

[charaSet A 7032001 1 "Xiang Yu"]
[charaSet B 1098160800 1 "Yu Mei-ren"]
[charaSet H 98115000 1 Effect]

[scene 10000]

[wipeFilter cinema 0.5 0]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

...He was bewildered.

It had been over two thousand years since his activation. He had devoted every ounce of his being to fulfilling the duties given him.

Some of these duties may have been difficult,[sr]even dangerous, but he always had purpose.

There was never any doubt about why he[sr]was made or what he was meant to do.

But now, this sage woman who claimed to have come from another world with a different history was[line 2]

[fadeout black 0.1]
[wait fade]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]
[wt 1.0]

[scene 67100]

[fadein black 1.5]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_70 1.5 1.0]
[wait fade]

@Xiang Yu
Are you my new lord?

[charaFace B 4]

@Yu Mei-ren
No, it's not like that...

@Yu Mei-ren
The lord you swore loyalty to is the law that maintains peace in this world. Is that not how you were designed?

@Xiang Yu
It is.

[charaFace B 8]

@Yu Mei-ren
Well, that is not what I am. All I ask is that you think of me as a companion, and that you call me simply by my name, Yu.

@Xiang Yu

@Xiang Yu
You offered everything you possess to Heavenly Emperor in exchange for my custody...

@Xiang Yu
...and all you want now is to[sr]live out your days with me?

[charaFace B 8]

@Yu Mei-ren
Yes. That is my greatest desire. That has been my sole hope and prayer over the last two thousand years.

@Xiang Yu

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

...He could not understand.

What could this immortal Zhenren who claimed to have borne witness to a different world...

...possibly want from the being she called “Xiang Yu”?

Without further information or context,[sr]he could only stand by in bewilderment.

So, to remedy this confusion, he required answers. Answers he could only obtain from this being who called herself “Yu.”

@Xiang Yu
First of all, who is this “Xiang Yu” you speak of?

@Xiang Yu
What did I[line 2]Kuaiji Zero do in your history?

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
...Good question. Knowing you,[sr]I am sure you will understand.

@Yu Mei-ren
Surely you can hypothesize alternative scenarios based on different conditions, just like Chaldeas could.

@Xiang Yu
Correct. That is one of my most basic operations.

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_70 0.3]
[wt 0.5]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_48 0.1]

Kuaiji Zero... The first mechanical man Qin Shi Huang ever made by recreating Shang dynasty Baobei.

His core functionality lay in predictive calculation.

By observing and analyzing every iota of data about his surroundings, he could predict likely cause-and-effect relations to see into the near future.

This ability was deemed essential for spreading Qin Shi Huang's eternal regime far and wide.

For the moment, let us further assume this[sr]ruler is, in fact, Qin Shi Huang.

@Xiang Yu
You said that in your history, I was activated[sr]by a rebel who was fighting against the empire.

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
That's right. But the man who meant to use you, Xiang Liang, fell before his ambitions could be realized...

@Yu Mei-ren
...and you were left to fend for yourself in a chaotic world, under the name Xiang Yu.

[charaFace B 0]

@Yu Mei-ren
If you were in such a situation,[sr]what do you think you would do?

@Xiang Yu

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

What would this Xiang Yu version[sr]of him do under such circumstances?

He should use his abilities to fulfill his designer's purpose for him, and help bring about peace.

Qin Shi Huang, after completing Kuaiji Zero, was magnanimous enough not to limit Xiang Yu's potential masters to only his creator.

@Xiang Yu
...Naturally, I would dedicate myself to my next lord. A successor who would lead China towards peace and prosperity.

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
But what if the Qin Shi Huang government had fallen to rot, and uprisings were breaking out all across the land?

@Yu Mei-ren
And what if the emperor's successor lacked the courage to quell those uprisings?

@Xiang Yu

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

It was a difficult supposition...but not one without[sr]a clear answer.

His purpose lay strictly in bringing about peace,[sr]both swiftly and decisively.

@Xiang Yu
...I would accept that Qin Shi Huang's time was over, and find a new ruler amidst the chaos. One who would be up to the task of uniting all of China.

It was difficult to imagine such a hellish landscape from the comfort of the empire's eternal peace.

But, if he had been left on his own in such a place, with only his primary programming to guide him...

@Xiang Yu
I am certain there would be at least one person among the rebels capable of leading this nation.

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
Indeed, you found such potential in Liu Bang, a man with a promising destiny, born with the dragon factor.

@Yu Mei-ren
When you first met him, he was but a lowly adulterer toiling away in the town of Pei.

@Xiang Yu
It matters not where he came from, or what his circumstances may have been. Once he assumes the throne, and begins a new regime[line 2]

[charaFace B 4]

@Yu Mei-ren
But what if his potential had yet to awaken, and he had no genuine ability to speak of? What would you do then?

@Xiang Yu

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
This made matters even more difficult.

[charaTalk A]
But with the facts provided, deductions can be made. From there, an answer can be reached.

@Xiang Yu
...Then I would have to wait until his abilities awakened and he was ready to rule.

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
But even as you wait, the world falls further into chaos, and numerous warlords battle each other for control of China.

@Yu Mei-ren
Their war rages so violently that it threatens[sr]to dispose of Liu Bang like so much trash.

@Xiang Yu
In that case...

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

What a horrific history. What cruel conditions.[sr]But it was not his place to bemoan such things.

What he needed was to be flexible in his thinking.[sr]If the only goal was to bring peace to China...

...then it would not be necessary for the would-be conquering king to bring it about himself.

All he need do in such a situation is pave as smooth[sr]a path as possible for the future king to walk.

In such a vicious world, if he is to keep this king alive until the day he can properly rule...

@Xiang Yu
...I would enter the fray myself, and put an end[sr]to their conflict before it could spread further.

@Xiang Yu
As long as I remove any obstacles[sr]from the new king's way[line 2]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
Yes. All you need do is create a situation where the new king is the only one who can rival you.

@Yu Mei-ren
From there, all those who do not wish to be governed by violent suppression would swear allegiance to the new king, thus greatly bolstering his forces.

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

The world cannot be left to suffer in chaos and turmoil for long. So, to bring a swift end to that...

...Xiang Yu would merely need to become a box with which to contain all that would threaten the peace.

If the people end up despising such[sr]a box, well, what does that matter?

He is but a machine. A device that functions[sr]solely to bring about a predefined objective.

If it would help clear the way for[sr]the new king to assume the throne...

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
...But what if, even after all that,[sr]Liu Bang was still too weak to prevail?[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_48 1.5]

@Xiang Yu

@Yu Mei-ren
What if, even after you had brought the other warlords under your thumb, the new king still required more time to grow into a proper ruler?

@Yu Mei-ren
And what if, even then, he was still[sr]not capable of uniting all of China?

@Xiang Yu

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
Such a situation would be beyond hopeless...but even that is not his concern.

[charaTalk A]
His only concern should be continuing his calculations until he arrives at the best, clearest answer.

@Xiang Yu
...Then I would have no choice but to reduce China[sr]in size to something he is capable of ruling.

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 9]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
...That's right. That is exactly the conclusion you would arrive at. It is inevitable.

@Yu Mei-ren
And that is exactly what Xiang Yu[sr]from Proper Human History did.

@Yu Mei-ren
He thinned the population, set fire to the lands, and whittled China into a size that Liu Bang could manage.

@Xiang Yu

[fadeout black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[scene 10000]


[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[fadein black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[se ad464]

[effect bit_talk_35]
[wt 1.0]

[se ad328]
[seVolume ad328 0 0.6]

[scene 68200 2.0]
[wt 3.0]

A vivid picture forms before his mind's eye.

Instead of the near future, he sees a vision of a hypothetical world as clearly as if he were there.

No matter how bountiful a land may be, if it would end up falling into the hands of rebels who claim it as their own, he would have no choice but to raze it to the ground.

And before those driven from their homes could wreak havoc in their quest to fill their starving bellies...

He can see it now. Grass fires streaking across the land. Fortresses collapsing into smoke and ash. Prisoners of war buried alive, so as not to waste time beheading them.

All done without mercy or remorse at the hands of Xiang Yu, the demon king.

And yet, until Liu Bang, the next rightful emperor,[sr]is capable of leading and providing for his people...

...Xiang Yu has no choice but to cut down the land[line 2]the people[line 2]to a size within his lord's grasp.

[fadeout black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[scene 67100]

[wipeFilter cinema 0.5 0]
[wt 0.1]

[fadein black 1.0]
[wait fade]

@Xiang Yu
...And did it work? Was peace finally achieved?

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
Eventually, yes. Every last one who still had the strength to resist swore fealty to Liu Bang, thanks to their fear and hatred of you.

[charaFace B 4]

@Yu Mei-ren
After years of war and chaos, China finally came together, united in their determination to exact vengeance upon you.

@Yu Mei-ren
This new regime came to be known as the Han dynasty.

@Xiang Yu
I see...

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
He had no doubt such a scenario would end in disaster.

[charaTalk A]
The survivors who loathed him so fiercely would surely not be satisfied with a mere pound of flesh.

[charaTalk A]
Those who finally defeated Xiang Yu must have torn his body to shreds and fought over who would take pieces of him home as proof of their victory.

@Xiang Yu
...And you saw all of this happen?

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 7]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

@Yu Mei-ren
...I did. I witnessed it all, as I stood by your side.

[fadeout black 2.0]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_75 2.5]
[wait fade]

[scene 66900]

[charaPut H 1200,1200]
[charaEffect H bit_talk_41]

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 1.0]

[charaSet A 1098160700 1 "Captain of the Guard"]
[charaSet B 98115000 1 "Qin Shi Huang"]
[charaSet C 3035001 1 "Qin Liangyu"]
[charaSet D 1098158700 1 "Han Xin"]
[imageSet E cut090_dys00 2]

[fadein black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[wt 1.0]

[charaFadein E 0.1 0,-100]
[wt 0.1]
[charaPut H 1]

[se ad139]
[wt 2.5]

[charaEffectStop H bit_talk_41]
[wt 0.1]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.3]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 17]
[charaFadein D 0.4 0,-50]
[wt 0.4]

@Han Xin
N-no way. Is that...!?[bgm BGM_EVENT_94 0.1]

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

@Qin Shi Huang
While we have been analyzing the Shadow Border, we decided to try remodeling our tax collection vehicle in Chaldean style.

@Qin Shi Huang
We call it the Duōduō Yìshàn, or “More is More.”

@Qin Shi Huang
Behold its vicious facade, behind which lies a mountain of otherworldly technologies designed explicitly for violence. Indeed, it is an awesome, terrifying sight.

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 9]
[charaFadein D 0.1 0,-50]

@Han Xin
Whoooa! Thermic ray blasters! Homing grenade launchers! A 1500-horsepower gas turbine engine!

[charaFace D 11]

@Han Xin
It's the stuff of dreams... Woohoooooo![sr]This thing is too cool for words, Your Imperial Majesty!

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 1]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]

@Captain of the Guard
It's beautiful. I have never seen anything more incredible in all my life.

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 6]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]

@Qin Liangyu
(I don't get it...)

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

@Qin Shi Huang
It has been a very long time indeed[sr]since this empire has produced new weapons...

@Qin Shi Huang
...but thanks to Chaldea's technology, a single night is all we needed to complete our most ruthless weapon.

@Qin Shi Huang
If the time for battle should fall upon us again, the empire will have an overwhelming advantage. Indeed, we have already ramped up their production to our factory's full capacity.

@Qin Shi Huang
We shall deploy them to the battlefront as soon as they are ready to go, where they shall swiftly rout those traitorous Chaldeans. Of course, you will be the one to lead them, Qin Liangyu.

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 4]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]

@Qin Liangyu
Oh, uh, okay...

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 10]
[charaFadein D 0.1 0,-50]

@Han Xin
C-c-c-come on, Lady Liangyu, let's start talking tactics. I can't wait to explore all the strategic possibilities these bad boys will open up.

@Han Xin
With amazing machines like this out in the field,[sr]I could do this, and this, and some of that, and...!

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 4]
[charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50]
[wt 0.8]
[charaFace C 6]
[wt 0.4]

@Qin Liangyu
Um, are you sure we can't just stick[sr]with the White Cavalry's spears?

[fadeout black 1.5]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_94 1.5]
[wait fade]

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaSet A 8001410 1 Mash]
[charaSet B 9005001 1 Holmes]
[charaSet C 1098124500 1 "Da Vinci"]
[charaSet D 6011001 1 "Jing Ke"]
[charaSet E 1098160000 1 "Chen Gong"]
[charaSet F 98002000 1 Fou]
[charaSet G 1098123200 1 Goredolf]
[imageSet H cut033_machine10 2]

[wt 0.5]

[scene 65500]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

[se ad182]
[wt 1.0]

[charaTalk G]
[charaFace G 2]
[charaFadein G 0.1 1]

Delicious![bgm BGM_EVENT_77 0.1][sr]Even rations taste better than ever before now!

Go on, [%1], eat up![sr]A good meal can help with almost any ailment!

[charaFadeout G 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 0]
[charaFadein F 0.1 1]


[bgm BGM_EVENT_77 1.0 0.6]
[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[se ade87]
[seVolume ade87 0 0.1]

[charaTalk depthOff]

[charaDepth D 2]
[charaDepth E 1]

[wt 0.6]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 5]
[charaFadein D 0.1 0]

[charaFace E 0]
[charaFadein E 0.1 2]

@Jing Ke
Hey, I'm seeing dust clouds up ahead...[sr]Something's headed this way, and fast!

[charaFace E 3]

@Chen Gong
No ordinary cavalry would kick up clouds like that.[sr]I wonder, what could it be?

[seVolume ade87 1.0 0.3]

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk G]
[charaFace G 7]
[charaFadein G 0.1 1]

Hm? Is that an engine? It must be an absurdly powerful engine if we can hear it all the way out there...

[charaFadeout G 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk depthOff]

[charaDepth C 2]
[charaDepth A 1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 17]
[charaFadein C 0.1 -280,0]

[charaFace A 7]
[charaFadein A 0.1 280,0]

@Da Vinci
No, that's not it. They just didn't bother with a muffler, for reasons that I can only guess at...

[seVolume ade87 1.0 0.5]

It's coming over the hill!

[wipeout rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.6 1.0]
[seVolume ad554 1.0 1.0]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_77 1.0]
[wait wipe]

[cameraMove 0.1 -45,0 1.2]

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[scene 68300]
[wt 0.1]

[charaSet E 1098123330 1 Koyanskaya]
[charaSet D 1098123000 1 Meunière]

[shake 0.05 3 1 2.6]
[wipein rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.4 1.0]
[cameraMove 0.6 0,0 1.01]
[se ad126]
[se ad607]
[wait wipe]

[wt 2.0]

[seStop ad126 2.0]
[fowardEffectStop bit_talk_41]

@Jing Ke
What the...[bgm BGM_EVENT_80 0.1]

Fo, fou...

[wipeout rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.4 1.0]
[seVolume ade87 1.0 0.4]
[wait wipe]

[scene 65500]
[wt 0.1]

[wipein rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.6 1.0]
[wait wipe]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]

Ah yes. I've seen this sort of thing before,[sr]much as I wish I hadn't...

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 2]
[charaFadein D 0.1 1]

I don't believe it![sr]They just straight up ripped off the Shadow Border!

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 9]
[charaFadein E 0.1 1]

Teehee, you certainly won't be buying[sr]that in a dollar store anytime soon☆

[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 7]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]

(What a bizarre design...! It reminds me[sr]a bit of the kite we used in Russia...!)

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 33]
[charaFadein C 0.1 1]

@Da Vinci
Hey, knockoff or not, I'm willing[sr]to give credit where credit is due...

@Da Vinci
But this? This is really pushing[sr]the limits of my tolerance!

[charaFace C 34]

@Da Vinci
If I don't turn that thing to scrap right away, I will never be able to forgive myself for letting something so garish endure!

[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]

The enemy is preparing to attack, Master![sr]Even its cannon's design is almost absurd!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]

I am sorry to ask this of you,[sr][&Mr.:Ms.] [%1]...

...but would you be so kind as to do something about that...thing, for Da Vinci's peace of mind and our safety, though...not necessarily in that order.

[fadeout black 0.5]
[seStop ade87 0.5]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_80 0.5]
[wait fade]