
[charaSet A 6030000 1 Danzo]
[equipSet H 9806460 1 "Valentine Craft Essence"]

[scene 10400]

[fadein black 1.5]
[wait fade]

[bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1]

[wt 0.5]

?1:...Here goes.

[se ade160]
[wt 1.0]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[se ad73]
[fowardEffect bit_talk_quickmove]
[charaSpecialEffect A appearance 1 0.25]
[wt 0.4]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V010]
You wished to see me, Master?[wait tVoice]

?1:I knew it...
?2:I had a feeling you'd come.


[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V020]
You are my new lord, Master. If you call for me, of course I will come at a moment's notice.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V030]
What manner of business would you have me do today?[wait tVoice]

?1:I don't know if I'd say “business”...
?2:[&Well, you know, today's pretty much chocolate day, right?:I just wanted to talk to you about my Valentine's Day plans.]


[charaFace A 4]

[tVoiceUser ValVoice_603000 0_V040 ValVoice_603000 0_V050]
[&Chocolate... Chocolate...:Valentine's Day, you say?][wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 1]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V060]
Ahh...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V070]
Now that you mention it, I do recall hearing Chaldea's staff discussing something like that. Yes. It is part of my database.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V080]
As I recall, Valentine's is a holiday in which we give gifts meant to represent our feelings.[wait tVoice]

[wt 1.0]
[charaFace A 0]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V090]
For my part, I too am grateful for all the help you give me every day...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V100]
...and I wish there was something I could give you to express that...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V110]
That's right. I should have realized sooner.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 4]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V120]
...F-forgive me, my lord! I completely forgot all about this event![wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V130]
I have nothing at all I can give to you...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V140]
I cannot believe how foolish I was...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V150]
I thought there was nothing wrong with my short-term memory function, yet it still slipped my mind completely![wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V160]
...[sr]...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V170]
At this point...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V180]
Perhaps Ascension materials...? No... That is not the sort of gift I wish to give...[wait tVoice]

[wt 1.0]
[charaFace A 5]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V190]
Wait. I know![wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 0]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V200]
I do have something I can give to you.[sr]Please, take this.[wait tVoice]

[se ad79]
[wt 0.1]
[effect bit_talk_valentinegift01]
[backEffect bit_talk_valentine_brilliant]
[wt 3.0]
[backEffectStop bit_talk_valentine_brilliant]
[wt 1.0]

[charaFadeout A 0.4]

[se bas2]
[charaFace H 0]
[charaFadein H 0.5 0,-70]
[wt 2.0]

?1:Aren't these[line 2]


[charaFadeout H 0.4]

[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.4 1]
[wt 0.2]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V210]
Yes. They are dumplings. I believe they should be a proper gift.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V220]
These are Fuuma Dumplings X; a jewel of a food item that the entire Fuuma clan worked hard to create.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V230]
I then took the liberty of improving on them further.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V240]
Each one provides an entire day's worth of energy, and is said to give you the strength of a hundred people.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V250]
To put it in more modern terms, they are rich in protein, vitamins, and calories alike.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V260]
As long as you eat these dumplings, you will never go hungry, and your entire body will brim with energy.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V270]
You could even use them to temporarily increase your magical energy.[wait tVoice]


[charaFace A 1]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V280]
Thank you. Yes, they are an amazing food.[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V290]
I am very proud of the work we did on their creation and further refinement.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 4]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V300]
The only concern I have about them is that...[wait tVoice]

[se ade161]
[wt 2.0]


[charaFace A 2]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V310]
[f large]they might taste disgusting.[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 0]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V320]
I have nothing in the way of taste buds, so it is difficult for me to say...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V330]
The other Fuuma were thrilled at my improvements to the dumplings, but in regards to their taste...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V340]
...everyone refused to comment...[wait tVoice]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V350]
Of course, I paid close attention to their health effects, but I never even stopped to consider the taste once...[wait tVoice]

[charaFace A 3]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V360]
So it may be that, well...[wait tVoice]

[wipeout upToDown 0.4 2]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 0.4]
[wait wipe]
[wt 0.3]
[se ad58]
[seVolume ad58 0 0.4]
[wt 0.5]
[seStop ad58]
[wt 0.3]

[tVoice ValVoice_603000 0_V370]
Master!? Please, speak to me, my lord![wait tVoice]

[wt 2.0]
