

[charaSet A 6008000 1 Cleopatra]
[charaSet B 1013001 1 Caesar]
[charaSet C 1013001 1 "Caesar (Silhouette)"]
[charaFilter C silhouette 00000080]
[charaSet D 5012001 1 Nitocris]
[charaSet E 98115000 1 Effect]

[scene 21101]

[se ad37]
[seVolume ad37 0 0.3]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

[seVolume ad37 2.5 1.0]
[wt 3.0]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 4]
[charaFadein A 0.4 1]
[wt 0.4]

This is...the ocean.

...Why am I doing all this?

[seStop ad37 2.0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 0.1]

Why am I putting myself through so much strenuous exercise? Why couldn't I be satisfied with Pharaoh Nitocris's workout, or the desert's?

I'm sure those questions have crossed your[sr]mind at least once or twice, my secretary.

[charaFace A 5]

Why am I working so hard to improve[sr]a body that is already perfect?

I don't blame you for wondering. You must find it more intriguing than any of the Seven Wonders of the World. I doubt even that famous detective could understand.

[charaFace A 0]
The truth is[line 2]

?1:You're looking for the ideal body, right?

[branch select01_01]

?2:...Is this about Caesar?

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 1.0]
[wt 1.5]

[branch select02_end]


[label select01_01]

[charaFace A 1]
Hehe, you really don't understand.[sr]I don't blame you.

[charaFace A 4]
But my search for the ideal body is not for me.[sr]I seek it for another.

[charaFace A 0]
Namely[line 2]


[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 0.5]
[wt 1.0]


...[charaFace A 2]Huh?

[charaFace A 3]
Uh, y-yes, that's right.[sr]...Wait...


[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 0.1]

[label select02_end]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_7 0.1]
[charaFace A 2]
Ho-[messageShake 0.05 5 5 0.5]how did you know!?[sr]Are you some kind of genius!?

[charaFace A 3]
I knew you were a hard worker, Master, but I didn't think you were actually one of the greatest sages of all time... You might even be wiser than Diogenes.

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_7 0.1]
[charaFace A 2]
[wt 1.0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1]
[charaFace A 0]

A-ahem. I suppose it is obvious[sr]by now, but yes, you're right.

This is all for my darling Caesar.

[charaFace A 2]

The ideal workout routine is not to help me achieve an ideal body, but to help Lord Caesar slim down!

[charaFace A 0]

What sort of arduous battle will[sr]best ensure he gets into shape?

That's why I've been going to such great lengths...

[charaFace A 4]

...And now (sigh) I've ended up at the ocean. A virtual ocean that can't possibly lead back to Alexandria.

?1:You really want him to lose weight that badly?
?2:Don't you love him just the way he is?


...This isn't just about looks.

[charaFace A 2]
Though that's not to say looks aren't part of it! They're super important, you know! But I never chose my dear Caesar for his looks alone!

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 1.0]
[wt 0.7]
[charaFace A 4]
[wt 1.5]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 0.1]

...It's my son, Caesarion.

My child who faced down Rome all on his own,[sr]and died just a few days after me.

The true last pharaoh ever to walk the earth.

I...I want my dear Caesar to accept[sr]him as his rightful son and heir...

...and to do so in the same beautiful body he possessed on that fateful day.

[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 0.5 0.3]

[se ad37]
[seVolume ad37 0 0.3]
[seVolume ad37 1.5 0.5]
[wt 2.0]


[seStop ad37 1.5]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 2.0 1.0]

I know it's too late to change history. I know the past will stay the past, no matter what he says now.

But, even so...I still want him to say it.[sr]Both for my beloved son's sake, and for my own pride.

It's the only way my son and I will[sr]ever be able to rest in peace...

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 1.0]
[se ad37]
[seVolume ad37 0 0.3]
[seVolume ad37 1.0 1.0]

Are you sure that's what you want?

Wouldn't being at peace mean that you would no longer have the need to materialize in the present world?

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[seStop ad37 1.0]

[se ad173]
[seVolume ad173 1.0 1.0]

[charaTalk off]

[charaDepth C 2]
[charaDepth B 1]

[charaFace C 0]
[charaFadein C 0.7 1]

[wt 2.0]

[seStop ad173 0.1]

[seStop ad173 0.1]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaFadeout C 0.7]

[wt 2.5]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_6 0.1]

[charaTalk on]
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
Lord Caesar!?

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
You've finally found a Master you trust enough[sr]to accompany you wherever you choose to go.

Do you really want to throw that beautiful bond away just because of something I said?

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 4]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]

[charaFace A 3]
Oh, Caesar! Please don't say things like that. I just had this idea when I was washing my face this morning!

Please don't make me second-guess my amazingly beautiful decision to see it through now.

?1:Uh, yeah, we can't have that...

[charaFace A 2]
No, we can't! I'm reminded yet again of just how very good Caesar is with words!

?2:I get ideas when washing my face all the time too.

[charaFace A 1]
Exactly! They just...come to you, as though they[sr]were a revelation from the heavens or something!


[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]

(Hmm, you really are second-guessing yourself now.[sr]Ahh, what a good woman you are.)

(Being around you makes me want to be a better person, and that is no mean feat. But right now, love of my life, I must bite the bullet and tell you what you need to hear.)

[charaFace B 5]

Cleopatra, Master there is the only person you have ever known that you are willing to accept as your secretary.

Unlike us, you two had no existing bond to speak of.[sr]It was destiny that brought you two together.

[charaFace B 0]
I promise, I'm not going anywhere. So I urge you[sr]to cast your mind back and remember once again.

Surely you don't need to hurry to your death so quickly, do you? Yes, when you were alive, your beautiful light was snuffed out all too soon...

[charaFace B 2]
...but does that mean you must do the same now?[sr]No, it absolutely does not!

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 3]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
Lord Caesar...

I didn't know you cared so deeply for me...

Or for Master...!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 1]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]

[wt 1.5]

[charaFace B 0]
That is why, my beloved Cleopatra...

[charaFace B 2]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_6 0.1]
[charaEffect E bit_talk_41]

[f x-large]...I will never lose weight!

[charaPut E 1200,1200]
[charaEffectStop E bit_talk_41]
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 2]
[charaFadein D 0.1 506,0]

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 1]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
That is all. Master, I will allow you to continue[sr]to shine bright by my Cleopatra's side.

[bgm BGM_EVENT_6 0.1]

[charaFace B 0]
I understand the bond you share is special,[sr]and not at all akin to cheating. So I will allow it!

[charaFace B 4]
In turn, my dear Cleopatra...I trust you[sr]will allow me a little freedom of my own.

My eye may wander juuust a bit from time to time, but that's not cheating either. Really. I'm talking just a teeensy little bit of ogling.

[wt 0.5]

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.1 2]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0]
[wt 0.3]

[charaFace A 1]
[wt 1.0]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 1]
[wt 1.0]

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_6 0.1]
[wt 0.3]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_27 0.1]

[f x-large]Hell no!

[f x-large]Curses!

[charaFace A 2]
That request would be enough to ruin a romance that lasted a hundred years, but fortunately, my determination stretches back over two thousand years!

[charaFace A 5]

It may have taken approximately two thousand and one hundred years, but at last, your time has come! Prepare to die, Lord Caesar! And to finally lose some weight as well!

[charaFace B 2]
[messageShake 0.05 5 5 0.5]

[charaFace A 2]
That's the one thing you refuse to back down on, is it! Well, there are some things I won't compromise on, either!

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_27 0.3]
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]

[wt 0.4]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_3 0.1]

Master! My secretary! I'm fairly tired after all that exercising, so it's time for the FP Fighting Style!

[charaFace A 5]
Don't look at me like you have no clue what FP stands for! It stands for “Final Pharaoh,” of course!

[charaFace A 2]
Fortunately, my makeup is already perfect for a beachside backdrop! Are you ready to shine bright with me, Master!

?2:I'll shine as bright as I possibly can!


Very well then... Let us begin!!!

[fadeout black 0.5]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_3 0.5]
[wait fade]