[{ "eventId": 80002, "svtId": 502600, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80003, "svtId": 202400, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nOda Nobunaga will only join for the duration of the event \"GUDAGUDA Honnoji.\"\nBy gaining a certain number of \"Event Points\" through event quests, she will officially join your party.\nDetails for Event Points can be checked in the \"Event Rewards\" screen which opens with the button at the top right of the Terminal.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nOda Nobunaga has officially joined.\nShe will remain as a Servant\nafter the event as a result.\nFurther acquisition of Honnoji Points\nwill grant you additional copies of Oda Nobunaga.\nPlease confirm the details from the Event Points\nRewards listings.", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nOda Nobunaga did not meet the requirement to officially\njoin your party by the end of the event and has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped on Oda Nobunaga\nwill automatically be removed.", "startedAt": 1510113600, "endedAt": 1511495999 }, { "eventId": 80005, "svtId": 402200, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80008, "svtId": 100300, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80017, "svtId": 502000, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80022, "svtId": 402300, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\nSakata Kintoki [Rider] will join your party\nonly for the duration of the event\n\"The Great Tale of Demons: Onigashima.\"\nBy clearing a certain quest within the event,\nhe will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\nSakata Kintoki [Rider] has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, he will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurther trading with the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Sakata Kintoki [Rider].", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\nThe requirements for Sakata Kintoki [Rider] to officially join your party were not met and he has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Sakata Kintoki\n[Rider] will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1528948800, "endedAt": 1530158399 }, { "eventId": 80023, "svtId": 602400, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nScáthach (Assassin) will join your party only for the duration of the event \"Summer! Ocean! Pioneering! FGO Summer 2018.\"\nShe will officially join your party by completing Part 2 of the main quest.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nScáthach (Assassin) has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurther trading with the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Scáthach (Assassin).", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\nThe requirements for Scáthach (Assassin) to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event and she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped on Scáthach (Assassin) will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1532577600, "endedAt": 1534305599 }, { "eventId": 80026, "svtId": 202700, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80035, "svtId": 302600, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Additions -\nJeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily\nwill join your party only for the duration of the event \"The Little Santa Alter - Christmas 2018\".\nBy trading a certain item obtained through the event, she will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants Officially Joining -\nJeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurthermore, trading additional event items will grant you additional copies of Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily.", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants Departing -\nThe requirements for Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event and she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily will be removed automatically.\nAlso, if a certain requirement has been met, \nyou can trade in a \"Silver Exchange Ticket\" by 20:59, 12/05 to have her officially join your party.", "startedAt": 1543291200, "endedAt": 1544068799 }, { "eventId": 80046, "svtId": 202400, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nOda Nobunaga will only join for the duration of the event \"Revival: GUDAGUDA Honnoji Lite.\"\nBy gaining a certain number of \"Event Points\" through event quests, she will officially join your party.\nDetails for Event Points can be checked in the \"Event Rewards\" screen which opens with the button at the top right of the Terminal.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nOda Nobunaga has officially joined.\nShe will remain as a Servant\nafter the event as a result.\nFurther acquisition of Honnoji Points\nwill grant you additional copies of Oda Nobunaga.\nPlease confirm the details from the Event Points\nRewards listings.", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nOda Nobunaga did not meet the requirement to officially\njoin your party by the end of the event and has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped on Oda Nobunaga\nwill automatically be removed.", "startedAt": 1552363200, "endedAt": 1553745599 }, { "eventId": 80050, "svtId": 702600, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80054, "svtId": 2300100, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80057, "svtId": 402300, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\nSakata Kintoki [Rider] will join your party\nonly for the duration of the event\n\"Revival: The Great Tale of Demons Onigashima Lite.\"\nBy clearing a certain quest within the event,\nhe will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\nSakata Kintoki [Rider] has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, he will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurther trading with the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Sakata Kintoki [Rider].", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\nThe requirements for Sakata Kintoki [Rider] to officially join your party were not met and he has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Sakata Kintoki\n[Rider] will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1559793600, "endedAt": 1561075199 }, { "eventId": 80060, "svtId": 602400, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nScáthach (Assassin) will join your party only for the duration of the event \"Revival: Summer! Ocean! Pioneering! FGO Summer 2018 Lite.\"\nShe will officially join your party by completing Part 2 of the main quest.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nScáthach (Assassin) has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurther trading with the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Scáthach (Assassin).", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\nThe requirements for Scáthach (Assassin) to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event and she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped on Scáthach (Assassin) will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1562904000, "endedAt": 1564372799 }, { "eventId": 80064, "svtId": 402600, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\n\nIshtar (Rider) will join only for the duration of the event \"Dead Heat Summer Race!\n- The Ishtar Cup of Hopes and Dreams 2019.\"\nShe will officially join your party after completing the main quest of Part Two.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\n\nIshtar (Rider) has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurther trading with the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Ishtar (Rider).\n", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\nThe requirements for Ishtar (Rider) to officially join your party were not met and she has departed.\n The Craft Essence equipped to Ishtar (Rider) will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1564372800, "endedAt": 1566359999 }, { "eventId": 80069, "svtId": 101000, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Addition -\n\nElisabeth Báthory (Brave) will join your party only for the duration of the event\n\"Revival: Halloween Comeback! Super☆Ghouls 'n Pumpkins - The Seeds of Adventure - Lite\"\nBy completing a certain quest within the event,\nshe will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant -\nElisabeth Báthory (Brave) has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurthermore, completion of certain quests will grant you additional copies of \nElisabeth Báthory (Brave).", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Elisabeth Báthory (Brave) to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event \nand she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Elisabeth Báthory (Brave) will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1568865600, "endedAt": 1570075199 }, { "eventId": 80073, "svtId": 1000400, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80073, "svtId": 1000500, "type": 0, "joinMessage": "-", "getMessage": "-", "leaveMessage": "-", "startedAt": 946684800, "endedAt": 1893456000 }, { "eventId": 80075, "svtId": 302600, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Additions -\nJeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily\nwill join your party only for the duration of the event \"Revival: The Little Santa Alter - Christmas 2018 - Lite\".\nBy trading a certain item obtained through the event, she will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants Officially Joining -\nJeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurthermore, trading additional event items will grant you additional copies of Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily.", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant's Departure -\nThe requirements for Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event and she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily will be removed automatically.\nIf the requirements have been met, you can exchange the \"Silver Exchange Ticket\" by 11-27 19:59 PST to have her officially join your party.", "startedAt": 1573531200, "endedAt": 1574395199 }, { "eventId": 80084, "svtId": 202200, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Additions -\n\nAttila the San(ta) will join your party only for the duration of the event \"Merry Christmas in the Underworld\".\n\nBy trading a certain item obtained through the event, she will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants Officially Joining -\n\nAttila the San(ta) has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurthermore, trading additional event items will grant you additional copies of Attila the San(ta).", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants Departing -\nThe requirements for Attila the San(ta) to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event and she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Attila the San(ta) will be removed automatically.\nIf the requirements have been met, \nyou can trade in the \"War God Exchange Ticket\" by 12/31 19:59 PST to have her officially join your party.", "startedAt": 1576468800, "endedAt": 1577347199 }, { "eventId": 80090, "svtId": 602300, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\nRyougi Shiki [Assassin] will join your party\nonly for the duration of the event\n\"Revival: the Garden of sinners/the Garden of Order\".\nBy clearing a certain quest within the event,\nshe will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\nRyougi Shiki [Assassin] has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\nFurther, completion of certain quests will grant you additional copies of Ryougi Shiki [Assassin].", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\nThe requirements for Ryougi Shiki [Assassin] to officially join your party were not met by the end of the event and she has departed.\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Ryougi Shiki [Assassin] will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1581998400, "endedAt": 1583121599 }, { "eventId": 80102, "svtId": 503800, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nSieg will join your party\nonly for the duration of the event\n\"Apocrypha/Inheritance of Glory\".\n\nBy clearing a certain quest in the event,\nhe will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nSieg has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, he will remain as a Servant after the event.\n\nFurther trading of the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Sieg.", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Sieg to officially join your party were not met and he has departed.\n\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Sieg will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1587700800, "endedAt": 1588910399 }, { "eventId": 80107, "svtId": 403000, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nSakamoto Ryouma will join your party only for the duration of the event \"GUDAGUDA Legend of the Imperial Capital Grail - Far East Demonic Front 1945.\"\n\nBy clearing a certain quest in the event, he will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nSakamoto Ryouma has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, he will remain as a Servant after the event.\n\nFurther completing missions will grant you additional copies of Sakamoto Ryouma.", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Sakamoto Ryouma to officially join your party were not met and he has departed.\n\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Sakamoto Ryouma will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1591156800, "endedAt": 1592366399 }, { "eventId": 80108, "svtId": 402600, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nIshtar (Rider) will join only for the duration of the event \"Revival: Dead Heat Summer Race!\n- The Ishtar Cup of Hopes and Dreams 2019 - Lite\".\n\nShe will officially join your party after completing the main quest of Part Two.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nIshtar (Rider) has officially joined your party.\nAs a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\n\nFurther trading with the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Ishtar (Rider).\n", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Ishtar (Rider) to officially join your party were not met and she has departed.\n The Craft Essence equipped to Ishtar (Rider) will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1594958400, "endedAt": 1596340799 }, { "eventId": 80112, "svtId": 703100, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nJeanne d'Arc Alter (Berserker) will join your party only for the duration of the event \"Servant Summer Festival!\"\n\nBy clearing a certain quest in the event, she will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nJeanne d'Arc Alter (Berserker) has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\n\nCompleting certain quests will grant you additional copies of Jeanne d'Arc Alter (Berserker).", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Jeanne d'Arc Alter (Berserker) to officially join your party were not met and she has departed.\n\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Jeanne d'Arc Alter (Berserker) will be removed automatically.", "startedAt": 1596427200, "endedAt": 1598155199 }, { "eventId": 80119, "svtId": 504000, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nShuten-Douji (Caster) will join your party\nonly for the duration of the event\n\"The Land of Mystique, Oniland! \nThe Great Oni and the Kamuy's Gold\".\n\nBy clearing a certain quest in the event,\nshe will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nShuten-Douji (Caster) has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\n\nFurther trading of the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Shuten-Douji (Caster).", "leaveMessage": "- Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Shuten-Douji (Caster) to officially join your party were not met and she has departed.\n\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Shuten-Douji (Caster) will be removed automatically.\n", "startedAt": 1603080000, "endedAt": 1604289599 }, { "eventId": 80221, "svtId": 202200, "type": 1, "joinMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nAttila the San(ta) will join your party only for the duration of the event \"Revival: Merry Christmas in the Underworld - Lite\".\n\nBy trading a certain item obtained through the event, she will officially join your party.", "getMessage": "- About Limited Time Servants -\n\nAttila the San(ta) has officially joined your party. As a result, she will remain as a Servant after the event.\n\nFurther trading of the items acquired during the event will grant you additional copies of Attila the San(ta). ", "leaveMessage": "- About Limited Time Servant Withdrawal -\n\nThe requirements for Attila the San(ta) to officially join your party were not met and she has departed.\n\nThe Craft Essence equipped to Attila the San(ta) will be removed automatically.\n\nIf the requirements have been met, \nyou can trade in the \"War God Exchange Ticket\" by 11/25 19:59 PST to have her officially join your party.", "startedAt": 1605153600, "endedAt": 1605931199 }]