

[charaSet A 3041000 1 Caenis]
[charaSet B 1098123710 1 Kirschtaria]
[charaSet C 1098158310 1 Nemo]
[charaSet D 1098191200 1 Adele]
[charaSet E 1098191300 1 Macarios]
[charaSet F 8001410 1 Mash]
[charaSet G 9005001 1 Holmes]
[charaSet H 1098191100 1 Romulus=Quirinus]
[imageSet I cut180_kns06 1]
[charaScale I 1.01]
[imageSet J cut180_kns01 1]
[charaScale J 1.01]
[imageSet K cut180_kns00 1]
[charaScale K 1.01]
[imageSet M cut180_kns15 1]
[charaScale M 1.01]
[imageSet N cut180_kns05 1]
[charaScale N 1.01]

[charaSet L 4040002 1 Europa]

[imageSet O cut185_mmmmask 1]
[charaScale O 1.01]

[charaSet S 5009000 1 "Effect Dummy"]
[charaSet T 5009000 1 "Effect Dummy"]

[scene 10000]

[pictureFrame cut063_cinema]

[fadein black 0.1]
[wait fade]

[se ad782]
[se ad828]
[wt 3.0]

[fadeout black 2.0]
[wait fade]

[scene 85600]

[effect bit_sepia01]
[wt 0.5]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.4 0,-50]
[wt 0.4]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 0.1]

What's going on!? What the hell kind[sr]of bullshit magecraft was that!?

The hell do you think you are, raining meteors down on me like it's no big goddamn deal! That shit was at least as powerful as Zeus's damn thunderbolts!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 1]
[charaFadein B 0.4 0,-50]
[wt 0.4]
Of course. This is the same magecraft I used to defeat Zeus, though only the one time.

So, would you agree this display of might is enough to show that I am worthy of being your Master, Caenis?

Now are you willing to form a contract with me, your[sr]summoner, and rise up against Proper Human History?

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 10]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
(...Goddamn. Guess that bit about him beating[sr]Zeus wasn't bullshit after all...)

[charaFace A 2]
...Hah, no thanks. I don't take orders from any man.

Especially not the kind of man who tries to make me[sr]obey by force just 'cause he's stronger than me!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 8]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]
...You think I'm strong? Me?

[charaFace B 0]
I'm not. I'm a weak, fragile human. Even this[sr]victory only came at great personal cost.

I only managed to win by using every trick at my disposal. You would easily beat me if we were to fight again now.

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
...(Like hell I would. This bastard hasn't[sr]even worked up a single damn bead of sweat.)

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]
I'm not trying to compel you.[sr]What I seek is a mutually beneficial relationship.

You're just the Heroic Spirit I need. I want your help.[sr]I'm sure you'll find my plan to be to your liking.

...In fact, I'd even say that, in one sense, you'll find it irresistible.

You see, while I have, truthfully, declared that my goal is to end the world of humans and build a world of gods...

[charaFace B 7]
No, on second thought, I'll go ahead and tell[sr]you everything. Just between you and me...

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 8]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]

[fadeout black 1.0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 1.0 0.4]
[wait fade]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 1.0]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_11 1.0 1.0]

[fadein black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 -256,-50]
[charaFace A 11]
[charaFadein A 0.1 256,-50]
...And that's the true nature of my plan.[sr]Now do you see what I mean?

Wha[line 2]

[charaFace A 2]
What the hell're you thinking!?[sr]Why would you tell me that!?

The hell'm I supposed to do now that you've[sr]basically told me you mean to betray Olympus!?

B-besides, shouldn't you be telling secrets like that to someone more obedient, like the Dioscuri!?

[charaFace B 4]

...You still don't understand? I told you this precisely because I knew I could trust you.

[charaFace A 22]

M-me? 'Course you can't trust me.

You know how I said I don't take orders from any man?[sr]Well, I was lying!

[charaFace A 13]
It's not just any man. I don't take orders[sr]from anyone: man, woman, human, or god!

You know why I ended up in this body, right? 'Cause I'm a killer who hates everyone, god and human alike!

[charaFace B 0]

Yes, I know. You hated the gods for their flaws and tyranny, and humans for being weak[line 2]yourself included.

But even though you were so enraged and despondent as to rend your own body, you still chose to survive instead of taking your life.

Ultimately, you asked the sea-god who wounded you, and whom you hated more than anyone, for indemnification, and were turned into a Divine Spirit.

You didn't do it to become a god like Poseidon. You did so to ensure you would never lose all hope for yourself again.

[charaFace A 18]

...Don't talk about me like you know me.

Try it again, and I'll put my spear through you even if it's the last thing I do before one of your meteors crushes me.

[charaFace B 1]

Yes, I'm aware of the potential[sr]consequences if I misspeak.

But there's no need to worry about meteors.[sr]Didn't I already tell you you'd win next time?

Here, see for yourself.

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.2]

[se ad44]
[wt 1.2]

[se ad661]
[wt 1.6]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 2]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
Huh? The hell're you talking your gloves and cloak off for? What're you thin[line 2]

[charaFace A 10]
...The hell? Why're your hands so wrinkly?

They've been like this ever since I was brought back to life. You're the first person I've ever revealed this to.

Ahh. I'd forgotten how good it feels to dress lightly.[sr]To tell the truth, I've always hated wearing cloaks.

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 9]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]
[wt 1.2]

[charaFace B 1]
...Uh-oh. Now I can't help but want to keep going.[sr]Okay, I think I'll take my shirt off too.

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[se ad661]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 13]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
Huh!? Now what're you talking about!?

First you bring up Poseidon, and then you start taking your clothes off right on this beach!? Not even Zeus would insult me like thi[line 2]

[charaFace A 10]
[wt 1.3]
[charaFace A 20]
[wt 0.6]

...Damn, you look terrible.

[charaTalk B]
Thank you for your honesty.[sr]It's refreshing to hear the truth spoken so plainly.

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 20]
You could give Prometheus a good run for his money,[sr]least in terms of sheer emaciation.

Hmph. 'Course, I expect there's probably a more[sr]fitting example in your fancy religion.

...So what about that scar on your chest?[sr]How come that one isn't healed?

[charaTalk B]
Oh, this? This happened back in my[sr]hometown, before I came to Chaldea.

It was a curse designed to damage my magical circuits[sr]directly. My father inflicted it on me when I was a child.

Afterwards, I was shut away in a basement[sr]for several days. That's how I got this.

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 20]
...Shut away, huh.[sr]That's a real gentle way of putting it.

[charaTalk B]
It's the only way I can put it.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I made it out of that basement, made my father retire, and successfully assumed leadership of my family.

That was the point when my objective became clear.

I swore then and there that I would find a way to overcome betrayal... Oppression... Discrimination... Prejudice... Fear... Jealousy... Anger... Anxiety...

All the human weaknesses and defects that[sr]cast a pall over our lives and minds.

Caenis, your summoning was no accident, nor was it a compromise. You are my first[line 2]indeed, my only choice. As far as I'm concerned, you were the first to show it could be done.

I haven't told anyone else my true objective.[sr]Not Zeus, and not the Dioscuri.

I came to you because I believe you're the only one who will understand how I feel, and why I made the oath I did.

So, how about it, Caenis?

I have enough power to shock you to your core,[sr]but my body is not nearly so tough as yours.

I may be overwhelmingly strong, but not so much so as to make the opposing side give up in despair.

Am I correct that that makes this a particularly[sr]enticing offer for someone as annoy[line 2][wt 0.4]Ahem, hard to please as you?

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 25]
Y[messageShake 0.02 3 3 0.5]ou were just gonna call me annoying, weren't you!?

[charaTalk B]
Perish the thought.

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 25]
All right, all right, I got it! Now hurry up and put your clothes back on before my bloodlust starts to fade!

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[se ad661]
[wt 1.6]

[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 11]
[charaFadein B 0.1 0,-50]

By the way, I would like to make one thing clear:[sr]I am, of course, not an exhibitionist.

[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 14]
[charaFadein A 0.1 0,-50]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFace A 16]
I'll never forgive the gods of Proper Human History.[sr]The gods of this Lostbelt can piss right off too.

Same goes for humans. Don't give a shit what side they're on; they're still all just a bunch of hairless apes.

[charaFace A 6]
That being said...

[charaFace A 7]
You'd have to be out of your goddamn mind to[sr]come up with a plan that crazy. I love it!

All right, Kirschtaria, you win.[sr]I'll play along with this scheme of yours.

I'm gonna be using you for my own ends, so it's only fair you go ahead and do the same.

[charaFace A 6]
...Heh. So you're gonna “protect Olympus”[sr]and “bring back the Age of Gods,” huh?

[charaFace A 1]
Heh... Hehe, ahhh ha ha ha![sr]Talk about a careful choice of words!

This has gotta be the cruelest scam ever! That bastard Zeus has no idea who he's teamed up with!

[wt 1.0]
[fadeout black 1.5]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_11 1.5]
[wait fade]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]

[effectStop bit_sepia01]

[cameraMove 0.1 0,0 1.01]
[wt 0.5]

[scene 91505]

[charaSet A 3041001 1 Caenis]


[wt 0.5]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

[charaPut T 1]
[charaEffect T bit_talk_10_LowLevel]
[wt 0.1]
[se ad13]
[wt 0.3]
[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 0]
[charaFadein C 0.1 1]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_69 0.1]

This is the Storm Border. I expect you probably know[sr]what's happened by now, but just to be sure:

We succeeded at severing Chaos's connection to this space-time. I can confirm that, as of this moment, they have been permanently sealed away.

However, the Storm Border sustained significant damage over its long voyage, and we're currently far off-course from the great shrine.

It'll be about an hour until we've repaired the[sr]ship and can return to your present altitude.

[%1]. Mash.[sr]Sherlock Holmes.

The Tree of Emptiness has begun to make its[sr]way down to the ground... Towards Olympus.

Da Vinci thinks its trying to make[sr]contact with the Earth's surface.

One thing's clear right now the tree's internal magical energy is continuing to rise, and shows no sign of stopping.

There's no time to wait for us to come back you up. I'd like you to go ahead with the operation to cut down the Tree of Emptiness immediately.

[wt 1.0]

[charaFace C 4]
...I should also tell you that the signal for the Servant who handled the Chaos situation has been...lost...

...and her record in the Chaldea Spirit Origin graph[sr]stored on the ship now only says “Data Lost.”

...That's all I have for you right now.[sr]Good luck.

[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_69 2.0]
[charaEffectStop T bit_talk_10_LowLevel]
[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[se ad15]
[wt 0.5]
[charaPut T 1200,1200]
[wt 1.0]

[charaTalk off]
[charaDepth D 4]
[charaDepth E 5]

[charaFace D 4]
[charaFace E 8]
[charaFadein D 0.1 150,0]
[charaFadein E 0.1 -150,0]
@Olympus Twins

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk on]
[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 4]
[charaFadein F 0.1 1]

[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk G]
[charaFace G 4]
[charaFadein G 0.1 1]
...“Data Lost,” hmm...



[charaFadeout G 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[bgm BGM_MAP_23 5.0]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 20]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
...(That's every last Olympian machine god dead.[sr]So what gives?)

(Do these idiots not understand that means our truce is over, and we're enemies again now?)

(They're all so wide open it's ridiculous... Dammit,[sr]there's no reason not to sneak attack 'em right now.)

...[sr](All right. Guess I'm doing this.)

[se ad442]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk H]
[charaFace H 4]
[charaFadein H 0.1 1]
Caenis. Do not be so quick to sully your[sr]honor for the sake of your Master.

There are as many different Masters as there are people, are there not? Would yours, himself a man of honor, be happy with you ending things in this manner?

[charaFadeout H 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 16]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
[wt 1.2]

[charaFace A 17]
Hmph, so you're as considerate as you are insightful, Mr. Holy Progenitor? Don't worry, I'm not gonna do it.

They all just looked so pitiful that I couldn't[sr]help but think about it for a moment.

[se ade74]
[charaFadeout A 0.4]
[wt 0.4]
[seStop ade74 0.4]
[wt 1.4]

[charaTalk depthOff]
[charaDepth I 5]
[charaDepth J 6]
[charaDepth K 7]
[charaDepth F 3]
[charaDepth G 2]
[charaDepth M 8]
[charaDepth N 9]

[charaDepth O 10]

[charaTalk I]
[charaFace I 0]
[charaFadein I 0.2 0,0]
[charaMove I 0,-225 0.2]
[wt 0.2]
Remember our agreement? I said I'd only[sr]help you lot out until we take down Zeus.

Now that that's done,[sr]I'm gonna go head back to my boss.

With Zeus dead, and Chaos gone, he's all set to swoop in and take everything for himself.

Hell, I bet he's hanging out in front of the Tree[sr]of Emptiness looking all smug even as we speak.

[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 4]
[charaFadein F 0.1 200,0]

[charaPut O 0,-225]
[charaFadeTime O 0.1 0.5]

...That's right. You're still Kirschtaria's[line 2]

[charaTalk J]
[charaFace J 0]
[charaFadein J 0.2 0,-225]

[charaFadeout O 0.1]

Yeah, that's right. I'm that pretentious show-off's[sr]Servant. Always have been, always will be.

Still, I'll say this for the bastard...[sr]He's worth it.

And I'll tell you this too, [%1] and[sr]Mash: he's worth fighting, and fighting as hard as you can.

I might be a misanthropic killer, but that much,[sr]I can say for damn certain.

?2:Worth fighting as hard as we can...


[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk G]
[charaFace G 0]
[charaFadein G 0.1 200,0]

[charaPut O 0,-225]
[charaFadeTime O 0.1 0.5]

Caenis. How can we reach the Tree of Emptiness's roots?


[charaFadeout O 0.1]

[charaFadein K 0.4 0,-225]
[wt 0.4]
What, you need me to tell you that? Isn't it obvious?

See that palace off to the side from the Cronus Crown?[sr]It leads right to the Tree's roots.

'Course, it's losing altitude along with the Tree now,[sr]so you'll have to go up to the Machina Corridor first.

From there, just keep heading up.[sr]You'd have to be complete idiots to miss it.

...Let me give you one last word of warning.[sr]This goes for you too, twins.

[charaFadeout G 0.1]
[charaFadeout I 0.1]
[charaFadeout J 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk depthOff]
[charaDepth D 4]
[charaDepth E 5]

[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 0]
[charaFace D 0]
[charaFadein E 0.1 0,0]
[charaFadein D 0.1 300,0]

[charaPut O 0,-225]
[charaFadeTime O 0.1 0.5]


[charaTalk depthOn]
[charaTalk K]
[charaFace K 0]

[charaFadeout O 0.1]

If you don't wanna die...[sr]No, wait, that's not right, is it?

If you wanna stay alive as long as possible,[sr]then get out of Dodona and go back home while you can.

I'm gonna kill the Chaldeans one way or another.[sr]They got no choice but to fight. But you two[line 2]

[charaTalk depthOff]
[charaFace D 5]

[charaPut O 0,-225]
[charaFadeTime O 0.1 0.5]

We're not going anywhere. We swore to put an end to this world, and that's just what we're going to do.

[charaTalk E]
[wt 0.1]

[charaMoveReturn E 0,-5 0.6]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFadeout O 0.1]

[charaFadein M 0.4 0,-225]
[wt 0.4]

...That so? All right, got it.

[charaFadein N 0.4 0,-225]
[wt 0.4]

[charaFadeout K 0.1]
[charaFadeout M 0.1]

If it's death you want, I'll be glad to give it to you! And while I'm at it, I'll show you what a REAL Master is like, too!

[se ad73]
[charaFadeout N 0.2]
[wt 0.4]
[wt 1.4]

...Hmph. Got anything to say[sr]in response, [%1]?

?1:...Let's just get this done.

[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.6]

?1:It's time to cut down the Tree of Emptiness!
?2:It's time to defeat Kirschtaria!


[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 6]
[charaFadein F 0.1 1]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFace F 1]
...Right! That's the most crucial mission we've been entrusted with!

[bgmStop BGM_MAP_23 1.0]
[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaPut S 1]
[charaEffect S bit_talk_06]
[charaTalk H]
[charaFace H 7]
[charaFadein H 0.1 1]
[wt 2.0]

...Well done.[sr]It seems there is nothing left for us to say.

[charaFadeout H 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaPut S 1200,1200]

[charaTalk L]
[charaFace L 4]
[charaFadein L 0.1 1]
Holy Progenitor Romulus... Is it just me, or is your[sr]body glowing even more brightly than before?

[charaFadeout L 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 7]
[charaFadein F 0.1 1]
I-it's not that, Europa. That's his Spirit Origin[sr]dispersing. It means his manifestation is almost over!

What happened, Holy Progenitor Romulus!?

[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaPut S 1]
[charaTalk H]
[charaFace H 3]
[charaFadein H 0.1 1]
Forgive us.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to join you for your battle against the mage who grew Atlas[line 2]the opponent you must defeat at all costs.

Though Aether may have summoned us here,[sr]we retain a Grand-class Spirit Origin.

And the only time a Heroic Spirit with Grand status[sr]appears...is when the final showdown is close at hand.

And while, owing to this Lostbelt's own peculiarities, two Grand Servants were summoned here...

...we made the same choice the other did: to protect this world rather than eradicate our enemy.

Escorting the Storm Border to the void spent the last of our magical energy. Soon, our Spirit Origin will vanish.

[charaFace H 0]
Whatever battles are yet to come, you will now need to fight them alone. We hope you can forgive us.

?1:...Thank you for helping them get there. It's okay. We've got this.
?2:Don't worry! We'll beat 'em in no time!


[charaFace H 1]
[wt 1.2]

[charaFace H 7]
...We see. Then we leave the rest in your hands, o mage of modernity.

If, in the battles to come, you should encounter a foe[sr]that threatens to shatter your very soul...look to the sky.

Emptiness[line 2]or, to think of it another way, space with which to dream[line 2]is within grasp to all who reach for it. Even that which lacks form can serve as fuel for the heart.

Furthermore, emptiness belongs not to the gods, but to humans. Do not be afraid to reach out and take it.

Do that...

...and your hands will reach even those terrible heavens as surely as ours.

[wt 0.1]

[se ad52]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_78 2.0]
[charaSpecialEffect H flashErasure 1 2.0]
[wait charaSpecialEffect H]
[charaEffectStop S bit_talk_06]
[wait charaEffect S bit_talk_06]
[wt 2.0]

[se ad913]
[shake 0.03 4 5 2.0]
[wt 2.0]

[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 6]
[charaFadein F 0.1 1]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFace F 7]
Was that an earthquake? ...No. That shaking[sr]was the floating shrine starting to move.

[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]

[charaTalk G]
[charaFace G 0]
[charaFadein G 0.1 1]
Now that Zeus is gone, Olympia Dodona has begun to lose power.

[charaFace G 5]
We'd best be on our way, [&Mr.:Ms.] [%1].[sr]It appears we don't have much time left.

[fadeout black 2.0]
[wait fade]