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "因为在休息。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "维护要细致。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "感觉连接,没问题。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "是吗~?" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "嗯~。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "展开准备,没问题。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "最终攻击,输入确认。" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "总攻击,准备~!" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 604500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "休息中~。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾绰,出击。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "迅速杀害。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我明白了!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要酷一点!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "是宝具吧,明白了。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "让你见识一下吾绰的连环马吧。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "在此展现吾之奥秘!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "……出击了。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "用这个。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "那么。" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "我很强! 大概吧!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "为了吾友,吾主!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "夸我!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "多夸我一点!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "不要责备我!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "让您见识我最闪耀的瞬间吧!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "宝具吗? 宝具吧。呵呵,呵呵呵……要显眼……!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "连环马,出阵! 赞美吧!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "想要被夸奖……想要被夸奖……!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "自我检索! 没问题!" }, { "id": 604600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "自我检索! 不行! 讨厌啦……" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "装弹装弹……哎哟。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "诀窍还是掌握不好呢……" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "选中了吗?" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "啊?" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "扳机在那边。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "宝具啊……" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这是黎明之雾。要讲礼节。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "带你前往死之国度吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "太阳变得模糊了。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "糟了,忘东西了。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "要动手吗,伙计。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "这是毁灭世界之战。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "——不错,非常好。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "手!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "脚!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "脸!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "前往特特奥坎以北吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "准备顶级的活祭吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "不要骄傲,不要欺瞒,一目了然……!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "来吧! 来吧! 来吧!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "积攒点力量吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "是不是热过头了?" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "——不错,非常好。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "手!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "脚!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "脸!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "前往特特奥坎以北吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "准备顶级的活祭吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "不要骄傲,不要欺瞒,一目了然……!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "来吧! 来吧! 来吧!" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "积攒点力量吧。" }, { "id": 604700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "是不是热过头了?" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要吃菌菇吗?" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "请品尝菌菇吧!" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "这是毒!" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "去死,吧。" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "因为我是专业的——" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "此乃诸神的肴馔。" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "没有比毒药更美味的东西了。" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "送上顶级的美餐!" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "烹饪之战!" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这种菌菇很有效哦。" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "来下毒!" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "搞定啦!" }, { "id": 604800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "哎,颜色好吓人。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "杀戮机关,准备就绪。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "杀掉吧。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "需要手下留情吗?" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "什么?" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2080", "text": "" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就敬请鉴览吧……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "虽然稍微有些不好意思……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "全歼灭兵装,并列启动——" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "吾之魔性,吾之魔眼……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "是的,什么形象都可以……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "我的眼睛,很好。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "要看,我的左眼吗?" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "呼……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "嘿咻。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "当然了!" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "好的好的。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B2080", "text": "" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "真名解放,预备。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "能别看吗?" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "只有,一会儿哦……" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "真贪婪呢。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "我们在哪儿见过吗?" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "抱歉使用外术。" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "看到了,能看到——" }, { "id": 604900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "找到了!" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 605000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 700100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 700200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 700200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 700200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 700200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 700200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 700300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 700300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 700300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 700300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 700300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 700400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "这个……!" }, { "id": 700400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 700400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 700400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 700400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "唔噢……该是反叛之时了吗。" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "哇哈哈哈哈!此乃爆炸!" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "爱!" }, { "id": 700500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "拥抱……" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "你还真没得救呢。" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "连骨到髓都去死吧……!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哦。" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "包在我身上吧。" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "华丽地上吧!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "Golden!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "Big Golden!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "OK!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "抽支烟抽支烟……呼~!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "做给你看好了!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "使出力气来吧!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "你就去一趟月亮公公哪儿吧……!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "这样啊!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "明白啦!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "主马佑,出击!" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "要爆发了哦?" }, { "id": 700600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "好嘞……!" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就承蒙款待了。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "余身在暗中,却不为暗。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好了。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "献上汝之血,汝之命吧。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "宝具吗……明白了。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "堆积起尸体吧。" }, { "id": 700700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "即便是污浊的传承。" }, { "id": 700800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "来吧,给你尝尝这下。" }, { "id": 700800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "真是的,没办法。" }, { "id": 700800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "噢。" }, { "id": 700800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上吧!" }, { "id": 700800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 700800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "做好思想准备哦?" }, { "id": 700900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "看招!" }, { "id": 700900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 700900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 700900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "原来……如此" }, { "id": 700900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 700900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "上……了……!" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "献上……汝之……灵魂……" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "是吗……" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "罗马啊……!" }, { "id": 701000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "罗——马!" }, { "id": 701100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 701100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 701100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 701100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 701100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 701100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我是不会放跑你的……" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要加油哦。" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是……" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我好高兴……" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "请各位明鉴。" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "啊啊……好悲伤……好悲伤……好悲伤!" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "那就请您看好了。这是我毕生难得的精彩表现!" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "把你们烧光。" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 701300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "开始正式治疗!——做好思想准备了吗。" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你需要治疗。老实一点。疼痛是生命活动的证明。" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "诊察。" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "处置。" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……开始治疗。" }, { "id": 701400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "没办法了。" }, { "id": 701500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "噢噢,就是这个,这才是!" }, { "id": 701500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 701500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 701500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 701500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 701500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "是血,是血,是血啊啊啊啊!!!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "全力出击! 这是手下留情了的!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "说实话,我开始犯困了!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "知道啦!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧!!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你领教一下玉藻地狱吧!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "阴气充斥后宫,众人失去意识。" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "战斗,即为午餐时间!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "让您久等了,这就是答复!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "可爱,并且迅速!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "要不要再来点水汪?" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "喵喵喵~!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "非常美味吧!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "接到订单啦~☆" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "被芭菲毁灭吧!" }, { "id": 701600, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "唔嗯,打算慢慢来吧。" }, { "id": 702000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "胆怯惶恐吧……!" }, { "id": 702000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "没有下一次了。" }, { "id": 702000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 702000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 702000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 702000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "杀戮。一个不留。" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就动真格吧……" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不爽……不爽……" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哦?" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "汝还真好事。" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "然。" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让汝等领教真正鬼的模样吧!" }, { "id": 702200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呵呵。你倒是可以试试看能否看穿!" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "简直就像玩耍。" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "请见证吧。" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎呀呀。" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯,我可是您的刀。" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "只要您下令。我赖光愿意化为鬼!" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "太骄傲了吧。" }, { "id": 702300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "请觉悟吧。" }, { "id": 702400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……这样就行了吧?" }, { "id": 702400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要上了。" }, { "id": 702400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 702400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 702400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就这样吧。" }, { "id": 702400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我一直在等待这个时刻。" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真让人不爽……!" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "胆敢撤退的家伙斩无赦!" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "闭嘴。" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我就是——新选组。" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "新选组,出击……!" }, { "id": 702500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "好好让你见识一下。——对,你就好好看着吧……!" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "茶茶always能看穿一切!" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "吃茶茶这招好像很厉害的力量吧~!" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "茶茶!" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "那边!?" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是那个吧。" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就让你见识一下茶茶的真本事吧!很厉害的哦! 真的哦!" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "会burning到令人惊讶哦!" }, { "id": 702600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呀!? 好痛好痛……" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "还能站得住吗。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这可恶的家伙。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "无论如何都要消灭。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不要犹豫。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你这家伙……你这家伙是……!" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "终于……来了吗!" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "阿瑞斯之血啊!" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "请签名或敲章签收。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "麻烦确认一下收货单。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "找到解决方法了。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "接下来是这个服务。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "倾注真心!" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "一定要让你收下……!" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "让你好好见识CEO的力量!" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "好,就这么谈妥了。" }, { "id": 702700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "需要进一步提升。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "还能站得住吗。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这可恶的家伙。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "无论如何都要消灭。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不要犹豫。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你这家伙……你这家伙是……!" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "终于……来了吗!" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "阿瑞斯之血啊!" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "请签名或敲章签收。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "麻烦确认一下收货单。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "找到解决方法了。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "接下来是这个服务。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "倾注真心!" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "一定要让你收下……!" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "让你好好见识CEO的力量!" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "好,就这么谈妥了。" }, { "id": 702710, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "需要进一步提升。" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "能行!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "Oui!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "把这些一并撤除吧。" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "把你们连地面一起整平。" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "啊呜啊呜……真好吃!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "再加把劲。" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "加油!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "打起精神来!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "我知道了!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "OK!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "要上了哦!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "轻轻拍拍你!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "你要……摸一下肉垫吗?" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "真了不起!" }, { "id": 702800, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "蹦蹦跳跳地来啦!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "我的节奏欣喜不已!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "犹如燃尽本能寺!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "那就这样!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "Thank you!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "耶!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "无可奈何呢!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "想听我的摇滚吗? 没错吧,没错吧!" }, { "id": 702900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "让你久等了!" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要用了!" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "所有一切,都去死吧!" }, { "id": 703000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "卡吕冬,给我力量!" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "成为修罗。" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "化身罗刹。" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "要上了。" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "就是那个吧。" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要攻击了。" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我去准备德语字典!" }, { "id": 703100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我要开始斩碎了哦,做好觉悟了吗?" }, { "id": 703200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "正是。" }, { "id": 703200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "说得没错。" }, { "id": 703200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "看到了。" }, { "id": 703200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 703200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 703200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就让我们一决胜负吧。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "招来。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "毁坏吧。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是那个吗。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "星辰将缩小,邪恶将被剑制裁。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "肃清、排除,以及坏劫。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "无需迷茫。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "蒙昧无知。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "有提案。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "我们上吧。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "星辰将缩小,邪恶将被剑制裁。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "肃清、排除,以及坏劫。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "那就这么做吧。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "语文。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "数学。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "点名。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "起立。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "敬礼。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "现在是伦理学的时间。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "让我们学习宇宙吧。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "历史。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "语文。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "数学。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "点名。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "起立。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "敬礼。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "现在是伦理学的时间。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "让我们学习宇宙吧。" }, { "id": 703300, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "历史。" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "很愉快吧? 呵呵……" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "约翰,约翰!" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "给我,给我!" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "御主的头颅不能给我吗?" }, { "id": 703400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "喜欢我吗? 喂,问你呀……?" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真没办法。" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "噢,交给我吧,御主!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "不准命令我!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要上了哦!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那就是敌方老大吗? 好,那我去砍一个回来!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "得一个个确保他们全部断气才行!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "哈哈哈! 有意思起来了!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "不愧是我的御主。挺了解该什么时候下杀手呢!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我要把你们……全部杀光!" }, { "id": 703500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "腰部发力不对,腰部!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "唔~活过来啦~!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "心情愉悦!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我当然会照办!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "刀背砍!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让你见识一下什么叫兵法无尽吧!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "唔! 豪迈地灵光一现!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "武打最棒了! 我要不断进攻了哦!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "这就是二天一流·夏之势!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "腰部发力不对,腰部!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "唔~活过来啦~!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "GUNG-HO!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "Show time!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "让你见识一下什么叫兵法无尽吧!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "唔! 豪迈地灵光一现!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "武打最棒了! 我要不断进攻了哦!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "这就是二天一流·夏之势!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "五行的体现在此……!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "感觉已经钻研到极致了……!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "这样不错!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "横扫一切!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "嗯嗯!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "开始,一生一次的大机关!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "敬请马头观音明鉴!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "总之先击破!" }, { "id": 703600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "连同躯干一并击溃!" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "独自观赏红叶之叶……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "唵·毘悉毘悉·伽罗伽罗·悉嚩利·娑婆诃。" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "领命。" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "颇为有趣……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "交由吾处理即可!" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "仔细看好了!" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "萍水相逢之缘……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "唵·枳哩枳哩·吽·癹吒……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "独自观赏红叶之叶……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "唵·毘悉毘悉·伽罗伽罗·悉嚩利·娑婆诃。" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "我明白了。" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "领命。" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "颇为有趣……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "交由吾处理即可!" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "仔细看好了!" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "萍水相逢之缘……" }, { "id": 703700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "唵·枳哩枳哩·吽·癹吒……" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "天鹅之羽,往日翼翅!" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "亲爱的……" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我们上,齐格鲁德!" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要叫那个人了!" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "亲爱的,轮到你出场了!" }, { "id": 703800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "不要紧,一定不要紧……" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "稍微集中一下精神。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "咦……? 嗯咻。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "决定题材。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "准备道具。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "想象完成的形象。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "开始凿吧。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "喀嗒……喀嗒……" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "必须维持理想的形象才行。" }, { "id": 703900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "保养是非常重要的哦。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了,该从哪里开始击溃呢……" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "不会让你过于烦恼的。变得愉快起来了吧。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "说得好。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "决定很正确。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不要避而不见。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……将双眼所见之物,全部化为灰烬。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "昏暗之湖啊,到来吧。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "展开宝具吧。" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "不能让事情轻松结束……" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "如果得不到的话……" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "全部煮透。没问题吧?" }, { "id": 704000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "士气就该这么提升……吃吧。" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "啊呜呜呜呜……好痛……!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "华丽地收板! 咦?" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "叭叭叭叭~~!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "什么事!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "大家~,清(say)!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "兴致很是提升~!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "让我们来个华丽的吧,亲御!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "没问题,来劲啦!" }, { "id": 704100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "啊哈~,偶爱这个。" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "为何会如此悲伤……" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "头好痛啊……" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "杀掉就行了吧?" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "砍下首级。" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "真的难死到令人厌烦……" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "巴尔蒙克……拜托了哦。" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "因憎恨才要杀,因要杀才憎恨。" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "真是太令人……欲罢不能了……!" }, { "id": 704200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "死了就好了……" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "破例给你个加护哦!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "声援~哔哔哔!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "哎,这样啊!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "随便做好啦!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哎,不好意思啦……" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "一定要看仔细哦……" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "做好觉悟了吗?" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "真是好酒~。嗝。" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "夏日时光!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "加油~,加油~!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "没问题!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "上吧! 上吧!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "呀!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "上! 上! 迦勒底,战斗!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "没错!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "哇哦~!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "唔~,真好喝~!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "破例给你个加护哦!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "声援~哔哔哔!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "哎,这样啊!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "是这样吗?" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "随便做好啦!" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "哎,不好意思啦……" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "一定要看仔细哦……" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "做好觉悟了吗?" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B380", "text": "是吗,是吗。" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "真是好酒~。嗝。" }, { "id": 704300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "真愉快。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "请用。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这样甚好。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "清楚了。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "那么,就容我摆上一席吧。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "准备全都做好了。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "应该会是一次有趣的茶席。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "容我领教您的觉悟吧。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "利休,激怒。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "呼,真好喝。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "请倾听,驹的琵琶。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "请交给驹吧。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "您呼唤驹吗?" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "利休大人,轮到您出场了哦。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "需要驹来做吗?" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "让我们加油吧。" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "那么……驹要上了!" }, { "id": 704400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "弹弹,弹!" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要来较量一下吗?" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "你……已经死了哦?" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嚯嚯~。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "喂喂。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "一切准备就绪。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "兄弟们啊。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "到该表现的时候了。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "你会输。" }, { "id": 704600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "让你见识一下本老爷的真本事吧。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要快乐一些,轻松一些哦!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "春日的悸动,要像这样。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是那边吧!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是这边啊!?" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我就知道!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "有罪之人,方可通过——" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "冬之玉座,春之希望——" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "终结设置!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "合唱就拜托了哦!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "大家,各就各位。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "哎哟,此时发生了意外!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "我可是魔术师,必须摄取糖分才行!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "配合着上吧!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "无论什么时候,都要保持轻快!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "唔,嗯! 我做!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "这,这样啊! 我去!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "好,好嘞! 出招啦!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "宝,宝具!? 穿这身放吗!?" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "夏之氏族,要上啦~!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "愉快的时间,到此结束啦~!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "阿瓦隆……" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "稍微休息一会儿……" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "收到您的要求啦!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "结束后要大家一起,好吗!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "仅作为消遣。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "奏响留存心中的旋律。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "叫我吗?" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "很准确。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "期待已久。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "神域之技,至此。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "宝具,展开。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "好吧。再次展现救济之技!" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "比光,更锐利。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "比火,更激烈。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "可不只有圣剑哦。" }, { "id": 704700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "完成度很高。啊唔~。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "觉悟吧。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "放马过来的话,可是要拼上性命的哦。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "啊?" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "那接下来……" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "喀嘎嘎,热血沸腾起来啦。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "真的可以动手吗。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "这话说得真令人心花怒放呢!" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "被人小看可就完了哦。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "呼……让老夫休息一会儿啦。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "……好!" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "好了……上吧。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "不用在意细节!" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "行嘞。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "好,狠狠来一发吧。" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "打起精神来吧,噢啦!" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "啊啊,再也忍不住了……" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "……啊?" }, { "id": 704800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "好,交给我吧。" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 704900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "能力提升。我会努力的……!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "盾效果发挥!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "上。" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "――真名,伪装登录――能行!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "不能在泳池边缘奔跑!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "防紫外线,准备妥当!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "芙呜!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "嗯,请期待吧!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B240", "text": "我不会输给任何海浪!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "掩体雷弹,装弹……!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "内热冲击板,装填……!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "是!!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "装填下一发弹药……!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "上前方出击!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "尽管不能像以前那样……" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "奥特瑙斯,拟似连接开始——" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "悖论效果,设定!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 14, "voiceId": "14_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 14, "voiceId": "14_B090", "text": "切割喷剂,咻!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 14, "voiceId": "14_B180", "text": "笔直上对吧!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 14, "voiceId": "14_B190", "text": "呵呵,可以哦。" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 14, "voiceId": "14_B200", "text": "嘿咻……" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 14, "voiceId": "14_B210", "text": "好嘞,要建城啦!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 15, "voiceId": "15_B080", "text": "饮料饮料……" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 15, "voiceId": "15_B090", "text": "摆正帽子……" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 15, "voiceId": "15_B180", "text": "编舞,没问题!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 15, "voiceId": "15_B190", "text": "歌词,没问题!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 15, "voiceId": "15_B200", "text": "MC,没问题!" }, { "id": 800100, "voicePrefix": 15, "voiceId": "15_B210", "text": "好嘞……我要唱我的保留曲目啦!" }, { "id": 800101, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "能力提升。这样就能撑住了。" }, { "id": 800101, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我还不能倒下!" }, { "id": 800101, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 800101, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "冷静,要冷静……" }, { "id": 800101, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白。要坚持下去。" }, { "id": 800101, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B240", "text": "真名,公开——我立于灾厄之席——" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "掩体雷弹,装弹……!" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "最大伤害,交给我吧!" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "下一发弹药,已装填。" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "向前,一步。" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "无论什么人,只要怀有战斗的心……" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "强化装甲(奥特瑙斯),拟似连接解除!" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "中弹概率,收束!" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B490", "text": "将危机,化作机会!" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B880", "text": "悖论效果,设定!" }, { "id": 800140, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B890", "text": "强化装甲(奥特瑙斯),全机能解放!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "是这个吧?" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "那就用这个。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我上了。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "神之力量降临此处!!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "请交给我吧,站在我的背后!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "只要这面旗帜还在,就不会溃败!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "无妨。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "一鼓作气吧!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "主啊,请赐予我力量。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "赐予拭去迷茫的光辉吧。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "这里由我来!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "上前!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "这个瞬间,让我们手握着手吧。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "虽然只是乡下姑娘的跳舞……" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "借手一用。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "我们开始吧。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "那么,开始展现光辉吧。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "我会加油的!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "Un,deux,trois(1,2,3)!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B380", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B390", "text": "步子是这样踏吧。" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B400", "text": "那一起来吧!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "如果不介意由我相伴的话……" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "真开心呢,各位!" }, { "id": 900100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "但愿能有一些优雅。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "吾之奇迹啊!" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "赐予守护吧!" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "那就这样。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "Set。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "准备上吧。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "连接,启动……上吧。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "该动用王牌了。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "请赐予安息。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "请赐予慈悲。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "要偷了。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "这是预告。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "怪盗。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "前来拜访。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "要偷了。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "那就用宝具吧。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "虽然我是怪盗,但一码归一码。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "我要把这里全部清空了哦。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "99.9%能赢!" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "这是礼品。" }, { "id": 900200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "东西我收下了。" }, { "id": 900400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "不这样做你就不懂是吧?" }, { "id": 900400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "势头不错!" }, { "id": 900400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "要沉重地上吧?" }, { "id": 900400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "要强烈地上吧?" }, { "id": 900400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要激烈地上吧?" }, { "id": 900400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……主啊,请暂时闭上双眼……" }, { "id": 900500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "始终要考虑不同的可能性。" }, { "id": 900500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "开始吧。" }, { "id": 900500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "这是明智的选择。" }, { "id": 900500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 900500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样无妨吧?" }, { "id": 900500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让我们开始吧。" }, { "id": 900600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嗯嗯。" }, { "id": 900600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要这般做啊。" }, { "id": 900600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 900600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 900600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "无可救药啊。" }, { "id": 900600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "游戏到此结束了吗?" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "唔……Ole!" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "圣诞动作!" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "加快节奏啦~!" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "圣诞老人就是飞翔于天空的~!" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "让我们在圣夜彻夜舞蹈到天明吧?" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "让我送你一个必杀终结技吧~!" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 900700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "你能接得住我的舞蹈吗?" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "星之光辉啊,聚集于此!" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "聚集于我的天秤吧,闪耀!" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "这么做吗?" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯,交给我吧。" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要打飞这家伙了哦!" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "现在是判决之刻。倾听星辰的声音吧。" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "向我的天秤祈祷吧。" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "好了,用这招让你双肩触地!" }, { "id": 900800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "嗯,只要倾听宝石的声音就行了吧?" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让你见识一下兔女郎的力量吧!" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "那么,卡牌会怎么说呢……?" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "展开! 准备!" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "很好很好,乖孩子。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "现在是下午茶的时间。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "这风真舒服呢……" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "偶尔这样或许也不错……" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "让你见识一下兔女郎的力量吧!" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "那么,卡牌会怎么说呢……?" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "那就让你见识一下我的大厅吧!" }, { "id": 900900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "很好很好,乖孩子。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "啊唔啊唔……嗯,真好吃!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "高涨的大米威力!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真不错!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "偷瞄。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哎,我? 没问题没问题!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "用宝具啊!呃……镜子在哪儿,镜子在哪儿。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "日月星辰啊……" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "一、二、卑弥呼!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "命中是卑弥呼,不命中也是卑弥呼!" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "由彼方至此处,由此处至彼方。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "愿我的神谕能成为指引你的路标。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "不行吧。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "让你们见到常世的尽头吧。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "请随意。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "我们一起走吧。" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "闪亮闪亮闪亮~☆" }, { "id": 901000, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "卑弥呼的架势! 哈!" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "会心跳加速吧?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来了……来了……" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是命令吗?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是请求吗?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "有什么需求吗?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "宝具吗……那你欠我的可不少哦……?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "祈祷要无比……无比虔诚……" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "好吧,我会成为神。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "主啊,抚育我们吧。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "用三种教诲,嘿☆" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "洗啊洗……心灵都被洗净了……" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "由我来支配你们吧。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "一直承蒙你的照顾啦。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "兴致,提升了吧?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "我很乐意。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "就像天使一样。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "真是的……这可不便宜哦……" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "让你见识一下地球的重量。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "来一首保留的情歌。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "看来你想被放进开水烫呢。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "神明——,充能——☆" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "毁灭吧,巴噗~。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "该制裁啦。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "呵呵……真是罪孽深重。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "这是心情的问题。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "如你所愿。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "直到你心满意足为止。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "像恶魔一样,对吧?" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "终于轮到我出场了? 我都等不及了。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "别具一格,十分厉害的。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "超级卡莲宇宙!" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "我要把你做成奶酪火锅那样的。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "恶魔,充能——☆" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "你难道还有什么期待咩。" }, { "id": 901100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "木有什么救赎。" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "那就靠你啦!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "前进吧,勇往直前!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "就这么办吧!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哼哼。来吧,这是我秘藏的大招哦!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "让你见识一下我的新发明吧!" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "啊啊,真耀眼……" }, { "id": 901200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "踏上冒险之旅!" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "根据计算。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "改善方案是……" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嚯嚯。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "相当不错。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "该使出杀手锏了。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "真的可以使用吗?" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "那就来真的好了!" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "好,我当然会做!" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "算式是绝对的。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "灵光闪现。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "是这个吗?" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "嚯嚯。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "当然可以当然可以。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "可以理解呢。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "好,终结他们吧。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "时空崩溃,数字支配。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "那么,成为恶吧。" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "有意思!" }, { "id": 901300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "送上邪恶的光辉!" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嗯,嗯……" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我的卢恩……" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "什么事?" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "真不客气。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "偶尔一次也无妨吧。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "真是的。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "破例一次哦?" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "啊唔啊唔。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "很甜的哦~。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "嗯,嗯……" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "我的卢恩……" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "什么事?" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "真不客气。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "偶尔一次也无妨吧。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "真是的。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "破例一次哦?" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "啊唔啊唔。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "很甜的哦~。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "嗯,嗯……" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "我的卢恩……" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "什么事?" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "真不客气。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "偶尔一次也无妨吧。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "真是的。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "破例一次哦?" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "啊唔啊唔。" }, { "id": 901400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "很甜的哦~。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "常暗之睿智啊,降临吾身。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "咻~! 闪亮!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我知道了!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我就知道~。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "古老的深渊啊……开启。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "终于要开始了呢!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "宝具,广域展开。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "预备,嘿哟!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "常暗之睿智啊,降临吾身。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "咻~! 闪亮!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "我知道了!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "我就知道~。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "古老的深渊啊……开启。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "终于要开始了呢!" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "宝具,广域展开。" }, { "id": 901500, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "预备,嘿哟!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "引导吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "闪耀吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "原来如此。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "请拯救我们吧……" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "用我的祈祷开辟道路。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "闪亮吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "祈祷吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "守护吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "打飞吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "人是闪耀的存在!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "灿然之爱在此。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "噢噢!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "真不错!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "嗯嗯♪" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "宝具解放,赐予神之恩宠吧。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "我会回应要求,请看好了哦。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "那么,我就坐下了哦!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "还请您守望着。" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "那就来一发狠的吧!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "嗯~,非常抒情!" }, { "id": 901600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "分寸? 那个好吃吗?" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "水,很好喝吧!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "唔? 你也想要吗?" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "简单啦。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "或许还挺开心的。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "不可能的任务? 那应该轮到在下出场了吧。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "在这片大海上飞出最快速度。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "换上龙之背包。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这下麻烦了!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "就不能老实一点吗!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "时间到了以后再叫醒我哦。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "最棒of最棒,对吧。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "水,很好喝吧!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "唔? 你也想要吗?" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "简单啦。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "或许还挺开心的。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "不可能的任务? 那应该轮到在下出场了吧。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "在这片大海上飞出最快速度。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "换上龙之背包。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "这下麻烦了!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "就不能老实一点吗!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "时间到了以后再叫醒我哦。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "最棒of最棒,对吧。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "在海上战斗吧!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "冲浪就到此为止吧!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "太棒啦!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "你的请求?" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "谨遵命令。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "试着更新记录吧。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "造就这颗行星上最棒的机尾云。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "在机舱里等着我哦,御主。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "绝对不会漏打……!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "就该这样才对……!" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "好啊,慢慢来吧。" }, { "id": 901700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "轻轻解开……好。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "自越后而来!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "果然马就是好呢!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "准备,出击!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "接下我这白太刀之焰吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "那么,就用绝招上吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "交给毗沙门天吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "那么,就稍微鼓起点干劲吧。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "武运在天,铠甲在胸,功勋在脚下!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "全力出击!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "嘿咻……就一杯,就一杯啦。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "好啦好啦,稍微冷静一点啦。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "好了,要飙了哦!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "摩托实在是太棒了呢!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "准备,出击!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "接下我这白太刀之焰吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "那么,就用绝招上吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "交给毗沙门天吧!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "那么,就稍微鼓起点干劲吧。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "武运在天,铠甲在胸,功勋在脚下!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "全力出击!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "嘿咻……就一杯,就一杯啦。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "好啦好啦,稍微冷静一点啦。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "被解决掉吧。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "天运在我手中!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "我们上吧。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "要拔出——『白』了。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "唵吠室啰摩拏野苏婆诃。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "毗天的白太刀,请明鉴。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "交给我谦信亲吧。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "毗天之焰啊,寄宿我身!" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "熊熊燃烧起来了。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "只有这个戒不掉,也不想戒掉。" }, { "id": 901800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "加点盐……呼哈! 哎哟,失礼了。" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "请不要碰我……" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……你也……打算欺负我吗……" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "啊……好!" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我上了!" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "……呼。" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我已经……忍受不了了……!" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "请倾听我的告白!" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "就算害怕,我也会忍耐!" }, { "id": 1000100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "我会紧紧捏住你。" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "哎呀,好可怕好可怕。" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "将你贯穿……!" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "大卸八块。" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "我照办就行了吧?" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "蹂躏什么的……真令人心痒难耐啊。" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这样啊……可以尽情放手干了吧?" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "给你身上开个洞……!" }, { "id": 1000200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "做好觉悟了吗?" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "苦与乐皆相同。均为生命之色。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "胎藏界,理拳印。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我很荣幸。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我能收下吗?" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯,捉到了哦。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "各位,今天是济度的日子。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "众生无边誓愿度——" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "更强,更弱。哈……看上去如此美味。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "此乃回向,认命吧。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "呵呵呵……Svaha Svaha。" }, { "id": 1000300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "让我把你们捏扁吧。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "毕竟是钢铁。不用介意。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "伊丽莎粒子,展开。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "进行粉碎。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "你就好好看着吧。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "全武器,解除锁定。" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "来吧,用探照灯照射吧!" }, { "id": 1000400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "什么都没有。什么都没有!" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "进行 破坏" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "目标 锁定" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "给我闭嘴。" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "别对我发号施令。" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "别管我。" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "啊,这样啊。那我可以随心所欲地干了吧?" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "你退下。我一个人就能解决。" }, { "id": 1000500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "……嘿咻。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "……我要动真格了哦!" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "……(ZZZ)、……(啊!?)没睡着,我没睡着哦,睡……睡着了!" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "……上吧!" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "吾之光芒通达无穹。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "醒醒,炼狱……轮到你出场了。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "……? 啊啊,是说我吗。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "要我动真格吗?" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "魔力量全开!" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "这不是自卖自夸,我可是非常锋利的哦。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "唔? 意识……差点飞了,抱歉抱歉。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "好嘞。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "噢。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "要认真上了!" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "主人,快醒醒。不行吗?" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "啊,我吗?" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "要打飞他们了哦!" }, { "id": 1000700, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "魔力量全开!……魔力量是什么?" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好乖好乖。Shirou真了不起。" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "过来吧……呵呵,大家请多关照啦。" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "不着急,不着急。" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "嗯,好呀。" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "干掉他们是吧。" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "将他们打得落花流水,Shirou。" }, { "id": 1000800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "让他们一败涂地。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "变得……更大……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "变得……更小吧……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我知道了……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "很碍事吧……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "请躲起来。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "Serial Phantasm,展开……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我的手指包围了世界——" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "因为我在……减肥……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "真是的……这样可动不了真格啊……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "要来……摸摸看吗?" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "再多一些……再多一些……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "我会做一件非常厉害的事哦。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "能玩扮怪兽游戏吗……?" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "要来……捏捏看吗?" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "这是少女的秘密哦?" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "我会变得更巨大,更强大……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "世界会变得更渺小,更矮小……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "絮絮叨叨烦死了。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "你不说我也明白。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "你是看不起我吗?" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "好吧,看我把你们全部打散!" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "只要连同你全部吞下去就可以了。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "肚子……饿了。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "反弹回原样什么的……唉……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "唔唔……你在看什么。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "让我做一下热身运动。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "我会变得更巨大,更强大……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "世界会变得更渺小,更矮小……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "絮絮叨叨烦死了。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "你不说我也明白。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "你是看不起我吗?" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "好吧,看我把你们全部打散!" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "只要连同你全部吞下去就可以了。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "肚子……饿了。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B490", "text": "反弹回原样什么的……唉……" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B880", "text": "唔唔……你在看什么。" }, { "id": 1000900, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B890", "text": "让我做一下热身运动。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以吗?" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "唔唔唔唔真不错!!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "当然没问题。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "随心所欲地贪求吧。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "最终会如何可不关贫僧什么事哦……?" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "贫僧,多才多艺——" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "吾之指尖,无所不达——" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "黑色的力量,永无止尽。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "来这招啊!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "唔唔唔就该这样!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "神啊,怨灵啊,到来吧!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "那就开始吞噬吧!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "请注意魔力的消耗……" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "黑暗在呢喃。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "正在享受哦!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "不断增加。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "唔唔唔?" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "那还真是。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "是这样吗。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "哦,让贫僧上身脱光(全力以赴)!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "呵呵呵,我们真合得来呢。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "请恕贫僧失礼了……!" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "尽情享受盛夏的反复无常吧。" }, { "id": 1001000, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "何其愉快!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "强化……完成!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "该了结了。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "同意。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "传承带原者的证明。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "后发而先斩之物……" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "求之不得……!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我开动了感谢款待!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "理想的能量补给。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "强化……完成!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "该了结了。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "明白。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "同意。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "传承带原者的证明。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "后发而先斩之物……" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "求之不得……!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "我开动了感谢款待!" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "理想的能量补给。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "好孩子,好孩子。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "去往乐园的邀请。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "不必客气。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "请便请便。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "再来一份也是可以的哦。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "虽然比给鲁格的那个稍微差一点。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "我用得比巴泽特要熟练一点。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "后发而先斩之物——" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "有话倒是可以说来听听。" }, { "id": 1001100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "高效得,摄取热量。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "一起玩吧。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "动手动手动手吧~。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "由吾辈来!" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "战斗吧~。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "明白!" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "还想,进一步唤醒……?" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "事情,会变得严重哦。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "那个方位是大凶哦。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "休息一会儿休息一会儿。" }, { "id": 1001200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "呼噜……" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "不老老实实听话,可不行哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "变聪明了……!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真不错!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "好累人……" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "期待大家给我点赞哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "可以在我变大的时候拍照哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "呜……平静下来吧,我的右手……" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "无论浇在什么上面都很好吃吧~。" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "不觉得会输!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "能用技能真了不起!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "无论给多少张都吃得下去哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "总统的命令必须服从!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "变得了不起了!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "要上了哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B2080", "text": "你就是明星!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B2090", "text": "对罪犯无需手下留情!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "全体起立,总统要说一句话。" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "确定当选! 胜利演说!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "派对派对!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "大家要友爱相处哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "我要按下按钮了哦!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "奶奶的小知识!" }, { "id": 1001300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "奶奶的味道!" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好麻烦好麻烦。" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "踏踏实实,踏踏实实。" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唔~。" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎……" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "想放弃……" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好麻烦……" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我会做~。" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "好~,要做啦~。" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "虞大人万岁~!" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "嘿咻。" }, { "id": 1001400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "消散吧,绚烂的诅咒。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "你讨厌规劝吗?" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "还是学习先人吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是个好机会。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这还真是……" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2080", "text": "唔……这是……!" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2090", "text": "——要品尝吗?" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "……开始祝祭吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "……Вытекать из полости(自空洞流出)……" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "人世间罪业无穷尽吗,呵呵呵。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "赌上性命吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "月亮在看着哦。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "试炼之时。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "——赐予救赎。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "你讨厌规劝吗?" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "还是学习先人吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "是个好机会。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "这还真是……" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B2080", "text": "唔……这是……!" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B2090", "text": "——要品尝吗?" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "……开始祝祭吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "……Вытекать из полости(自空洞流出)……" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "人世间罪业无穷尽吗,呵呵呵。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "赌上性命吧。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "月亮在看着哦。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "试炼之时。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "——赐予救赎。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "欢迎。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "让你久等了。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "可以。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "没有异议。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "有时也是必要的。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "万般愿望在此。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "想象力是如此的坚强。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "——你们都太无趣了。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "由我去杀戮。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "由我留生路。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "赐予恩惠。" }, { "id": 1001500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "给与平等。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "要讲礼仪。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好孩子?" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好的好的。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是吗是吗。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "很好,非常好。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "见识母亲的力量吧。……你会看吧?" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "开始,制作,便当!" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "为母则刚! 嘿~!" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "早起,厨房,便当!" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "停下来吧。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "不行,不行。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "啦~啦~啦~♪" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "啦~~~♪" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "休想。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "不会让你,出手。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "是这样啊。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "真不错。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "我要,使用宝具了。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "准备,做好了。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "我会,努力的。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "赢得胜利吧……!" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "不行,不行。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "不行啦……" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "星辰的,力量。" }, { "id": 1001600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "我会,努力的!" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1001700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让我们快点解决吧~?" }, { "id": 1100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "看我从头吃了你哦~!" }, { "id": 1100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "来了。" }, { "id": 1100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "好嘞,被痛快地干一场吧!!" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "也就这样了。" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真残酷。" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这样就行了!" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "无需慈悲!" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "有意思!" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "无聊。" }, { "id": 1100200, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "闭嘴,闭嘴!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "感觉如何!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以吧?" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "所有的邪恶尽在此处……!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "复仇的时刻到来了……!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "做好燃烧的准备了吗?" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "御主亲,用宝具啦!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "明白了,明白了。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B390", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B400", "text": "选择是正确的。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "来吧,我的龙啊。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "咆哮吧,法夫纳!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "豪华地!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "揍扁你。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "可以吧?" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "这件衣服不会烧掉吧。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "好了,现在是时候百倍奉还啦!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "这件衣服不会烧掉吧。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "好了,现在是时候百倍奉还啦!" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B380", "text": "明白了,明白了。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B390", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B400", "text": "选择是正确的。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "起舞吧。" }, { "id": 1100300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "要优雅哦。" }, { "id": 1100400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "该如何料理你们呢。" }, { "id": 1100400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "更多……更多……!" }, { "id": 1100400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "如何。" }, { "id": 1100400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "该从哪里开始吃呢。" }, { "id": 1100400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "你太碍眼了。" }, { "id": 1100400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "千魔眼,解放。" }, { "id": 1100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100520, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "在我的指挥下起舞吧,死神……!" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "杀。" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "杀,杀!" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "走吧。公演开始了。" }, { "id": 1100600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "有意思!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "由我出战!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,那就开始吧……!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这也无可奈何……稍微离远一点。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "尽管不是很想这么做,但也无可奈何呢!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "那就让你见识一下我的真本事吧!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "——无可奈何!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "如梦似幻。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "不要搞笑了!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "判断得不错!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "要这么来吗!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "这玩意儿连我自己都无法完全控制,做好觉悟哦。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "就让你见识一下吧,笨蛋选择的天下将会如何。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "我居然是魔王,真有意思!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "要开始啦!!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "无可奈何!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "发现了,是敌人的要害。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "无关是非! 悉数尽灭!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "唔~?" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "哦,你是让我展示罪业吗?" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "好吧! 就将我的真实刻印在你的身上吧!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "尽管有些提不起干劲,但也无可奈何了啊。" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "来兴致了,准了!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "很好很好!" }, { "id": 1100700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "就让我来饮干四海吧!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "复仇!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "决定了。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "……我明白。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "干得漂亮。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你喜欢女神的样子吧。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "既然你希望,那就这么办吧。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "看来还配得上呢。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "自作聪明……!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "到此为止……!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "小菜一碟……" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "要不要投降呢?" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "还真敢说呢。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "我会配合你的。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "要冲入敌阵了吧?" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "不行……胸口好热……!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "喂喂! 我不太想用那个啦!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "呵呵。多谢款待,多谢款待。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "宇宙的宝物是属于我的!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "那边那个! 我要动真格了哦!" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "好,决定了。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "你打算白费功夫吧。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "你打算命令我?" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "这不用你说。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "我要复仇。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "呵,就该这样才对。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "现在是参拜之刻,像蚂蚁一样列队吧。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "感受女神的怒火吧……" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "是不是太没有女神风度了……" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "试着承受看看吧。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "破坏掉。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "真丑恶。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "啰嗦。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "闭嘴。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "安静点。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "呵,就该这样才对。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "现在是参拜之刻,像蚂蚁一样列队吧。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "不留慈悲。" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "是不是太没有女神风度了……" }, { "id": 1100900, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "试着承受看看吧。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "源氏,受死吧……!" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "景清不死。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "怨……" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "斩……" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "执行屠戮。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "此乃定律。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "景清为影。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "来吧,源氏赴死吧。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "不死……" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "明白了……" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "交给我吧……" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "想感受一下怨之字吗?" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "开始屠戮。" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "好热……好热……" }, { "id": 1101000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "乃是……影……" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "哈? 我哪有兴奋过度?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "小恶魔? 不,我是魔王。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "很坦率吧?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可不能客气哦?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "精彩表现时间~!" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "打算……创造回忆吧?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "接下来玩什么呢?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "呵呵……在看了在看了……♪" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "稍微追加一点可怕的我。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "你想说什么都随意。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "只要在一起……" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "好期待啊。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "做好……觉悟了吗?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "堕落机会……" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "有什么指定的姿势吗?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "啊啊~,溢出了呢。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "要不要尝尝甘露呢?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "顺从欲望。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "碍事。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "你难道认为尽头没有爱吗?" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "要燃烧就安静点。" }, { "id": 1101100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "美丽的欲之花。" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "一二……什么来着?" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呃,啊,想起来了。" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "兰!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "丸!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "X~!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "只要是主人的愿望!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这是秘藏的大招哦!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "兰丸X,要突击的说!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B380", "text": "好!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "兰兰兰~!" }, { "id": 1101200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "出击了的说!" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "嘿咻~。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "第三宇宙速度……呵呵。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "诸如此类,诸如此类。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "太棒了!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "大海正在呼唤我呢。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "工作,工作。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "Aye,aye,御主。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "出航! 保持航线~!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "加油(Forza)!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "好吃(Buono)!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "嘿咻~。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "第三宇宙速度……呵呵。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "嗯,交给我吧。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "诸如此类,诸如此类。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "太棒了!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "大海正在呼唤我呢。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "工作,工作。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "Aye,aye,御主。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "出航! 保持航线~!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "加油(Forza)!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "好吃(Buono)!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "再见了。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "飞吧。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "我会试试看。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "真的吗……?" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "必杀一击!" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "我是不会手下留情的。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "我一直在等这个机会。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "结束一切吧。" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "甜甜圈♪" }, { "id": 1101400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "木星。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "死亡啊,冥府啊。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵呵呵呵……" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "唔唔。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "唔唔唔唔?" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "如果这是你的愿望。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你想要见识冥界?" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "好吧,那我就回应你好了。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "让太阳沉睡吧。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "之后即为死之领域!" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "夜晚就是我的力量。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "该怎么做呢。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "好乖好乖。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "阿努比斯大人……" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "死亡,与夜晚。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "哼……" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "没办法。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "意见一致呢。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "这就是你的愿望吗?" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "你想要见识冥界?" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "呵,真贪婪。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "太阳啊,沉睡吧。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "让你见识一下我的神之躯。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "风啊,冰冻吧。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "要怎么做呢。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "好乖好乖。" }, { "id": 1101500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "好孩子。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "请问进展如何呀~?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哈? 没完成? 一页都没?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "真是个好点子。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "这样发展吗?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "怎么收尾?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "肯定会成为名作啦。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这份念想,我定会传达出去。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "太有感觉了!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "真期待读者的反应呢!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "能干的编辑……克洛伊!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "想到下个企划的点子啦♪" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "分镜通过了哦~♪" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "等待也是一种工作哦。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "您应该知道我来电的用意吧?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "您可休想说什么还没完成哦?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "现在还有空说话吗?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "快动笔啦。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "还剩几页?" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "关键场面决不能松懈。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "可以说,今晚是关键呢。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "啊~真是的~只能笑了!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "再来一杯黑咖啡!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "编辑之兽……克洛伊!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "越是在修罗场,就越该微笑哦!" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "我不要借口,我要原稿啦~。" }, { "id": 1101600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "有没有坏作者呀~!" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "雷正是吾之愤怒!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "遵命。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "明白了。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "既为刀刃……" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "既是命令。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "非常愿意。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "就该这样。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "感谢。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "吾之太刀。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "非常锋利。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "这里很冷……" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "好痛,好痛……" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "安纲转而成柱!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "敬请明鉴!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "好~。" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "只要是为了你……" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "嗯,然后呢?" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "明白了!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "就该这样!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "屠戮吧,就这么办吧!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "嗯,杀掉吧!" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "正是,仅为消遣……" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 1101800, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "还请,认命吧……?" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "就当一切没发生过吧♡" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "我是什么都能做到的最终Boss系后辈哦!" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "既残酷,又冷酷哦☆" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哎~真可怕啦~!" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "想要见识我的变身吗?" }, { "id": 2300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我要开始了哦,前·辈♡" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "盛夏的魅力,锁定!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "前辈,麻烦为我加油哦♡" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是疯丫头吗? 是疯丫头!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "是想见识很厉害的我吧?" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "送你胜利的烟花吧!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "拜托了,给恋爱一些时间!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "BB~频道~! In 夏威夷!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "时间~,静止————!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "盛夏的魅力,锁定!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "前辈,麻烦为我加油哦♡" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "是疯丫头吗? 是疯丫头!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "玩耍到此结束。你想见识一下真正的我吗?" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "邀请你来到噩梦的环形山~!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "拜托了,给恋爱一些时间!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "BB~频道~! In 夏威夷!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "时间~,静止————!" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "残酷点,邪神点哦♡" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "我的触手可是很残忍的哦?" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "能不能别搞笑了?" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "真凄惨呢。" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "算了,我还是会服从你哦?" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "Nyar shthan Nyar gashanna……" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "真是群给人添麻烦的蚂蚁呢。" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "第三眼,开眼。把你做成标本吧。" }, { "id": 2300200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "时间~,静止————!" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "燃烧吧……" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "消灭吧……" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "尼特。" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "必须。" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "死。" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "神罚之刻,已到……!" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "供品……就麻烦你准备了……" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "消减吧……" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "稍稍努力一下。" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "为什么?" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "真拿你没办法。" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "真够好事的……" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "要见识一下有神之风度的表现吗?" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "真是无情的劳动命令!" }, { "id": 2300300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "觉醒吧,神之力量……" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "可以让气氛更热烈一些吗?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "令人心跳加速呢。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯,当然啦。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "鲜艳地,柔软地。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "泼洒♡" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哎呀……已经要结束了吗……" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "邀您入深海。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "没错,现在正是适合品尝之时吧?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "水边有鲜花,海中有人鱼……" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "更为淡薄,更为清澈……♡" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "您一定很喜欢有波浪的泳池吧?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "下次可要进一步加码了……呵呵呵。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "你想被体罚吧?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "就这么办。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "——算是表演时间了吧?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "呵呵呵……警察就算再能忍也事不过三。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "五停心观,惩罚模式。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "手下留情?真会开玩笑。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "成人变身!" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "看我把你塞进去!" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "上求菩提,下化众生……" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "来吧……请不要客气♡" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "犹如梦境?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "犹如恋情?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "犹如贪婪?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "那就暴露本性吧——" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "呵呵,施无畏,施无畏。" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "想要被送上须弥山吧?" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "越嚼越有滋味♡" }, { "id": 2300400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "呵呵,没有什么限度哦♡" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "开始有意思了哦?" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "还觉得不够吧?" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "不在话下。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要文雅哦?" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "跪拜吧。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "尽管来吧。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "不知天高地厚的家伙。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "……好吧。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "试试能否忍住吧!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "可以,上吧。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "破绽多多的~♪" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "喂,有没有反省?" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "谢谢~!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "当然!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "恕我失礼~♪" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "只要破坏那个就行了吧?" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "一、二、三、四!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "承受这月之光吧!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "华丽地了断吧!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "好嘞~,有劲头了!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "看来,是不需要手下留情了呢!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "好吧,我就认真给你看看吧!" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "光体,抑制——" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "为了遏止这焦急的心情。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "宏大地。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "渺小地。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "耀眼地。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "那么,欢迎光临。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "因为我心情不错,所以破例一次。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "呵呵,不知天高地厚。" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "……啊啊,这是多么的……" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "能承受吗?" }, { "id": 2300500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "光,化为剑。" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "真是个坏孩子……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这不是我的错……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "我会试试看。" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "嗯……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "啊啊,神啊……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "御主是个坏人……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "大家都会死吧……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "祈祷吧……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "罪人是谁?" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "父亲……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "啊啊等一下,很快就好了。" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好啊……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "好像挺有趣……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "要更多……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "注入你的魔力……" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "吾乃禁忌的秘钥,乃引导者。" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "解放吧。" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "呵呵呵,请随意哦?" }, { "id": 2500100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "Y'bthnk……h'ehye……n'grkdl'lh……" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "彻底明白了!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "堂堂正正!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "来感觉了哦。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "没错。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真出人意料。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "爹爹,该干活了。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要充分蘸饱墨哦。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "来呀来呀,请观赏这绝景。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "爹爹,怎么又换雅号了啦!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "上上吉!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "潇潇洒洒。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "原来如此啊。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "要来一杯甘茶吗?" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "请务必如此。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "自不用说。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "太无聊了。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "气势十足。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "刻不容缓。" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "Ia,Ia!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "雅号改变,叫异星蛸!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "太不像话了!" }, { "id": 2500200, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "哎呀,真奇怪……" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "充能,完成。" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "阿尔托莉元素,展开。" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "双米尼亚德,安全模式解除。" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呼。既然是吃咖喱就没办法了呢。" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "能量注入!要为我介绍好吃的店哦!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "设置完成!我要上了,恶党!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "Foreigner!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "迅速出击!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "现在是工作时间!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "我唯独不想使用……不我非常想用!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "让你们见识一下以太宇宙的剑技吧!" }, { "id": 2500300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "稍等片刻。因为说起夏日就会想起咖喱。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "燃烧燃烧燃烧~" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "燃烧吧上上~!" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "好好。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "没问题。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "是荔枝呀~" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯,能做!" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "要全力演奏啦!" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "星辰的引导……" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "哎? 什么意思?" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "宿星苍蓝之神火。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "火影蜃景吾之曲……" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "来了。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "奏响吧。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "请随意。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "谨遵吩咐。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "现在正是起舞之时。" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "展现蓬莱秘术之麟角……" }, { "id": 2500400, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "火苗飘摇灼心焦……" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "音乐♪" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "说得也对。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "唔,可以哦。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "真忙碌呢。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你,好好看着哦。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "结束吧。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "我,必须走了。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "我不是,一个人哦。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "风来了。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "护盾激活!" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "Roger Copy." }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "Aye,master." }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "见证吧。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "A okay." }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "我记住了。" }, { "id": 2500500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "休斯顿,能听到吗……" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这是我的得意之作。" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "我会画……!" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好高兴……" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "各位,请闭上眼睛……!" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "非画不可……" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "太抬举了……" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "比平时更多一些!" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "如果这样的光就可以的话……" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "因而祈祷使星笑……" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "用异端对异端,交给我吧!" }, { "id": 2500600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "开启吧……门啊……!" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "猫会制裁罪恶……" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "说得对。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真高明。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "做不到。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "哪怕痛苦,也要忍受哦,御主。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "啊啊……吾之胎内藏有白银之钥……" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "畏惧无尽之梦的深渊吧。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "降临此处吧……父亲。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "Ia! Eh-y-yahaahfhtagn!" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "您期望的梦想是什么呢?" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "呀,吓了我一跳。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "顺您心意。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "虽然有些不安……嗯。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "呜呼,残酷的御主……" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "此刻,正是星辰的良机……!" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "统治一切的神明啊……" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "去和猫和解……?" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "鲁撒真是的,怎么连诺修也这样,拿你们没办法。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "要来这里吗?" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "轻飘飘,就像在做梦!" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "悉听尊便。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "嗯,我知道。" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "真的吗?" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "将这变成一次最美妙的假日吧?" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "帚星鲜明地闪烁着……" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "逐渐充盈……蔷薇的香气……" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "一起游泳吧?" }, { "id": 2500700, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "呵呵,猫之国度靠近了呢!" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "前方是漆黑的暗物质♪" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这就是Alter之路~♪" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "要这么办啊。" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "真好吃。" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "这是慰问品吗?" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "轮到大家期待已久的那首歌啦。" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我有想吃的点心哟♪" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "有没有嗨起来?" }, { "id": 2500800, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "吃东西也是工作……咀嚼咀嚼。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "敬·请·期·待♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "来吧——到教育的时间了!" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "是那边吧?" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "玩弄。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "极尽残酷♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "你一定会喜欢宇宙旅行吧?" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "一切都遵客户的吩咐。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "让我们开始演出时间吧。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "呵呵……真可爱。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "咨询事宜可以找我♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "敬·请·期·待♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "来吧——到教育的时间了!" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "是那边吧?" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "玩弄。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "极尽残酷♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "你一定会喜欢宇宙旅行吧?" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "一切都遵客户的吩咐。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "让我们开始演出时间吧。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "呵呵……真可爱。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "咨询事宜可以找我♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "真是……太简单了呢……" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "请慢慢享受。" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "舔舐♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "玩弄♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "吃光♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "您希望的是世界之终结吧?" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "想要避难所的话,请来这里♡" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "吃干抹净吧……!" }, { "id": 2500900, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "还行吧。(Comme ci,comme ça)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "阿门,阿门♪ (Amen Amen)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白啦~。" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "哦啦啦!(Oh là là !)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "完美!(Parfait!)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "奇迹降临此处……!" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "我的小山羊☆(Oh my goat)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "要上了哦!(on y va!)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "漂浮而不沉没……(Fluctuat nec mergitur)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "不在哦,不在哦,呀嗬♪(cache-cache,coucou)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "要动手了哦~。" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "看。(voilà)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "明白了。(D’accord)" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "出庭吧,前往神之法庭!" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "来装满整个骷髅的葡萄酒……" }, { "id": 2501000, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "吾过之处皆化为火焰吧!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "头发有没有弄乱?" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "啊啊,真舒服……" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "太棒了!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好,很棒!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "别阻止我哦!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "黄金国,大·解·禁!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "这是肉体语言的交流~!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "我要动真格了哦!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "做好准备了吗?" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "就决定是你啦~!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "要端庄!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "来吧!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "这风真不错呢……" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "感受到树海的呼吸了吗?" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "好♡" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "当然♡" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "这是我擅长的领域!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "星际航行皮肤,形成。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "提升~,提升~……!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "我要使出全部力量啦~!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "对所有生命,怀着爱意。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "直接地,毫不留情地。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "体温,大上升!" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "闭上眼睛。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "光化为热。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "……哎呀。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "做到什么程度?" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "勉为其难哦。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "刮起太阳与宇宙之风。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "呵呵,心脏悸动不已哦。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "星际航行引擎,展开。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "放下手。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "风化为刃。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "由我收下。" }, { "id": 2501100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "献上吧。" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好,要上了哦!" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "将你们一并出货!" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "交给我吧!" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "你想要吗?" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "来嘛来嘛,快点!" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "我的城市是最好的☆" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "想看吗? 真拿你没办法呢。" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "可能会让你有些惊讶哦♡" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "这是爱好啦,爱好。" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "有什么要求吗?" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "来点装饰吧。" }, { "id": 2501200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "要赶在溢出来之前哦……" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好乖好乖~。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "好吃吗?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "旺吉娜明白!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "可以哦?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "就这么办。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "可以生气吗?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "大家! 要变得精神!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "给与生命! 恩惠!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "我要生气了哦~!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "把你玛玛拉甘掉哦~!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "好乖好乖。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "好吃吗……?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "旺吉娜,明白。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "好……" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "可以哦……?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "就这么办哦。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "可以,生气啊?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "大家,要变得精神。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "给与生命,恩惠。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "我要生气了哦……?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "把你,玛玛拉甘掉哦。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "赐予生命,以力量。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "噗哈~真好喝。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "甚好!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "这也可以!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "这样啊,说得对。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "我知道了。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "我会试着生气。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "……那我生气了哦。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "水是伙伴……" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "……我要生气了哦?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "玛玛拉甘……" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "转圈圈~。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "旺吉娜明白!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "好嘞!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "可以哦?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "嗯。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "可以哦。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "就这么办。" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B250", "text": "可以生气吗?" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "大家! 要变得精神!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "给与生命! 恩惠!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "我要生气了哦~!" }, { "id": 2501300, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "把你玛玛拉甘掉哦~!" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B2090", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 2501500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "好了,接下来才是关键。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "想个好办法吧。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "虽然不太愿意呢。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "稍微有点可怜吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "战斗也要和平地进行,对吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "为你送上温暖的梦之童话。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "拜托啦,各位。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "没什么,这不是我的力量。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "谢谢你们,我会努力的。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "你怎么看,布兰卡?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "……嗯,我明白。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "好了,接下来才是关键。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "想个好办法吧。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "虽然不太愿意呢。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "稍微有点可怜吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "战斗也要和平地进行,对吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "为你送上温暖的梦之童话。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "拜托啦,各位。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "没什么,这不是我的力量。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "谢谢你们,我会努力的。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "你怎么看,布兰卡?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "……嗯,我明白。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "哈哈哈哈。真不错,太棒了!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "真是有勇无谋。令人作呕!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "很碍眼吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "别躲啊。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "坠入……无尽深渊吧。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "好吧!再次让你们见识黄昏的天空吧!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "那前方,没有一丝光亮。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "上吧。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "……好了。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "……真奇妙。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B080", "text": "唔~,真有你的。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B090", "text": "游泳未免……" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B180", "text": "这样啊。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B190", "text": "我这就去。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B200", "text": "这稍微有些麻烦吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B210", "text": "森林浴也很不错呢。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B220", "text": "哎哟,陷阱发动! 邀请前往妖精之森!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B230", "text": "树荫下的阳光也不赖呢。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B480", "text": "要齐心协力,对吧?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B490", "text": "热吗? 忍耐忍耐。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B880", "text": "嗯,不过,棒冰还是很好吃的。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 11, "voiceId": "11_B890", "text": "补充糖分,补充糖分……" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B080", "text": "手下留情可做不到哦!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B090", "text": "怎么了,忘东西了吗?" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B180", "text": "哎,不能放任不管啊。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B190", "text": "还挺诚实的嘛。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B200", "text": "击溃他们。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B210", "text": "这根本不适合南国吧……" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B220", "text": "看清楚。黯淡无光的赤色天空!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B230", "text": "假期,就此结束。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B480", "text": "预备……!" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B490", "text": "需要让你清醒吗。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B880", "text": "算了,偶尔也行吧。" }, { "id": 2800100, "voicePrefix": 12, "voiceId": "12_B890", "text": "……真平静呢。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "听到潮水声了……" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "狄俄倪索斯啊!" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "明白了,明白了。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "交给我吧。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "不赖呢。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "虚伪之名至此。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "赫卡忒啊,引导我吧。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "相当不错呢,来兴致了!" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "嗯! 把魔力给我!" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "吾之魔眼啊。" }, { "id": 2800200, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "我没有名字。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "得准备回礼才行呢。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "呵呵,来这招呀。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "唔。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "就一点点哦。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "给你们见识一下吧。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "试着伸出手来。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "好好感受吧。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "唔? 是搞错了吗……" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "真拿你们几个没办法呢!" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "你也要来一起休息吗?" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "哎呀,好热好热。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "当然可以。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "是吗。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "唔。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "就一点点哦。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "给你们见识一下吧。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "试着伸出手来。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B250", "text": "好好感受吧。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "我觉得这风很舒服哦。" }, { "id": 2800300, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "来活动一下吧!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "哇~!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "乘着风,到任何地方!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "嗯!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "人家!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "要动手啦!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "咻咻地干掉吧!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "轰隆地打飞吧!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "咚锵地暴揍吧!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "全部杀光哦!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "人家要成为龙!" }, { "id": 2800400, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "预备,好痛!? 唔喵~!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "特拉洛克!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "要建造一个菜园,对吧。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "雨水搬运死亡。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "战争唤来花朵。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "都市将会繁荣。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "太阳历,祭祀历……" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "闪耀的吾之心脏!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "准备已经做好了……对吧?" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "展现部族的骄傲吧!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "举行祭祀仪式!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "没错,就是大神庙。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "我会俯视你,对吧。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "眼镜,眼镜……" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "真是的……" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "你还有其他话……" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "要说吧?" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "你喜欢巨大重机吧?" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "让你们见识一下,什么叫水平的差距。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "……要坐上来吗?" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "我会好好蹂躏你们。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "俘虏? 还是活祭?" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "我要动真格了……" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "打扫垃圾。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "特拉洛克!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "要建造一个菜园,对吧。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "雨水搬运死亡。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "战争唤来花朵。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "都市将会繁荣。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "太阳历,祭祀历……" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "闪耀的吾之心脏!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "准备已经做好了……对吧?" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "展现部族的骄傲吧!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "举行祭祀仪式!" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "没错,就是大神庙。" }, { "id": 2800500, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "我会俯视你,对吧。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "啊,你在啊? 存在感太淡薄完全没发现。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "哎,接下来试试看这个吧♡" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "祭典,祭典♪" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "要一起来吗?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "该展现技术了♡" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "行啊。也就是全部杀光吧?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "会变成什么样我可管不着哦♡" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "这是庆典吧? 看我把你变成象征符号。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "词汇量,词汇量……" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "怎么? 想被人打包带回去吗?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "看我把你搅得一团糟。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "害怕的话干吗不逃跑呢?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B080", "text": "哎,还有这招啊……" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B090", "text": "读书中,注意下氛围啊。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B180", "text": "可以哦。我不讨厌。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B190", "text": "呼嗯,哼嗯~。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B200", "text": "真干脆呢。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B210", "text": "要用宝具吗?……稍等片刻,我要准备一下。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B220", "text": "真没办法……摘下眼镜……" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B230", "text": "不如我干脆变成科尔努就好了吧?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B480", "text": "这里的发展太带感了吧……" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B490", "text": "你是不是觉得不会输啊?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B880", "text": "看上去就很笨。那就算了。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 1, "voiceId": "1_B890", "text": "能忍受疼痛吗?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "书其实更刺激哦?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "要高效的拷问……" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "血祭最棒了♡" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "一起来吧。" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "狠狠扎下去吧?" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "积满了? 那必须放出来才行呢!" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "哈! 让我猜猜你究竟想要什么吧!" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "骑士风范的台词,台词……" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "更多,更多……!" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "请看好了,母亲大人!" }, { "id": 2800600, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "意欲涌现了!" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "" }, { "id": 2800700, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "让汝见识余之力量吧,靠近点。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "这正是兽之象征。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "拿盘来。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "拿酒来。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "拿金子来!" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "准了,注入魔力吧!" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "桌上已放满了人理。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "高兴吧,汝等的运气刚好用尽。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B250", "text": "让汝等见识一下人类怀有的欲望吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "堕落吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B490", "text": "见识余之力量吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B880", "text": "欲望涌过来了。愉快,愉快。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B890", "text": "让汝见识吧,黄金的使用方法!" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B080", "text": "赐予汝奖励。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B090", "text": "此乃兽之象征。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B180", "text": "将愿望化作声音吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B190", "text": "取悦余之口舌吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B200", "text": "好吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B210", "text": "剧场准备就绪,开幕吧!" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B220", "text": "来吧,开始宴会吧!" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B230", "text": "接受狂暴之兽的拥抱吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B250", "text": "吞噬所有爱与恶,去往天空!" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B480", "text": "尽情看入迷吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B490", "text": "见识余之力量吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B880", "text": "让余见识汝之剑吧。" }, { "id": 3300100, "voicePrefix": 2, "voiceId": "2_B890", "text": "欲望的热量无法遏制。" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944140, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B080", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B090", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B180", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B190", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B200", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B210", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B220", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B230", "text": "" }, { "id": 9944320, "voicePrefix": 0, "voiceId": "0_B480", "text": "" }]