[{ "id": 94055900, "name": "DEF Up", "effectName": "Increase DEF of Servant on space by 30%", "iconId": 301, "skillId": 965582, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94055901, "name": "Damage Cut", "effectName": "Apply a state that reduces damage taken by 500 to Servant on space", "iconId": 301, "skillId": 965583, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94055902, "name": "HP Recovery Amount Up", "effectName": "Increase HP Recovery amount by 50% to Servant on space", "iconId": 328, "skillId": 965584, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94055903, "name": "HP Recover Each Turn", "effectName": "Apply a state that restores HP by 2000 to Servant on space", "iconId": 318, "skillId": 965585, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94055904, "name": "NP Gain Each Turn", "effectName": "Apply a state that increases NP Gauge by 30% each turn to Servant on space (Increase Charge by 1 if enemy)", "iconId": 319, "skillId": 965586, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94058801, "name": "Critical Strength Up", "effectName": "Increase Critical Strength of Servant on space by 30%", "iconId": 324, "skillId": 966143, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94058802, "name": "Gain C. Stars Each Turn", "effectName": "Apply a state where Servant on space gains C. Stars [10 Stars] each turn (Increase Critical Rate by 20% if enemy (Permanent))", "iconId": 320, "skillId": 966144, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94058803, "name": "Decrease HP [Demerit]", "effectName": "Apply a state that decreases HP by 3000 to Servant on space (1 turn)", "iconId": 525, "skillId": 966137, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94058805, "name": "ATK Up", "effectName": "Increase ATK of Servant on space by 20%", "iconId": 300, "skillId": 966140, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071401, "name": "Skill Seal [Demerit]", "effectName": "Inflict Skill Seal on this space's Servant <Cannot be nullified by skills etc>", "iconId": 511, "skillId": 967907, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071402, "name": "Trash & Crush", "effectName": "Inflict \"Decrease HP by 3000 for all allies when fighting enemy Passionlip\" (1 time) on this space's Servant <Does not work on enemy Passionlip> [Demerit]", "iconId": 520, "skillId": 967910, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071403, "name": "Decrease DEF [Demerit]", "effectName": "Decrease Defense for this space's Servant by 30% <Cannot be nullified by skills etc>", "iconId": 504, "skillId": 967921, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071404, "name": "NP Strength Up", "effectName": "Increase NP Strength for this space's Servant by 30%", "iconId": 310, "skillId": 967922, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071405, "name": "BB Slots", "effectName": "Triggers numerous random effects for this space's Servant", "iconId": 1000001, "skillId": 967935, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071406, "name": "Aurea Pork Poculum", "effectName": "Inflict \"Get turned into a pig (1 turn) when fighting Great Evil BB (certain special enemies are immune) [Demerit]\" (1 time) on this space's Servant", "iconId": 520, "skillId": 967949, "skillLv": 1 }, { "id": 94071407, "name": "BB Slots", "effectName": "Triggers numerous random effects for this space's Servant", "iconId": 1000001, "skillId": 967951, "skillLv": 1 }]