$94-02-00-03-1-1 [soundStopAll] [charaSet B 2021001 1 "General Setsubun"] [charaSet D 25002000 1 "Katsushika Hokusai"] [charaSet E 1098125600 1 "Katsushika Hokusai (no octopus)"] [charaSet G 98115000 1 Effect] [charaSet H 98115000 1 Effect] [bgm BGM_EVENT_3 0.1] [scene 52900] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 2] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] [wt 0.5] [charaPut G 1] [charaEffect G bit_talk_41] [se bac1] [charaMoveScale D 1.1 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaPut G 1200,1200] [charaEffectStop G bit_talk_41] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [cueSe Servants_2500200 bac613] [effect bit_bolg_01b] [wt 0.3] [cueSe Servants_2500200 bac613] [effect bit_bolg_02b] [wt 0.5] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 5] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] [wt 0.2] [charaShake B 0.05 3 3 0.4] [se ad32] [charaPut G 50,50] [fowardEffect bit_talk_13] [wt 0.2] [se ad170] [charaPut G -50,-50] [fowardEffect bit_talk_13] [wt 0.5] [se bac2] [charaFace B 2] [charaEffect G bit_talk_41] [charaMoveScale B 1.1 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaPut G 1200,1200] [charaEffectStop G bit_talk_41] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaScale D 1.0] [charaScale B 1.0] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 2] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] [wt 0.5] [se bac210] [charaShake D 0.05 3 3 0.2] [effect bit_bolg_01] [wt 0.5] [se bac279] [effect bit_talk_32] [charaShake D 0.05 3 3 1.0] [wt 1.0] [seStop bac279 0.4] [effectStop bit_talk_32] [wt 0.4] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_3 0.7] [charaMove D 0,-50 0.4] [charaShake D 0.05 3 3 0.4] [wt 0.3] [se ad144] [seVolume ad144 0 0.35] [seStop ad144 0.6] [wt 0.7] [charaFace D 11] @Katsushika Hokusai Dammit, I can't believe you got me![sr]Ow ow ow... [k] [messageOff] [wt 0.5] ?1:Why don't you rest up in the hot springs outside? ?2:Everyone goes to the hot springs for a bit of R & R. ?! [bgm BGM_EVENT_7 0.1] [se ad7] [charaFace D 2] [charaMove D 1 0.1] @Katsushika Hokusai What? Did you just say hot springs!? Nobody told[sr]me anything about there being hot springs here! [k] [charaFace D 16] @Katsushika Hokusai ...Hang on.[sr]If there's hot springs, that means... [k] [charaFace D 14] @Katsushika Hokusai ...all the beautiful fairies and maidens from all of history who have a contract with Master here are gonna have a soak in 'em! [k] [charaFace D 5] @Katsushika Hokusai Ain't no way I'm gonna pass up a chance for that kinda inspiration! I gotta get goin'! [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @General Setsubun Um... Are you sure about this? [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 16] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Katsushika Hokusai Eh, it's fine. Got a pretty good idea of how to paint you now, thanks to that scuffle. [k] @Katsushika Hokusai 'Sides, at the hot springs, I'll get to see my subjects naked, not like here where everyone's dressed! [k] [charaFace D 9] @Katsushika Hokusai It don't take a genius to figure out which one's the better opportunity! Now that's settled, I'll[line 2] [k] [charaFace D 7] @Katsushika Hokusai Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I'd better blindfold Toto-sama. Octopus or not, he's still a guy[line 2] [k] [charaFace D 17] [charaShake D 0.05 3 3 0.3] [cueSe Servants_2500200 bac610 0 0.5] [cueSeStop Servants_2500200 bac610 1.0] @Katsushika Hokusai Bwa!? [k] [messageOff] [charaTalk off] [charaDepth E 10] [charaFace E 2] [charaFadein E 0 1] [charaFadeout D 0.1] @E:Katsushika Hokusai ...Holy hell, he moves fast. Toto-sama![sr]You get back here right now! [k] [charaTalk on] @E:Katsushika Hokusai You're tryin' to sneak into the women's bath, ain'tcha!? Don't come cryin' to me if you get boiled and served up as an appetizer! [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout E 0.4] [se ad55] [charaMove E 200,0 0.4] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_7 0.4] [wt 0.5] [seStop ad55 0.5] [wt 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 1] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @General Setsubun Well, that was a bit of an ordeal...[sr]But at least the path to the next floor is now clear. [k] @General Setsubun We are likely to encounter other guards like her on the floors above us... [k] @General Setsubun ...but this is only at the beginning of our ascent.[sr]There is no need to be hasty. [k] @General Setsubun Now, let us keep our wits about us,[sr]and forge ahead one floor at a time! [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 1.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 1.0] [wait fade] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 1.0] [scene 53100] [charaSet A 5018000 1 Gilgamesh] [charaSet B 4002000 1 Iskandar] [charaSet C 3010000 1 Romulus] [charaSet D 4012000 1 Ozymandias] [charaSet E 7007000 1 "Vlad III"] [charaSet F 3009000 1 Leonidas] [charaSet G 7011000 1 "Darius III"] [charaPut H 0,-100] [charaEffect H bit_talk_40] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [se ade150] [wt 0.5] [se ade151] [seVolume ade151 0 0] [wt 1.0] [seVolume ade151 0 1.0] @ [s 255] [s 16]– Meanwhile – [k] [bgm BGM_EVENT_7 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 3] [charaFadein A 0.4 0,-30] @Gilgamesh ...Hmm. While this of course pales in comparison to the spaciousness, splendor, and rarity of the spring waters in my Noble Phantasm's bath... [k] [charaFace A 1] @Gilgamesh ...I will grant this water is not terrible,[sr]considering it was prepared by a mongrel. [k] @Gilgamesh As a reward, just this once, I will overlook your transgression of bathing in waters that have touched my royal person! [k] @Gilgamesh Rejoice, for my kingly aura is now one of the benefits you will enjoy by soaking in these springs! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaDepth B 10] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 3] [charaFace A 1] [charaFadein B 0.1 256,-30] [charaFadein A 0.1 -256,-30] @Iskandar Hmm? But, King of Heroes, take a look around...[sr]Ahhh. (← Spoken while gulping down wine) [k] [charaFace A 0] @Gilgamesh What of it? [k] [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [wipein rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadein C 0.4 1] @Romulus Yes, this is a thermae.[sr]Thermae is Rome, and this is Rome too! [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 2] [charaFadein D 0.4 1] @Ozymandias Hmph. You call this a bath?[sr]I am truly magnanimous, so I will call it “rustic”... [k] @Ozymandias ...but if you wish to make something of this place, you shall begin by handing over all that raw material to me! [k] @Ozymandias Do that, and I shall build a grand pyramid-styled golden bathhouse around these hot springs worthy of a pharaoh! [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 0] [charaFadein E 0.4 1] @Vlad III Why am I here? Why else? To demonstrate that water holds no power over me, nor presents any obstacle! [k] [charaFace E 1] @Vlad III If you wish to verify that with running water as well, then so be it. [k] @Vlad III Prepare your water, and I shall face it head-on. [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Ozymandias Oho. So these waters flow and circulate much as they do in the Nile... [k] [charaFace D 2] @Ozymandias ...I approve! [k] [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [wipein rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 1] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 256,-30] [charaFadein A 0.1 -256,-30] @Iskandar There's nothing BUT kings here! [k] @Iskandar Their kingdoms may be different in size, but still, to have so many kings in one bath like this... [k] @Iskandar Well, it's not something you see[sr]every day now, is it? Wahahaha! [k] [charaFace A 5] @Gilgamesh Hmph, it is hardly impressive. These other kings are little more than mockeries of my own royal splendor. [k] @Gilgamesh It is clear to all that I am the most accomplished when it comes to baths. As such, there is no longer any reason for me to stay. [k] [messageOff] [charaFace A 0] [charaMove A -256,0 0.3] [se ade150] [wt 0.5] [charaMove A -300,0 0.2] [wt 0.2] @Iskandar Oh? Getting out already? I wouldn't have figured the King of Heroes to have a hard time handling a little hot water. [k] [charaFace A 5] @Gilgamesh ...What was that? [k] [charaMove A -256,0 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaMove A -256,-30 0.2] [se ad417] [seVolume ad417 0 0] [wt 0.1] [seVolume ad417 0 1.0] [wt 0.1] [charaFace A 4] @Gilgamesh Fool! I could simply see that these waters were barely able to contain the glory of my royal person and, in my generosity, elected to offer them a brief respite. [k] @Gilgamesh Death from exhaustion is no laughing matter, after all. [k] [charaFace A 0] @Gilgamesh But the time for respite has now passed.[sr]At the very least... [k] @Gilgamesh ...I shall not be raising my royal bottom again until these so-called “kings,” who're enjoying their cheap liquor, have been thoroughly boiled. [k] [charaFace B 0] @Iskandar Oh? So you propose a test of endurance? [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [se ade149] [wt 0.5] [seStop ade149 1.5] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 0] [charaFadein F 0.4 1] @Leonidas Endurance, you say? That sounds like quite a lot of fun. Hehe, but be warned, these waters are already hot![sr]We should work up a good sweat indeed by the time it is over! [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Iskandar So you'll be joining us too, King of Sparta?[sr]This is getting more interesting by the moment. [k] [charaFace B 4] @Iskandar But in that case, this barrel of wine just won't be enough. [k] [charaFace B 0] @Iskandar King of Heroes, if I'm not mistaken, I believe you have a supremely delicious vintage in your possession. Am I right? [k] @Iskandar Hell, I'll bet you've got a hundred[line 2]two hundred flasks you could spare without batting an eye! How else could you call yourself the King of Heroes!? [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Gilgamesh ...You have sharp ears. Or rather, a sharp nose. [k] @Gilgamesh Indeed, everything under the sun belongs to me. As such, a mere child could easily have arrived at your conclusion. [k] @Gilgamesh However, I am aghast at your gall in asking me so bluntly to open my personal stores to you. You do indeed live up to your name as a great king. [k] @Gilgamesh Specifically, the great king of drunkards and extortionists! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 1] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Iskandar You bet! There's nothing wrong with wanting delicious liquor and asking for it! [k] @Iskandar Besides, surely you find it more fun to drink with others than all alone! Now come on, just produce it like you do everything else! [k] @Iskandar I expect to see bottles upon bottles of the finest liquor around, enough to fill this very bath! [k] @Iskandar You're the invincible King of Heroes, aren't you?[sr]Then you MUST take up a challenge when confronted! [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 1] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Gilgamesh Hmph. Despite your thick build, I see now that it is words, rather than muscles, that are your greatest weapon. [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [wt 0.5] [cameraMove 1.0 0,100 1.5] [wt 1.5] [charaScale G 4.0] [charaTalk G] [charaFace G 0] [charaFadein G 0.7 -300,-550] [charaMove G -200,-550 1.2] [se ade149] [seStop ade149 3.5] [wt 2.0] [charaFadeout G 1.0] [charaMove G -100,-550 1.0] [wt 1.5] [cameraHome 1.0] [wt 2.0] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 0] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Leonidas What's this? It seems there is a black octopus dwelling within these waters. ...Aha, now I understand. [k] @Leonidas Master must have brought this slippery creature here to let us attempt to catch hold of it, thus letting us train even as we work up a sweat in the bath. [k] [charaFace F 5] @Leonidas What a wonderful Master we have![sr]Very well then, here goes...! [k] [charaMoveReturn F 10,0 0.25] [se adm18] @Leonidas Wha! It's so slippery! [charaMoveReturn F -10,0 0.25]And huge! No need to tell me,[sr]this must be a creature [charaMoveReturn F 10,0 0.25]akin to the umibouzu I have heard stories about[line 2][seStop adm18 1.5] [k] [messageOff] [charaScale G 1.0] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk G] [charaFace G 2] [charaFadein G 0.1 0,-1000] [wt 0.1] [charaMove G 1 0.1] [effect bit_talk_water] [se ad416] [effect bit_talk_rain01] [wt 0.3] [wt 0.2] [effectStop bit_talk_rain01] @Darius III [font large]Is[effectStop bit_talk_water]kandaaar! [k] [charaFadeout G 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 1] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Iskandar Oho, if it isn't the King of Persia and former Pharaoh! If you're here too, a simple test of endurance may no longer be enough! [k] [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaSet A 7020000 1 "Cú Chulainn Alter"] [wt 1.5] [wipein rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.4 1] @Cú Chulainn Alter (Ugh, it's too damn noisy... Can't these jackasses keep their mouths shut when they're taking a bath?) [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 2.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_7 2.0] [wait fade] [wt 0.5] [soundStopAll] [end]