$03-00-03-13-3-1 [soundStopAll] [charaSet A 9005001 1 Holmes] [charaSet B 1098124500 1 "Da Vinci"] [charaSet C 3035001 1 "Qin Liangyu"] [charaSet D 1098159300 1 Soldier] [charaSet E 98002000 1 Fou] [charaSet F 8001400 1 Mash] [charaSet H 98115000 1 Effect] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth A 4] [charaDepth B 6] [scene 51603] [wipeFilter cinema 0.5 0] [se ad554] [seVolume ad554 0 0.4] [se ad629] [seVolume ad629 0 0.4] [shake 0.05 0 2 4.0] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [wt 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_81 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 2] [charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50] @Qin Liangyu Hurry! Get as far away as you can while Kuaiji Zero keeps the enemy busy! [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadein D 0.1 0,-50] @Soldier Yes, ma'am! [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [seVolume ad554 3 0.2] [seVolume ad629 3 0.2] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFace B 14] [charaFadein A 0.1 -256,-50] [charaFadein B 0.1 256,-50] @Holmes (I must say, it's humiliating to[sr]find our hands so firmly tied.) [k] @Da Vinci (Well, what can we do? Advanced as it might be, the Shadow Border's still basically a car with a buncha tires. We can't stop them from towing it.) [k] [charaFace A 0] @Holmes (I suppose we should be content with[sr]the fact that Nezha was able to escape.) [k] @Holmes (It's fortunate for us that they are apparently completely ignorant of the Spirit Origin graph's importance.) [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [seStop ad554 1.0] [seStop ad629 1.0] [charaTalk depthOn] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 5] [charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50] @Qin Liangyu ...Whatever you might be up to, don't bother. Try anything funny, and I'll cut you down where you stand. [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50] @Holmes And here I thought you were a proud warrior. I'm disappointed to see you resorting to underhanded deception and skullduggery. [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 5] [charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50] @Qin Liangyu Hmph, say what you want, Confucian.[sr]Your words are no more than wind to me. [k] @Qin Liangyu Now that I know you're Confucians, I also know better than to trust anything that comes out of your mouths. [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 4] [charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50] @Da Vinci Uh...we're not Confucians. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 5] [charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50] @Qin Liangyu I don't know what you call it in your world, but here, anyone who tries to “enlighten” our people is a Confucian. [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50] @Holmes Oh, come on... [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 5] [charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50] @Qin Liangyu What good could there possibly[sr]be in giving people knowledge? [k] [charaFace C 2] @Qin Liangyu Making them read books that only confuse, deceive, and delude, causing them to lose sight of what they're meant to be... You do the devil's own work! [k] @Qin Liangyu You rebels should be ashamed of yourselves. Spouting ideals you don't really believe, agitating people merely to further your own ambitions... I can't stand people like you! [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 4] [charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50] @Da Vinci We don't actually have any ambitions like that, though? We just shared some things we knew while we were making conversation. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 2] [charaFadein C 0.1 0,-50] @Qin Liangyu Then you did it on a lark? That's even worse! [k] @Qin Liangyu You have no idea what will happen to the people you've tainted with your Confucianism! [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 6] [charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50] @Holmes ...What was that? [k] [messageOff] [wt 0.8] [fadeout black 1.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_81 1.0] [wait fade] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wipeOff] [charaSet A 1036001 1 "Prince of Lan Ling"] [charaSet B 1098159400 1 "Akuta Hinako"] [charaSet C 7032001 1 "Xiang Yu"] [wt 1.0] [scene 10000] [fadein black 0.1] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_24 0.1] [se ad715] [fowardEffect bit_talk_square_slash_r 0,0 H] [wt 0.8] [se ad32] [fowardEffect bit_talk_14] [wt 0.4] [flashin once 0.1 0.6 FFFFFF80 FFFFFF00] [se ad686] [se ad688] [se bac284] [seVolume bac284 0 0.4] [wt 0.8] [wipeout rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.1 1.0] [wait wipe] [scene 65501] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 9] [charaFadein F 0.4 -30,0] [charaMove F 30,0 0.4] [charaShake F 0.05 2 1 0.8] [se ad671] [seVolume ad671 0 0.6] [wipein rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.1 1.0] [wait wipe] [wt 1.3] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.2] [bgm BGM_EVENT_24 1.0 0.6] @A:Qin Shi Huang Enough. It is time. All of you, leave at once. [k] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Prince of Lan Ling But, we still have yet to kill the Chaldeans. [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang We will not punish you for your incompetence in failing to kill them. You need merely wait for your next opportunity. Now go, or you will be caught up in it. [k] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 7] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Akuta Hinako Let's go, Prince of Lan Ling.[sr]You too, Lord Xiang Yu. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Xiang Yu Very well. [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Prince of Lan Ling ...As you wish. [k] [messageOff] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_24 1.0] [se ad73] [charaSpecialEffect A erasureReverse 0,0 0.4] [wt 0.1] [fowardEffect bit_talk_quickmove] [wait charaSpecialEffect A] [wt 0.5] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] [wt 0.8] [charaFadeout C 1.0] [se ad710] [seVolume ad710 0 0.7] [shake 0.05 0 5 0.5] [wt 0.1] [seVolume ad710 1.2 0.1] [wt 0.6] [shake 0.02 0 2 0.7] [seStop ad710 1.0] [wt 1.2] [charaSet A 1009001 1 Mordred] [charaSet B 7005001 1 Spartacus] [charaSet C 3031001 1 Nezha] [charaSet D 6011001 1 "Jing Ke"] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 0] [charaFadein E 0.1 1] @Fou Fou, fooou? [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Wh-what the hell?[sr]Why'd they all run off like that? [k] [bgm BGM_EVENT_48 0.1] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus ...I don't like this.[sr]The oppressor is up to something. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 5] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Nezha Reviewing communications.[sr]“There is little time left.” I wonder... [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke There's only one reason for the emperor to order retreat now: Qin Shi Huang is about to unleash an indiscriminate attack. I bet it'll wipe out the entire area. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang Very good. Since you have figured out this much,[sr]we shall tell you what is about to happen. [k] @Qin Shi Huang We have just released a payload from our[sr]Great Wall and altered its trajectory. [k] @Qin Shi Huang It will strike your location[sr]in approximately three minutes. [k] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 2] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Are you freakin' nuts, you overgrown tin can!?[sr]You'd really kill your own people just to get to us!? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang Do not think so much of yourselves.[sr]You have it quite backward. [k] @Qin Shi Huang We only ordered our soldiers to cripple you in order that you might also be caught in the blast radius as an added bonus of sorts. [k] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 15] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash Th-then, you did this explicitly[sr]to destroy this village...? [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang It is what must be done to rid our land of Confucianism. Now that enlightenment has begun to spread among the people here, we are left with no choice but to nip it in the bud. [k] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 2] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus Accursed tyrant! Have you so little regard for the lives of your own citizens!? [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang S[messageShake 0.05 4 4 0.2]ilence! This land is our flesh! Its people are our blood! You could never understand the pain such an action causes us! [k] @Qin Shi Huang But, now that it has been infected with Confucianism, we have no choice but to carve out this piece of our flesh before the poison spreads. [k] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 15] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash ... [k] @Mash So this is...Qin Shi Huang... [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang Flee if you wish.[sr]But it is too late for the people of this village. [k] @Qin Shi Huang Once you have turned tail and fled, be our guest to turn back and witness the destruction your Confucianism has wrought. [k] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 2] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Dammit, this bastard's crazier than I thought. I never expected murdering the empire's own citizens to be more important than killing us! [k] [messageOff] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_48 1.0] [wipeout rectangleStripUpToDown 0.4 1] [se ad214] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.2] [scene 67500] [cameraMove 0.1 0,0 1.01] [sceneSet I 67500 1] [charaScale I 1.4] [wt 1.0] [charaFadein I 0.1 50,-400] [wt 0.1] [shake 0.05 4 4 8.0] [wipein rectangleStripDownToUp 0.7 1] [wait wipe] [wt 2.0] [charaFadeout I 2.0] [wt 2.0] [seVolume ad214 1.0 0.8] [bgm BGM_EVENT_24 0.1] @Mash There it is now... It's so massive... When it hits,[sr]I don't think anything will be left of this area... [k] @Boy What is that? [k] @Farmer A A[messageShake 0.03 2 2 0.3]ah, an evil star! Most Glorious and[sr]Majestic Heavenly Emperor must be furious! [k] [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripDownToUp 0.4 1] [wait wipe] [scene 65501] [wt 0.5] [shake 0.05 1 2 3.0] [wipein rectangleStripUpToDown 0.4 1] [wait wipe] [charaSet C 1098158900 1 "Farmhand A"] [charaSet D 1098159000 1 Boy] [charaSet E 1098158810 1 "Farmer B"] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 2] [charaFadein E 0.1 1] @Farmer B So the rumors about stars falling on villages that reject the emperor's blessings were true!? [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 2] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Farmhand A This can't be happening![sr]Why would Heavenly Emperor be so furious!? [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 2] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Boy Was it wrong of us to recite poems?[sr]Was it wrong for us to try to go to the capital? [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [bgm BGM_EVENT_24 1.5 0.5] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus No, none of you did anything wrong. You followed your dreams in search of freedom, as anyone would. [k] @Spartacus ...I see. Now I understand.[sr]So this is why I was summoned to this land. [k] [charaFace B 2] @Spartacus It was all so that I could strike[sr]back against this great oppression! [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 6] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash Spartacus? [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus [%1], you have yet to become an oppressor. [k] @Spartacus Now is the time for you to[sr]demonstrate your authority. [k] ?1:What do you want me to do? ?! [charaSet C 3031001 1 Nezha] [charaSet D 6011001 1 "Jing Ke"] [charaSet E 98002000 1 Fou] @Spartacus Use a Command Spell on me. [k] @Spartacus Use it and say only one word: “Jump.” [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke Now I get it. Crying Warmonger... [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred What'd you just say? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 4] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke We'd normally have no way to defend against or destroy something as utterly destructive as a meteor strike. [k] @Jing Ke But Spartacus's Noble Phantasm changes to match what he's up against. The more powerful the attack, the stronger his resulting counterattack will be. [k] @Jing Ke If he can do that in the air, before the meteor has a chance to strike...he might just be able to destroy it before it hits the ground... [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Whoa! Wait a damn minute! Are you suggesting he fly up there and let that thing HIT him!? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus Not to worry. Such tremendous adversity is perfect for showing off the strength of my rebellion. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred You [messageShake 0.03 2 2 0.3]can't! That will completely[sr]annihilate your Spirit Origin! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus Hahaha! We won't know until I've tried! [k] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_24 3.0] [charaFace B 5] @Spartacus Regardless, there's no time to debate the matter.[sr]We don't have long before that wicked star arrives. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 15] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash ...Senpai! [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.6] [charaPut H 1] [flag IsMale true] [selectionUse masterMale] ?1:By my Command Spell... [flag IsMale true] ?2:Jump, Spartacus! [flag IsMale true] ?! [selectionUse masterFemale] ?1:By my Command Spell... [flag IsMale false] ?2:Jump, Spartacus! [flag IsMale false] ?! [branch _Male IsMale true] [branch _Female IsMale false] [label _Male] [charaEffect H bit_talk_CommandMantra_01 0,64] [charaEffectPause G bit_talk_CommandMantra_01 0,64] [wait charaEffectStart G] [charaEffectStart G] [branch _branchEnd] [label _Female] [charaEffect H bit_talk_CommandMantra_02 0,64] [charaEffectPause G bit_talk_CommandMantra_02 0,64] [wait charaEffectStart G] [charaEffectStart G] [label _branchEnd] [se bas16] [wait charaEffect H] [charaPut H 1200,1200] [charaEffectStop H] [wt 0.5] [bgm BGM_EVENT_91 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] [charaEffect B bit_talk_charge_red] [wt 0.2] [se ad429] [seVolume ad429 0 0.6] [wt 0.2] [charaFace B 5] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_1] [wt 0.2] @Spartacus Hr[messageShake 0.03 3 3 0.6]aaaaaahhh!!! [k] @Spartacus I feel it! I can feel the power[sr]of our bond flowing within me! [k] [messageOff] [se ad322] [cueSeStop NP_700500_2 0.3] [wipeout rectangleStripUpToDown 0.3 1.0] [se ad635] [wait wipe] [charaEffectStop B bit_talk_charge_red] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [fadeout black 0.1] [wait fade] [scene 10000] [wt 0.1] [fowardEffect bit_talk_arrow01or] [fadein black 0.1] [wait fade] [wipein rectangleStripDownToUp 0.1 1.0] [wait wipe] [se ad147] [wt 1.5] [wipeout rectangleStripUpToDown 0.1 1.0] [wait wipe] [fadeout black 0.1] [wait fade] [scene 65501] [fadein black 0.1] [wait fade] [wipein rectangleStripUpToDown 0.4 1.0] [seVolume ad429 1.0 0.3] [wait wipe] [wt 0.5] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 2] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Nezha He really jumped!? [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 0] [charaFadein E 0.1 1] [charaShake E 0.04 4 4 0.6] @Fou Fooou!? [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 2] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke That's no ordinary leap. He's being propelled[sr]by a truly massive eruption of magical energy! [k] [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripUpToDown 0.4 1.0] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [scene 10000] [wt 0.1] [wipein rectangleStripDownToUp 0.4 1.0] [wait wipe] [se ade8] [wt 0.4] [fadeout white 1.5] [wt 1.0] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_1] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_1 0 0.8] [wait fade] [effect bit_talk_41] [seVolume ad429 1.0 0.6] [wt 1.0] [scene 67400 0.1] [shake 0.05 1 1 0] [fadein white 2.0] [wait fade] [wt 1.0] @Spartacus Now is the time for my legs to rebel against gravity! [k] @Spartacus Humans! Open your eyes, and turn your gaze upwards! This leap is the very pinnacle of liberation! It is the irrational act that will triumph over this adversity![sr]The wings of freedom! [k] [messageOff] [se ade8] [wt 0.2] [cameraMove 1.0 0,-30 1.4] [wt 0.2] [fadeout white 0.5] [wait fade] [effectStop bit_talk_41] [scene 67501] [cameraMove 0.1 0,-15 1.2] [sceneSet I 67501 1] [charaScale I 1.4] [wt 1.0] [charaFadein I 0.1 -280,-100] [wt 0.5] [charaAttack I normal 250,-450 2.0] [fadein white 0.8] [se ad147] [se ad214] [seVolume ad214 0 0] [seVolume ad214 1.0 1.0] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_1 1.0 0.5] [wait fade] [fadeout white 1.0] [wait fade] [charaFadeout I 0.1] [wt 0.8] [cameraMove 2.0 0,0 1.01] [fadein white 2.0] [wait fade] [wt 1.2] @Spartacus If this star means to oppress the sky itself, then I too shall become a star[line 2]a rebellious morning star that lights the world below! [k] @Spartacus Graaaaaahhh! [k] [messageOff] [cameraMove 1.0 0,-15 1.5] [fadeout white 0.8] [seVolume ad214 1.0 1.0] [se ad609] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_1] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_1 0 0.8] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_3] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_3 0 0.8] [wait fade] [scene 65501] [cameraHome 0.1] [wt 0.5] [fadein white 1.0] [wait fade] [cueSeStop NP_700500_2 1.0] [seVolume ad214 1.0 0.5] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 2] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash He really did take it head on!? No! [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Dammit, why'd he crash right into it!? He could've deflected it or somethin' so he wouldn't get so hurt... [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke No... He was prepared for this. [k] @Jing Ke For his Noble Phantasm to be at its most powerful...he would need to be at his most gravely injured... [k] [messageOff] [wipeout rectangleStripUpToDown 0.4 1.0] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [scene 67400] [cameraMove 0.1 0,-30 1.1] [wt 0.5] [wipein rectangleStripDownToUp 0.4 1.0] [se ad632] [seVolume ad632 0 0.6] [seVolume ad214 1.0 1.0] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_1] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_1 0 0.8] [wait wipe] [wt 1.0] @Spartacus Hahahahaha! Wonderful! This pain is honor![sr]This pain is life! I can feel my love about to explode! [k] @Spartacus [f large][messageShake 0.03 3 3 0.7]Warcry Overload!!! [k] [messageOff] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_4] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_4 0 0.8] [wt 1.0] [seStop ad632 2.0] [fadeout white 2.0] [seStop ad429 2.0] [wait fade] [shakeStop] [wipeFilter cinema 0.5 0] [seVolume ad214 0.5 0.2] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_2 0.5 0.2] [wait wipe] [cameraHome 0.1] [wt 0.5] [scene 65800] [charaSet E 1098158700 1 "Han Xin"] [charaSet G 1098158800 1 "Farmer A"] [fadein white 1.0] [wait fade] [wt 0.5] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 2] [charaFadein E 0.1 0,-50] @Han Xin Th-th-this can't be right! Where did these people get an surface-to-air weapon...!? [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] @Qin Shi Huang No, they have no such weapon. This must be the work of one of their Heroic Spirits. [k] @Qin Shi Huang Remember this sight well, Han Xin.[sr]This is the true face of our army's new enemy. [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 0.5] [wait fade] [wipeOff] [scene 67600] [wt 0.5] [cameraMove 0.1 0,-50 2.0] [wt 0.1] [shake 0.04 4 4 0] [fadein black 0.5] [seVolume ad214 0.5 1.0] [cueSeVolume NP_700500_2 0.5 1.0] [seStop ad214 1.0] [se ad609] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_3] [cueSe NoblePhantasm_700500 NP_700500_4] [wait fade] [cameraMove 4.0 0,0 1.01] [wt 3.0] [fadeout white 2.0] [wait fade] [scene 65501] [se ad609] [wt 1.0] [shake 0.04 4 4 3.0] [fadein white 2.0] [wait fade] [charaTalk G] [charaFace G 2] [charaFadein G 0.1 1] @Farmer A Aaah! [k] [charaFadeout G 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 6] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash Incredible...[sr]The entire mass is completely evaporating! [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred He really did it... But where is he now? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 2] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke There! I can see him falling back down! [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 4] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Tch, that big dumbass! [k] [messageOff] [wt 0.1] [se ad73] [charaMove A -200,0 0.4] [charaFadeout A 0.4] [wt 0.1] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_91 1.0] [wipeout rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.4 1.0] [wait wipe] [fadeout black 0.1] [wait fade] [scene 10000] [fadein black 0.1] [wait fade] [wt 1.0] [wipein rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.1 1.0] [wait wipe] [se ad127] [seVolume ad127 0 0.5] [se ad322] [fowardEffect bit_talk_impactlanding] [wt 3.0] [seStop ad127 0.4] [seStop ad322 0.4] [fadeout black 0.1] [wait fade] [charaSet H 98115000 1 Effect] [scene 65501] [wt 1.0] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth A 4] [charaDepth B 5] [charaTalk off] [charaFace B 4] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein B 0.1 -200,0] [charaFadein A 0.1 200,0] [wt 0.1] [fadein black 2.0] [wait fade] [wt 1.0] [bgm BGM_EVENT_78 0.1] [charaTalk on] [charaTalk B] @Spartacus ...Oh, hello, rebellious knight...[sr]Did you catch me in those twiggy arms of yours? [k] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] @Mordred Cut the crap! All the people you stirred up[sr]like a jackass were watching you, you know! [k] @Mordred Can't just smash face-first into the ground, lunkhead. You're supposed to at least land on your feet! [k] @Mordred Hell, you shouldn't be fallin' at all.[sr]You're supposed to land properly, no matter what! [k] [charaFace A 4] @Mordred That's...that's just what you gotta do, all right? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 4] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke These wounds are... [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 4] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash ...Yes. I'm afraid Spartacus's Spirit Origin isn't going to last much longer... [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 1] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein B 0.1 -200,0] [charaFadein A 0.1 200,0] @Spartacus Haha, your words cut deep, Knight of Camelot. I should expect as much from the manliest man of the Knights of the Round Table. [k] [charaTalk A] @Mordred Who're you calling a man!? Ain't freakin' fair,[sr]saying shit like that at a time like this! [k] [charaFace A 4] @Mordred You're all beat to hell...[sr]Nowhere left for me to even punch you! [k] [charaSet D 1098159000 1 Boy] [charaSet E 1098158810 1 "Farmer B"] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] @Spartacus Go ahead. I'm sure your punch...[wt 0.8][charaPut H -200,0][charaEffect H bit_talk_06][sr]would feel most pleasant... [k] [charaPut H 1200,1200] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Boy Are you gonna die, Spartacus? [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaPut H 1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Spartacus Hahaha, of course not.[sr]Spartacus will never truly die. [k] @Spartacus Not as long as you keep the light of rebellion alive within your heart... [k] [messageOff] [wt 0.6] [charaFaceFade B 1 0.5] [wt 0.3] @Spartacus That is all I ask...my friends... [k] [messageOff] [se ad52] [charaSpecialEffect B flashErasure 1 3] [wait charaSpecialEffect B flashErasure] [charaEffectStop H bit_talk_06] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 1.0] [charaTalk G] [charaFace G 3] [charaFace E 3] [charaFadein G 0.1 2] [charaFadein E 0.1 0] @Farmer A (Sniff)... [k] @Farmer B Spartacus...[sr]I can't believe he did all that to save us... [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [charaFadeout G 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Boy ...I'm not gonna cry. I mustn't. [k] @Boy Spartacus...he never stopped smiling,[sr]no matter how much he hurt. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 9] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash ... [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 3] [charaFadein E 0.1 1] @Farmer B Kid... [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Boy I'm gonna get strong enough that I can smile through anything too...so I can be somebody else's Spartacus one day. [k] @Boy So as long as I, and whoever comes after me,[sr]keep smiling...Spartacus will always live on... [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred Now I get it. So this is his real rebellion... [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 7] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Nezha ...? [wt 0.6][charaFace C 5]Something is. Wrong with. The Spirit.[sr]Origin graph. It's hot. Very hot. [k] [charaSet D 6011001 1 "Jing Ke"] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 5] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Mordred What? Don't tell me it's broken!? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 0] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke No, it's not that... It's reacting to the leyline. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 6] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Mash What!?[sr]But, I thought that didn't work in this Lostbelt... [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke ...That's it. There's prayer here now. Hope has finally blossomed in these people's hearts, connecting this world to the Throne of Heroes. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Nezha Yes. This land. Is no. Longer cut.[sr]Off from. The Throne of Heroes. [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Jing Ke Heroic Spirits have heard the wishes of people lacking their own voice, and are about to pay them a visit... [k] [messageOff] [fadeout white 2.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_78 2.0] [wait fade] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaSet A 1098160000 1 "Chen Gong"] [charaSet B 1098160900 1 "Red Hare"] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth A 6] [charaDepth B 4] [scene 20805] [wt 1.0] [wipeFilter cinema 0.5 0] [se ad574] [fadein white 2.0] [wait fade] [wt 0.5] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 3] [charaFadein A 0.4 0,-50] [wt 0.4] @Chen Gong Hmm, this air smells familiar...[bgm BGM_EVENT_82 0.1]and I think[sr]I recognize those far-off mountains as well. [k] [charaFace A 6] @Chen Gong It would seem we've been invited to our homeland...although, something seems off... [k] @Chen Gong I don't see a single sign of war anywhere,[sr]nor do I see anyone resembling a Master. [k] @Chen Gong I suppose this means we've gone Rogue, so to speak. [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.4 0,-50] [wt 0.4] @Red Hare Pity. I was kind of looking forward to that whole spiel you get to do when you first meet your Master. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 6] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 -256,-50] [charaFadein B 0.1 256,-50] @Chen Gong ...Well now, where do I even begin.[sr]Why do you look like that? [k] [charaFace B 1] @Red Hare What do you mean? How else would Lu Bu Fengxian look! [k] [charaFace A 4] @Chen Gong ...What? [k] @Red Hare What other Heroic Spirit could possibly be fit to be summoned alongside the great Chen Gong than Lu Bu, the Flying General? [k] [charaFace A 6] @Chen Gong But...you're obviously Red Hare. [k] [charaFace B 2] @Red Hare Lu Bu is a man among men, and Red Hare a horse among horses! Everyone knows we were inseparable during our adventures! [k] [charaFace B 1] @Red Hare I'm what they call an Innocent Monster. [k] [charaFace A 1] @Chen Gong Oh look, a carrot. [k] [charaFace B 2] @Red Hare Ne[messageShake 0.03 2 2 0.8]iiigh! A yummy carrot!? Where!? [k] [messageShakeStop] [charaFace A 6] @Chen Gong Hmm, I knew it. You ARE Red Hare. [k] [charaFace B 0] @Red Hare Nonsense. I'm Lu Bu. [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 2.0] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_82 2.0] [wait fade] [wt 0.5] [soundStopAll] [end]