$91-10-91-01-1-0 [soundStopAll] [charaSet A 10001001 1 Passionlip] [charaSet B 23001000 1 BB] [charaSet C 23001000 1 "BB Silhouette"] [charaSet D 11006000 1 "Salieri 1"] [charaSet E 11006000 1 "Salieri 2"] [charaSet F 11006000 1 "Salieri 3"] [charaSet G 11006000 1 "Salieri 4"] [charaSet H 11006000 1 "Salieri 5"] [charaTalk depthOff] [charaDepth B 1] [charaDepth C 2] [scene 10000] [fadein black 1.0] [wait fade] [effect bit_talk_zero_sail2] [wt 0.5] [scene 10001] [wait effect bit_talk_zero_sail2] [fadeout white 1.5] [wait fade] [scene 10000] [fadein white 1.0] [wait fade] [wipeout openEye 0.1 1] [wait wipe] [scene 41600] [wt 1.0] [wipein openEye 0.3 1] [wait wipe] [wt 0.1] [wipeout openEye 0.3 1] [wait wipe] [wt 0.2] [wipein openEye 0.3 1] [wait wipe] [wt 0.1] [wipeout openEye 0.3 1] [wait wipe] [wt 0.4] [wipein openEye 2.0 1] [wait wipe] [wt 1.0] ?1:What is this place...? [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFilter C silhouette 00000080] [charaFadein C 0.4 1] [wt 0.4] @C:??? There's that catchphrase I've been waiting for![sr]Where am I? Who am I? [k] @C:??? If that's the first thing on your mind, then you must be a version of my Senpai who's never gotten to experience SE.RA.PH! [k] @C:??? In which case, I'm here to tell you that you're about to have a bad day! A bad trip, if you like! [k] @C:??? There's gonna be more crazy psychedelic stuff down here than you can shake the proverbial stick at! [k] @C:??? But never mind that now; I'm not gonna follow up on it later. Just write off any weird stuff you see here as “well that just happened” and you'll be A-OK! [k] ?2:I'm back at the bottom of SE.RA.PH...!? [charaTalk C] [charaFace C 0] [charaFilter C silhouette 00000080] [charaFadein C 0.4 1] [wt 0.4] @C:??? Huh!? You know this is SE.RA.PH!?[sr]And here I thought I'd erased those memories... [k] @C:??? Hmm. You must be an even rarer Senpai than I thought if you're able to break the fourth wall... [k] @C:??? Then again, maybe you just downloaded info about SE.RA.PH unconsciously when you formed your contract with Lip... [k] @C:??? ...and now you remember this place[sr]the same way you remember a bad dream. [k] @C:??? Well, I can probably let that slide. I do love enforcing my rules, but I also love spunky Masters who go around breaking them! [k] @C:??? It's kind of like how a cat enjoys toying with a mouse whose struggles just make it more fun! [k] ?! [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 1] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @C:??? Aaanyway, that's enough setup! [k] [messageOff] [charaTalk off] [wt 0.1] [charaFadeout C 0.4] [wt 0.6] [bgm BGM_EVENT_52 0.1 1.0] [charaTalk on] @BB Welcome, castaway on the digital sea,[sr]to the Spiritron Virtual World! [k] [charaFace B 0] @BB I'm BB, the High-Grade AI that keeps humanity healthy, here to serve as your guide. [k] @BB Those of you who already know me will no doubt be thinking, “You again!? Now what've you done!?” [k] @BB Those of you who don't know me, I want you to gasp in surprise at this beautiful angelic kouhai swooping in to join you in the depths of hell. Okay? Okay. [k] ?1:...I'm sorry, what? ?2:This is a lot to take in all at once... ?! [charaFace B 7] @BB Huh? You don't know how you got here? You thought this was supposed to be Lip's interlude, not mine? [k] [charaFace B 10] @BB Oh, Master...[sr]How could you? [k] [charaFace B 4] @BB First you shamelessly pursue me, make me bring you all the way to this secluded spot where no one will bother us, and then you just...forget? [k] @BB What happened to that monstrous libido? Here you have this sumptuous, gourmet banquet before you, and now you're telling me you'd rather go eat some grass...? [k] [charaFace B 1] @BB Well then, I guess we're just going to have to do something about that, my little idiot of a Master! This calls for drastic measures! [k] @BB Get ready for my patented Awakening Beeeam![sr]Kazap! Flashback music, go! [k] [messageOff] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_52 0.5] [se adm31] [wt 0.2] [flashin once 0.2 0.1 FFFFFFAF FFFFFF00] [wt 0.1] [flashin once 0.2 0.1 FFFFFFAF FFFFFF00] [wt 0.3] [seStop adm31 0.5] [wt 0.6] [wipeout loveHeartIn 2.0 1] [se ade84] [wait wipe] [scene 10000] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 1.0] [wipein loveHeartIn 0.1 1] [wait wipe] [fadeout black 0.1] [wait fade] [scene 10400] [seStop ade84 1.5] [wt 0.75] [fadein black 1.0] [wt 0.5] [wait fade] [wt 0.4] [bgm BGM_EVENT_2 0.1 1.0] [charaTalk A] [charaFace A 7] [charaFadein A 0.4 0,-50] [wt 0.4] @Passionlip ... [k] @Passionlip ... [k] @Passionlip ...(Sigh) [k] ?1:You seem down lately. ?2:You seem kind of worn out. ?! [charaFace A 6] @Passionlip ...Buh!?[messageShake 0.02 3 3 0.4][sr]N-no I'm not! Really! [k] @Passionlip Sure, my shoulders are a little stiff, and some of the more insensitive people have been annoying me... [k] @Passionlip ...and I keep worrying about how much larger[sr]I might get if my Spirit Origin keeps growing... [k] @Passionlip But that's all! Just your basic,[sr]ordinary, run-of-the-mill anxieties! [k] @Passionlip It's nothing you need concern yourself with, Master! [k] ?1:If you need to talk, I'm happy to listen. ?! [charaFace A 3] @Passionlip ...Thank you, [%1].[sr]I really appreciate that. [k] [charaFace A 1] @Passionlip But I promise, it's no big deal.[sr]I've just been wondering if I'm really all that helpful. [k] [charaFace A 3] @Passionlip I know I'm stronger than the other Servants,[sr]but I'm also a lot less mobile and agile... [k] @Passionlip So I find myself thinking that if I could change that,[sr]I could handle battles all on my own... [k] @Passionlip I know how much commanding so many Servants at once tires you out, so I'd love to be able to help you with that... [k] ?1:Aw, Lip... ?2:(She's so thoughtful...) ?! [charaFace A 5] @Passionlip Honestly, I don't even know what everyone else[sr]is doing here. It's not like they're any help. [k] @Passionlip I think they have a lot of nerve, using up[sr]your magical energy, as weak as they are. [k] @Passionlip Plus, they act all high and mighty just 'cause they happened to get here before me. Who do they think they are? [k] @Passionlip The whole idea of seniority mattering is stupid! You'd think they'd be ashamed at us showing them up so badly even though we were just born recently... [k] ?1:Um, Lip...? ?2:(...Okay, now she's...angry...) ?! [charaFace A 4] @Passionlip ...Not to mention...they've[sr]been teasing me again lately... [k] @Passionlip I've been doing my best to learn from my mistakes and not go around breaking so many things, but... [k] [charaFace A 3] @Passionlip Uh... I'm sorry, it's nothing.[sr]Please, just forget about it. [k] [charaFace A 1] @Passionlip The point is, my problems are simple and boring![sr]I can do something about... [k] @Passionlip No, I have to do something about them myself![sr]So I will, and I'll be my old self by tomorrow, I promise! [k] [messageOff] [charaMove A 0,-55 0.2] [wt 0.2] [se ad60] [charaMove A 1 0.3] [wt 0.3] [seStop ad60 0.1] [wt 0.4] [charaFace A 0] @Passionlip ...Huh. [k] [charaFace A 4] @Passionlip Wh...what the...? That's weird...[sr]I just got really dizzy... [k] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 1.0] [messageOff] [charaMoveScale A 1.1 2.8] [charaAttack A normal 25,1 0.5] [wt 0.5] [se ad59] [seStop ad59 0.4] [charaAttack A normal -25,3 0.8] [wt 0.8] [se ad59] [seStop ad59 0.4] [charaAttack A normal 25,5 0.8] [wt 0.8] [se ad59] [seStop ad59 0.4] [charaAttack A normal 0,7 0.5] [wt 0.7] [se bac344] [seVolume nac344 0 0.5] [charaMoveReturn A 0,17 0.1] [wt 0.6] ?1:Look out...! ?! [charaFace A 6] @Passionlip Eek![messageShake 0.02 3 3 0.4][sr]N-no, [%1], don't! [k] @Passionlip I can't hold myself up anymore...[sr]I-if you try to support me from the front...! [k] [messageOff] [charaMoveScale A 1.2 0.2] [charaMove A 0,20 0.2] [wt 0.2] [shake 0.03 4 4 0.3] [se ad7] [wt 0.8] [se ad193] [wipeout uzumaki 1.5 1] [wait wipe] [charaFadeout A 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaScale A 1.0] [scene 10000] [wt 0.5] [wipein uzumaki 0.5 1] [wait wipe] @Passionlip Oh gosh, oh gosh...[sr][%1] just fell in! [k] @Passionlip BB! BB! You're the last person I'd want to ask,[sr]but I need your heeelp! [k] [messageOff] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_2 2.0] [fadeout white 2.0] [wait fade] [scene 10001] [fadein white 0.1] [wait fade] [scene 10000 1.0] [wt 1.0] [wipeout loveHeartIn 0.1 1] [wait wipe] [scene 41600] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 9] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] [wt 0.1] [wipein loveHeartIn 1.5 1] [wait wipe] [bgm BGM_EVENT_52 0.1 1.0] @BB There, you're all caught up.[sr]Now do you get what's going on? [k] ?1:Then, that means... ?2:So I'm inside Lip's Breast Valley...! ?! [charaFace B 1] @BB Bingo! You're trapped deep[sr]within Lip even as we speak! [k] @BB It usually looks more like the dump where they toss royal family coffins, but I thought you'd feel more at home if I gave it a SE.RA.PH-style makeover! [k] [charaFace B 5] @BB Still, what's with this place? I thought Breast Valley was just a term for cleavage, not an actual valley! [k] @BB I know there are plenty of big boob lovers out there, but this is ridiculous! Just what's going through their heads, anyway!? [k] @BB As an AI myself, I find it atrocious! What sort of demon came up with a skill in such poor taste!? [k] ?1:You did. [charaFace B 4] @BB How could you say that...? Sure, I may have been personally responsible for Lip's creation... [k] @BB ...but I wasn't responsible for malicious character design or anything. I just poured everything I disliked about myself into her... [k] @BB ...and added the fourth-dimensional pocket[sr]in her rack 'cause I thought it'd be funny... [k] ?2:Is there a way out of here? ?! [charaFace B 0] @BB Oh, right. Escaping should be the priority.[sr]I knew that. [k] [charaFace B 6] @BB Bluntly, ending up in Lip's Breast Valley[sr]is a one-way ticket to the trash heap. [k] @BB What gets thrown in here cannot return to reality. You're doomed to live out the rest of your days wandering around in here, without even the sweet embrace of death to bring you comfort. [k] [charaFace B 0] @BB ...Juuust kidding! That was the old Passionlip. [k] @BB After she was given that miraculous second chance, she took a hard look at her own monstrous nature, reflected on it, learned from it... [k] @BB ...and now, she can at least pull[sr]her contracted Master back out! [k] ?1:Well that's a relief... Okay, let's get on with it. ?! [charaFace B 11] @BB Hehehe. Hehehehe. Hehehehehehehehe! [k] @BB Not so fast! You didn't think I'd let[sr]a juicy situation like this slide, did you? [k] @BB I mean, now that you're here,[sr]don't you want to see how deep this valley goes? [k] [charaFace B 5] @BB Every girl's got things she wants to keep hidden.[sr]What she's really like...her weaknesses...her turn-ons... [k] @BB Well, here in our world,[sr]we call those places our Secret Gardens. [k] @BB Back on the far side of the moon, we were supposed to uncover each other's secret gardens, understand them, and then accept them. How embarrassing! [k] @BB Of course, as the world's most perfect kouhai, I didn't have any such weaknesses myself, but that's a story for another time. [k] [charaFace B 0] @BB In your case, learning about Lip's SG will make your bond as Master and Servant even stronger. [k] @BB So what do you say? Don't you want to find out Lip's juiciest secrets? In particular, the ones in her second SG, Masochistic Nature. [k] [charaFace B 6] @BB The whole reason Lip hasn't been herself lately is 'cause this particular SG has been out of whack. [k] @BB That whole bit about her having to do something about her problems herself was actually part of the problem. [k] [charaFace B 0] @BB I mean, why should she do that when she's got a perfectly capable Master here to lean on? I say you two should face what's in Lip's heart together. [k] @BB Do that, and Passionlip the Alter Ego[sr]is bound to get even stronger! [k] ?1:Mmm, I don't like the idea of doing this without her permission... ?2:(Monotone) If it'll make her stronger, I guess I don't have a choice. ?! [charaFace B 1] @BB Great! Then let's get this crazy escape room started![sr]I already went and mapped out Lip's mind like a CPU! [k] @BB I call it: the Sakura Labyrinth Light Edition![sr]A completely digital EEG just for love and trauma! [k] @BB Don't worry, getting there will be a nice, gentle slope.[sr]All you have to do is keep making your way up. [k] @BB You might run into an obstacle or two on the way, but all you'll need to get past them is wisdom, bravery, and spunk, and I'm sure you've got those in spades! [k] [charaFace B 4] @BB What's that? Wouldn't it make more sense to go DOWN if you're delving into secrets? Going up should just bring you to the surface? [k] [charaFace B 9] @BB You sure are a detail-oriented ant, aren't you...[sr]Look, this is just a skill, okay? [k] [charaFace B 5] @BB It's way too soon for you to traipse into her mind's Realm of Innocence and start enhancing her Noble Phantasm. [k] @BB Once you're at that level, you and Lip will need to have a good long talk before you even think about trying that. [k] [charaFace B 0] @BB For now, I'm going nice and easy on you, so this'll just be the Sakura Labyrinth's newbie zone! [k] @BB Ready to enter a fleeting wonderland, little senpai? [k] [messageOff] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_52 1.5] [fadeout black 1.5] [wait fade] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [scene 41400] [wt 1.5] [fadein black 1.5] [wait fade] [wt 0.4] [bgm BGM_EVENT_3 0.1 1.0] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 2] [charaFadein B 0.4 1] [wt 0.4] @BB Well that didn't take long! Look out, Master.[sr]That's the ruthless Band Brigade! [k] [messageOff] [charaFadeout B 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk off] [charaFace D 0] [charaFace E 0] [charaFace F 0] [charaFace G 0] [charaFace H 0] [se ad7] [charaFadein D 0.4 1] [charaFadein E 0.4 0] [charaFadein F 0.4 2] [charaFadein G 0.4 4] [charaFadein H 0.4 6] [wt 1.0] ?1:You mean there are Servants here!? ?! [charaFadeout D 0.1] [charaFadeout E 0.1] [charaFadeout F 0.1] [charaFadeout G 0.1] [charaFadeout H 0.1] [wt 0.1] [charaTalk on] [charaTalk B] [charaFace B 0] [charaFadein B 0.1 1] @BB Of course. We're inside Lip's boo[line 2]er, mind, after all. It's chock full of all the mental trauma she experienced at Chaldea. [k] @BB In this guy's case, she probably asked him to teach her how to play an instrument and now resents him for holding her to his high standards. [k] [charaFace B 9] @BB Lip's not the type to forget a grudge, no matter how slight it might be. She's really good at repressing her feelings, too... (Sigh) [k] [charaFace B 0] @BB Still, at least these guys should be easy[sr]pickin[line 2]I mean, easy to defeat! [k] @BB And since we can't go any further until we beat them,[sr]I'll do you a favor and step up to the challenge myself! [k] @BB Just sit back and enjoy the show your adorable kouhai's going to put on for you, Senpai! [k] [messageOff] [fadeout black 0.5] [bgmStop BGM_EVENT_3 0.4] [wait fade] [soundStopAll] [end]