
[charaSet A 1026001 1 d'Eon]
[charaSet B 1026001 1 d'Eon]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1]

[scene 21501]

[fadein black 2]
[wait fade]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 1]
[charaFadein A 0.4 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V140]
Hey there, Master.[sr]You came all this way just to see me?[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 5]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V150]
Oh, and be careful. Whatever you do, do not leave my side. One wrong move, and you could end up as food for Soul Eaters or chimeras.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 0]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V160]
Of course, this is just the simulator, so I doubt you would actually end up hurt...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V170]
...but Dr. Roman did say that it's not a good idea to interrupt a simulation in progress.[wait tVoice]

?1:I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you.
?2:Maybe I should come back later?


[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V180]
Oh no, not at all. I could never send you back after you've come all this way on your own.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V190]
And of course, I'm happy to see you here.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V200]
I'm guessing...you're here about chocolate?[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V210]
I do recall that being a tradition where you're from, yes. Hehe. I don't usually think about things like that.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V220]
But given the occasion, I thought I may as well act the[line 2][wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V230]
...Huh? Is that...for me?[tdelay 1 0.3 1][charaFace A 3][delay -][wait tVoice]

[delayStop 1]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V240]
Is that right? You're giving chocolate...to me?[wait tVoice]

?1:You always do a great job keeping me safe, so...
?2:It's in honor of your White Lily crest.


[charaDepth A 1]
[charaDepth B 0]

[se ad79]
[wt 0.1]
[effect bit_talk_valentinegift02]
[wt 3.7]

[charaTalk off]
[charaFadein B 0 1]
[charaChange A 1026001 0 fade 1.2]
[wt 1.5]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V250]
...Thank you, Master.[wait tVoice]

[charaTalk on]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFadeout B 0.1]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V260]
I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. I was just so shocked that I couldn't even move my lips.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V270]
Thank you. Truly. That you still call me a knight despite my being from a bygone era means a lot to me.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 0]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V280]
I vow to do all I can to live up to your expectations. I may be a Heroic Spirit and a Servant, but I am first and foremost a knight.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V290]
Oh, right... Though it is not strictly related to that vow, I have a request to make of you.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V300]
Will you come meet me at this location tonight?[wait tVoice]


[fadeout black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[charaFadeout A 0.1]

[wt 2.0]

[scene 11010]

[fadein black 1.0]
[wait fade]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.4 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V310]
...Hey there. You really came. Thank you.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V320]
To be clear, this is not my room, but the authors'. I had Andersen and Shakespeare lend it to me, just for tonight.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V330]
Not so we could read books, mind you. It's because this room has a fireplace.[wait tVoice]

[se ad79]
[wt 0.1]
[effect bit_talk_valentinegift01]
[backEffect bit_talk_valentine_brilliant]
[wt 3.0]
[backEffectStop bit_talk_valentine_brilliant]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFadeout A 0.4]

[se bas2]
[equipSet B 9805030 1 ]
[wait equipSet B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.5 0,-70]
[wt 2.0]
[charaFadeout B 0.4]
[wt 0.5]

[se ad11]
[se ade24]
[seVolume ad11 0 0.2]
[seVolume ade24 0 0.6]
[wt 1.0]
[seStop ade24 1]
[seStop ad11 1]
[wt 1.0]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 4]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V340]
Truth be told, I would have preferred a campfire...[wait tVoice]

[wt 0.3]

[charaFace A 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V350]
...but a fireplace fire is nice too, now and then.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 0]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V360]
I've always had a liking for these. I would often have them during my journeys to distant lands.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V370]
I will always love my proud motherland of France, but whenever I would find myself far away from there, deep in the woods in the dead of night...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V380]
...I would pop a marshmallow, still hot and dripping from the fire, into my mouth. At times like that, it is hard to say if I was d'Eon de Beaumont, the knight...[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 4]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V390]
...a lone traveler, huddled around a fire in the nighttime woods...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V400]
...or just another soul searching for warmth in the freezing cold, like any other beast in the forest...[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 0]

[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V410]
...What do you think? Do you like them?[wait tVoice]

?1:They're delicious.

[charaFace A 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V420]
...Good. I'm glad to hear that.[wait tVoice]

?2:Come on, join me.

[charaFace A 1]
[tVoice ValVoice_102600 0_V430]
...Thank you. This might be my very first time enjoying this treat with someone else.[wait tVoice]


[fadeout white 1]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 0.9]
[wait fade]