[{ "id": 1, "name": "Mystic Code: Chaldea", "detail": "Provided to the Masters of Chaldea Security Organization", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 1, "femaleImageId": 2, "imageId": 1, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 20, "name": "Mystic Code: Chaldea Combat Uniform", "detail": "Created by the tech team at the Chaldea Security Organization to withstand harsh and intense battlefields.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 21, "femaleImageId": 22, "imageId": 20, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 30, "name": "Mystic Code: Mage's Association Uniform", "detail": "Given to outstanding students acknowledged by the Mage's Association.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 31, "femaleImageId": 32, "imageId": 30, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 40, "name": "Mystic Code: Atlas Institute Uniform", "detail": "Created by the Atlas Institute to be the \"most powerful\" Mystic Code.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 41, "femaleImageId": 42, "imageId": 40, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 50, "name": "Anniversary Blonde", "detail": "Replica of the costume once worn by the King of Knights", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 51, "femaleImageId": 52, "imageId": 50, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 60, "name": "Royal Brand", "detail": "A Mystic Code once used by a beautiful knight during a certain Holy Grail War.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 61, "femaleImageId": 62, "imageId": 60, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 70, "name": "Brilliant Summer", "detail": "Anti-Tropical Environmental Gear created by the Da Vinci Workshop.\nIn other words, a swimsuit, but also a Mystic Code with combat functions.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 71, "femaleImageId": 72, "imageId": 70, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 80, "name": "Memories of the Lunar Sea", "detail": "A Mystic Code modeled after a certain school's uniform\nfrom a certain parallel world.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 81, "femaleImageId": 82, "imageId": 80, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 90, "name": "Memories of the Far Side of the Moon", "detail": "A Mystic Code patterned after the old uniform of a certain school located in a parallel world.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 91, "femaleImageId": 92, "imageId": 90, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }, { "id": 100, "name": "A Fragment of 2004", "detail": "A Mystic Code patterned after the school uniform once worn by several of the Masters who battled for the Holy Grail in a certain rural city in Japan.", "condUserLv": 1, "maxLv": 10, "maleImageId": 101, "femaleImageId": 102, "imageId": 100, "maleSpellId": 1, "femaleSpellId": 2 }]