[{ "eventId": 80054, "slot": 1, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94011919, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"Abyssal Cyber Paradise, SE.RA.PH\"" }, { "eventId": 80055, "slot": 1, "condType": 0, "condTargetId": 0, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "" }, { "eventId": 80057, "slot": 0, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94013004, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"Revival: The Great Tale of Demons Onigashima Lite\"" }, { "eventId": 80088, "slot": 1, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94020002, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by completing quests in \"The Tale of Setsubun: Oni Pagoda Festival\"" }, { "eventId": 80236, "slot": 1, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94034019, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"Revival: Abyssal Cyber Paradise, SE.RA.PH - Second Ballet\"" }, { "eventId": 80237, "slot": 0, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94034601, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"An Old Spider Spins Webs of Memory\"" }, { "eventId": 80239, "slot": 0, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94035035, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku\"" }, { "eventId": 80278, "slot": 0, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94046502, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"The Aeaean Spring Breeze - The Witch, Delightful Companions, and a New Adventure\"." }, { "eventId": 80290, "slot": 0, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94049535, "condNum": 5, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"Revival: Tokugawa Restoration Labyrinth, Ooku\"" }, { "eventId": 80292, "slot": 0, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94050919, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "Unlocked by proceeding through the story of \"Main Interlude Abyssal Cyber Paradise, SE.RA.PH\"" }, { "eventId": 80306, "slot": 1, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94054209, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "" }, { "eventId": 80409, "slot": 1, "condType": 1, "condTargetId": 94078509, "condNum": 0, "tabImageId": 8005401, "closedMessage": "" }]