$91-20-35-01-1-0 [enableFullScreen] [soundStopAll] [charaSet A 1098182800 1 Paris] [charaSet B 4029001 1 Achilles] [charaSet C 1019001 1 Rama] [charaSet D 7008001 1 Beowulf] [charaSet E 2034000 1 "William Tell"] [charaSet F 3010001 1 Romulus] [charaSet G 3030000 1 Pārvatī] [charaSet H 2033000 1 Aśvatthāman] [charaSet I 1098182900 1 Apollo] [imageSet J back10000 1] [charaScale J 1.05] [scene 106800] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_11 0.1] [wt 0.4] @ Have you ever felt inferior? [k] @ Have you ever felt like you could never beat someone you know well, or turned tail and run instead of facing an enemy? [k] @ I have. Lots of times. [k] @ No matter how hard I try, or how much I push myself... [k] @ ...I can never come close to such unbelievable strength. [k] @ It always feels like everyone else is leaving me behind. [k] @ Ahh... Nobody told me being a hero would be this hard. [k] @ It was hard during the Trojan War, too.[sr]Hell, it was hard my entire life. [k] @ What does it really mean to be a hero, anyway? [k] [messageOff] [wt 0.5] [fadeout black 1.5] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 1.5] [wait fade] [wt 1.0] [branchQuestNotClear lblNotClear1 3000303] [scene 66800] [branch lblConf1] [label lblNotClear1] [scene 10400] [label lblConf1] [fadein black 1.5] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace I 0] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.4 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.4 0,0] [wt 0.4] @Paris (Sigh)... [k] @Apollo And now you know why Paris has been so down in the dumps lately. He's cute when he's melancholy too, isn't he? [k] ?1:Aah! The sun demon! @Apollo Don't be rude. I'm a god, not a demon. [k] ?2:Is there anything you DON'T find cute about him? @Apollo Nope. Not a thing. [k] @Apollo That's what I love about him most. Don't you agree? [k] ?! [charaFace A 2] @Paris Ugh! Get out of the way, Lord Apollo [k] [messageOff] [charaMoveReturn A 0,5 0.4] [wt 0.2] [charaMove I 800,0 0.4] [se ad348] [wt 0.5] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Apollo But whyyy? [k] [messageOff] [wt 0.3] [se adm77] [wt 0.8] [charaFace A 0] @Paris ...What I'm trying to say is... [k] @Paris There are sooo many amazing heroes at Chaldea, right? [k] [charaFace A 5] @Paris It's intimidating! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,-230] @Apollo You're so cute when you're being openly self-deprecating. [k] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Paris I can't keep going on like this, so I think I better do something about it. [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,-230] @Apollo Oh yes, you're cute when you're being analytical, too. [k] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Paris Ugh, I'll never get anywhere if he keeps interrupting... [k] ?1:Sorry, Lord Apollo, but we need you to shut up for a bit. ?! [messageOff] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,-230] [cameraMove 1.5 10,-30 1.2] [wait camera] [se ad421] [charaShake I 0.05 2 2 0.6] [wt 0.6] [charaFadeout I 0.7] [wt 0.5] @Apollo Mmmf. It's hard to breathe like this, you know. [k] [messageOff] [cameraHome 0] [wait camera] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Paris Thank you, Master! [k] @Paris Anyway, the problem is...[sr]I have no idea what to do about it. [k] [charaFace A 2] @Paris So I thought I'd ask you for help,[sr]since you always know just what to do! [k] ?1:Hmm. Let me think... ?! [charaFace A 1] @Paris Oh boy, oh boy. [k] ?1:Maybe we should start by talking to some of the other Servants? ?! [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,-230] @Apollo Asking other heroes for help, huh... Good idea. [k] @Apollo Different heroes can have very different opinions depending on the time and place they come from. [k] @Apollo Maybe one of them can help Paris find a solution to his problem. [k] @Apollo Then again, maybe not. [k] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Paris Come on, Lord Apollo! You're supposed to say something encouraging there! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,-230] @Apollo All right then, let's go see who we can find. [k] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Paris Also, um, Master? I was hoping you could...you know... [k] ?1:Of course I'll come along with you! ?! [charaFace A 1] @Paris Yay! Thank you, Master! [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 1.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 1.0] [wait fade] [branchQuestNotClear lblNotClear2 3000303] [scene 104200] [branch lblConf2] [label lblNotClear2] [scene 105500] [label lblConf2] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 1.0] [charaTalk depthOn] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_7 0.1] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] [wt 0.4] @Apollo We can start by just wandering around. Hopefully, we'll run right into someone who can help[line 2] [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.4 1] [wt 0.4] @Achilles Oh, hey Master, hey Paris. What's up? [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth I 1] [charaDepth B 2] [charaDepth A 3] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadeinFSR A 0.1 256,0] [charaFadeinFSR I 0.1 256,0] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadeinFSL B 0.1 -256,0] @Paris ...[sr]... [k] [charaFace A 5] @Paris Hard pass. [k] [charaFace B 2] @Achilles [messageShake 0.05 5 5 0.5] Huh!? Where'd that come from!? [k] @Paris Hmph. [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Achilles All right, fine. I can tell when I'm not wanted.[sr]I'll just make like a tree and leaf then. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth I 1] [charaDepth B 2] [charaDepth A 3] [charaTalk I] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadeinFSR A 0.1 256,0] [charaFadeinFSR I 0.1 256,0] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadeinFSL B 0.1 -256,0] @Apollo Achilles. [k] @Achilles Yeah? [k] @Apollo Even leaves have a valuable role to play in this world. You shouldn't compare yourself to one. [k] @Achilles O-okay. [k] @Apollo Leaves have far greater worth than you ever will. [k] [charaFace B 5] @Achilles That's it! You're dead, sheep. [k] ?1:Easy there! Easy! ?! [messageOff] [fadeout black 1.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_7 1.0] [wait fade] [branchQuestNotClear lblNotClear3 3000303] [scene 104200] [branch lblConf3] [label lblNotClear3] [scene 105500] [label lblConf3] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 1.0] [charaTalk depthOn] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris All right, let's try that again! [k] @Apollo Yeah! [k] ?1:I hope this works out... ?! [messageOff] [wipeout leftToRight 1.0 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 0.5] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.5] [se ad8] [wt 0.5] [charaTalk off] [branchQuestNotClear lblNotClear4 3000303] [scene 105900] [branch lblConf4] [label lblNotClear4] [scene 105600] [label lblConf4] [fadein black 1.0] [wipein rightToLeft 1.0 1.5] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 1.0] [wait wipe] [se ad518 0.3] [charaDepth E 1] [charaDepth F 2] [charaDepth H 3] [charaDepth G 4] [charaDepth A 5] [charaFace F 0] [charaFadeinFSR F 0.4 2] [charaFace E 0] [charaFadeinFSL E 0.4 0] [wt 1.8] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaFace G 0] [charaFadeinFSR G 0.4 2] [charaFace H 0] [charaFadeinFSL H 0.4 0] [wt 1.8] [charaFadeout G 0.1] [charaFadeout H 0.1] [charaTalk on] [seStop ad518 3.5] [wt 0.5] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris This is perfect. There are lots of heroes here. Heck, a whole bunch of them are practically gods. [k] @Apollo Let's not even bother with the Greek ones. [k] @Paris I'd also prefer someone friendly and approachable! [k] ?1:In that case... ?! [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripRightToLeft 1.0 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 0.5] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 1.0] [charaTalk off] [charaTalk depthOn] [wipein rectangleStripLeftToRight 1.0 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 1.0] [wait wipe] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth C 2] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadeinFSR C 0.4 2] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.4 0] [wt 1.0] ?1:I'd suggest starting with those two. ?! [charaTalk on] @Beowulf Hm? What's up, Master? [k] @Rama Your timing is perfect; we just finished our meal.[sr]Can we help you with something? [k] [charaFace C 1] @Rama Oh, if this is about a simulator battle,[sr]I can be ready in no time at[line 2] [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris N-nice to meet you, everyone![sr]M-my name's Paris! [k] ?1:You see... ?! [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth C 2] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 0] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadeinFSR C 0.1 2] @Beowulf Ahhh, okay. Gotcha. [k] @Beowulf I don't know how much help I can be with that, but you made the right choice coming to Rama here. [k] [charaFace C 1] @Rama Hahaha, don't be so modest, Lord Beowulf. [k] @Rama All I have going for me is my youth. You're much more qualified to speak about being a hero than I am. [k] @Beowulf I don't know about that. [k] @Beowulf I'm a Berserker...so, you know, big picture thinking isn't really my thing. [k] @Beowulf But if I have to, I guess I can try and talk about what it means to be a hero. [k] [charaFace C 0] @Rama Of course you can. [k] @Rama That said, the cafeteria isn't the best place for this kind of discussion, so let's take it to the simulator. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris O-okay! [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 0.5] [wait fade] [scene 107600] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 1.0] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 1.0 1.0] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth C 2] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 0] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadeinFSR C 0.1 2] @Beowulf So, now that we're somewhere a little less confined... [k] @Rama Since I'm the younger...looking of us, why don't I start? [k] @Beowulf Sure, go for it. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 1.0] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Rama All right, Paris, let me make sure[sr]I understand your problem. [k] [bgm BGM_EVENT_11 0.1] @Rama As you see it, there are as many great heroes in Chaldea as there are stars in the night sky... [k] @Rama ...and you can't help but feel inferior when comparing your accomplishments to theirs. [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth C 1] [charaDepth A 2] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadeinFSR A 0.1 256,0] [charaFadeinFSR I 0.1 256,0] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadeinFSL C 0.1 -256,0] @Paris Y-yes, exactly. [k] @Paris As if starting the Trojan War wasn't bad enough, I went and screwed up a bunch more times afterwards, too! [k] @Rama You feel you have few accomplishments to speak of, and lack the fighting skill many others possess. [k] @Rama Consequently, you're unsure of your purpose here, and feel any number of other heroes could take your place and even do a better job of it. [k] @Rama Does that about cover it? [k] [charaFace A 0] @Paris Yes, it does... [k] @Paris And I mean, it's true, isn't it? [k] @Paris There are Servants who are much better with a bow than me, Servants who are much wiser and smarter than me... [k] @Rama Yes, that's true. [k] @Rama Harsh as this may sound, you're right on all counts. [k] [charaFace A 4] @Paris Ulp. [k] @Rama If you were actually a child, I would break that to you more gently... [k] [charaFace C 0] @Rama ...but regardless of your appearance, you are still Paris, the hero, and I know you can handle the truth. [k] @Rama When you get right down to it, the fact is,[sr]any one of us could easily be replaced. [k] [charaFace A 5] @Paris O-oh gosh. Are you serious? [k] [charaFace C 0] @Rama Of course. [k] @Rama We've all gathered here in the name of saving humanity. [k] @Rama All of us want nothing more than to fulfill the roles given to us and help accomplish that however we can. [k] [charaFace C 4] @Rama However, we only have so many resources, and of[sr]course, Master has [&his:her] limits as well. [k] @Rama That is why we all have replacements.[sr]No... Why we MUST have them. [k] [charaFace C 0] @Rama If I were to fall in battle, then another[sr]hero needs to be able to take my place. [k] @Rama If someone else were to fall in battle,[sr]I need to be able to do the same. [k] @Rama This is not a marathon we run alone, Paris. It is a relay race, and we are a team working together to save human history. [k] @Rama So in order to pass the relay baton on to Master,[sr]the anchor runner... [k] @Rama ...we must be prepared to exhaust ourselves in service of that goal. [k] [charaFace C 1] @Rama I, for one, am happy to accept this role. [k] @Rama But if it should happen that I never get a turn, that's perfectly fine. [k] [charaFace A 0] @Paris Yeah... I get it! [k] @Paris Now I see! Okay! That makes a lot of sense! Got it! [k] @Rama All right, easy there, Paris. [k] @Rama That is just my opinion, you understand. And I'll admit I've always been something of a teacher's pet. [k] @Rama So, what do you think about all this, Beowulf? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Beowulf My turn, huh? Got it. [k] @Beowulf All right, this is kind of a cliché,[sr]but that doesn't make it any less true. [k] @Beowulf You've probably heard this one before, but: those with power must use it responsibly. [k] [charaFace D 0] @Beowulf Pretty simple, right? But you still have people pushing back against that idea. [k] @Beowulf Lots of stuff like,[sr]“It's MY power, so I decide how I use it!” [k] @Beowulf What do you think, Paris?[sr]Where do you come down on that debate? [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth A 2] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadeinFSR A 0.1 256,0] [charaFadeinFSR I 0.1 256,0] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 -256,0] @Paris Oh. Well... Um... [k] @Paris It would probably be pretty bad if everyone with power just ran about doing whatever they wanted. [k] @Paris So I guess I do think people with[sr]power need to use it responsibly. [k] @Beowulf Even if doing that only ever brings them hardships? [k] [charaFace A 0] @Paris Huh? [k] [charaFace D 1] @Beowulf Most heroes[line 2]not all of them, but a good number[line 2]became heroes by risking their lives. [k] @Beowulf When it comes to slaying dragons, searching for treasure, deceiving someone, fighting a war to bring about peace... [k] @Beowulf ...or even invading another country... [k] @Beowulf ...each offers rewards worth sacrificing your life for, even if they're not always moral ones. [k] @Beowulf But, sometimes, heroes don't even get that much. [k] [charaFace D 4] @Beowulf You've heard these kinds of stories too, right? [k] @Beowulf One hero comes back home from a war,[sr]only to be betrayed and murdered by a friend. [k] @Beowulf Another fights valiantly to protect the weak and helpless, only to end up dead. [k] @Beowulf The fact is, some heroes lose their battles, and some people who use their power responsibly don't get rewarded for it. [k] @Beowulf So given all that, don't you think it'd be unfair to take that choice out of people's hands? [k] [charaFace A 4] @Paris Um... Well, uh... [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [bgm BGM_EVENT_11 1.0 0.5] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadeTime J 0.2 0.6] @ [lr]My head's spinning.[sr]Words are circling inside my skull. [k] @ What do I do? What should I do?[sr]What's the right course to take? [k] @ A real hero, like my big brother Hektor... [k] @ ...wouldn't be so uncertain. [k] @ A hero like him would know exactly what to say. [k] @ I'm sure all the other heroes would know what to do. [k] @ But me... I have no idea. [k] @ People with power should use it responsibly, but just having power doesn't mean good things will happen to you. [k] @ So...what do I say? [k] [charaFadeout J 0.2] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [bgm BGM_EVENT_11 1.0 1.0] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth A 2] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 -256,0] [charaFace A 4] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadeinFSR A 0.1 256,0] [charaFadeinFSR I 0.1 256,0] @Beowulf ...All right, time's up. [k] [charaFace A 2] @Paris Huh!? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Beowulf Guess we'll just have to try something else then.[sr]Here, Rama, come help me out. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth C 2] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadeinFSR C 0.1 2] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 0] @Rama Hmm. Are you going to take a page from Leonidas's book? [k] @Beowulf Maybe. [k] @Beowulf If just mindless casting about was enough to figure things out, any idiot could be a hero. [k] @Beowulf But that one question was enough[sr]to make Paris's brain shut down. [k] [charaFace D 1] @Beowulf So I think what we need here now's[sr]a little change of pace. [k] @Rama Yes, I suppose you're right. [k] @Rama All right, Paris, you team up with Master. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 1.2] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris ...[sr]... [k] [charaFace A 2] @Paris Huh!?[sr]Uh, yes, I'm here! What is it!? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [bgm BGM_EVENT_3 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth C 2] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadeinFSR C 0.1 2] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 0] @Rama Beowulf and I are going to team up to fight you. [k] @Rama Don't worry, this will strictly be training. Maybe some exercise will help you look at things differently. [k] @Rama ...Then again, it might not. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaDepth A 10] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 2] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris U-understood! Thank you for this opportunity! [k] @Paris And thank you for helping me, Master! [k] ?1:No problem! Let's do this! @Paris Right! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth D 1] [charaDepth C 2] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 1] [charaFadeinFSR C 0.1 2] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadeinFSL D 0.1 0] @Rama Hehe. Training or not, this will[sr]still be a clash between heroes. [k] @Rama Don't expect me to hold back! [k] @Beowulf Me neither, of course. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] ?2:They're both really tough, so hang in there! [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Beowulf Hey, thanks for the kind words. Guess I better show you how tough I am then. Gonna hit you as hard as I can! [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFace I 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,0] [charaFadein I 0.1 0,0] @Paris U-um, I'd rather you didn't, please... [k] @Apollo Yeah. What're you thinking? [k] @Apollo I don't care what you do to Master, but you should definitely be pulling your punches against us. [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 4] [charaFadein D 0.1 0,0] @Beowulf Guess I shouldn't be surprised the Greek god of the sun would be so self-centered... [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] ?! [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Rama Here are the rules. If you manage to knock us down even once, we'll admit defeat... [k] @Rama ...and of course, killing is strictly off limits. [k] [charaFace C 2] @Rama All right... Here we come! [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 0.5] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_3 0.4] [wait fade] [soundStopAll] [end]