$94-03-22-10-1-0 [soundStopAll] [charaSet A 1098161000 1 Sparrow] [charaSet B 1098123200 1 Goredolf] [charaSet C 1098162000 1 Mash] [charaSet D 3011000 1 "Fionn mac Cumhaill"] [charaSet E 98002000 1 Fou] [charaSet F 1098161700 1 "Moneyed Monkey"] [charaSet G 1098118700 1 "Wicked Monster"] [charaSet H 1035001 1 Diarmuid] [charaSet I 5009000 1 "Effect Dummy 1"] [charaSet J 5009000 1 "Effect Dummy 2"] [scene 69600] [fadein black 1.5] [wait fade] [bgm BGM_EVENT_77 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Sparrow Chaldeans, we now have enough materials to reopen the hot springs, chirp. Would you care to try your hand at them? [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 15] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Goredolf Oho. Hot springs, you say?[sr]That was among our original plans. [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 11] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Mash Right... We did originally come here[sr]to rest and relax in hot springs... [k] @Mash But they've been closed all this time, so we've never gotten to see what they look like... [k] [charaFace C 0] @Mash What is the situation like there, Mr. Sparrow? [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Sparrow They're destroyed. It's a horrible sight to see, chirp. They've never been the same... [k] @Sparrow ...after a wicked monster became intoxicated on alcohol, handsome men, and beautiful women, and started causing all sorts of havoc, chirp. [k] @Sparrow It took Madam Beni, chirp, as well as the entire Sparrow Squad to chase the monster away. [k] @Sparrow But it left nursing a powerful grudge, and its residual thoughts linger there as an evil force, refusing to let anyone else use the springs, chirp. [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 6] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Goredolf That sounds like a curse![sr]No wonder you've kept them closed then! [k] @Goredolf No one could relax and enjoy a germanium bath with something like that around! [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 0] [charaFadein A 0.1 1] @Sparrow But I think you Chaldeans can defeat it, chirp.[sr]Please, help us get our hot springs back! [k] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 3] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] @Mash What would you have us do, Senpai...? [k] @Mash The hot springs do sound fantastic, but apparitions[sr]of leftover thoughts can be quite difficult... [k] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 5] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Fionn mac Cumhaill The hot springs, huh. I thought as much.[sr]Very well, I'll help with the repairs, too. [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 7] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @Goredolf Fionn mac Cumhaill...[sr] (Gazing up at him like an adoring schoolboy) [k] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk E] [charaFace E 0] [charaFadein E 0.1 1] @Fou Fou. (Special Translation: Why're you[sr]acting like you've never seen him before?) [k] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Fionn mac Cumhaill Heh. At last, the time has come to resolve this problem once and for all. Don't you agree, Master? [k] [masterBranch lblBoy lblGirl] [label lblBoy] @Fionn mac Cumhaill Surely you wish to see Mash in a yukata fresh out of the bath just as much as I do, no? [k] [charaFace D 0] [branch lblConf] [label lblGirl] [charaFace D 0] @Fionn mac Cumhaill Hm? Worried about peeping?[sr]Of course, I would never do anything so crass. [k] @Fionn mac Cumhaill Not when I get to watch over two[sr]beautiful yukata-clad girls. [k] [label lblConf] ?1:...Let's go take care of it right now! ?2:Reopening the hot springs would definitely attract more guests. ?! [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 0] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_77 0.8] @Moneyed Monkey Oh? You're all going to the hot springs?[sr]...Hmm. I can't say that's a good idea. [k] [bgm BGM_EVENT_70 0.1] @Moneyed Monkey That monster is beyond your ability to defeat.[sr]Or perhaps I should say, to appease. [k] @Moneyed Monkey After all, hoho, such residual thoughts will never be satisfied and disappear unless it fights an opponent stronger than itself. [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk D] [charaFace D 1] [charaFadein D 0.1 1] @Fionn mac Cumhaill I fail to see the problem. Defeating it will surely be more than enough proof that we are stronger, no? [k] [charaFadeout D 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk F] [charaFace F 0] [charaFadein F 0.1 1] @Moneyed Monkey I'm afraid it's not that simple.[sr]This particular force is very, well, particular, you see. [k] @Moneyed Monkey It refuses to accept defeat unless its opponent is of the same class and uses the same weapon as it does. Otherwise, it will just say things like... [k] [messageOff] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_70 0.3] [wt 0.5] [bgm BGM_EVENT_7 0.1] @Moneyed Monkey “So what if I lost! You just got lucky with your class advantage! Doesn't bother me ooone bit!” [k] @Moneyed Monkey “I'm not going anywhere until I see some superhot men and women in these springs! I'll keep coming back as many times as it takes!” [k] @Moneyed Monkey “Nooo! I wanna stay heeere![sr]I don't wanna go back to dumb old realityyy!” [k] @Moneyed Monkey Hohoho, Madam Beni was no match for this swordswoman's stubbornness. Wonder what she's up to nowadays. [k] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 6] [charaFadein C 0.1 1] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_7 1.0] @Mash A swordswoman who only wants to fight opponents with the same class and weapon... That sounds like... [k] ?1:... ?2:We'd better bring Diarmuid for this. ?! [messageOff] [wipeout paper 1.5 0.5] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout C 0.1] [scene 70100] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth I 0] [charaDepth G 1] [charaDepth J 2] [charaTalk G] [charaFace G 0] [charaFadein G 0.1 1] [charaPut I 0,550] [charaPut J 0,300] [charaScale I 3.0] [charaScale J 3.0] [charaEffect I bit_talk_11] [charaEffect J bit_talk_19] [wt 1.0] [wipein paper 1.0 0.5] [wait wipe] @Wicked Monster Where are the handsome boyyys...[sr]Where are the beautiful girrrls!?!? [k] [charaFadeout G 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaPut I 1200,1200] [charaPut J 1200,1200] [charaTalk H] [charaFace H 5] [charaFadein H 0.1 1] @Diarmuid What an incredibly powerful aura! I understand what Eastern swordsmen say about “sword ki” now! [k] @Diarmuid It feels strangely familiar,[sr]and also like much of it is being wasted! [k] [charaFace H 0] @Diarmuid Nonetheless, this opponent is more than worthy. Mere apparition or not, I may never again get the chance to fight such a skilled dual-wielder! [k] [bgm BGM_EVENT_63 0.1] [charaFace H 2] @Diarmuid Have at you then, nameless wicked monster![sr]This hellish landscape shall be your gravestone! [k] [charaFadeout H 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaPut I 0,550] [charaPut J 0,300] [charaTalk G] [charaFace G 0] [charaFadein G 0.1 1] @Wicked Monster Hellish? I think you mean paradisiacal![sr]Now come on! All of you, clothes off...NOW! [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 0.5] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_63 0.4] [wait fade] [soundStopAll] [end]