430 lines
8.3 KiB
430 lines
8.3 KiB
[charaSet A 2040000 1 "Sei Shounagon"]
[charaSet B 1030000 1 "Suzuka Gozen"]
[charaSet C 1046001 1 Ibuki-Douji]
[charaSet D 9010000 1 Himiko]
[charaSet E 1018001 1 Altera]
[charaSet F 1098196800 1 "Murasaki Shikibu"]
[charaSet G 5042000 1 "Murasaki Shikibu (Standard)"]
[imageSet H back10000 1]
[charaSet I 98115000 1 Effect]
[charaSet J 98115000 1 Effect]
[charaSet K 98115000 1 Effect]
[charaScale H 1.1]
[charaDepth H 1]
[charaDepth C 2]
[charaDepth D 3]
[charaDepth E 4]
[charaDepth B 2]
[charaDepth A 3]
[scene 114000]
[fadein black 2.0]
[wait fade]
[align center]– Meanwhile –[align]
[se ad5]
[seVolume ad5 0 0]
[seVolume ad5 1.0 0.6]
[wt 1.5]
[seStop ad5 1.5]
[wt 1.0]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_27 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 9]
[charaFadein A 0.4 1]
@Sei Shounagon
Ooh, they've got takoyaki here![sr]Let's grab some takoyaki, Paisen!
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk depthOff]
[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadeinFSL B 0.4 0]
[charaFace A 9]
[charaFadeinFSR A 0.1 2]
@Suzuka Gozen
For real? Didn't we just finish those crepes, like, five minutes ago?
[charaFace A 0]
@Sei Shounagon
That doesn't count. Everyone knows there's always room for dessert, even if you just had some!
[charaFace B 0]
@Suzuka Gozen
I don't think it works that way... But, fine, whatevs.
[charaFace A 17]
@Sei Shounagon
Man, this place is great! It's even livelier here than it is at Kiyomizudera on festival day!
@Sei Shounagon
And these anime songs they're blasting on the loudspeakers aren't half bad, either!
@Sei Shounagon
Plus, it's been a real fun change of pace walking around while we pig out with our new gal pals!
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk depthOn]
[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 0]
[charaFadein C 0.4 1]
Ah. Are you sure you want to eat that in one bite?
[charaFace C 7]
My serpentine infrared-sensing pit organs are telling me those are really, really hot.
[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 0]
[charaFadein D 0.4 1]
Huh? (Said while popping a takoyaki into her mouth)[se adm34]
[wt 0.7]
[charaFace D 2]
[charaShake D 0.05 5 5 0.5]
Gaaah, you're right! It's scalding
[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk depthOff]
[charaTalk C]
[charaFace C 1]
[charaFadeinFSL C 0.1 0]
[charaFace D 2]
[charaFadeinFSR D 0.1 2]
Here, have some water.
[charaTalk off]
[charaMoveReturnFSR D 256,-7 0.4]
[wt 0.2]
[se ad217]
[wt 0.2]
[charaMoveReturnFSR D 256,-7 0.4]
[wt 0.2]
[se ad217]
[wt 0.2]
[seStop ad217 0.2]
[charaTalk on]
(Glug, glug!) [twt 0.7][charaFace D 1]Phew, thanks.
[charaFace D 12]
I was NOT expecting these to be so hot! And here I thought I was used to heat from all the piping hot rice I used to have in Yamataikoku! Man, the future's amazing!
[charaFadeout C 0.1]
[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk depthOn]
[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 5]
[charaFadein E 0.4 1]
Takoyaki are good civilization, but eating them in one[sr]bite is bad civilization that must be destroyed.
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[effectPause bit_talk_Slash01 -7,0]
[effectPause bit_talk_Slash_red_01 7,0]
[effectPause bit_talk_Slash_white_01]
[wait effectStart]
[se bac136]
[wt 1.0]
[charaTalk D]
[charaFace D 1]
[charaFadein D 0.1 1]
Whoa, you cut 'em all in half! Even the octopus inside!
[charaFace D 12]
Here, let me thank you by giving you a bite.[sr]Say “ahhh.”
[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk depthOff]
[charaTalk off]
[charaFace E 0]
[charaFadeinFSL E 0.1 0]
[charaFace D 12]
[charaFadeinFSR D 0.1 2]
[charaMoveFSR D 200,0 0.7]
[wt 0.7]
[charaTalk on]
[charaTalk E]
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[charaFadeout D 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk depthOn]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 16]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
@Sei Shounagon
But you know, there's some real nice civilization about chowing down on takoyaki when it's burning hot, too. It's a tough call.
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk E]
[charaFace E 3]
[charaFadein E 0.1 1]
Yes, it is. It can be very difficult to tell good civilization apart bad. I am still not sure where I come down on Akihabara... (Sucking in air to cool her mouth)
[charaFadeout E 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
@Suzuka Gozen
Takoyaki's delish and all, but it's always, like, a real pain to check your teeth for seaweed flakes after.
[charaFace B 0]
@Suzuka Gozen
Say, how come Murasaki isn't here?[sr]Didn't you invite her?
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 6]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
@Sei Shounagon
Kaorucchi? 'Course I did.
[charaFace A 7]
@Sei Shounagon
I even told her it'd be the perfect place to show off her new Spirit Origin with the sailor uniform.
[charaFace A 11]
@Sei Shounagon
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk F]
[charaFace F 6]
[charaFadeTime F 0.4 0.7]
[wt 0.4]
@Murasaki Shikibu
I-I couldn't possibly!
@Murasaki Shikibu
I, um, I didn't intend for this outfit to be cosplay, but I know that's how others may perceive it!
[charaFace F 5]
@Murasaki Shikibu
And in Akihabara, with the exception of special events...
[charaFace F 2]
@Murasaki Shikibu
[f x-large]Cosplay is prohibited!
[charaFace F 4]
@Murasaki Shikibu
While I can understand that you may not be aware of that, since many people today are under the mistaken impression that Akihabara is still a cosplay-friendly town, that is neither here nor there, and speaking as one of Master's Servants, I believe it behooves us to conduct ourselves with elegance and dignity at all times, not to mention that I have no place partaking in such an event, so please, go enjoy yourselves and don't worry about[line 2]
[charaFadeout F 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 0]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
@Sei Shounagon
...Or something like that.
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 0]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
@Suzuka Gozen
Huh. So then, like, what about my outfit?[sr]Does that count as cosplay?
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 17]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
@Sei Shounagon
Hey, I tried, but when Kaorucchi gets in one of her serious moods, hang it up. Show's over.
[charaFace A 1]
@Sei Shounagon
Although...who knows? Maybe she found her way here in the end?
[se ade250]
[bgm BGM_EVENT_27 0.4 0.5]
Behind her assured smile, Nagiko knew for certain that no one who loved stories as much as Kaorucchi could possibly stay away from a place like this.
[bgm BGM_EVENT_27 0.4 1.0]
[charaFace A 6]
@Sei Shounagon
[charaFace A 6]
[wt 1.0]
[wipeout rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.7 1]
[wait wipe]
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[pictureFrame cut063_cinema]
[wt 0.3]
[wipein rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.7 1]
[wait wipe]
[charaTalk G]
[charaFace G 6]
[charaFadein G 0.4 0,-50]
@G:Murasaki Shikibu
Oh gosh, oh gosh! I can't believe we ended up in the same crowd... And just when my Taizan Commentary Fest happened to slip out for the first time in a while, too!
[wipeout rectangleStripLeftToRight 0.7 1]
[wait wipe]
[charaFadeout G 0.1]
[wt 0.3]
[wipein rectangleStripRightToLeft 0.7 1]
[wait wipe]
[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 17]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
@Suzuka Gozen
Everything okay?
[charaFadeout B 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk A]
[charaFace A 15]
[charaFadein A 0.1 1]
@Sei Shounagon
Nah. It just occurred to me it might be harder to buy certain kinds of books when you're with friends, is all.
[charaFace A 8]
@Sei Shounagon
Anyway, as long as everyone's having fun, that's all that matters! So let's just make the most of this trip, yeah!?
[charaFace A 9]
@Sei Shounagon
Whoa, there's a gorilla on that curry restaurant sign! Is that their cook or something?
[charaFadeout A 0.1]
[wt 0.1]
[charaTalk B]
[charaFace B 4]
[charaFadein B 0.1 1]
@Suzuka Gozen
You know, for someone who's, like, known for their writing and stuff, it seems like you care way more about food...
[fadeout black 2.0]
[bgmStop BGM_EVENT_27 2.0]
[wait fade]
[wt 0.5]